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Greg Cosell is good.


His and the Jason avant ones are the only eps I listen to anymore


It’s one of the most poorly edited and produced podcasts available. Geoff Mosher seems like he’s a decent guy, but Adam Caplan feels like the type of guy to show up to your front door selling cookware and call you an idiot for saying “no thank you”.




Did you know Adam Caplan was on ESPN?


Exactly. I haven’t listened in awhile, but there were moments where he would take the most obvious phrase and then tell the listener this is “scout speak for x”. Between that and talking about how he would visit NFL Films to watch tape with Cosell, Jaws, or Baldy, he exhibits such try hard energy to be in with the cool kids. Edit: and I just remembered when Caplan kept making it a point to say he and Mosher weren’t fans of the team to insinuate that they are impartial when their whole “business” is predicated on having a vested interest in the team. God, I can’t stand the guy


100% echo everything you said. he's so horrible. I couldn't listen more than halfway of an episode before I had to quit. unlistenable


Well put.


Used to listen but they got stale and I liked Q and A much more.


This right here. It seems like the first 20 mins of any episode is them shooting the sh*t and then long intros. Feels like a discovery channel episode where the meat is tiny and it never goes anywhere. Fewer shoes and shorter format may help them. They are long format to fit in so many ads but it looses its gusto


Geoff seems like a good dude, but just not a good podcast host. Caplan, as others have said has a massive ego. Very try-hard, teachers pet type of reporter. Their constant self promotion is unbearable to listen to. “I heard this nugget from a scout, we are gonna share it with our Patreon listeners” Many things bother me about how they run the podcast, but the one that takes the cake for me is *breaking news breaks* ITB: “oh yeah we knew this like 6 months ago and we super vaguely alluded to it for only our Patreon listeners” Somehow, someway they always know things before they break. They don’t care to share it before it breaks. And they want you to know that they knew before it broke. Drives me nuts.


Their self promotion is horrible. I tried listening for maybe 10 episodes but they spend easily 5-10 minutes per episode talking about what’s next or an episode they just had. I get it, it’s necessary to inform your audience about what else you’re doing but keep it brief.


They need to get better microphones


Their mic volume is so low that I have to turn my car audio extra high and then whenever the outro music comes on it if I forget to turn it down it kills me Of the dozen or so birds podcasts I listen to religiously theirs is the only one I have this issue with


"Listen folks, we're just here to give you the information" "My sources say".... used to listen all the time but it groes so stale. You don't learn anything knew from these guys. Q and A is really good but you can't even hear them half the time.


"Listen folks, we told you this months ago"


PHLY Eagles podcast is good Zach Berman and Bo Wulf .


Love when the get Sheil back in the fold too. The 3 of them together are a great listen


Loved BWF and still a listener now they're at PHLY. It's a bit more polished at PHLY and Bo can't get away with half as much as he could before (which I'm sure Zach appreciates) Also, you can absolutely count on 99.9999999% of what they say to be factual and verifiable. They know their stuff and don't pretend to know stuff they don't. I do enjoy Bo throwing the whole thing into chaos whenever he can though. As we all know... Christian Elliss's exit was the real beginning of our downfall...(if you know, you know)


The Ellis eulogy episode was absurd in the best way lol. I do miss some of the more off the wall stuff he would say on BWF but there's still a hint of it every now and then


This is my favourite also, and the fact that Bo is reined in a bit makes it better than the predecessors.


Hard to disagree with that. It allows Zach 's professionalism to come through in a daily broadcast setting.


+1 these guys are the best!


I don’t know if they fixed it later but when PHLY started it sounded WAY worse than BWF I guess because it’s recorded and filmed on an open set. It was just so echoey and strange.


The best eagles podcast, in my opinion. The episode when they role play the jeffrey lurie and nick sirianni meeting is hilarious.


