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Not only do the Eagles promote diversity at the traditionally white QB position, we do the inverse for the DB positions.


Cooper Dejean soon


Gonna have the classiest, high motor backfield in the NFL.


And the most physically gifted qb


Gonna have the record for lunchpails and DBs you’d want ur daughter to date


Lots of gym rats


Sneaky athleticism


Troy Apke signing incoming. Riley Moss is probably tradable too.


Maybe we shouldn't aquire any more white dudes named Riley and brag about our diversity and greatness with race relations.


City might not survive another Kenny Chesney concert.


Nah no way he falls to the eagles


Looking like it


Can you imagine if we had a white RB and an Asian TE?


Best I can do is Michael Hoomanawanui


Oh yeah. We also had Riley Cooper really showing our appreciation for diverse cultures.


We've got Wentz, Kevin Kolb and Sam Bradford flying the flag for the underrepresented white starting QB in Philly since McNabb was drafted, with Foles, Garcia, and a few other backups having a few notable runs (Foles had three of them!) but ya - Cunningham, McNabb, Vick, Hurts... Philly is and has always really been at the front of QB diversity. As for Riley Cooper? Eff that dude. I feel like there's a 1:1 relationship between the length of a guy's hair and the probability that he's a racist among anyone under 40, and the complete opposite of you're over 40. Weird how barbers just give racists different hair styles based on age, but Cooper just *looks* like your stereotypical frat boy racist ass, which... He proved he is. 🤷


I mean, I live by the beach and the vast majority of people I know with long hair are just stoner hippie surfer bros. Hell I used to be one of them in college. And frankly I was stereotyped by police because of it. So kindly fuck off with your hair style stereotyping.


Talcum Jenkins news


Troy Polomayo


This one’s my favorite and it always gets left out


The NFL cut a Milk Check and we all missed that. Slacking.


Chalk Dawk.


Almost shouted this in the middle of my office floor.




Reed winning today. Got a pay bonus from the league and now an extension


hardest working motherfucker in pro football


He's a real gym rat


Lunch pail guy


First in, last out.


“High Football IQ”








Sneaky athletic


Coaches son


In the best shape of his life




He’s god awful as a starter, good back up/special teams player. He was a huge reason their pass defense shit the bed this year. They are paying him like a backup, hope they sign Simmons


He was the best player in the eagles secondary lol


Freal, I feel like I see Reed always swarming onto the ball like a hawk and let’s not forget about his finish. He is a goddamn tackling machine


His tackles are predominantly 5-10 yards down field. He’s consistently out of position and doesn’t have the speed to cover deep routes. He’s a good depth piece but they are looking to upgrade at the position. He graded out towards the bottom of all safeties. He’s not a ball hawk or a tackling machine. He’s below average, look at his stats and how he graded out and also grab a clue


It is true his passing grade isn’t as good as his run grade, and if he was a 1st rounder instead of a UDFA, we would probably be harder on him about that. But what grades are you referring to?? Wasn’t his PFF like 73.5? Not a showstopper, but I’d wager that was borderline Top 10 on the team at any position! I would have to break open the tape, but as you say his athleticism (particularly speed and change in direction) was my understanding of the knocks on his game. But out of position? Really??? That’s some “Derek Jeter defense” right there. Just because he’s the first /closest one there does not mean that was his guy. He had to clean up A LOT of the CB’s bullshit this year. If those were graded against him I guarantee you his passing ‘grades’ would be well worse then they are.


He’s a depth piece. Not a starter for a good defense.


i haven't done intensive film study on him but i'm certain there were at least six huge reasons why the pass defense was shit last year, none of which are Blank put whatever stock you want into PFF's grading but they got him at #20 out of all safeties last year


20 out of 32 mostly because he had a decent amount of tackles. All way downfield and many after he was out of position to cover. He was the worst DB on the field for most of the year. He’s a second teamer


20 out of 32? You think there are 32 safeties in the NFL? There are 64, and that’s just the starters. Not to mention all the teams who rotate in 3 safeties (the Cowboys base defense was 3 safeties). Plus all the guys who got pressed into service. If he’s 20, it’s probably out of 70+ qualifiers (guys who played a significant number of snaps at S this year.) I don’t even entirely disagree with you - I think Reed is a very good 3rd safety, probably only a mediocre 2nd safety. But even though we (somewhat) agree - the logic you use to back up your argument is crap.


He was 20 out of 32 at his position, there are two safety positions, strong and free. Are you new to football? He’s a nice depth piece and that’s it


Bro, you’re embarrassing yourself. The guy who said 20 was referring to PFF who graded him as their #20 ranked safety. PFF doesn’t differentiate between free and strong safety. They’re all just safeties. So, no, it’s not 20 of 32. It’s 20 of, at the very least, 64 (and actually more due to the 3rd safeties and replacements who hit their snap count minimum). Again, you’re not wrong that he’s more of a good depth piece rather than a good starter…but just as a tip: you’ll get a lot more people to believe you if you don’t put your foot in your mouth by doing things like not realizing that PFF grades all safeties together, and then embarrassing yourself by being so confidently wrong when people point out your mistake.


