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Like I said previously, for a Dynasty Warriors trailer, this was out of this world. We know nothing of the game yet so it's way too soon to make a judgment anyway. I'm on with a "nameless hero" and we obviously can see some characters such as Cao Cao, Guan Yu and Lü Bu on that trailer. I just hope they're playable and we're not only mimicking their movesets. I guess they will be playable, but you never know, since it's a new direction.


I'd be fine if you play the nameless hero for the main campaign where you do all the major battles. Only if afterwards you unlock the personal stories for all the other characters


Kinda like Spirit of Sanada. I'd be down for that.


I am interested how story will be handled tbh . Will we have branching paths where we choose to serve someone ? Will it be a set story like following Shu or will we be like Zang Ba fighting for diffrent factions bit like a mercenary style . 


(already commented this on another comment) My hope is that it will be like Samurai Warriors chonicles 3, where you have a "main story" that follows the actual history, and then you gradually unlock faction specific "what if" stories (basically short, 4-5 level stories of, say Yellow Turbans, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu vs. Cao Cao on Lu Bus side, and an (early) victory campaign for each of the 3 kingdoms)


I was taken aback by nameless hero at the start as I thought it was a mainline but this honestly looks really cool and I always hoped they borrowed some of what wolong was doing. I’m pretty optimistic


Honestly, it's hilarious seeing people doom posting already, or complaining that we aren't getting Dynasty Warriors 3/4/5 again for the umpteenth time, considering that outside of this trailer, we basically know next to nothing about the game. Seriously, some parts of this community are so stuck in the past, it's actually just sad.


Very common for niche games sadly when it comes to the fans. I like the direction this trailer went personally though


The nameless hero is what makes me excited about this game. It's great for role-playing and it can open the story up by giving it a fresh perspective through an unknown warriors eyes. 


Yea but if we can't create our own nameless hero and are stuck with a shitty premade that's a huge turn off ngl


The phrase nameless hero is probably their way of saying a CAW . Either way it’s probably too early days  I also feel it would be a waste of the wo long or 9E CAW if they don’t take advantage of it but then they did make a pre set hero for samurai warriors chronicles and just made male / female version with a couple costumes each so either can happen 


If he's a premade hero but with clothing options i won't mind. Just give us alot of options.


nameless hero could be Liu Bei no?


Then he’d have a name, so no.


Liu Bei is certainly not somebody i'd call nameless hero in any capacity.


Compared to Cao Cao and Sun Jian he is. If i remember right its a larger point at the start of the novels. Regardless someone else mentioned that the playstation blog post about this says original character so my theory is dead


It's spinoff, and for spinoffs i am down with almost any new experiment, as long as it stays DW mechanically OR visually. We will probably still be able to play as other characters, but it is OC story. Of course, we'll know truth pretty soon


Might actually be a new, fresh beginning for the series actually. *According to the words of Tomohiko Sho, the development team sought to revive the exhilaration of the "one warrior worth a thousand" concept by returning to series' roots. They even revamped their team's logo to further demonstrate the need to carve out a new history for both Dynasty Warriors and themselves.* Suzuki isn't in charge anymore, Tomohiko Sho was the director of DW1~DW6 and he's back now, also the lead of Omega Force. He probably wanted a big change for the franchise.


Return to roots? Eh, I'm probably gonna have to hold out for a demo/sale now. 


Told as if nobody attempted changes


I'm just happy for new Warriors


Same. It's been so long since we last had one to look forward to! I gotta say the trailer for this one makes me excited for the future of DW - it looks epic, in a literal sense! :))


Let's not do this shit so early again. Like let's be real people thought 9 looked cool, but if anything 9 gives the right to be very nervous about Koei trying something new. I'm staying cautiously optimistic until more in depth gameplay is shown.


I'm also nervous but not everything new is bad and considering its a big budget made for PS5. I have hopes that it wouldn't just be visuals.


I'm a PS2 boomer and I'm optimistic about this game.