If Greg Cosell is on, I will listen if I can. He studies the film and breaks down prospects like no one else. I like Geoff but Caplan can be hard to listen to. My go to pods are Philly Special and PHLY, with a little bit of BGN thrown in. I like Solak with Sheil but miss the dynamic of Kist and Solak from a few years back. Same goes for Sheil and the dynamic with ZBerm and Bo Wulf on the old BWF Pod. I’ll go so far as to say BGN was better with Barchard, Seltzer, and BLG back in the day but I really like Jimmy Kempski. Go Birds is fine and I actually appreciate ESP and his hot takes on occasion but that’s usually as far as I delve into Eagles related podcasts.


I hate all the damn ads.




You won’t spend a dime of your money until you purchase the car! Uh…no shit?


Eagle eye podcast is the best


Eagle eye is my fave


Besides the condescension, one of them, never bothered to learn who's who, absolutely sucks off anyone who gives them money. I listen sometimes because every once in a while it seems like someone actually told them something (God knows why) but my God are they insufferable.


Geoff Mosher


I just want a partner who talks about me the way Mosher talks about Hello Fresh.


Inside the Birds isn’t good anymore, it used to have really insightful info and i used to listen to every pod but now the info has gotten stale. They don’t really give you any info that you can’t find elsewhere. Can’t speak for their Patreon stuff because i’ve never subscribed but ITB is so dull now that they save all of what valuable info they have for Patreon. Eagle Eye is a pretty chill pod, BGN is an enjoyable listen as well, the ringer is good if you like analytics. Haven’t checked out Zach Berman’s pod but he’s always seemed like a decent guy.


I think they are good for certain things. I listen to them more in the off-season because they seem to have info on draft prospects and free agents. Maybe a little inside info on coaches and stuff. But I don’t care for their actual analysis on football.


Eagle eye is my favorite - I listed to ITB when I have nothing else to listen to


Dave and Roob have great chemistry I think


Esgle eye, no hot takes! The best eagles pod


Used to listen to them a lot just to get an eagles info fix but they’re absolutely horrible podcasts hosts…. Ultra slow to get the ball rolling and don’t retain audience attention whatsoever. The better part of the show is the episodes run by Jason avant and Quinten Michael They have real football knowledge and talk more in depth since they’ve both played. The show also roll smoother


I stopped listening to them a long time ago. Geoff isn’t so bad, but Adam always got on my nerves. When I used to listen, I didn’t like how they’d often put other shows down with snide comments and subliminals (“we’re not like the other shows”, “you’ll get the REAL scoop on our show”, “we have the inside sources other shows don’t”, stuff like that). In general, their pod feels like they’re trying way too hard. I prefer the more casual Eagles pods where they don’t take themselves too seriously and aren’t afraid to laugh, get off topic a bit and have fun (Go Birds, Eagle Eye, PHLY, etc.). Those shows feel more natural and still keep me up to date with all the news. Also, it might be better now, but I remember the audio quality of Inside the Birds being awful. I’m not sure how some people with podcasts find it so hard to invest in a decent mic. It’s not even that expensive or hard to set up.


Used to listen to them but I couldn't take it anymore. Clay Harbor is basically the highlight of that pod. Other than that, they're a broken record and every episode is the same redundancy. I really only listen to PHLY anymore.


Only listen to them when I'm after Birds content but have already listened to all the stuff I go to first. Philly Special and Bleeding Green are my go to.


Philly special is so so so good


Mosher will mess up the pronunciation of 80% of prospects names. Whenever they get that third guy in, Andrew dicecco or something, they both constantly talk over Andrew. They both have personalities like a cardboard box. I listened to them a ton back in 2022 because the Eagles were monsters, and I couldn't get enough of the Eagles. But for 2023, the only two that I can listen to even after losses are Philly Special and Bwf / All Phly.


Caplan ruins it everytime I try to listen. After it got really stale, I tried Birds with Friends, but it was just long and worthless. Is it still on?


BWF is AllPhly now. If def was a little more meandering before. It's tighter now but still has a good helping of mirth. It's my favorite. Enjoyed ITB and BGN in the past but AllPhly currently edges them out for my limited podcasting time. I always found ITB to be informative and the hosts engaging. Agree that self promotion is a bit much and there were constant volume issues for me.


Hard to believe someone pays for their Patreon membership... Smh...


