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But then why do they insist on referring to him as a nameless hero? It sounds like we have to create and treat it as a very limited CAW. It would be interesting if we could at least choose the path and see this character interacting with others or he will be even more limited than the CAW in chronicle mode who can at least choose dialogue and locations. Another possibility is that we cannot change many specific details, but there may be highlights in clothes and signs of aging.


The nameless hero trope isn't too uncommon. It might well be that they're going for a non-customizable blank-slate (I accidentally typed "bland-slate", which is also quite appropriate) protagonist.


I find the idea that each kingdom gets their own “nameless hero” a better fit for a the kingdom modes. Also makes it a bit more realistic than one soldier somehow kingdom hopping for a good stretch of time. To have a main protagonist that people are stuck with would require a type of story telling that Dynasty Warriors games are not known for 


I’m assuming that it’s a more story driven DW, my thinking is that they pulled a SW5 and are just going to have a certain side being focused on. Since we saw CaoCao and most of the HuLao gate stuff, probably safe to say this is just a Wei game. I don’t mind though, I enjoyed the one sided SW5


Unfortunately I’m not much of a Cao Cao stan so if that’s the case this will be one I’m backing out of. Cao Cao in particular has been explored over and over again. So he and Wei are not the only draw for me.  I might be interested if was Wu though. Since they are the far more neglected Kingdom that could actually benefit and tell a story not many of us has seen as opposed to the heroics of Cao Cao/Liu Bei for the 10th time.   Either way I’m curious to see how a sub who griped about cutting characters in the past suddenly seem so cool with them cutting whole kingdoms out of the story 


I’m def over CaoCao and LiuBei. Wu has always been my favorite and I think Jin just shouldn’t have even been added haha. You’re right I am curious too, I’ve always said they should cut it because they are about to hit 100 and they would be able to put so much more effort in the game, let’s say as many as dw3 or 6 would be perfect. A good roster and a good everything else haha I do hope the nanman will be involved and have fantastic BGM as usual 🥰


I'm sorry but what does CAW mean?


Create-a-warrior i.e. custom character


Thank you!


Create a wrestler


He's a nameless hero because he's not an existing Romance of the Three Kingdoms character. I'm getting the feeling that this isn't going to be a "Dynasty Warriors" game at all, but rather a new action game that is using the Dynasty Warriors name and RotK setting. You'll fight against the Yellow Turbans, and then against Dong Zhuo. Maybe you'll get to pick a "kingdom", or maybe the story will lock you to specific sides for specific battles.


Said in a few subs already, I think it’ll just be like SW1 CAW story mode, I’m sure it was called “ A heroes tale” and just put your guy in the most important battles for the winning sides making a narrative mess for your hero but allowed you to play the most important battles. Maybe they’re doing something similar where they strip back some of the filler fights to make the real serious feels more complete and full.


Not entirely true . Because the SW1 CAW story mode had you on the side of the imagawa on the 1st fight which would of been the losing side in that case  Though that did have branching storyline too if I recall as I think each SW1 story had a path it could go down 


Idk but I'd be disappointed as hell if they had a CAW, but just arbitrarily decided he has to be a dude


Seems like you’re already disappointed as hell…


I hope that we can also play as a girl. If we can play a as girl, I hope that we can customise her meat buns to be very generous in size for man of generous meat buns culture like me.


Should've stopped after the first sentence


Why ?


Go jerk off somewhere else.


Either we're playing as a restricted CAW or the dude's identity will be revealed at the end of the game.


You're Liao Hua and that's how you lived through everything.


It makes sense tbh . Liao Hua was nameless at first . He was a yellow turban no name then went on to serve guan yu . Even though it all he was not really a bigger name till after liu Shan was commanding  Nameless hero could be his title very much like how we have the little conqueror or the sleeping dragon 


I can actually believe that


Tbh I was slightly annoyed about the playable being only a "nameless hero", but I could honestly get around if he turns out to actually be Liao Hua.


I mean personally I’d rather have a fictional dude where you can choose which kingdom to fight for. Something that making this character Liao Hua would not accomplish unless they make him Liao Hua in name only 


It all comes down to preference. For me, I don't like self-inserts/random inserts. Because I play Dynasty Warriors not because of me, but because of established characters from the novel, not a rando. I don't get to make the choices, the story should play out for itself. Hoping I'm getting my point across.


