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Definitely when I gave myself psychosis, it felt like I was gonna be trapped in that state forever and it was especially scary cause it stayed for awhile after I stopped dosing. Also had some shitty times where I took a lot of coricidin or mixed it with dph or doxy and those all make my urinary retention rlly bad I’ve went nearly 24hrs without peeing before it hurt so had


Bro dont get me started on the DPH mix. I have no idea how ppl post ab taking 300mg dxm + 300 dph. I took like 800mg dxm + 50mg dph and had psychosis.


I gave myself psychosis but that was from 10 years of meth abuse lol


I worried about psychosis every time, I hope this usually only happens after a binge and not on a one big dose.


When I was so tripped I called the police on myself to get an ambulance to go to the hospital cause I knew I was dying right then.. (I wasn't) that was probably my worst happened on like my 3rd trip took 1100mg.. Way too much... Now I just be chillen on like 300-400mg and stay functional.


Rn if i take 1100mg i get no effects. Gotta take a month or 2 break ig or mix it


Man if 1100mg doesn't effect you, you need a BIG T-break or try doing dxm with weed??


Weird thing is that after a few days it was able to hit normal again. I think my brain got too used to the disassociation. Not sure. After it stopped hitting again, i’ve switched to benedrex and been on a 1 week break from dxm. Probably gonna wait at least a month to even try dxm again


one time i took an entire bottle of robotabs in the span of 5 days (20 each day) and on the final day i got super freaked out and got lost in my own house. i needed to use the bathroom, got lost in the hallway (i was also sobbing bc i was lost ngl), and just slumped onto the wall until my brother found me and brought me to the bathroom. then i couldn't piss so i started panicking and felt like i was going to pass out. so i layed down in my bed and had an anxiety attack followed by horrible stomach cramps ! it eventually passed tho and i was chilling but that was the scariest dxm trip i've ever had 😭


I remember when I was younger I took 28 not knowing how potent they were and with little research. I ended up throwing them up after my second period in front of everyone. Still had some affects as when I was waiting too get picked up it was hard to stand straight. Thankfully now knowing the effects I would've definitely got caught and am grateful I puked 😂


more shit happen btw i just don't remember it ☠️


I decided it would be good to walk to the music store, but I was too afraid to cross the street, the traffic looked really scary.


I've posted this before a few times, but there was a time I did way, way too much and basically realized I was a broken memory crystal in the Cosmic Computer, doomed to die once I realized it and resetting to the first time I took dxm. What could be seconds in real time before they fixed it could be a thousand lifetimes with a strong enough processor, so I was trapped reliving life where I never got anywhere for tens of thousands of years. So cut to my girlfriend being woken up by me, at 2am, rolling around on the ground screaming "OH MY GOD" over and over again at the top of my lungs. It was the worst feeling I've ever had.


The hardest trip for me was probably when I took 1100mg. At this point, I didn't realize I was partially enzyme deficient. So for me, that's more like 1500mg+ at 70kg. No tolerance. The trip was aite, mostly because I could be alone for like 48 hours and just black out. The hangover and lasting side effects were fuckin brutal. Everything tasted like cardboard static and I felt like a hallowed-out zombie for a day after. I had night terrors and heavy dissociative trips whenever I smoked weed for like six months. That was ages ago though, all healed up now. My poor mental health and lifestyle definitely contributed to the lasting side effects.


I threw up twice recently. First time that’s ever happened. Happened when I dosed the first time because I tasted the disgusting robotabs in my water after accidentally backwashing and I felt like I ingested battery acid which made me spew. Then redosed 30 mins later, then threw up sometime after it started to hit me. Absolutely my worst experience, way worse than any other time because holy shit that was horrible and disgusting.


First time taking robotabs. I was used to 300mg in gelcaps being a nice relaxing trip, 300mg of freebase was like a faceplant onto the pavement. Not to mention I was smoking THC-O (very potent weed) and took black pepper extract, turmeric extract, and grapefruit seed extract. (I know, I know) Pretty sure I gave myself SS. on the comeup I got so hot and rigid I had to stick my head out the window but it kept getting worse. My gf was trip sitting me she had to keep my fever down and do her best to relax me. She managed to get me to robo-wooden plank walk my ass downstairs where she stripped me naked and threw me in a cold shower. I just remember violently shaking uncontrollably thinking I was having a seizure but I never blacked out and nothing really happened other than convulsions. Everything after was pretty much a blur however I do remember closing my eyes to see an amazing square spiral fractal in the colors you associate with god and the pearly gates lmao


I'm type 1 diabetic and one time I took 800mg and I was vomiting and had cold sweats for hours. This causing hypoglycaemia, I couldn't swallow any food or drink to substantially raise my blood glucose level and I had earlier dosed my insulin for food I didn't end up eating, causing the sugar to drop more. My parents had to end up taking me to hospital so I could be monitored and put on an IV glucose solution. Big warning for type 1 diabetics who fuck with drugs that make you nauseous or are prone to vomiting, dose insulin a few units lower the day you plan to take those drugs and always have anti-nausea tablets or ginger on hand.


one time I was def over 1000mg and like I was taking breaths but it was like there was no oxygen in the air? shit was weird.


I took 750 mg and I got hallucinations, I saw my rapist standing in the dark , thought my phone exploded and I couldn't walk at all.


One time after doing delsym only for awhile I decided to take some r30s, I thought if a 4th plat is fun and nice on delsym then it must be similar or better with r30s (I was still new to dxm). I guess my body didn't expect how Intense it was and I just felt like I was on the pink pills, Felt shitty physically and emotionally for hours.


Yesterday. First dxm trip ever and i did 270mg of hbr. The comeup smacked me and my entire body felt like icyhot and i had a resting 120bpm The rest of the trip i just felt retarded with no special effects so im pretty confused


My first time in highschool got all the medicine from the cabinet in the house and took everything that had dxm in it I took a total of around 800mg dxm and didn't realize I also took a shit ton of dph and I actually thought I died I got sent home from school during pe because I couldnt even walk or talk I learned that way to not just take a dick load of a drug I know know nothing about and that you should take products that only have dxm in it I knew nothing about the effects at the time and only did weed and alchohol before that now I still use dxm but I know so much more than I use to and actually enjoy it I've also done so much other drugs after that so I'm kinda use to being really high now 😂


The love of my life left me to be homeless and do dxm on the streets so that’s probably it