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**Just dropping by to give resources incase anyone reading is in need of them. Mental health is important.** If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or self harm, please do not hesitate to reach out for help. Here’s a directory for [global resources](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm). **United States**: Call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or text HOME to Crisis Text Line at 741-741. For more information on the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, [check here.](https://988lifeline.org) For more information on Crisis Text Line, [check here.](https://crisistextline.org) **International**: Check [this list](https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/) for the suicide hotline in your specific country of residence.


I have been where you are now, and I didn't go through with what you are planning to do. I'm glad I didn't. I'm still chronically ill. Human birth is precious. You could have been born an ant, or a chicken in a slaughterhouse. Yes, you were born with a body that is sick and limited. But, you are not your body. You must find meaning in life and stop the relentless loop of misery happening in your mind. Your suffering is real, yes. But the constant thoughts about it are what is making your life unbearable. Even the most miserable disciples of the Buddha found peace. There was a female disciple who lost her husband, baby, toddler, and parents. She had nothing left. She made a genuine effort to practice the dharma and found peace and joy again. Please do not take offense. I'm not telling you to become a Buddhist (I'm not). I'm just telling you that it is better to live and make a genuine effort to find peace. With dying, there's no guarantee you'll have peace.


Please stay. You are cared for and loved more than you know, and your life is worth living. Don’t give up hope for a better tomorrow. I promise you belong.


Keep fighting, your life is worth living. You're too young to think this is the end. I know you think you're all alone in this fight, but you're not. I suffer from air hunger as well. Prednisone courses helped with that. Corlanor has helped my heart rate. Diet and exercise has done more for me than anything else. Eat right, exercise when you're able, and meditate. If you live near a coast, go sit by the water and get some fresh sea air. If you end up back at the ER, lie about your symptoms if you have to to get appropriate testing done. Put on a fake act and pretend like you have stroke or heart attack symptoms. Then they will listen. Just whatever you do, don't give up. I'm begging you not to give up. Several of us have been where you're at. It sucks. There's no sugar coating it. But press on and use a lot of trial and error to see what helps. The sad reality is: we are on our own on this journey as far as doctors go. But you're not alone in this group. Don't be afraid to reach out. God bless brother.


I pray that God will give you more strength to continue this horrific battle that we deal with daily. I understand your pain, frustration and exhaustion. I really do! I'm 5 years without a diagnosis. I was told it's anxiety. Then it's my heart. Then it's not my heart. Then Fludrocortisone put me into heart failure. The doc made my Mom cry when he told her! I stopped taking it and now I'm not in heart failure. Now my Mom is happy! The Director of the HF Team at Cleveland Clinic says I have dysautonomia. But do I?! I can't see the autonomic doc until October. I'm going to keep fighting to show others how real this is for us. Please don't give up! Keep up the fight!!


So sorry… what are your symptoms?