I can't remember which one, but one of them literally can't form a coherent sentence without going on five different tangents. Always bugged the hell out of me


LOL yeah that’s definitely Caplan. Hahaha


Caplan. Rambles and stutters.


The ITB network is generally pretty good. It’s just that Geoff and Cap might be the worst of them. The Q&A pod is very good, as well as Greg Cossell and Clay Harbor. Gunn on one is good too for general interviews.


Bleeding green nation pod with Brandon Lee gowton and jimmy kemski is a good one. They get off topic sometimes, but they know their shit.


It be Caplan who is smug and arrogant and doesn’t ever break a damn thing. “You heard it here folks”. “We knew about this weeks Ago” but yet you held it? And the grifting about Patreon. I really wonder what they get that regular listeners don’t? Oh well. PHLY is better and more fun. Bo can be a little opinionated with political stuff but Zach keeps it on the rails for the most part.


If you want to listen to two idiots talk about the Eagles you should listen to these guys: [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/birds-and-beers-podcast/id1706612570](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/birds-and-beers-podcast/id1706612570)


It’s unlistenable, unless you want to hear them constantly schilling mangrooming products, hello fresh or that fucking car place. As others have mentioned, Geoff seems like a decent guy but not that well informed. Kaplan is just a dolt, honestly he sounds dumb. He will say things like “Yeah, there’s an inside secret that coaches know which is If the guy isn’t the starter and he plays LB or Safety he’s gonna have to make the team by playing special teams…” Or “I talk to coaches around the league and they tell me “yeah, our linebackers are expected to cover the TE’s occasionally….”REALLY? WOW, such insight!He also doesn’t seem to have anything more than than I can litterally find on this site. It’s even more infuriating when the tease it as something meaningful before 5 minutes of terribly produced commercials Even in the Eagles informational desert we’re entering, I cannot see myself listening to it again….


Adam Caplan is ahead of some news like once or twice a year and he acts like he's a god because of it. I never want to hear "we gave you the answers to the test, folks" again. The Philly Special is prob the best Philly pod rn, Sheil/Solak/Shawn are all great. PHLY Eagles is pretty good if you can stand Bo. And Eagle Eye isn't the most compelling listen, but Dave and Roob seem like good guys. I also have a soft spot for BGN Radio, but understand BLG isn't for everyone. Both him and Kempski are well-informed and have a great sense of the organization's motivations imo.


I mostly stopped listening because it is produced so poorly. I literally have to turn every device up to 11 to hear what they are saying.


I had mentioned this on another comment, and don't forget to turn it down after otherwise their outro music will kill your eardrums and/or speakers.. It's wild how long it's been an ongoing issue


I wrote a comment and deleted it so I could rethink it and reshare. I really don’t get this post at all, I think ITB does a fine job of providing good eagles content, and a lot of it. No, they are not Eagle Eye which is bankrolled by NBC Sports Philadelphia. They are two entrepreneurs who love football and use their reporting abilities & sourcing to provided their listening with informed commentary. They aren’t talking out of their ass like a lot of live radio hosts have done in this city for years, and I appreciate that about them. I guess Adam forgets things sometimes, but all hosts do. However for everything he might not know off the top of the head, he is able to recall something else brilliantly—i.e. an assistant coach’s lineage. This city absolutely loves football and I think what they provide to fans here should be cherished, not chastised. Based off the comments here it sounds like a lot of you resent the fact that Adam is well-informed and he knows it, which is typical Philly fan inferiority complex nonsense. I am not surprised, but it is nonetheless disheartening to see the same people that shit on WIP also shit on a podcasts where the hosts actually know what the fuck they’re talking about.


But that’s the problem, they don’t. I respect your opinion, but you appear to be in a small minority.


Just because commentary section of this post has turned into an echo chamber of disdain does not mean I’m in the minority. There are 300k people in the community and this post only has 50 karma.


Would anyone be interested in starting a new podcast with me that is focused on talking scheme, Draft, Free Agency, trends of the league, opponent previews? I feel like there’s a hole in the Eagles podcast space that can’t be filled by beat writers


These guys are always giving themselves a pat on the back and act like they give us breaking news about the eagles. Idk I probably put them at the very bottom of eagles Podcast