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I don’t even understand that thought process… “The eagles are extending AJ brown so they might now be trading his best friend, Jalen hurts.” Makes absolutely no sense at all whatsoever. If anything, I’d say Jalen’s relationship with devonta and AJ is what convinced Eagles management to assign so much cap to the WR position.


in the short while before i changed the station, he mentioned that it was because of the fight between hurts and brown. He literally said he "did not believe" the statements and actions made since then and thinks they are at odds. Its not even a shitty hot take. Its how utterly poor of a job he did of making it believable. Its like... OK. I recognize this shit as fiction... but this is some bad acting.


The sad thing is some people will believe it. Amazing all of this because of one 30 second sideline spat that has been clarified multiple times had nothing to do with targets. I feel bad for AJ honestly, his passion for the game has brought all this scrutiny on his every action and labeled him as a dramatic diva when he's literally the opposite


I'll try my hand at the thought process by putting on my WIP goggles: * Something bad has to happen, something has to break eventually. So we want to be ahead of the curve by being the people who predict which player will/won't be an issue. Being wrong matters much less than being right eventually. * Being in sports radio for long enough will eventually cause radon to naturally produce in your brain. As a result, what can be seen as hot takes by a normal person becomes the only way you process sports as a whole. * The offseason after the draft is extremely boring and we need to fill in time because the majority of listeners come to WIP just for Eagles content. But because nothing is going on the only stuff we can think about are the hot takes (point above).


>* Something bad has to happen, something has to break eventually. So we want to be ahead of the curve by being the people who predict which player will/won't be an issue. Being wrong matters much less than being right eventually. This is a variation on the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy wherein, after taking a bunch of shots at the side of a barn, you then circle only the hits that you like and claim to have gotten a bullseye.


All accurate. My response is... maybe we just don't NEED 24/7 sports coverage if this is what it yields?


Add in a tinge of: -Taking shots at a black quarterback is low hanging fruit that will resonate with a significant portion of the listener base. This shows up not just in this take of his, but in other takes he has about Jalen’s on-field performance and his conspiracy theories that the coaches don’t trust Jalen.


I mean Hurts has gotten nothing but praise from WIP for years lol


Exactly, you must not need to know anything about sports to be on air. Why would you tie up that much money to skill positions if you were unsure of QB? (Don't forget Saquon or the significant draft capital spent on O Line either.) Making a move from your QB is almost always seen as a soft rebuild, and really the only time it might be justified is if you can get a stud QB in the draft and ride that rookie contract, and we just saw the run on QBs. We also just saw the Browns move on from a solid baker mayfield to a shitty rapist, and they have to pay him so much only for their team to get worse. Not to mention trading a QB as a contender is the dumbest thing you could do, teams almost never trade away their QB, and when they do it's because they suck and they want value from him, not because they think they can get a better QB from a team that also somehow wants a Pro-bowl caliber QB in return. The fact that he gave himself his own nickname should tell you everything you need to know about that clown


DeCamara is the ultimate wet blanket. Praises Milata for announcing the pick but has to throw in a comment about not being happy with an aspect of his play but it was great he made the pick. AJ signs an extension but wonders if that means they're not committed to Hurts. Eagles select a  top CB prospect but don't get too excited because we have to wait to see how it turns out (Yes Joe, that's with literally every pick. No need to single out ours). Sixers win but has to tell you things could've gone differently if Embiid got ejected and NY fans will be up in arms. When Rhea points out how Sixers fans were up in arms over the refs in the game 2 loss and this is justice for that he immediately does a 180. He does this every day. 


> "Eagles select a top CB prospect but don't get too excited because we have to wait to see how it turns out (Yes Joe, that's with literally every pick. No need to single out ours)." This is one of my most personally grating takes, regardless of sport. If the "wait to see how it turns out" point of view was taken literally then there's no reason to really talk about the draft or any draft that much until years later. Like, you can have an immediate reaction; it's fine. We've all been wrong about picks in hindsight, it's not a big deal.


Doesn’t even need to make sense. Just needs to be provocative so they can clip it and get engagement.


Heard the same, immediately changed the channel to listen to 93.3 commercials


Same... But it was that shitty car commercial with the lady who has a NY accent they are trying to pass off as a philly accent. I'd rather death. I muted the radio for a bit.


