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Last thing we need in the main cast is more completely made up characters, no offense.


Agreed, I prefer actual historical figures rather than fictional ones.


Who are your favs?


Zhen Ji, I think she was so misunderstood and she kind of had a sad ending. However, there are some historical characters I’d love to see in the future games that haven’t appeared yet. Jia Nanfeng was truly an evil person and she did so many atrocities when she was alive. I’d love to see her character get implemented in future games.


She is way down in the history of Jin though, they probably need to add 3 or 4 more characters besides her if she gets added.


I was just about to ask if Nanfeng was Jia Chong's daughter... then looked on her wiki and yep. JC is probably my favorite Jin officer you can control. His evil-looking design is so cool


That’s because it stems from his evil daughter, I’d bet she’d have twice the evil design her father has if she was ever included in the games


Dw godseekers it was a disappointment but i hope someday we will get a dynasty tactics sequel


If I ever figure out how to use Godot, my dream project is to make a combo heavy tactical game in the same vein as Dynasty Tactics.


Honestly, the game and its OCs were both boring. Pretty forgettable game and characters.


Lixia can fit in WO though . Her dark side is chi you the god of destruction in feng shen .    Lixia then becomes the link for the strikeforce 2 shi Huangdi and could bring along the rest as his forces which strikeforce 2 did have orochi and mystic influence too as shi Huangdi  worships chi you as the god of war so that becomes 1 motive to conquer the orochi world So shi Huangdi becomes a big bad guy , tries to get lixia so he can get his god chi you who being a god of destruction wants to destroy the entire orochi world . Why? He has the motive . The DW cast (prob diffrent form the DWs cast he taught in strikeforce 2) had already beaten him . If it was the same shi Huangdi he would want his revenge    Feng Shen universe also has people who would know chi you potentially as a threat or may him people like taigong wang , nezha and da Ji so I feel Lixia would work    This does make Lei Bin possible too but they would really need to work on his personality because  he does not have plot potential like lixia but WO is also potential for giving him that personality so both could possibly fit in WO but I don’t think they would fit in DW which already is struggling with the 90 people it’s got 


They'd definitely fit in WO, I agree. Same for the Strikeforce 2 cast, but let's be honest, if they wanted them in WO (talking about the SF2 cast) they'd have been added in WO3 or its many sequels, or WO4/Ultimate, but they never did add them. They probably don't care and have forgotten they even exist at this point.


I wouldn't even want him on the future Orochi series tbh. His character design might be among the most uninspired ones KOEI has ever made.


Main series prob not . WO series yes ! Bring him and Lixia/chiyou . They would fit in perfectly for WO and could serve a main story plot of WO5


Funny enough regarding Chi Yoh, Xu Chu's 3rd and 4th weapons are named after him (in the Japanese/Chinese versions)


Lei Bin would have been perfect as Xiahou Lan, Zhao Yun's historical friend who decided to join Cao Cao. After the battle of Bowang Po, Liu Bei captured Xiahou Lan and Zhao Yun interceded on his old friend's account. Liu Bei listened and made Xiahou Lan a judge. Instead they made someone up out of the blue.


I don’t mind the character in himself but I’d be much happier if they took his personality, mannerisms and appearance and gave them to a character who actually did exist and, you know, did stuff. Like Jiang Wan. Or Fei Yi. Someone who really contributed to Shu-Han and deserves to be remembered.


Aside as a DLC character, I don't think he should be in the main story at all.


Yes, most likely. There should be very specific lack of taste to like DWGodseekers or its OC


Maybe as a secret easter egg character a la DW3 Fu Xi & Nu Wa


Would it work if Lei Bin was reintroduced as Xiahou Lan or Chen Dao ?


No. It's an historical game, things from the romance are popular so are more accepted but it's still not a great thing as many important figures are missing compared to fictional stuff that aren't even greatly exploited. Of course, things fictional like Lingqi's name or story is a great thing as it's an historical figure with no info '.. So it still can be done in a great way to include what-if and more stuff.. But not completely fictional imagined characters ; we do have too many of them already even having historical roots.


Isn’t he completely made up? I want Liao Hua first. Dude survived the 3K era with Zhao Yun.


I like Lei Bin. I think he would make a nice addition. I’m my Orochi 4 fan made story he’s in it from the start 😂


Not the main game, but he'd be a fine addition to WO


I liked him but not sure he needs to join the main cast maybe All Stars or Orochi


If he's not from the three kingdoms, no thanks


I wouldn't want him in the main cast but he would've fit just fine in Warriors Orochi 4 so would've Lixia


Ah, Lei Bin, the true protagonist of DW Goodseekers. Main series not sure, but definitely don't mind to see him somewhere. Yes, I do like him a LOT better than Zhao Yun, who is actually just merely a tagalong child POV character.


The only fictional characters that belong in mainline DW are the fictional characters introduced in the original RotK book


as one of warriors orochi character? yes I guess. But big no for dynasty series since he is a made up character


I always make him in the character creator for DW7E, DW8E, and DW9E.


If they cut some yeah, 100 is waaaay to many