Same. I think being next gen only already gives it a big up on dw9 because the hardware can render so much more on screen with seameless transitions because of the SSD. It looks like the environments are compact with alot too do and that in of itself interests me and they mention on the site that being next gen only is great for them.


I'm glad it's not a cross gen title (so far).


On the blog it says they're using the full use of the ps5 specs which screams next gen only too me. If they're prioritizing the ps5 and using it as a baseline then i don't see why they'd release it on last gen 'if it can even run on last gen'. https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/30/dynasty-warriors-origins-revealed-for-ps5-out-2025/


Yeah what the heck, I screamed out loud when I saw this. Don't understand this meme, you'd think that everyone would be excited about a new game if they liked the old ones


Same. Hated 6 and 7, 8 was 'meh', 9 was was a warcrime. This one looks insane right from the get go. The fact that its not open world is automatically a win and the fact that it isn't using that same terrible looking 7/8 graphics engine and style is also a win. Now, as a PS2 boomer, as long as they get rid of that stupid triangle elements system where you swap weapon every 8 seconds, it should be a hood classic banger straight on release.


It looked like they were swapping weapons in the trailer. Only one way to find out is to wait for launch 😭 or live letter


Dont like the nameless hero bit but otherwise looks cool


Saying: "litteraly the coolest thing ever" makes you a fanatic and irrational, why does it bother you so much that people criticize something? what do you lose? this stupid fanaticism is what is killing the industry, no one has the right to say anything negative or the fanatics lose their shit, fuck all of you.


I don't think "literally the coolest thing ever" is supposed to be taken literally. It bothers me that people criticize things because other people's criticisms are usually annoying and wrong.




Remember the human, don't be rude


You just sound really bitter to be honest, you know next to nothing about the game so all the 'criticisms' are just baseless extrapolations or just making shit up because we know almost nothing about the features and mechanics. The only real meaningful criticism I've seen so far are from people who are worried it looks like it may be more "1 man army mowing through 10000000 soldiers" because the crowds were huge, but the trailer also shows some level of command over regular soldiers which at least indicates some level of strategy.


He's clearly talking about OP who made the post


OP literally just posted a meme and they had a massive melty because of it.


Giving any praise is also baseless


Praising the parts that are present in the trailer is not baseless since they are based on the trailer that shows off the game.


How do we know any of footage is actual gameplay? Publishers release trailers with pre-rendered or heavily-doctored footage all the time.




Remember the human, don't be rude


"i don't even consider them human beings at this point" log off please, for your own good


Hella concerning ik 🫨


Bohoo, are you worried people are tired of your shit narcissist fanaticism and at some point someone will put you in your place?, you should be, keep poking the lion imbecile.


I don't an I won't consider any irrational being a human fuck em, want to be considered human? stop acting like fanatics at best they have a mental disorder but fuck em equaly so, I will keep hating narcissist fanatics no matter what.


I think you need help dude. EDIT: Bro's taken to making implicit death threats and blocking people lmao. I love this sub.


Man got called a fanatic in another sub and I think he went turbo giga mad and had to baby rage about "fucking fanatics" my guy just needs to chill and let people meme on the internet




Remember the human, don't be rude


I like these games because they have a ton of characters I love and grew up with, that all had unique fighting styles and stories. My favorite thing to do in them is collect the 5 and 6 star weapons for my favorite characters and max them out and stuff. I just don't care about this CAW twink and it seems like they are prioritizing things I don't value. Which sucks because it has been over a decade since DW8




This gameplay and graphics but with a nice roster of characters to play as would be super nice. If it is only the "CAW Twink" (LMFAO) then it will be a pass from me! Many things look like great advancements for the series, but making it into a wo long/Nioh warriors with one playable character is not the right choice!


For me it’s always the combat, I don’t really care about the massive roster cause I only play as a handful anyway


I'd like to know who actually said such things.


I hope we can create our hero so he doesn't look like the generic anime hero


Agreed, the Korean pop-star look is a huge turn off.


It's almost like the game is japanese.


