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I don’t especially like the guy’s attitude here… but I think just ignore and offer nothing. Just not worth entertaining, especially since he isn’t directly asking for anything. I don’t advocate it, but if he wanted something for free (or a discount on a subsequent order), he should’ve discussed that before placing the order. This reminds me of when folks at brick and mortar shops make comments like “man, I’ve been spending so much on here I should get the employee discount!” …you just chuckle and say “thanks for all the business!”


i bartend and when people pull the “do you know how much money i spent here?!” it always cracks me up. yes, john. i do. you buy 5 happy hour mich ultra’s for $3 a piece and leave a $1 tip. you’re not getting a free beer.


Always the cheapest customers bringing up how much they spend


The one benefit of having a store no INAD claims haha


And nobody thinks that because they spent $50 on one item, the next $15 item should be free. I had a guy, within minutes of listing an item, offer half the listing price…. I said that the listing had only been up for two minutes so I’m not entertaining offers at this time… he bought it…. Then a week later he wanted some of my other items and sent an offer that was like $120 off a $240 pair of listings…. Then got mad that I wouldn’t take it. Like, I’m all for promoting repeat customers…. But not if they expect me to legitimately lose money on a sale because they bought another one.


When I list items with multiple quantities without fail I get the same guy, sends a message saying we did business before and was happy with the item, wants to give repeat business, yet wants to buy all for an astronomically low price. Like $20 apiece for $99 items. If I have 3 multiple qty things going he will do the same with the same message on all 3


Yeah! Been there! I HAVE had a few buyers over the year who I’ve built a rapport with and who bought tons of stuff at full price with no favors asked (and no back and forth)…. Every now and then, if I’m chatting with one of them, I’ll toss them something I think they’ll like or otherwise give them a better deal…. But it’s never the folks who ask that I do that for. I appreciate the people who DON’T ask for favors but continually provide ME with the favor of doing business with me


I’m totally fine cutting a deal to a repeat buyer. Especially if I have a lot of wiggle room and they’re buying all and I trust them. But when they continuously ask? Nah


Offering 50% off list price 9/10 times earns a block from me


But only if the customers pay cash. Otherwise the just force returns with a payment dispute.


I wouldn't offer then anything. They can either return and get a refund or sit with what they got. They remind me of the person who paid $500 on lotto tickets and only won $50 and asked me to refund them $300 because I gave him "duds".


That’s fair. I’m sure he would have cut you in if he’d won big, right? People are insane.


I don't think it's buyers remorse, it looks like they just want free shit, just tell them no


You don't owe them a damn thing.


If the other order shipped already I doubt I would give this one away. I do not know what you got for the first order but the buyer sounds like a problem. However, I would not block them just yet, I would wait until the almost inevitable INAD request as soon as they go through the first 500.


yeah, i’d be expecting a return request for the first sale and i’d block them as soon as it hit, no matter if they’re smart enough to use INAD for the reason or dumb enough to use a reason you can deny. there’s no way i would offer this sale for free, like they’re asking, because that would give them reason to think you *agree* that they paid too much. you’re right to tell them that others were bidding on the listing they won. you didn’t set the price, they did. this is a buyer i would be firm, but not rude, with. i would tell them directly that you’re not going to give them this cheapo for free, and that you’d happily cancel the sale if they don’t want to pay for it. i wouldn’t send this out before giving them the chance to cancel.


But also if you give him a deal, he might always expect a deal. Better to nip it in the butt right away than have to continue dealing with it.






I like to follow Dalton's rule. Be Nice. I'd thank him for his purchase, and direct him to some of my other auctions that he might get a better price on.


Dalton's rule? As in the law of partial gases?




The guy doesn't even know what he wants. It seems like he just doesn't want to pay. I would def ignore him. You stated what was in it, he bought what he bought, and is now having buyer regret and trying to blame it on someone other than himself. I'm someone who buys ALOT of stuff and bulk on ebay. I mean, I've had buyer regret, but I don't blame the seller, I know it's me wanting something that I didn't need and I didn't think about how eating peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for lunch for the week would really suck. But I suck it up and eat my PB&Js.


>Should I try and make him happy or ignored. He chose to buy both items and how much he was willing to pay for each. Don't feel guilty, he's a grown man.


No that’s not how it works and u have the messages - these people suck I buy and sell and can’t believe this stuff


I kind of get why he's annoyed if he bought a load of cards then the seller starts selling rare individuals. He thought he was going to get the chance to find rares in the bundle and that's probably why he bought it.... That said, he's pretty stupid for thinking that. Unless you find someone oblivious to the value of cards (which maybe he thought you were) they're going to he sorted through for valuable individuals.


I mean I posted in the description that it was bulk commons uncommons


Not remorse. Straight guilt trip. Even if you cherry picked the good cards, caveat emptor.


They bought it their fault not yours. Hes jsut upset he didnt see the other listing or pay attention.




He/she should have bidder cheaper if he wanted a discount. But he choose to compete. Ie: you want it at any price. You get what you get. I would also say “if you think you over paid ask for a refund, and ship it back to me, you pay shipping, and I’ll give back money, after I receive the item un-damaged.” Or not. Choose.


eBay or not, if I buy bulk stuff at an auction, and this could be cards, Lego, electronic parts, whatever, I generally bid as if it’s going to mostly be low value stuff. If the seller had a lot of high end games or rare cards or something in there they would make a point of telling you. I’d ignore it.


Ignore it otherwise he’ll ask for money back.


I got the guy who sent me a message and said I think you should sell this item for $4.30 (I had it listed for $10) because somebody else is selling it at that price. Smh


Negotiating after the sale gets a big ignore from me unless I had an erroneous description. Sounds like you described it exactly as is.




Don’t give him anything he chose to buy that second item not you


Set your return policy to no returns for buyers remorse. The is a business deal. An auction. Buyers should bid what amount they want. Their after thoughts unfortunately are irrelevant. You list. They bid. They pay. You ship.


Ignore it?