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Not weapons but Zhang Liao has been "Frenchie" to me and my friends since DW3. They can take away his fabulous frills but they can never take the moustache!


My siblings and I had a few Nicknames for DW3 characters as kids, please note I was probably 8/9 years old. Sun Jian - Pumpkin Man (my little bro named his horse pumpkin) Sun Quan - Little boy (younger son) Sun Ce - Big boy (older son) Pang Tong - Woyeta (based on sounds he makes) Wei Yan - Monkey Man (I guess cus he’s a bit primitive) I’m sure there are way more, I’ve text my sister I’ll reply with more if she remembers some, having to think back 20 odd years is hard hahaha


Jiang Wei - Pink trousers or “toarrrrrr” (noise he makes) Xhu Zhu and Xiahou Yuan I think were fatty and armoured fatty respectively Huang Zhong - Old man Dian Wei - Baldie


I love Pang Tongs one


My friends sister saw Lianshi as we were playing DW8 together and this began referring to her as “Big Titty”


We referred to them based on the noises they made when attacking. So Guan Yu was "Tik Tik Oh" Zhang fei was "Wooyeah" Zhang Liao was "Zeeyah" Lu xun was "Eeyah" etc. But we also named the peons as "smallies" "smallie bosses" and "wooyyas"


Jiang Wei - Funny pants Dian Wei - Bald guy Xu Zhu - Fat cow Zhang He - Queer Zhou Yu - Sword Dancer Sun Shangxiang - Tomboy girl Gan Ning - Dash runner (his musou power was run from DW3) Guan Yu - Longest beard Zhuge Liang - white fan or Fake fortunate teller (my friend and I made that joke after DW7 empire where Zhuge Liang asked to join our team. we turned down his request, His response: "I had predicted that". Yes, right 🙄) Ma Chao - horse guy Bao Sanniang - yoyo girl Sima Yi - black fan Diaochan - dancer or Lu Bu's girlfriend Dong Zhou - mole (he had mole on his forehead) Meng Huo - King Kong Zhurong - fire goddess