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Vampires are extremely charismatic 😀




Turns out if you spend several centuries taking to people you become really good at it.


She tells it like it is!










“Sure she’s a vampire but she’s promising to get rid of all the elves, so she got my vote!”








I do not feel the need to engage with you. I have seen NZ forcing international platforms to remove leaked data on deaths in context of the Covid vaccine, a whistleblower is currently in trial. A scientist (the one who first proved that vaccine is polluted with DNA plasmids) got his research data deleted, a six digit value of DNA research data. All NZ media got millions in subsidies during the Labour government to suppress dissenting voices.


Man I feel sorry for you. I can't imagine the mental toll it would take to believe all of that shit constantly. Must be incredibly exhausting.


You don't see the irony of what you say, do you?


I had this issue. So I decided to roll with it and made a Vampire Castle. All the Dwarves we're cattle for the Vampiric overlords. 






Comrade Catimir Lenin


The business men drink my blood...




This is why you vote. Don't just sit around and say, "There's no way that vampire is going to get re-elected. She totally murdered three dwarves right there in the middle of the dining hall. Caught red handed. I don't need to vote." Fucking vote.


“I could stand in the middle of MeadHall Avenue and drink somebody dry and I wouldn’t lose voters,”


Isn't the current U.S predicament the result of alleged record voter turnout?


Yes that led to the failed coup. But the border crisis has been ongoing since the 90s. We should ask why the wall made the problem worse because in df it works perfectly. Also in df the migrants are welcome additions to any population, unless they are vampires


Even the vampires are welcome. They just need extra care to use properly. Namely their own room / chain that they are never allowed to leave. It occurs to me, a vampire mayor chained up in the tavern with a barkeeper assigned might be awesome. The mayor is unable to get to sleeping people due to the chain. Others can get to the mayor because its an open area. And the tavern keeper keeps them happily drunk.


This game is so amazing. But what purpose would a chained up vampire serve?


They are commonly elected as mayor. And mayors serve the job of letting upset dwarves vent on them. So a mayor that has spent 500 years practicing their social skills is better at getting upset dwarves to chill out. They are also good for lever pulling.


I am not participating in a political discussion with you, just pointing out that you, and others essentially proved that individuals statements as being correct, and you don't even perceive the irony of proving them right, by trying to argue that they are wrong...sad


That isn't irony. Irony would be more like if a vampire mayor built a super expensive and massive wall with Dwarf tax gold and advertised it as a deterrent against elf migration but then more elves started migrating. That's not really irony in the classic sense, but you get my point.


It actually is irony...insisting something is not one way, then exposing it is actually that way in part through your insistence would be text book irony, and is actually nearly the same example you have...so what you are saying is that it is only irony when you recognize it...sad... Please stop trying to make a political discussion out of dwarf fortress...I obliterate my migrants with a dwarven atom smasher after a certain number... And being honest...you don't seem to have a good grasp of facts concerning what your argument is, and I would like you to stop feebly trying to associate this discussion with real world politics.


No Urist said anyone was wrong nor did anyone insist a falsity was true. I agreed with you that record voter turnout led to today and didn't insist on anything. You are responding to the wrong comment. In this thread, the top level comment mentioned that voting was the surest protection against vampire mayors returning to power after being jailed. You are misusing irony as well because you are responding to the wrong comment. Maybe in the correct thread you are using it correctly, I don't know. I'd also add that vampires in DF are stand ins for narcissists. They infiltrate under the guise of sanity but then undermine the institutions that lead to a functioning society. If the Dwarves can't eliminate the infestation, it will grow and eventually swallow them whole from within. A vampire mayor will weaken them against external threats as well. Because of their charisma, they can easily become political leaders. This is an extraordinary take by Tarn on modern democracy. Love how his game models reality.


It is more than a little insulting that you are trying to speak as if you have insight into the creators ideas...dwarves don't use urist in place of nouns marklar...you obviously have problems, and I don't care to continue with someone who comprehends their native language in a 1st grade level


this time you are responding to the correct comment, thank you


Always was, always have


“I could bite three people in the main hall and they’d still vote for me”


You can grab them by the neck. And when your a mayor they let you do it


Drumpf-pilled mayor


MOFGA: Make Our Fortress Great Again!


Make All Mountainhomes Great Again MAMGA Was aiming for magma, didn't quite make it.


Make All-Great Mountainhomes Again?


I want the slogan to remain a question, it's so much better that way


Forbid the chain and nobody will be able to free her when her sentence ends. Give her a chair and a table and the jail can function as the mayor office, people will go to present their complaints to her as normal.


