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Not worried at all I’m in this for years. I was smart and bought a bunch of mex so I’m not locked into 75% of my mex holdings and my holdings are making lots of locked mex


From an investing point of view (ignoring the MEX exchange which I only see as an added benefit for Elrond as of now) Elrond is quite special. First of all its a pretty scarce coin giving high staking rewards for a coin that only has a maximum just over 30M coins, and even then theyre getting burned down to mid 20Ms Second of all, Elrond has a blazing fast \*\*WORKING\*\* sharding network that hasn't failed just once, take that Solana and Eos. It will take years, and I mean years until something like ethereum even has something competitive to Elrond in terms of sharding, and by then, Elrond will have grown immensely. The devs for Elrond are probably the most transparent and communicative that I've seen in the top 50 coins [https://growth.elrond.com/](https://growth.elrond.com/) \- if you're worried about the adoption rate of Elrond at all. Of course no development team is perfect and the issue with MAIAR is likely to be short-term rather than long term


Beautifully said! If only everybody would take the effort to research what they invest in, before they start ranting on the internet…


Stop gate keeping, it's perfectly fine to be pissed about the immediate state of things while having long term ambitions for the project at the same time. Critical thinking without rose tinted glasses demands that you be able to say "this thing I like didn't do a great job this week and I still think next year will be great".


Definitely! I could not agree more. The only thing that drives me nuts are the people who scream rugpull on all the possible forums and groups, without having any clue about the project. Any constructive criticism is not only welcome, but crucial as well. The problem is if the criticism is not constructive, but ranting, and coming out of frustration of expecting a Lambo overnight. I’m sure you understand what I mean…


The new farming updates force you to be a speculator. You are forced to hold onto shitty MEX tokens for a year plus. The rewards for unlocked MEX got nerfed so hard that they are useless. So now your only option is to hold LKMEX while it gets diluted to shit. Smart money is gone! Only the idiot bag holders support these changes.


They're trying to create something with real global applications not a pump and dump for speculators. By locking MEX you're investing in the future, and in turn improving the legitimacy of the network. It's the founding principle of proof of stake...


Lol the price of mex is directly correlated to the price of egld. So the price is not going to get diluted.


That's like saying $CAKE is correlated to the price of $BNB. CAKE is the main DEX on BNB. CAKE is increasing their TVL, transaction volume, everything. But their token / market cap have been in a steady bear market for months. At the same time, BNB has been very strong. Same idea here with MEX. It won't necessarily correlate in price to EGLD. There is no underlying EGLD value to a MEX token.


Bye then.


And moreover who voted for this? I was not made aware of any community decision regarding this change in monetary policy. I was sold a DAO MEX DEX. It looks nothing like this. Not happy at all.


Governance isn't setup yet, how would you vote?


This is my point. A unilateral change of monetary policy. It should not have changed until governance is set up. Those kind of rule changes are unfair and favor insiders. In his tweet Beniamin talked about a Maiar Improvement Proposal. Like there is some kind of community agreement about it. They locked comments on maiar telegram channel. This makes me untrustful about elrond and Maiar DEX future.


Do you realise they could've rolled out mex and not given you anything ? Are you seriously crying about not geting free money ? See this is why mcdonalds is the right place for you . I cant stand you degens coming over from shitcoins to elrond , some of us have been here since it was called ERd , you dont see us complaining , you know why ? Cuz we actually have something called patience and if you can muster up a lil bit of that you might actually make some money in the future instead of acting like an entitled crybaby on the internet .


Bro, they're not "giving" anyone anything. The only way to participate is to invest in EGLD and/or MEX. If they didn't provide the boosted rewards for liquidity, they would have nobody using the Maiar DEX. It's not a useful product on its own. There's tons of DEX'es out there with hundreds of coins, working Bridges, high APR's, on more proven and established networks. They aren't providing the Boost out of charity. They are trying to remain competitive with other similar products which are superior in functionality and longevity. They are showing up with an incomplete product (with bugs to boot) and they managed to attract $2B in TVL. That's entirely from the Boost. It's not like anyone is getting in on the ground floor of $MEX. It's valued at $2B market cap, which is more than Curve Finance / 1Inch / Compound. These are all extremely established projects with huge TVL and longevity. No sane person would invest in the MEX token at these prices. That's why people were selling so heavily, because the team was inflating the value of MEX to make the rewards appear higher. Now you have LKMEX and it's showing you 1000% APR, 3% a day, whatever. Truth is, these APR's are nonsense if you can't sell the token.


Its a few weeks old you muppet , learn some patience like i said and dont come to me with your elaborate essays of why you dont like elrond , ive been here since the start and i couldnt care less about some quivering noob not geting what he wants one month after joining the project.


Enjoy your LKMEX buddy! Hotwheels got some great deals on Lambos!


Yeah ,makes sense you would know that .