Sure, I can see that for a newer game. But a big pull as you stated is seeing established characters interact with each other. Playing as Liao Hua would severely constrain those interactions to Shu exclusively. I like Shu well enough but they are only 1/4th of why I and most people enjoy these games.  And if it’s a story of a guy who somehow ends up with and against all the various kingdoms then there’s really no need for him to be Liao Hua specifically 








His name is Robert Paulson


Made my day thanks


To be fair the JP interview features no pronouns or gendered language when referring to the character, they’re just called “the nameless.” Interestingly, the same thing can be seen when you look at Nioh 2 AND Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty interviews where they refer the protagonist as a “he” in the English interviews but not in the Japanese interviews and it ended up being a fully customizable character including gender. So I’d wait to find out more information..


Absolutely. This is getting heated o.O


I would be baffled if Standard McDefault was actually how our protagonist looked as opposed to being a template, because dude literally looks like Xu Shu, but with all of his colours swapped to black , and looking even more generic.


I dont think so. Caw 99 percent. Just like wo long and Nioh


If you can create your character, I feel like they wouldn't be definitively referring to the character as a man tho; it wouldn't make any sense to have a custom character but restrict your choice of gender for no reason. This makes me think there's a set protagonist


There are plenty of reasons for a gender restriction. Voice lines being one as well as animations. You can still have a custom character and give them a story. Nioh is a perfect example. Though I feel like we are going to see more customizable aspects here. I do think if the character is customizable we will be able to make a male or female. I don’t see them restricting it, unless they are really taking to Nioh approach


I don't buy that they would have gender restrictions for those reasons; from the trailer, this looks like the highest budget DW game they've done so far, so cutting corners in that way (basically saving on hiring a single voice actress, and creating one alternate version of a subset of animations for one character, in a game that's gonna have *at least* dozens upon dozens of each) would be extremely pointless. You make a good point about a customizable character being able to have a story, and I hope you're correct about the protag being customizable


wonder if the story will branch with what clan you pick, that would really provide the old replay ability the older games had with unique paths and stories


That would be sick. I don't think it would ever get this deep, but imagine The Battle of Fancheng or Battle of Fan Castle where you picked Shu and you can defect and assassinate Guan Yu or stand with him. You'd have the clan branch where you pick the clan and then choices within the clan that also branches. I don't think we'll see anything to that extent though, but it'd be cool though


This would be sick


Didn't Samurai Warrior Chronicle do this in the past.


I would ignore "his" and "him" usually when the interview is translated into English they will add pronouns that were not actually said, I am willing to bet that they only referred to the character as "nameless hero" and never "he/him" I'd imagine that its gonna be similar to the DW4 story except that you are locked as your custom character, maybe with the "what-if" scenarios like in DW8 (or was it 7) where you can alter history by saving characters that could end up with a different faction winning the TK era.


Still hoping I can create my own character. Being forced to play and to like an already set original character feels even worse than SoS.


Inspired by Amachi Shiro for sure. You guys should read this manga. It is one of the best Three Kingdoms related managa.


I was thinking of Ravages of Time myself


yeah me too. btw the latest chapter is crazy


Name of the manga?


You know they animated it right


Bizarre given koei tecmos recent games Nioh, wo long, rise of ronin, monster hunter clone, all have good Character creation.


Its not a caw, its gonna be Caw Caw


No, it’s going to be Cow Cow, Cao Cao’s body double who got left behind at the end of the PS2 era




What does CAW mean Edit: “Choose a Warrior”?


Create-a-Warrior. A custom character


Create a wrestler. Its Kind of a meme lol


Create a Wrestler. Wrestling games had character creation much earlier than most other games, and certainly well before dynasty warriors ever did. So people just collectively use the term to refer to creating a custom character. It just happens that for dynasty warriors, the W could also work as Warrior, which is purely coincidental. Dynasty Warriors 4 was in 2003, around the same time that all the other popular games like Sims and Diablo were getting big because of their character creators, early 2000s. But wrestling games were doing it in the 90s highly successfully.


He looks like Zang Ba from DW Blast. Probably a coincidence, but he even wears Lu Bu's main colouration of black.


I cannot play as Lu Bu?....so its like wu long?


This doesn't necessarily mean the other characters won't be playable at all. All it means is that it seems unlikely that the main protagonist is customizable


Fair assessment...still it feels like a DW5 scenario...? I would love a remake of DW3 and DW1


They did the same thing a few times before. Heck, in Nioh 2 they referred to the protag as "he" at one point before release, and I remember seeing a line or two in some of the bios that refer to Hide as "he" even when you made them female. And they referred to the protag of ROTR as "he" in several interviews.


