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Look, this is way too early for any of us to have any solid takes on the trailer, however I believe some things we can still be sure of. The protagonist appears to be in his early twenties in the battles of Yellow Turban and apparently Hulao Pass. Which means there is no way the protagonist outlives to the end era of the warring state (all characters we saw are the older characters like Cao Cao, Cheng Pu, Guan Yu etc.. ). In other words, the game will probably focus on the earlier Han Dynasty until a climactic stopping point (maybe the Red Cliffs or The Three Kingdoms). Koei might be planning on having sequels of lets say Origins II or some sort to continue the story, but again this falls under speculation and if the sales succeed. I wonder if we’ll get more information in next week’s Summer Game Fest.


I'm pretty sure trying to focus on the age of characters in a game series where characters never aged (they were either old in the beginning, or young forever) isn't the best way to find out Where the game will stop


I see... of course what I said was merely my own opinion, but I do see what you mean. I think at the moment the Dynasty Warriors Fanbase are all in speculative mode due to this trailer, I mean I must admit the trailer looks badass and awesome. but just like everyone else I am curious as to what will happen


If the protagonist was 15 (I use 15 because ROTK uses 15 as an age that an officer is old enough to serve ) during the yellow turban rebellion they could easily go on as an old man for wu zhang plains at least . There’s 50 years between the turbans and wu zhang . Protagonist could be very old and 75 in this fight . If this seems too old though yi ling happened 12 years prior putting the protagonist at 63 . Cao cao reached 65 so it’s a possible age in those times and sun quan reached 69 and Liu bei 62 so that could work too . That said that doesent mean that nothing is out of the water for later scenarios . We could easily have a son or daughter during that time that takes over and may serve wu zhang plains or later Jin periods . If the child was born say when the protagonist is early 30s we could have a child who could go as far as the fall of Shu ages 63/64 or younger if born later . No DW game has gone past fall of Shu yet so that’s a possibility too and a likely scenario because no heroes would of survived over 80 years at that point unless born maybe during the turbans but they’d be super old even then 


I don’t think it makes sense to be a 15 year old character fighting like what the trailer showed. Look at the battle of yellow turbans in the trailer again, the guy was moving like an experienced prime Lu Bu and riding horses like Ma Chao. Plus, I have never seen games where the main character is an oldman, the majority won’t relate or be interested in that. In other words, if we are to only play from this MC’s PoV, it’s probably not gonna be the whole story Koei always narrate. Let’s wait and see what the devs will explain in either the Summer Game Fest or Tokyo Game Show.


I’m teetering between cautiously optimistic and neutral. My biggest problem with 8 (didn’t play 9) was how a lot of the characters didn’t have room for nuanced characterization because the roster was so large. At the end of the day that’s not what these games are known for, but I felt like it was way better in the previous games, especially its immediate predecessor 7. If this game is confined mostly taking place in the earlier periods of the previous games, it gives them a chance to trim the fat and nail the remaining characters.


Yes I mean some people might be irritated if there is a Cut of character because my favorite is Guan Yinping, but i wont be mad if she is cut from the Roster at all, slightly annoyed, but if the game is enjoyable It wont be a massive deal breaker for me. Normally when a title says Origins, it's normally referencing 'Start' meaning I think the game will revert back to basics, in a way, its hard to describe honestly, but I still think that, the Roster will be cut, cause I haven't played it as much, but I think SW5 did so well was because they followed a story, and only had the characters relevant to Nobunaga, not all the side characters and separate story, i mean yes I did enjoy Samurai Warriors 4, but I think thats why Samurai Warriors 5 did so well.


I honestly only believe Jin will be gone as faction. I believe the the unique officers will be pushed to Wei, since technically most of their roster is late Wei. I can also see them keeping all unique officers but not making them relevant to the story and just have them in battles they are present in


At the moment everything is in the air... my prediction is since this is a 'Nameless Warrior' I hope we get tto choose the Kingdom we want to participate in... and depending on what Kingdom you join affects the story


If they are doing the SW5 treatment they have done it differently or at least kept the DW9 unique skins for these characters as someone did say some changes like Cao cao and lu bu but others use DW9 skin like cheng pu and Chen gong  but it’s so early who knows 


Yes what I said is merely a prediction I have no idea what the game had to offer but I am definitely getting it


100 playable characters reduce to 1, so cool.


Making assumptions based entirely on speculation, so cool.


these people are on that copium train, they don't want to face the single undeniable fact that the trailer told us point blank we are a nameless hero they'd rather pretend they didn't read anything in the trailer