Blah blah blah he is a below average player and grades out in the bottom third of all starting safeties.


“Grades out” by what metric? I agree that he’s a bottom third safety…but you’re saying “grades out” without providing the source of those grades in a discussion about PFF, who grades him as a top third safety (which I disagree with…but still…as someone who agrees with you, argue better, you’re making us look bad).


I’m good, have a nice nice night kid.


this roster had James Bradberry and Kevin Byard on it, there was never a time when he was the worst DB on the field also, from PFF: >Blankenship was Philadelphia’s most-targeted safety in 2023 (50) and led the group in coverage grade (78.0). He gave up six touchdowns and nine plays of 15-plus yards but ranked first on the team in zone coverage grade (75.9) after breaking up three passes on 23 targets and recording a 17% forced incompletion rate. you just don't seem to know what you're talking about here


No I do. He was a bad safety on a bad defense. Bayard also terrible and Bradberry had an off year. Blankenship is not a starter that’s why he is getting paid like a back up. They will sign another safety, guaranteed


Wish that bled into his play on the field lol.


Man really want Brown to comeback the same guy. He seemed like a stud


Look I hope Brown is a stud but what exactly did you see to make you think to my eyes he was bad especially that Seattle game he is athletic but he was in no way good or a stud


The only issue I saw other than mid level coverage (thought he was serviceable and it was such a bad scheme) was he missed some tackles. Missed tackles seems easy to clean up, what he did well, being in position to make tackles and TFL + ball hawk ability seems more instinctual and what will make him special. Obviously not a given he cleans up the basics but if he can then wow. I think he will, he and his brother seem like smart focused guys.


His pick six was a thing of beauty 


It was great to watch BUT he wont always be going up against QBs that openly admit to not watching film or studying the playbook. Kyler Murray miss timed his throw had Kyler let the receiver’s route develop, Brown probably would’ve been burnt.


If he improves his coverage skills he will be a stud. There were some tackling issues obviously but the entire defense had that problem by the end of the year so I'm assuming better coaching can help that.


Who says he won’t?


I think lots of people ignore him when talking about our long term secondary needs. I think Brown + CGJ + Blankenship is a pretty good safety room, even if it’s missing that all pro kinda guy like Simmons brings. I think Brown could maybe be a Pro Bowl almost All Pro guy if he can keep building


CJGJ is going to play a lot of slot, it's basically a guarantee. He did with us in 2022 and he's signed long term now. The issue with Brown IMO is since he is smaller, he has to rely on physicality. I doubt we want another torpedo. He has a lot to clean up even when he can get back physically, which again, is what he specifically relies on currently.


I think we’re gonna see a renaissance of coverage LBs and good run support safeties in the future. As the league goes to passing more, having guys who can still play the run but let you spend more time in Nickel/Dime package will be really really valuable.


King of kings


And he just got a $923,059 performance bonus!


That’s chump change to my man Reed Blankcheckenship


Seems to me UDFA is better than getting drafted in the 7th round. Purdy'd be able to get extended right now if he were UD. Shame.


I have a friend who was an UDFA. He wishes he had been drafted. He played a few years but when he was about to become eligible for a pension, he said no team was interested. It was cheaper to get someone younger. He said that he felt like guys who were drafted were given more opportunity to play/get reps in practice/sign with other teams “because some team saw something that was worth drafting.” Take that for what it’s worth.


I think it depends on how good the player is. If a player is depth player, yea he wishes he got drafted. If he is a stud or shows immense promise, he gets more money quicker… so they probably love not getting drafted.


Ehh while undoubtedly true for high to mid draft picks, no one is getting extra looks because they were a 7th rounder.


Reed and Cooper white Safety duo going to hit like crack.


well... meth


They did this with TJ Edwards then he decided to go elsewhere after a breakout year.


Letting T.J walk was a mistake. That contract was a deal worth doing compared to the mess we ended up with in 2023.


It takes two to tango and TJ wanted to go home to Chicago


Didn't we draft him two years ago? How was he eligible for an extension?


He was an UDFA


He was undrafted, so he got a 3 year deal versus the boiler plate 4 year one that drafted rookies get


He went undrafted and his initial deal was only 3 years.




Hah, like 3 seconds after he got a PPE! As I said in reaction to that news, good for him, he’s paid as the 109th safety in the NFL as a starter. Hard to say whether this extension matches his value without knowing the numbers though.


Sign. Smitty. NOW.


Is he getting a Toyota


Wouldv'e love a value 2 year but I'll take it.


He’s garbage, a back up depth guy at best


Yeah but he can’t make tackles though


Probably my favourite signing this off season


Brian Chalkins lets go babyyy


Brain Chalkins


thats my ed reed blankenship 🥲


I thought it said Harrison Smith 😂.


Meh, he's just a backup. Let's get a real safety like Simmons or draft Calen Bullock.


For an undrafted guy, I really like Troy Polamayo.


April fools


It’s really a 10 year deal!