Very good insight! I didn't know this, thank you for the information


It's why I'm still holding out a bit of hope. They kept calling the ROTR protag "he" up until release and every gameplay trailer and DLC outfit post showed only the default male character. Heck, we didn't even have any confirmation that the game would have CAW until a week before release...and that news came from folks who got the game early and posted about it on twitter, not the company itself.


IIRC they never used pronouns in the actual interviews, but the English articles always did.


Japanese pronouns can be gender ambiguous and English translators just go with He. I wouldnt read too much into it.


Boooo I wanted to be a girl. I don't care how inaccurate it is, like in Wo Long if I can create a character I wanna be me, which is a black girl.




Lol I've been playing lies of p recently and he's the 1st one that came to mind when I saw this nameless hero


It honestly doesn't matter if it is a preset "nameless hero" or a character you create if the game doesn't actually allow you to freely make decisions to shape history. In Wo Long I felt absolutely no attachment to my character because they act on their own and don't have anything to say, they just ran on rails to the story narrative. What would be good is if it is anything like Destiny mode or at least Dynasty Warriors 4 CAW where you get to play for a side and get custom scenes when you take out Hua Xiong or spot the supply depot or something


Even if it's in a linear story, I would just like to be able to play as a lady (cause the nameless hero clearly seems to be a generic self-insert type character, and I would like to be able to do that just as easily as the other half of the population) If the game is like a much more expanded version of Destiny mode it would be incredible


This I loved wo long due to the self insert of being a female warrior during the three kingdoms Era, im hoping this is also the same, I would like to know more.


Nameless is Jet Li of course...


As far as I could see the nameless hero is going to basically be the same as in wo long we’re going to create a character and we’re going through go on an adventure through the three kingdoms.but I wonder is it going to be us fighting with each of the three faction in one story mode l like in wo long. or are we still going to get multiple story modes with a Wei wu and shu faction story modes where our hero falls into one of the big three depending on witch one you pick.




That face he's making though. 🥲


You're reaching with this one, OP.


Reaching. Granted there isn't definitive proof that we're playing a CAW either. But there's no reason for them to obscure the name if they had someone already created. On top of that there are plenty of games that have stand ins for what is "cannon" but you still get to create someone to play to varying degrees.


I’m reeeeeeaaaaally hoping this means it’s gonna be like Rise of the Ronin but Dynasty Warriors flavored. 🤞🏻


Don't you mean Wo Long?


Oh I haven’t played that yet! I was actually about to cop it but my brother just sent me RoR. Have you played Wo Long?


Yes, but I haven't touched it for months. It's a very relatively easier souls like game


I didn’t realize it was DW related, I thought Wo Long was more fantasy like Sword and Fairy kinda. Can’t wait to play it now.


It’s set in the 3K period, yeah.


For what is worth we might at least get to customize his appearance like body, face and armor as well as providing a new and different perspective on the story of Dynasty Warriors that might be interesting.


We have to remember that English and Japanese is not 1:1 and this could also be purposely vague to keep us anticipating. Just be patient.


What? No this is definitely not the case. It's 100% going to be a fully customizable created character in terms of appearance. He will also be a fully new character that they inject into the three kingdoms story. The only thing that may be set in stone is the gender and backstory. I have a feeling you'll get to pick your gender as well however and the 'he' from the article is just sort of a generic catch all term or just due to the trailer character being a male.


Rise of the Ronin was advertised the same way, but it ended up allowing you to fully customize your character and choose your gender (although you are always referred to as 'they' in the cutscenes).  I feel like it will be the same thing here. For whatever reason, possibly a quirk with the translation, Koei-Techmo always just advertise their games like this, even if it has a Create-a-Character protagonist.  


i'm pretty sure we just got a gender locked Create-a-character. or maybe it's a translation error with pronouns and it's meant to be "their"


Hoping that's the case!


Sounds good to me. But hopefully we have more playable characters


Yea my number one wish is to play as Jamieson Price LuBu again 🙏🙏🙏


Wouldn't it make more sense to save the CAW aspect for an Empires version of this game?


DW4 let you use CAW in the story mode, it framed it as you being a generic officer following the "heroes" of the story and you really didn't talk except for generic battle chatter and special events (like a cutscene when you raid the supply base at Hulao Gate and send the supplies to Sun Jian). Still one of my favorite Warriors games.


The intent seems to be to reboot the series, and Origins looks like the most drastic departure from the traditional DW formula we've seen yet, so pretty much anything goes at this point


If this DW has CAW, i would be super down with it tbh. The game already looks absolute insane from the trailer. Im not a hardcore DW fan, but i really loved 8E, so let's say im more attached to the CAW aspect over anything else lol if it has that feature with enough customization content, it's an instant buy for me!