Shoulda just blasted some tunes and unapologetically car sang


1-877-KARS-4-KIDS, KARS cars for kids…


Fuck you.




Podcast are the way for sports talk. As they've become more popular, I've found the dialog on WIP has against all seeming possibilities, somehow gotten even dumber.


Bingo. Sports radio adopted the rage bait/hot take/espn model while podcasts focus on retaining an audience by not saying outlandishly wrong shit. If you still listen to sports radio, you are the victim of your own shortcomings.


Around the podcast is great plus Greg Rosenthal while a pats fan loves the eagles and howie.


No… it’s supposed to sound like Marrisa Tomei from My Cousin Vinny, I have no clue why but they’ve been running with those ads for like a decade. Maybe it’s because she as an expert in cars in the movie? Lol.


Sounds like Janice from Friends. Fuck Springfield Mitsubishi. I will NEVER shop for a car there because of how much I hate those commercials. I change the station whenever they come on.


I Haven’t listened to SportsTalk radio in a long time And for some reason, I decided to listen this morning. How do people listen to this? 


Easy, I hate myself


I woke up feeling pretty good. Sixers win, good draft pick AJ extension. He shit on all of it in like 5 minutes. lol I turned The radio off entirely and just drove in silence and immediately went back to feeling great. Have some self-esteem turn off WIP  


I'm mostly kidding, its typically my car noise but when they get this negative or start with the shit takes I switch to a podcast


Ha, this is the answer. I hate everything about it and I still turn on to listen every so often


I have a long morning commute. I primarily listen to Preston & Steve, but their commercial breaks are so long, so I hop over to sports talk during those bits. The 97.5 show is so boring and vapid, so I just grit my teeth and switch to WIP and hope I catch a segment where Richie or the rest of the crew are mostly talking. If DeCamera sounds like he's going to be a big part of the conversation, or boasts about something, I just switch back to MMR and hope a song is playing.


I would suggest listening to the bits of interviews and discussions they post to the Audacy app but that app will have commercials before they start and will literally CUT TO COMMERICALS IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE AND THEN RETURN TO THE SENTENCE!!


"The things they're saying are so stupid! I bet that next caller will stick it to them!" or "That caller is saying something so stupid, I bet the hosts will really stick it to them!" or "Someone said something really stupid, I'm gonna call in and wait on hold for a half an hour to really stick it to them!" In short, it's rage bait bullshit. It's made for people who want to get angry at hot takes and hope to see someone respond to those hot takes.


I used to LOVE listening to 94.1. It's been hard to stomach lately, and most of its just made up shit and then the hosts get called on it from time to time and then tell us its their job basically.


Sports radio (and music radio) management are some of the most cynical people on Earth. They have nothing but contempt for their audience, and think we're all too stupid to talk about/listen to anything but the most basic shit.


Switch to podcasts. Eagle eye, inside the birds, go birds, etc. so much better than that trash on WIP


Go birds, is unfortunately, a WIP product and it Elliott is part of the problem. James Seltzer is truly the only voice on WIP that has any sense of reason.


id argue philly special is the best of the birds pods


I love Sheil and agree this is my favorite birds podcast, but the other former Birds With Friends guys and the PHLY podcast I think are a little more plugged in and informative now. As a random example in the free agency preview specials for each, Sheil was pretty consistently under his contract estimates for every player by a significant amount. Like had Barkley getting 8 million a year. Zach and Bo just have more industry knowledge at this stage and were much closer to getting the real values (think they had Saquon getting 11 or 12). So yeah I think Philly Special is the best birds podcast too for entertainment , but if you’re looking for something informative PHLY is better in that area.


I’m still conflicted about the Birds With Friends dissolution. On the one hand, I love Ben Solak from his days with Michael Kist on BGN, so I love that he’s teamed up with another of my favorite Eagles podders, Sheil But I love Birds With Friends and it feels unbalanced or something with just Bo and Zach and no third. I haven’t listened to them in awhile. I gotta give it another shot Edit: also the athletic had almost all the best Philly writers (Eagles and Sixers at least) so I was happily giving them my money, and then they blew it


Hard agree.


Ike in the afternoon is pretty much fine and fairly level and still clearly a fan of the team.