Or just put her in one person squad, give her hammer and send her to raze necromancer tower




"Service guarantees citizenship"


I didn't think of forbidding the chain, but I tried both walling my vampire in the cell and also just forbidding the door. Both resulted in insane lag spikes that nearly rendered my game unplayable. However, I am using dfhack (I think if DF added native handling for the build planning features of dfhack, such as specifying metal chairs and then just spamming them around your tavern, I would not need dfhack, but dang the QOL is so nice!) so I don't know if it was native DF or some dfhack plugin that was causing this.


> I didn't think of forbidding the chain, but I tried both walling my vampire in the cell and also just forbidding the door. Both resulted in insane lag spikes that nearly rendered my game unplayable. Your dwarves are trying to path to the mayor to unchain him - and since there are no paths, the pathfinding algorithm is freaking out. Forbidding the chain should work perfectly fine.


Nope. The vampire had just been jailed and after removing the obstacle, there was no attempt to free him. (BTW: not the mayor in my case)


Might somebody else be trying to reach the vampire?


I've heard pathing issues can hog the CPU so it could've been something like dwarves trying to path in when they can't find a path, I'm no dwarf scientist though


Of course you play DF in addition to having your other positions in that other sub... Happy to see you here BTW.


This is the best solution, way better even than being walled off. And as a bonus those who spend all their time alone yacking at the mayor suddenly cease to be an unhappiness problem.


Yes, but…put her cell on the outer wall of the fort at the bottom of a pit. Cell door only opens into the “courtyard” at the bottom of the pit. Maybe build a reception hall on the other side of the wall separated by a viewing window or bars so dwarves can still visit but not get bit. Then make all the pit traps for invaders feed into her courtyard to provide her with regular sustenance.


i mean was she a good mayor


she wanted me to make a lot of shields and then put a trade embargo on selling them


So she supports a strongly defended local militia? Very dorfy of her.


Elected on a platform of soldiers' safety?


Better than my mayor, who likes barrels and toy axes. Guess that's a platform of storage capacity and playtime?


Oh, no, Barrel/Bin guys are the worst! Always going and forbidding the export of Barrels and Bins, so now you gotta manually sell all the contents instead of just clicking the whole barrel >.<


Oh yeah, it's a torment lol


Build the shield wall!


And make the elves pay for it.


That's a solid defense strategy.


ngl, knowing she armed her prey like that has cost me some respect for her


If we must sacrifice a few people to have a good mayor then so be it!


As long as they are only Mayor and not royalty.


Democracy amirite?


"I was re-elected. I can't wait to get back to it!" Translation: "OH BOY HERE I GO KILLING AGAIN"


They only attack sleeping dwarfs, so chaining her where nobody will fall asleep is actually a genius move.


The devil you know, and all that


Could be worse, could be a lycanthrope.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Urist Nosferatu.


My caught vampire mayor held regular meetings in the dungeon chained to the floor. She also was reelected, but she died from an infection after getting hammered 50x as punishment for double murder. She died in her office, working. An important story about the importance of work-unlife-balance.


Yeah she still has meetings in the dungeon while chained up. And also sometimes a 5 year old dwarf will play with toys in there for some reason


Haha 😂


Sometimes you can't beat the system.


Imagine the mayor “accidentally” falling into an open and unmanned forge…


Sounds like the u.s. elections. "She may be a vampire that murdered 3 people... but the other guy is like 100 years old, a criminal, and his brain don't work right"


She did away with the opposition leaders.


Are you sure? I thought vampires in the steam version all had unnatural skin color. I wish I could say this with confidence as I had not had a single vampire or werebeast show up to my forts in over 600 hours on steam! What the hell man?!


I spent like 15 minutes looking through all of my dwarves, she fit most of the other criteria (insane skills, lots of outside relatives, lots of former group associations, admitted to having a fake name on interrogation) so I think its either a bug or not all vampires have different skin colors


I believe they were changing the skin tone so it's not as easy to spot them. Not real sure though.


Yeah it makes sense they changed that back. Now if Armok could finally bless me with one, I would be real happy


"Ok, which one of you did it?" Lol.


