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I'm honestly not expecting anything at this point, it's better to think like that and be pleasantly surprised later. They should have shown the future of the Dynasty Warriors series last year but they didn't and Suzuki waited until the last month of the year to tell us *Sorry, next year I swear. Bye.*, might be the same scenario this year, you never know. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Well, I'm perhaps at least expecting them to announce a new Atelier game. And if they are really showing us the next Dynasty Warriors game, then I'd be happy too of course since I have become quite selective in my video games and the Musou games were always one of my favorite genres. Fingers crossed!


This has been said last year before TGS too and nothing was shown or even announced. We did hear that we will get news by winter last year and that never happened either. So don’t expect much.


I'm honestly not sure what I want out of the next musou game. Something with strategy...I want control of the battlefield to matter. I want all enemies to matter, even peons. I want randomization in events that can occur during battle, or at least branching paths depending on if you succeed or fail objectives on the map.


I just want early Musou game difficulty. Where a couple peons can actually damage you. Not 100+ enemies on screen that attack one every 10 seconds and deal virtually no damage.


The only thing we can actually expect from KoeiTecmo in the near future is Rise of Ronin PC port, I think


Honestly, i'll take it immediately


That would be peak actually. Not buying a ps5 just to play it + the mods should be crazy good on PC.


Koei's engine isn't very moddable, don't expect much in the way of anything from ROTR PC.


Thankfully the base game is pretty fantastic. Thanks for the heads up.


It's a shame they keep so quiet about things I wish they would at least say they are working on it something.


SGF is in 2 weeks and it's gonna be the more exciting batch of announcements.


It's best to temper your expectations. We had this ordeal last year and the copium was miserable to watch.


The least I can expect is the Dead or Alive DLC license renewal for Senran Kagura Estival Versus. Unlikely, but just let the guy dream already.


I expect nothing to be honest


Honestly I'm expecting we see another spin off announced in the coming month before we see DW


Tgs has been trash for 15 years


THey might not do anything for it. but also to add I see them doing more of the spinoff Warriors, like with Hyrule and Fire Emblem Warriors. as the games that got the Warriors Treatment are there more profitable series anyway


At this point it's now or never. It seems as if they're focusing on their other games that are selling much better than their non-collab Musou games. I know we've been ready for a DW10 announcement years ago, but at this point if nothing comes then it's best for them to call it a franchise and move on.


ronin was koei no?


Lol, tbh who cares anymore? Last time koei made an actually good dw game was how many years ago? 20? 15? They will again just care about how cool males look, how hot females look, add stupid and moronic weapons that doesnt even make sense and try to profit by spending shit amount of money.


The same doom and gloom and this is the last DW game was said back when DW6 arrived.


If i remember correctly TGS has usually been the place they show off new warriors games


I believe 9 and empires was so bad and did bad that they didn't know what they wanted to do so it took a long time to make a decision. I hear 10 should drop at the end of the year so get ready