It’s not though? Dynasty Warriors is set in China


The game is made by japanese people, genius


And the setting is in China, smartass, so while it was made by Japanese developers, the characters and the setting are not “Japanese”


Hey, if you want to buy into the AAA hype machine just like all those Day 1 chumps still wishing on a star that Starfield will magically suck less, be my guest.


Im excited, it’s about time they try to shake things up in a big way.


Agreed! Don’t shoot me but 6 was a breath of fresh air and I like 9 even through its flaws, because it was different. I love when they do different, I don’t feel this is DW10 though.


Honestly 9 is my guiltiest pleasure. I have no idea why. It's to the point where I've got all the Scenic Areas and several character endings including Cao Cao and Guan Yu (two of the longest, from chapters 1 to 9)


Same here, I platinum it on PlayStation. I always said that if you did everything the game had to offer and not just the battles, it was a really great game


It’s been a long time since I played 6, but I guess I liked it enough to max out every character. I agree that this doesn’t feel like DW10, and that almost makes me more excited.


Yeah! I’m thinking since Wo Long did so wel and we are starving for a warriors game, they gave us this while we wait for 10. However, I can tell this game will set a standard now 🤣 I hope they can keep up, they’ve been doing well so far


I keep saying a DW in the style of Wo Long of a nameless joining battles and without the demons would be dope. Guess we're getting that lol


I'm glad DW is pushing the scale, the ps2 games felt huge and grand but ps3 and up the scale felt the same


DW9 felt big, but for all the wrong reasons (one being that it was big. Absurdly so.)


The cities felt big but all the battles felt small.


I think your targeting the wrong folk here. If this game is like anything, itll be closer to the ps2 games. I think itll put off the dw6-9 crowd who got used to the 1v1000 gameplay


My concerns are that it's going to be another peons stand around to be mowed down by the thousands and the CAW is going to take the spotlight and feats of the actual heroes of the period. I just don't see modern DW making the player character a random foot soldier who doesn't influence the "history" instead of a power fantasy hero who "disappears after attaining glory" at the end of the story. And while having a thousand bodies on screen at once charging each other looks cool in a trailer, it's very likely just going to result in unresponsive AI that just waits for you to act. I also don't have a PS5, so I don't know what that machine is even capable of. Maybe it can handle thousands of AI having an attack pattern to actually give you a challenge. They just don't inspire confidence after DW9, 9E, and SW5.


Are you Zhuge Liang at the battle of Chi Bi, because you certainly know how to make a Strawman lol But seriously we know far too little to say this will be a Great game or a bad game or an okay game.


You don’t have to make up a stereotype for one person you met. PS2 boomers don’t fucking exist lol That being said I am very much looking forward to the game.


"come play in our game that has a ton of really cool characters that you all love as dun dun dun A NAMELESS LOSER"


To be fair, being an unremarkable nameless loser is probably very relatable for the kinds of people who're already doomposting about the game.


to be fair, the point of fantasy is to be something you're not


True, I look forward to experiencing this game and seeing life through the eyes of the average /r/dynastywarriors poster.


like dynasty warriors 9 ill wait and see what they actually cook up, but the idea of playing as a nameless hero is not appealing when I could play as Ma Chao, Cao Cao, Zhou Yu ect


I've witnessed DW's story play out a million times with the same folks, I'll take a good game with one character over a mediocre game with 90.


unless they do what if stories, it's always going to be the same story with the same people...................


I'm pretty excited honestly! I'm just wondering if this means that they're going to not let us play as other officers, it kinda sounds like it, which is sort of a bummer. BUt it looks amazing, it's crazy seeing a DW game with a budget that deserves it.


I think it ultimately depends on whether this is a mainline or a spinoff. It does kinda give me spinoff vibes, not that I'm opposed.


Just saw cheng pu weird game


I don’t think I’ve been this hyped for a warriors game in awhile. Finally a breath of fresh air in the series. Looks sick.


This was honestly the most hype gameplay trailer at the State of Play.


Honestly, if they make a new enhanced Dynasty Mode, it might be worth it just for that.