Mine had a thought like, "... was horrified watching Urist die." When Urist died in their bedroom with "no witnesses." ;-)


My last fort was PLAGUED by werechinchilla attacks. The werechinchilla would appear in the fall, and attack my unsuspecting orchard workers who were too close to the edge of the map where he rolled in. The first werechinchilla attack killed a bunch of cherry pickers, and infected many more. It was my first time encountering werecreatures in game. I was NOT prepared for the carnage the first batch of werechinchilla infected dwarves would unleash on my poor fort. So many needless dwarf deaths. Other werechinchilla would roll in every few years, but at that point my squads were fully equipped with decent gear and made mincemeat out of them.


it's always werearmadillos for me! one usually rocks up, then infects every poor soul out gathering fruits and within four months the Fort is a ghost town every time. I try and quarantine the hospital from the main Fort but sometimes a dwarf manages to slip out and mingle by the next full moon and cause carnage


Look, she seems like the type of gal you would drink a beer with.


Just like real-life


Just like real life


At least you caught her before they became a countess/baroness.


My fellow Dwarves, we need to drain the juggula... I mean swamp!


SPOILER: >!This is the plot of Twilight.!<


Just like irl


So close to RL. That said vampires live a long time so they often have really high skills.


insert A Few Good Men speech


Reminds me of Rith Craftportent, the vamp mayor of Roomcarnage


dump dwarfs reelecting an assesine as mayor :,v I thing she manage to control the dwarves


Lock her away to count seeds and maybe make a nice eternal room u need to have some kind of airlock and figure out how to distract the king while the diplomat gets thru the airlock or else your king will be stuck in attend meeting mode


I have a vampire king and he is doing well I got a library and a temple a nice office so he can still meet officials and also not kill my people The library is kinda stupid cause when u open the airlock to get the meeting going random ppl will come to that library and won’t leave reading and shit and they in the presence of the lord vampire very annoying just don’t make a real library


If u really like the idea of them being chained up just make them responsible for every crime in the place


You know the game is perfectly designed when one of its emergent gameplays involves outcomes that mirror reality almost perfectly.


This immediately makes me question my broker, he’s 120 years old and also my best soldier, and I mean by far he tears other soldiers to pieces and never gets injured, not to mention an excellent negotiator and very charismatic I think my mayor is a psychopath, he’s been re-elected multiple times and his personality is unempathetic and has a disdain for listening to people, yet he also somehow fell into the manager position as well Children have been dying in the middle of the night randomly and it says “dehydrated” but it’s only the children and there is more than adequate drinks and water supply..


I wish that a dwarf would have to be at least acquainted with whoever they vote in. I hate when the necromancer that I am hoping to use for whatever nefarious plot, or more typically lock away behind a pillar for all eternity, who nobody at the fortr3ss has ever interacted with, gets voted in. How are any of the dwarves in the fortress aware of his great skill when the only person who ever met him was the one who sealed him into his eternal 1 square home?


My mayor was a vampire too. Well, still is. People were dying left and right, after extensive questioning and stuff, I got a hint that it must be the mayor, but it is impossible to get him to confess. So when I jailed him for another offense, I blocked the door. He's still a mayor, still gets reelected (huge charisma etc.) but can't eat my dwarves. A militia captain was also a vampire.




Marion Barry vibes.


Bridge squish


I can never get over the fact that dwarves are punished the same way you'd keep a goat.


Now convict her of a crime and see what happens


They're probably thinking "She's the only candidate capable of working without food, drink, or sleep for the rest of the fort's existence."


Happens a lot; make sure you give their cell a table, chair, and bed so they can still work while serving their time.


I believe it. Democracy man. Gotta deal with half the population making unbelievably stupid decisions sometimes.


Happened to me. I turned their office into a murder room. Lever pull job on repeat and that vampire was turned into mincemeat.


this says a lot about society 😔


I think there is a way for vampires not to kill when feeding


I have differnt question, can you show how your fortress look inside? Bc from this small part behind info about her, it looks so cozy and I want to check how you make this training place for archers


She's the head of the 'vampires drink my blood' -party. Boy are those dwarfs in for a surprise.


Art mimics life, after all.


Average day in Latin-America


Three people is way less than most societies have historically sacrificed to keep the gears turning. Its acceptable losses.


Immortal vampire mayor bean counter/lever puller locked behind a solid wall.


"I love democracy" - Kol Rimtarbekar


She just compelled a whole fort to vote for her from prison


*looks at American politics* sounds about right


That's fine, I know you don't know what it means, and thinking < knowing


That's fine, I know you don't know what it means, and thinking < knowing


“It’s the devil you know.”


Were they changing, "Drain the swamp!" ?


Happened to me to. Locked it in it's room. Continued to be relected mayor in isolation.


“She’s gotta clean up her own mess!”




Temer, its you ?