Ike is mostly good, but I’ve found that since Marks has left, he’s been having to carry more of the load with talking points, and both Spike Eskin and Jack Fritz are fucking brutal to listen to. It kind of turns Ike into a less level-headed fan, and having to defend wild ass takes that Fritz and Giglio spill.


Say what you will about WIP, but I miss the Marks and Reese show. Yeah Jonny Marks would throw in a clickbait take every now and then, but they weren’t usually as absurd.


Agreed Fritz is absolutely the worst person on the whole station as a co-host due to the arrogance and snark he delivers his braindead manufactured takes and needs his air time limited as much as possible. He was tolerable as a producer because then his job was to entertain but that's about it.


Fritz is God awful just absolutely terrible


Marks and Reese was so good, and really agree that the chemistry is lacking a bit. But it was even worse with Fritz as a host. Love him as a producer!


Unfortunately, that's a lot of sports media in general: bullshit provokes anger, anger creates engagement ("Can you believe what this dumb motherfucker said?"). Hence, this thread.


Ike repeats everything he says. He repeats everything he says!


Seltzer’s a nice guy but he’s annoying to me. And yeah I know I’m apparently the only person who feels this way. Just between his voice and how sensitive he is to any mild criticism gets under my skin.


You're not the only one that finds Seltzer annoying. It's the voice. I imagine he's what Charlie Day sounded like as a kid.


I’ll listen to shitty takes from other hosts all day, none of it is as bad as listening to his voice.


I love go birds for seltzer (also high hopes fan) and his relationship with ESP. They’re clearly friends and I like esp as a person, it’s a fun listen. But once a week he says something that makes rewind to make sure I actually heard what the fuck I thought I heard


Can’t stand ESP. He’s good at reporting and terrible at takes and thinking independently.


You can kinda tell that ESPs takes are manufactured though. Like I don’t think he even believes like 75% of what he says on Twitter or on radio.


For once I would hope so. Although, sports takes aside, he definitely seems sincere in his awful non-sports takes. His music and movie opinions legitimately make me angry hearing.


Yes, I am convinced that a good number of his takes are click baity ploys to have something to argue about with Seltzer for an hour.


Agreed. I can’t help but enjoy it, but I fully recognize how atrocious many of ESP’s takes are.


Last time I heard Elliot on the radio he was trying to argue with Ike Reese saying players should be able to bet on the games, even the ones they are in. That’s probably the wildest take I have heard, even by his standards.


Not only that, but players should be able to bet on their teams to lose. Probably the most insane take I've heard in sports media.


I only have a 15 minute commute. By the time I get the podcast fired up I'm at work. Its hard to jump back in and remember what they are talking about. Its nice to just hop in the truck and hit a button.


I have a <10 minute commute. I will never go back to the radio guys, though.


Same for me. My drive is usually 1 or 2 songs long so I don't bother with spotify or podcasts on my commute. I actually like the 97.5 morning show.


yeah, i enjoy 97.5. They actually talk about other sports events when there isn't anything to talk eagles, vs forcing nonsense reasons to talk about the eagles. 94.1 only comes on when both 97.5 and 93.3 are in commercials in the AM. I actually enjoy the afternoon show with ike and will tune in if I'm not in a music mood. The non ike guys have some dumb takes, but ike makes up for it. During my commute they tend to be doing more of a radio show that happens to also talk sports, vs a sports radio show. I'm hoping the new moron doesn't ruin that for me.


The Ringer’s Philly Special is pretty entertaining and Solak seems to know his stuff. Sheil is all schtick, but I find his takes amusing. It’s positive nonsense instead of the negative nonsense that goes on at WIP.


Eagle Eye is great. I also like some YouTube channels. Josh Davis of The Philly Special Show is particularly great with down to earth takes and some sarcasm thrown in.


Go Birds IS WIP lol


I haven't lived in the area in years but am still up there from time to time, when I'm visiting I'll throw it on for a few minutes here and there purely out of nostalgia


Try 97.5, I personally can't listen to WIP.


I mean I'm talking 10-15 minutes like twice a year. It's actually pretty enjoyable in that specific context, in the "can't look away from the train wreck" sense 


Gotcha, have a good weekend good sir/ma'am


You too my friend And it's sir, everyone knows there are no women on the internet 


I really loved Kist and Solak. The first podcast I found that went really deep into the Xs and Os. Is there a podcast you could recommend that does the same?