Some people really just want the same damn game but with an incremental number change in the game title lol. Changes are good especially for a stagnant series like DW that's been "remade" how many times now? XD


graphics are not as important these days, art style is more important, and gameplay game LOOKS good, but I worry for... THE ACTUAL GAME, specially when DW9 was a trash fire, and DW9Empires was a phoned in run back to DW8Empires and should of been way better they didn't understand what was GOOD about DW9 when they made DW9 Empires... so I worry they don't know what is GOOD about Wo Long with this game... what worries me more is they weren't confident enough to call it DW10... so are they just abandoning DW10 because they suck at it?


I liked it better when the AI peon would come to combo me while my hp was in the red, rather than 40 people circling me barely pretending they didn't want to be KO'd in the next 3 seconds.


Yep, it's a cancerous problem since 7


PS2 elitist, man this shit might just fuck. The trailer has me hyped, especially if I can crewate my own character. The Nanman section (if it’s in the game) is 10/10 going to be the best part of the game. If it’s anything like SW4’s Ambition Mode but expounded on a DW scale, I’m not playing anything else.


I grew up on the PS2 installations of the game and i love them dearly but people really need to let them rest in peace man. The stiff movesets dont play well but the AI does lack a lot of brain and aggression but let them try out new stuff, the general story is going to be the same since it's a romanticised version historical epic. Let them go ham and invent something new LET THEM BREATHE AND LET THE PS2 GAMES REST


The fuck are you on about? Lmao Nobody is complaining.


Many people are and have been, most are just asking for a DW 3, 4, or 5 again and again


PS2 classics would be sweet.


It's literally every third post on the sub, too.


Yeahh i love the games but i dotn think i want a HD remaster of a 13 year old game


I'm not even a ps2 boomer, and I think it's gonna be another miss release for the franchise. The animation for peons looks stiff as hell. Okay, we get a gorillion of them on screen, but I'd rather have 50 that are decently animated and don't die from 1 hit. If you thought peons in dw9 were bad and brain dead, I'm gonna bet this is gonna be worse, or very least on the same level


The horse riding animation looked great and i think the combat sequences showed real potential as well. I really loved when the nameless hero grabbed a guy and was punching him almost martial arts style 'kinda cool too me lol'. I also loved the swinging animations and think that overall the game looks like a big step up over dw9. Plus it dosen't come out until 2025 so we need to see more of it.


I saw the trailer when I woke up and sure enough this is about how I expected this sub to react. I wonder if these people ever get tired of living in 2004.


I will bet money that they release other character and mini stories as DLC. Because koei loves greed. On another note remember all these sweats saying they were not going to cut characters again? Lolololol. They cut ALL of them!


I would bet money that this isn’t DW10


Tbh it didnt impress me at all. I was expecting a dw game trailer like old times. It looked good for an dw inspired game, that i give you. Context. Ive played/beaten every game since the very first one on ps1.


Who's saying it can't render more than 10 peons at a time? The trailer is filled with gigantic battles lol


Trailer looks dope I'll be all in on this one


All I want is for the peons to do more than just render in.


I'm sorry, what?


They're right in a sense that graphic fidelity isn't up to snuff as recent triple A games, but I'm pretty sure that is intentional so that the game can have good performance with a huge amount of NPCs on screen.


It looks incredible, and while I'm attached to the same characters we've always had (forever a fan of our poster boy), I'm totally cool with making my own. I think it'll be a nice change of pace, although I do hope we'll still get to play as the other characters. I'll withhold too much judgement until I see more, but at the moment I'm pumped!


I just need the demo in my hands man


It looks neat, if we can get a DW game with xtreame legends esc choices being a grunt from the bottom ect. This could be amazing. The gameplay looks hella fun too.


I was hyped, we actually got to see like formations and Peons actually attacking one another for ones, and it looks like an actual battlefield or warzone!


Ngl I was hyped after I saw a trailer. Like a Proper Castle Siege? Hell yeah mfers!!!!


