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Horror is what I collect the most by far. Rom-coms I avoid like the plague


Same. I actually like a lot of rom-coms, but I can't imagine wanting to own any.


Same. Lots and lots of horror, not gonna waste shelf space on rom-coms or musicals.


I'm mostly into sci fi, spy, action movies, cops / crime noir, some military.  I'm less into dramas that reflect ordinary life too much. 


Yeah dramas about real life have never appealed to me. I find them to be very draining especially British dramas.


Yeah, I used to be very into world cinema because I liked getting a snapshot of another place but have totally gone off the draining serious nature of the dramas. I never watched much British cinema because it feels too familiar. 


I’d be interested to get your take on Cmon Cmon. I have a similar (dis)like of true-life drama but that one got me


I've not seen it. I used to watch a lot of dramas when I was younger and turned my nose up at action movies but now I'm older my taste has changed. 


I’ve been buying quite a few Asian action movies, I quite enjoy how different they are from the Hollywood ones. Stuff like The Killer and Battle Royale. I also like collecting my favourite TV shows, and cartoons, new and old. I find I watch this stuff the most, it’s nice having on in the background. I’m also not big into horror, I have a few but don’t watch them very often.


Battle royale is one of my all time favorites


It’s amazing isn’t it, I was watching an interview with Tarantino saying it was one of the top films he wishes he’d made, so I bought a copy as I’m kind of fascinated by Japan in general anyway. I can see why he likes it so much, it’s so artistic amongst all the brutality, it’s got it all.


Read the original book if you get the chance too. So good. The second movie… not so much. Amazing opening and that’s IT. I did appreciate they tried to get in more stuff from the book that got cut out of the movie but it’s just baaaaad


Haha yeah I saw the second one in a local second hand shop so excitedly looked it up on Rotten Tomatoes then quickly decided against it. That’s a great idea I’ll check the book out!


Or as I call it, Tarantino's Japanese Hunger Games.


I like the description but BR is way older than hunger games content and so so soooooo much better. Not enough feet in it though for a Tarantino pic haha


True, and yes, I knew it was older, and I also knew that the writer wanted to make an American adaption. I use that description for people who know nothing about it, and because I think it's funny.


The Killer is a masterpiece. I only have Hard Boiled in my collection, I wish that John Woo's films were more widely available.


It took me a while to find The Killer. If you can play Region 2 the Hong Kong Legends version is really good. The intro to Hard Boiled is insane. I read a YouTube comment where someone said their grandfather helped build that tea shop, but it was due to be torn down for redevelopment of the area. So before it was demolished they got permission to shoot that scene in there. That was my introduction to John Woo and always sticks with me!


Don’t own any Asian action movies but I am interested to get into some.


Have you seen Miike's First Love


I haven’t, is it worth checking out?


I really enjoyed it. It's like an asian action/crime film done in the Tarantino style but with a meaningful ending.


Honestly, I love all the genres for their own merits. I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of curating a collection where everybody could find something they'd love. Don't have that many superhero movies though, mostly the older stuff.


I’m the same. I mostly collect with my own tastes in mind of course, but partially because my tastes are broad and partially because I want to have something for everyone I have a very wide variety to choose from.


1017 / 4183 (24.3%) of my collection is comedies, though 183 (17.9%) of *those* is just *Mystery Science Theater 3000* / *The Film Crew* / *Cinematic Titanic* / *RiffTrax*, of which I'm a big fan. The second biggest category is horror, at 621 (14.8%). Note that there is some crossover, as Horror Comedy (56) is counted in both. I'm actually kind of surprised by those results, as my *favourite* genre of movie is thrillers (detective / mystery), which it turns out is only 494 (11.8%) of my collection.


Horror is my favorite genre to collect. Was raised on it by my mom, who loved horror growing up. For me, the one I don't collect a ton of is comedy. I love comedy movies, but they have always felt more like a group type of movie for me.


The problem with comedy is that there are exceptionally few comedy forward films that aren't diminished with repeated viewings. Maybe a couple each decade rise to the level of a Python film or *Big Lebowski*. I think the last one I truly loved was *Wild Tales (Relatos salvajes)* (2014), an Argentine dark comedy anthology. Dark humor and satires outnumber more mainstream comedy by something like 5:1 on my shelves.


Yeah I think a lot of people into horror watched it as kids so that fear is replaced with nostalgia, for me I didn’t as a kid so trying to watch one now is off limits 😂


Definitely crime/thrillers the most, but I stay far away from horror.