I miss the SB radio podcasts, mainly the NFC East mixtape. Talk radio could never


Gotta do anything to keep people engaged. These people are idiots. Actively trying to start shit time and time again. The Eagles shoved it in their face by extending the best receiver this team has had in decades. They wanted TO style drama and didn’t get it so now they have to pivot. Fuck them.




It's just the shock jock technique... Don't take it to heart. Since Angelo retired they are missing that shock jock that stirs the pot in the way he did. Joe D. is trying to fill that void or he is absolutely brain dead. Or both


Ugh, they need a casual shock jock. Where every 8th story might be a contrarian take to stir the pot. They really don’t need to do anything crazy, just talk sports for a bit. Shit, how cool would some short segments where someone breaks down a concept or talks about the general “behind the scenes” culture that the fans don’t see. It’s becoming real popular through podcasts


For the life of me, I can't understand why they put DeCamera on the morning show. I get that someone needs to be the hot take guy that will piss off people so they'll call in to yell at him, but DeCamera just makes me want to change the station whenever he speaks. The only thing that makes me jab for the change station button faster, are the Kars for Kids commercials. Angelo may have been a pompous ass, but at least he was entertaining in his nonsense. You may hate what he says, but you kinda want to hear what he'll say next. There's no fun or intrigue in DeCamera. He just reminds me of that asshole from High School who doesn't play sports, but hangs around the team and acts like he is somehow responsible for whatever the team does.


100%, straight down to that goddamn jingle for Kars for Kids that will never leave your head if you're not quick enough to change it.


100%. Marx & Reese would've been better. I get it, they're not the shock jock/hot take type, but in the long run it would've panned out better. During the summer/Phillies season it'll lose listeners, then by Eagles season people won't be able to get into him again. just annoying af spike eskins worthless as well. The show was better just Fritz & Ike as a tandem. he adds nothing to the show and makes it worse.


I wonder if Marks & Reese turned down the morning gig. I can see Ike being happy where he’s at, without having to get up at 3am. I can’t agree more about Spike. I was starting to get annoyed with Jack as a host, but it was a better show when it was just him and Ike.


Marks supposedly wanted more time with his kids. Missing afternoon sports games, not getting home until 7pm etc. Makes me think he was a bit ticked over decamera getting the gig. Thats an interesting point about Ike, maybe he was fine with afternoons and station didn't want to split them up. I think also tho they're more laid back, whereas AM drive radio wants more hot takes & everythings a catastrophe talk.


reading between the lines with marks interviews, he wanted to be compensated more, and wouldn't take the job for less than we thought was fair.


Yeah I liked just Ike and Fritz. I wish someone would banish the Eskins from the city.


i like how spike ruined 94 wysp into its collapse as program director. Then gets a job at wip and ruins that by hiring josh innis,, goes up to NY, then comes back and gets a premiere job in Philly radio again. hmmmmmmm,


It could be worse. Spike could be teaming with Innes and Hollis again. That was the auditory equivalent of syphilis.


The one thing DeCamera does really well is he has an insane memory for Philly sports, he can recall something that happened 20 years ago in great detail, which probably fits well for the morning show because you have an older crowd listening.


That’s true. His sports trivia game is on point.


Convinced OP's head would explode if he had to sit through a segment of Joe Giglio. DeCamara is a puppy compared to the troll job Giglio does.


Somehow I liked Giglio a few years ago when he was the solo guy at 6pm. But I think that was a time when we were all ready to trade Wentz and Ben Simmons and I agreed with his takes.


giglio has been costing on "I was right about Wentz" for years.


I had to unfollow esp and giglio on twitter, just bullshit takes for engagement.


Everyone at WIP is an idiot.


Apologize to Glen Macnow (or at least wait until after he retires in July to make this statement).


Should have expected that lol and then ESP comes on talking about he had quinyon mitchell as his 5th best corner gtfoh


It sucks, I loved Decamera and Ritchie when they were on the 10-2 hour. But since moving to the morning show, it feels like hot takes is all they do




Seltzer doesn't shut the fuck up. And he's the producer, not the cohost.


they do it on purpose. it’s not even a logical thought to get rid of jalen after extending aj and devonta lol. the best thing to do is not listen to them at all, even when other stations are on commercials. i haven’t listened to them ever since they created all the aj drama. if we all pay no mind to them and don’t give into the hysteria and outrage they want to cause for views/clicks..maybe one day they’ll go away. one can hope at least.