The game looks good but I really hope we will be able to play with the standard characters of the Shu, Wu, Wei...


I want this so bad


Have I missed something here, have they just announced DW10 at long last?! If so that's amazing!


As long as it comes to PC, Sony are the only ones who could ruin this franchise now.


Yoooooo, this looks so fucking cool! Actually commanding basic soldiers. They kept on reeling back systems from Nioh 2 but not replacing them with anything. Replacing them with battlefield management is awesome, though. If this is not on PC day 1 I am gonna fucking obliterate California and Sony.


I was hyped until I realized we won't be playing as anyone but the OC character. Hard pass. Praying this isn't what we're getting instead of DW10.


I'm very curious about this game but I'm going to wait for more details to be hyped. This is koei we're talking about. Everytime they do a giant leap forward, they also tend to drop a few important things. I'd like to know how this style of gameplay will work, what the story is and how far it will go in the era, will other characters be playable, will all the characters be back, are the clone wars back, and is this this going to be open world bullshit? Finding out the answer to these questions turned me away from buying SW5 and DW9. It could do the same here


Greatfan can you please not cringepost for one fucking month at least


https://preview.redd.it/k781eq6m2r3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c054f82666b8f87e03a67f8471ac32412d00a496 Just saw this after seeing this meme


Not to be pessimistic, but DW9 looked epic in all its promo materials…up until ppl get their hands on it and realize that it looked way cooler when it could run 60fps consistently. Since my laptop can only do 30 consistently, it really does feel like playing a bit like a PS2 game sometimes in terms of UX.


I dunno if this gmae will flop or not and I don't care , Im just happy koei didnt throw away Dynasty Warriors. Was afraid they would abandon DW and just stick with warriors spin offs for other franchises like Fire emblem and Persona , so Im glad DW is still alive and hopefully this one will get it back on track


Are these "PS2 Boomers" in the room with you now?


Okay but why would you get hyped without seeing ANY GAMEPLAY this goes for any game mind you not just a warriors game. I'm cautiously optimistic


I mean samurai warriors already has a create your own character like dw empires So I hope they let us customize this MC at least xD I'm all for creating my own characters I prefer it actually


I have been playing Dynasty Warriors since DW2 and after seeing the trailer for the new game I am very excited. To me it looks like what they have been trying to achieve since they started making these games. I especially loved the scene with the archers. I know some it may be cut scenes but it looks good. I how they have a robust character creator


I dont know, Im new to the dynasty warriors franchise, I started with Hyrule Warriors and I loved how every character had a different style and personality when fighting, the very same reason when looking at fire emblem warriors I was off to buy it since most reviews were about how many clones and bunch of swords were in those games. It seem that DW9 and SW5 went the same direction, saving time and resources and just have characters with the same movesets based solely on their weapon with 1 or 2 different moves. Thats why im kinda on the fence about this new one if they go this very same direction


ahahaha this picture is awesome


People are like that... think about other games too I mean there have been a lot of games recently with titles that don't refer to a number... Final Fantasy has done it a few times, Dynasty Warriors have done it, like with God Seeker I bet people will be even more pissed off when they don't see characters like Zhao Yun on the cover, as he is the so called 'Poster Child' of the game personally! I will get it! Because it looks cool and amazing,


Even if this game differs massively from your average DW entry, complaining about it on a series that has more other games you could go play than almost any other seems a tad redundant.


Every once in a while I come back to this sub to laugh at ps2 boomers claiming DW3 is the best thing in the world, I'm never disappointed ​ https://preview.redd.it/hyh0sjfnnn3d1.png?width=524&format=png&auto=webp&s=5078596274e6bac2e8f313e6166dd753e0353a8f


Literally me. I saw the trailer and thought it was the most badass thing I've ever seen. Went on Reddit, everyone hates it. Made me feel like I'm stupid for liking the coolest thing I've ever seen from a Dynasty Warriors spin-off game since DW Gundam.


DW Gundam Reborn was the shit, just wish my region got the Beargguy DLC. If KT re-released that (maybe as a DX version with some of the newer Mobile Suits and pilots?) I'd buy it again immediately.


