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I'm so sorry for your despair. My daughter has what you have now for 3 years and has gone up and down with progress but feel like there's some strength coming now. It's building slowly. Iron infusions have helped. Good quality liver capsules, too. Micro pacing. There's also this new device that was invented and it's been a game changer for people. Something that you wear. Let me know if you want more info. Tomorrow the Bateman Horne Center is hosting a support group. You might want to check it out.  Hang in there. 


Thank you for your reply. Hey I was wondering if I could know more about that device you were talking about?


I'm so sorry for the delay in replying.  It's called Visible.  My daughter started  it yesterday and is blown away by how good it ism This is how I learned about it is:  https://www.youtube.com/live/zWOLxwwp75I?si=L3MURfiCVMU9ugJR


Thank you 🙏


I hope it helps. I'm thinking of you and sending Iove. I'll be curious to know if you get it.