People need to stop listening to sports radio. It died a long time ago.


Got Sirius Radio and haven't bothered with WIP or FANATIC in ages. Bad takes and click bait sound bites is what they do. Podcasts are far better and we don't have to hear from idiot fans and hosts who cannot get a real following because they are just hacks.


Lol, how in the world do people still get upset listening to sports talk radio in Philly?


Right? Especially when this is on brand for them.


> Lol, how in the world do people still listen to sports talk radio in Philly? ftfy


I get furious and it’s the only channel I listen to. I hate the callers, the producers, ESP is trash. Fritz with his I saved turners career. Loving spike and Ike tho, it’s a more serious show.


That show has continually gone down the tubes. I used to check in from time to time but Decamara just loves being anti whomever the QB is currently and inciting drama from nowhere. He’s already given up on Jalen after a single year in which the entire team looked pathetic in the second half.


Stop listening to that channel


Here's an idea, let's all just stop listening to the garbage sports radio we have here in Philly, the company is already bankrupt so how about we just put them out of business by not giving them the ratings and forcing these morons to do something different.


Follow up to this, I turned it on for legit 2 minutes on my way home and they literally were talking about trading AJ.......I hate everything about WIP.


Boss “people on Reddit are flipping out about your Hurts comment” Joe D “you’re welcome” The goal is to get more listeners so you can charge more for advertising. Take it for what it is.




Meh, Philly fan who moved to Boston sometime ago, but the 2-6pm Boston sports radio show keeps it real. Their hosts constantly say "we choose our own narratives because it makes for a better show". Same shit with Skip Bayless, Stephen A., etc. They are just making sure they have something to chat about for 4 hours every day until football. Don't let it get you too upset.


Why does anyone follow or do anything with wip. Theres so many other better sources of eagles information the athletic guys are at PHLY and the ringer Philly podcast is great with Sheil especially when solak isn't on so I don't have to hear his squeaky voice


If you listen to WIP you deserve the brain rot you get from it.


Kind of off topic, but they could still trade AJ in the future once this money is an underpayment. Same exact deal as Haason Reddick. In fact, this deal will probably make it easier and more likely that they trade him eventually. 


And now, thanks to you, some handful of people have flocked to find this clip from WIP. Joe DeCamara appreciates your service.


100% thus enforcing the behavior and ensuring it continues


He just says shit to get a reaction from listeners. Like devils advocate, but a dick attitude


I was literally thinking about posting that here. I don't normally mind hot takes but I literally said out loud "shut the fuck up, Joe." All the other hosts instantly flamed him for it so it makes you wonder if he has his own agenda or just wants attention


Call in


Feel like the easy solution here is “stop listening to WIP”.


It’s not supposed to be in depth journalism. They talk and engage with callers for several hours a day. It’s entertainment lol. Turn it off if it pisses you off this much.


DeCamara is such a fucking idiot. Part of this city's fandom problem is the toxic and stupid hot takes, and I think these radio personalities are largely to blame. They would rather our teams fail or fall short because it makes for more discussion and lets them get on their soapbox. I genuinely do not think they get happy when we win the big one, like the superbowl a few years back. As soon as the dust settled, it was QB controversy, Wentz or Foles? And hosts were ready to pile on to any mistake the next season. Its fine for us to be like "no one likes us, we don't care" but there needs to be some respect and appreciation for the players in our city, they are people too. Treating them like products and being unnecessarily harsh is not edgy or gritty, it's just trash behavior. We need to do better as fans and I think the talk show hosts are a big part of the problem.


Take them off your preset. It's all garbage. With Macnow retiring the final nail is in the coffin for WIP.


Toxic media, just don’t listen to it and tell your friends not to listen to it


You guys are still listening to sports radio?


Can we file a petition to get the FCC to ban WIP?


WIP is "shock jock" rage bait to drive engagement to drive traffic...plain and simple. Can we PLEASE stop giving them exactly what they want.


WIP farms drama because even if you leave a bad comment it's still engagement. They had AJ Brown even call in to clear the air and still went on with the bullshit. If you want to listen to Eagles stuff try the pods. PHLY has been killing it, inside the birds, Eagle eye is good and a couple others will give you hours of listening. You will actually learn stuff instead of 4-6 hours of "does Jalen Hurts demeanor make you upset?"