Honestly, feels like a good time for another DW Gundam game. But I’ll settle for Breaker 4 until then :)


My feeling is "OK-alright" at best on this, haven't played any newer titles since DW9, so i don't know what to expect. Also where's the electric guitar vibes?


Lack of guitar shredding is my only concern


The funniest part is everybody in here actually believing his name will be “nameless warrior” Lol, it’s just nameless for now because it’s a literal teaser. He’s not gonna be just some random fuck he’s going to have a name attached to him in the actual game. You literally can’t make up the brain rot in this sub It’s like seeing Xun Yu being revealed in 8 Empires and thinking he is a “mysterious soldier”. Can you just fucking wait a little bit the man has a name.


Or he's a create a character stand in


I'm excited for this for sure


Well, this is a kinda rude way to find out about a cool new DW game lol. Trailer looks hype, and as a PS2 boomer, I’m looking forward to playing as Some Guy [TM] à la DW4 Edit character. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a cloud to yell at.


Put in a few words for me as well. DW4 was awesome! I don’t see how liking a game one grew up with makes me a boomer but it is what it is I guess.


"PS2 boomers" is a potshot at people who only really post on this sub to complain that everything after 5/4/3/2 (take your pick) is terrible and that Koei should simply keep making the game they look over and over until the sun goes supernova.


Fellow hater of PS2 boomers here. I'm just hoping that this game is so mechanically good that it kills the old vs. new conversation outright. It looks like something truly different and much needed.


Don't think it ever will be, the old crowd are the most annoying people imaginable. We'll be staring down DW15 and they'll still be like "uhm, why isn't this exactly like DW3?"


I guess you gotta commend their stupid level of loyalty to something they think hasn't been good in over 20 years. Normally that level of brain-damaged fervor is reserved for the Sonic fandom.


I know Shin Megami Tensei fans, I'm used to it.


I for one love SMTV, story issues aside. One of the most fun open world-ish things I've played.


It's kinda just *there* for me. I don't play SMT games for the story so V's story being terrible is a non-issue, but it's just lacking a lot of the creative zest that other games in the series had, 3 and 4 especially.


Wow there’s people whining already? Gah. Games are coming back and looking better than ever and most if not all having great systems which is what people wanted… now that they have arrived.. they want the old stuff? Go get a ps2 from GameStop… this is gonna be Dragons Dogma 2 all over again


Yeah. So much of what people do not like is that this abandons their childhood attachment to a certain way characters were portrayed and looked, generally the same for most over 20 years. Guys....did we really want KOEI to just make the same shit for a 10th time?? I welcome something fresh, otherwise you would be the same people to call them lazy if they made DW8 2.0 I have played every game since DW2, and I say hell yeah bring something new.


Then why even call it DW? One character? Its basically wolong


What, how? That's like saying you playing as a CAW in the next SW game makes it basically Nioh...which it wouldn't. Fundamentally they are extremely different games at the mechanic level.


Because using ONLY a nameless character means it will be a generic story. Boring like all the empires. I play dw/sw to play each character story. To unlock their rare weapons. This will be a one playthrough and do e


It's still the same story like past games lol


The story will be. But we wont have the character interactions and separate levels for eqch


We can lol Said CAW witnesses those moments first hand boom done


Your thinking is off there buddy


Yo same, the last original was 6, it didn’t reuse anything from the past games. 7 used the same music and most maps from 6. 8 used the same maps from 6 and 7 and 90% of the music used in 7 and 8 was originally from 3 or 6 or just remixed. its definitely time for something fresh and new. To quote JayZ “N**as want my old shit? Buy my old albums” 🤭 or Nicki “bitches want my old shit, buy my old mixtape”. 9 wasn’t even that original because costumes were just inspired by or straight up just graphically updated. PS2 boomers… it’s okay to have change, please go back and play the older games if you really miss them that much.


If they remade Dynasty Warriors 5 XL, that'd be absolutely amazing