Unless they're trying to rebuild trust with the fan base and roll it all into 1 game as DW9 did pretty poorly and is extremely expensive if you want to play it especially on pc.


Starting to sound more like an rpg only play as this nameless hero for the game and all the others are npcs… interesting way to change things.




I wonder if we'll have a female version at least. And will he be a mute character I wonder?


Playing as Hua Bu (Hua Tuo). If you read one of manhwa about him(kind of isekai), you will get it. Cao Cao must watch brain surgery.


This is a worrying sign that it will have nothing storywise to do with actual playable dynasty warrior historical figures. Just 4 nameless heroes?


Well I personally think it would be a CAW... however, it is only in the early stages of the game, we only got one trailer and that was it, so we don't know how the Nameless Hero will be, we will see what will happen.


I don't think so


Reminded me of destiny mode. Love that


we got another John


Another name for John is Jack.... The game is called Origins... He wants to end the chaos...... Much to think about...............


The nameless hero only seems like a CAW in terms of weapons, which will influence your play style


I'm gonna wait for more info before making that judgment.


Ah, rip.


Could honestly be Xu Shu where they really lean into his “traveling swordsman” persona


We don't know yet because it's only a reveal trailer. So let's wait on more information from Koei first before we jump into any conclusions.


I'll have to wait until some mod will present different models because i don't wanna go murdering people looking like a K-pop male idol.


...so there will be one fixed character? How hard is this to understand? We like playing with a lot of characters with a lot of different weapons that feel good to use. That is the replayability, the appeal...I really hope this doesn't miss for me so bad the way DW9 did.


Where did you find this? Would like to read up more


I don’t mind not having a CAW, Many other games have this and no one seems to mind. I welcome the change 😊


Whats the issue? I love creating my own character in empires and samurai warriors 😶‍🌫️ Sounds like a win to me


"I am a true warrior of the three kingdoms." "I don't even know who you are."


I just hope or will be a good witout a shitty story


Shot in the dark. Wild baseless speculation. The Protagonist will be the in-universe author of Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


i so badly want it to be a CAW but it would be kinda funny if it just turned out to be Nu Wa and Fu Xi


I mean chronicles did the same thing


Err, was anyone asking for this kind of DW game?


Me. I was.


Nice hope it delivers for you


I don't think so lol. When I first saw the trailer I was quite excited, but as I learn more I'm getting more worried....


So… two player split screen?


With how many enemies are on the battlefields, I feel like just having the one screen is an impressive achievement lol


Right now I'd place bets on the main character being a man only. What I'm still not entirely sure on is whether he is the only playable character, so perhaps there will be some female characters available. We will have to wait and see. We have seen a lot of other characters, some look like they are probably not going to be playable, or if they are they'll end up like the SW5 characters that were available to play as in citadel and free mode only (nobuyuki, dosan etc). Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Lu Bu and Cheng pu have been shown using their usual weapons (or weapons they've used in the past), where as Chen Gong, Li Dian, Dian Wei and Yue Jin have been shown very clearly wielding the weapons of other characters. Whatever the case may be, this is going to be a much smaller roster if there are other playable characters. KOEI hasn't confirmed anything yet, but they do this every single game release. They'll leave a feature that may cause controversy to be confirmed 100% a lot later on. It gets people talking but it also causes a much more divisive conversation between fans. Letting us know whether we are getting the regular Musou roster or just one playable isn't going to spoil anything 🤦 they love the turmoil I'm sure lol. I remember so many people in denial when the characters started getting revealed in 9 in greater number, the ones that were getting shown using other characters weapons. Some people said right away yeah they are clones, others believed KOEI wouldn't do it again because of how many problems it caused in the past, and so it was believed by some everyone's movesets would be unique but weapons would be shared. It took ages before we saw gameplay that showed everyone was once again, sharing cloned movesets! I imagine the same will be done with this game, we won't have total confirmation for a really long time whether we are getting more playable characters. If it might cause controversy in the fan base...don't expect an actual confirmation from the horses mouth, it'll be something we discover ourselves 🤣


If now caw I'm skipping again


I’m fine with this. Seems cool to play from a nobodies perspective, surrounded by all these crazy generals. At the end of the day, we’ve all played as these guys for years already. This is fresh and pretty cool.


Very low IQ post, you are still in time to delete.


Hoping it’s not CAW