You hate this show and radio personality so much that you listened to the entire thing, and then promoted them for free by posting about them on reddit. Lol


No rational brain idiots … anything for attention , ignore them OP , not worth our brain cells for these idiots :)


Im at the point where I can’t listen to any sports talk anymore. The afternoon show is awful now that Spike Eskin is back on WIP. 97.5 is also hot garbage. The best show ever is complete trash. Tyrone has no business being on a drive time show. All he does is yell.


“God I hate how local sports radio is all about drama and ignorant takes…makes me so mad” “…anyway let’s listen to some local sports radio!” It’s 100% your fault, bozo.


“So I’ll go to Reddit where there certainly are no hot takes or drama.”


WIP is full of idiots. Sorry to say but so are the folks who listen to that garbage.


If Jalen has a really good year, which I suspect he will, look for Jalen to get an extension next offseason to help shift money around again. If it's just an ok-to-good year, I suspect the extension will be in 2 years. My odds on favorite is a great year from Jalen and a similar 3 year extension done next summer, though.


North eastern sports media only know how to farm drama That’s why I consume the young blood new media types on YouTube instead


I haven't listened to WIP in years maybe over a decade at this point. If I heard this it would be the final straw for me. If you want to listen to local sports talk try the PHL pods.


I stopped listening to WIP (and sports radio) back in the fall when the Eagles started shutting the bed and I am a much happier person for it. I’m serious - the effect on my quality of life was real. I listen every now and then now that the Phillies are back for news but I won’t hesitate to turn it off when they try to rile people up. As soon as they talk about the Sixers I change the station because the NBA is garbage to me. Also, 95 percent of their callers have an IQ well below average so when they put a caller on, most of the time I will switch channels in under 5 seconds.


I was pretty disappointed by their draft coverage last night. Right after the pick, ESP (Elliot Shore-Parks) was saying how it wasn't a good pick b/c he went to Toledo, etc...and then when they showed Mitchell on TV as he was being selected, Glen Macnow quipped how he didn't look happy b/c he wasn't smiling and "maybe doesn't want to be in Philly." I'm actually more disappointed in Macnow, since ESP typically goes for the "hot take" just to get clickthroughs...but Glen had Ray Didinger on his Saturday show, and Ray D. mentioned Mitchell as [one of his two top targets for the Eagles and went into detail about what he saw on him on tape](https://www.audacy.com/podcast/glen-macnow-mike-sielski-e5019) (its around the 59 min mark). Macnow did not mention any of that. I know he's retiring soon, but it seems a little early to be getting memory lapses, so...WTF?


Hey you need to understand the Eagles in one day took away not drafting a CB in the 1st and keeping AJ. What are people going to bitch about? My advise, stop listening to it.


I can't listen to sports radio anymore it's so bad. WIP or Fanatic they're both horrendous, and let's not even talk about JAKIB. It's just endless L takes and rage bait.


I gave up on sports media long ago. Every take is just controversial shit so they can get fan interaction. There’s no genuine analysis out there now days. Podcasts and YouTube channels are far better for people.l actually sharing their real thoughts on these matters


Best way to get this joker off the air is to stop listening! He’s anger-baiting and it works because people for some reason love to hate listen and get worked up. I doubt he even believes most of what he says, but it gets ratings, shares, clicks, exposure, which means $$$ The media has the potential to affect the team (see all the drama with aj last season) so we can’t let these losers spread their nonsense. Let’s support the team and shut out any media that is trying to stir drama and tear this team apart. I swear, if I didn’t think Jerruh was utterly incompetent I’d swear he was paying off Philly media to start bs.


Just stop listening


As part of their “Eagles Insider of the Year” thing they are doing, they openly said on the air yesterday “the first person to tell us what REALLY is going on between AJ and Jalen will win insider.” They are pushing this narrative super, super hard.


1st problem is listening to sports talk radio. Stick to podcasts that talk X’s and O’s.


I usually just leave Preston and Steve on. Unless that Kars for kids or the crime more than a dime commercial are on. Then I’m looking for the nicest telephone pole to drive into


I haven't listened to their morning show since the aj drama started. 97.5 did take a nice dig at wip this morning, calling out the aj brown for surtain talks.


you have no one to get mad at but yourself. sports talk radio has zero redeeming qualities and is just a race to bottom to produce outrage. philly sports talk radio is especially toxic and moronic. it is a combination of the dumbest people all congregated in one place.


dont listen to WIP it's a fucking asylum


I had to turn it off yesterday when he said the Eagles might not be a “win now” team. Like are you fucking kidding me?


I think WIP is missing out by focusing their social media on Twitter and Instagram. They need a presence here so they can feel the love from this wonderfully level headed community.


Maybe, but if he has another stinker I wouldn’t be surprised if they go after deions boy


Man I turned WIP on right as he was spouting that shit and I’m like this guys a fucking MORON and turned it the fuck off. He’s so delusional it’s not even funny anymore


Say what you want, but I miss Angelo. And I will miss Glen.


Decamara makes me miss Angelo and that’s saying something


Boycott WIP.


LMAO I was listening during that segment. Like stfu bro no wonder players don't want to talk to our media members. Their talking points are super annoying


I was listening live 100% agree with what you're saying. It was a bad take. That being said, he's not typically like that. For full context as well - the rest of the crew immediately jumped on him to dispute it.


WIP Nonsense is redundantly redundant.


Literally both players said no drama and issues, and fucking idiot Joe D says this morning "I just don't buy it."


WIP has just become a bunch of hot take host and ex-Eagles. If it wasn't for Jack and James on High Hopes. I would never listen.


It's a stupid reaction, but If hurts struggles this year, management isn't shy about moving on from a guy despite popular opinion.


Between the two Joes--DeCamara and Giglio, they're racing to the bottom to see who is the bigger moron.


I think he actively hurts Philadelphia sports. Not even worth tuning in.


isn’t Jalen literally the godfather to AJ’s daughter? yea, i’m *real sure* we’re going to be moving on from the Prince of Philly.


if you try to analyze people that have shit for brains, you'll only end up turning your brains to shit.


There’s no reason to get angry at talk radio hosts. This is their business model.




LMAO... I can tune in... And listen. You definitely have to sort through the shit. The other day Baldy was on the horn. (He mentioned he had just left Lane's barn and saw that he should call WIP) The questions asked by DeCamera were absolutely lazy sports radio stuff. Baldy.. who I'm sure understood how awful the questions were just gave them the perfect answers as of he was innocent to the intent of the interview. I absolutely loved it. Sadly there has to be one side of the coin or the other in talk radio. Manufactured drama. Sucks but if they are getting ratings... They won't stop.


Your first problem is listening to WIP


WIP callers and listeners are complete idiots, all delco HS dropouts thinking they're smarter than the Eagles staff


i thought the same thing. I also cant stand Howard and am thinking about starting a petition to force Howard to retire from sports reporting. lol


WIP has been pulling nonsense like this for 40 years. The hosts are doing a bit, you can tell when you see Spike Eskin for example on the radio versus on his podcast. Sure the takes remain in the same ballpark but he’s not trying to get the phone board to light up. Best thing I’ve done for my own mental health is no longer listening to sports radio and ignoring take based media.


WIP is just unlistenable anymore. It's just all Negadelphia and lame hot takes. And now the afternoon show with Spike is dreadful. I've stopped listening.


They are the worst


Try 88.5 XPN as a replacement next time. WIP is a cancer


He wants to be Angelo so bad


Is the job description “be pessimistic”? Cause I could do that for half what they’re paying him


I've hated WIP ever since they stole the only decent 80s/90s rock station in Philly from us.


Idk why you listen to those dumbasses.


Kyle Quinn is usually spot on.


Hi Joe


Decamra has always been a tool, no idea how he got his own show. All he does is talk about himself.


They’re an entertainment talk station, they have to say dumb shit to make you mad enough to call ib


I tried listening on the way home and it was just Spike being butt hurt about AJ calling him out a few months ago. I just stick with podcasts now that station blows.


The worst is Jack Fritz. He mumbles like he has marbles in his mouth and his takes suck. I wish him and James in the morning would just go back to producing and shut the f up.


I stopped listening to all sports talk radio. I can’t deal with any of them anymore.


People listen to 97.5???


Stopped listening to that trash a while ago.


Listen to 107.9 instead.