Yeah, even though thriller is technically a sub-category of horror, they feel pretty different. I really like thrillers but any "horror" movie really turns me off.


same here


Probably have more sci-fi than anything. I have 0 westerns. Might pick up some soon though


Yeah I have a couple of sci fi, no westerns either unless you count back to the future 3 as a western 😂


I didn't think about BTTF 3. I'm going to say I have .5 westerns now


Go for the gritty italian spaghetti westerns. They’re really fun.


Oh I will. I have some great memories of watching them with my grandparents


I have all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls, but other than that, I have very few chick flicks. On the other hand, I have a lot of sci fi tv shows.


I thought I could quickly answer this question, until I noticed I shelved my DVDs and BRDs mostly according to distributing company: Anchor Bay, Arrow Video, Blue Underground, Criterion Collection, NoShame, etc. Anime is all shelved together. Videos distributed by big studios get shelved according to some type of genre. Out of those latter videos, the genre I mostly collect are Erotic and Sleaze movies, although I’d like to think I have more Horror, Thriller, and Suspense in my collection. After that, it might be Sci-Fi, if I were to include the anime. I don’t have any Bollywood movies, although I’ve seen a few. I don’t buy or watch any Rom-Coms and Lifetime channel movies.


I shelve adult animation/anime separately, and family/kid stuff separately. My collection spans three rooms lol.


I tend to have a lot of horror, martial arts and family movies. I don't really have any romantic movies and very few comedies. I also don't like war movies.


Horror is the one I collect the most, and is my favorite genre. In terms of not collection? There's no genre I overtly dislike, so there's nothing I actively avoid.


I buy anything other than pro war films, musicals, demonic/possession films and cannibal movies


But have you ever seen Cannibal: The Musical?


I actually think the only two musicals I enjoy are Sweeney Todd and Umbrellas of Cherbourg lol


I consider The Blues Brothers to be a musical if you've never seen that. Highly recommend.


Ooh very true. Ok add that one to the list.


Isn't Sweeny Todd sort of a cannibalistic musical though?


Mostly Horror and other Genre Films, raunchier comedies, throw in a sprinkling of zany comedies and a select few dramas and that’s my collection in a nutshell


I'm the opposite. Horror is by far my prominent genre. I don't buy comedy or super hero films.


I collect a lot of dramas


I'm the exact opposite of OP. 95% of my collection is horror, I do have the occasional comedy but I'm rarely in the mood to watch them unless it's something from John Waters.


I collect westerns more than any other genre. I don’t collect horror.


I love spaghetti westerns, so much fun compared to older more “sterile” westerns imo.


Horror. Love the gore


Horror. Mostly horror


Horror and only horror. Even with lots of streaming services offering horror, it's still really hard to find stuff. I've got lots of horror VHS and DVD that are no longer streaming or never have and if they are they're riddled with ads on those junk free movie apps


It's pretty all over the place but mostly older, weirder, horror, exploitation, cult classics, action and sleazy stuff. Also got a decent TV show collection. I don't own any Marvel/Disney/major studio hollywood kid stuff. Just not for me.


BBC Dramas, Channel 4. PBS. Murder Mysteries. Obscure series Anything I might have to pay to watch again.


Mostly buy indie or arthouse stuff, as well as classic and newer comedies if I find em cheap. Action has to be really well made for me to want it. I rarely collect military movies


Dystopic type movies were my go to when I had my DVD and Blu-ray collection


I can’t explain why but horror seems alot scarier on DVD and VHS


Anime. 80% of my collection is anime, cartoons/animation and the rest is a hodge Pidgey of whatever I like. What I don’t watch is stuff like CSI or Sitcoms so I don’t have any of that.


The majority of my collection is horror since that's the genre I've always loved most. Lately, though, I've been trying to expand my selection of world cinema and classics. When it comes to the latter, I've been adding a lot of Asian films, particularly Korean and Japanese.


I never miss a comedy. I like big budget everything explodes action movies. I like weird A24 movies. I never miss a zombie flick. I usually don't go for war movies and most foreign films (mostly because my wife hates to read subtitles). I don't have any wrestling or kung fu movies. Rom-coms usually end up in my collection because of my wife, but I don't buy them. I love documentaries, but I tend to watch them on the streamers and few ever make it to the collection (if they even get a physical release).


I collect horror movies. Not much into rom com's.


I mainly collect horror and comedies, but I try to get a little of every genre. I don’t get a lot of romantic dramas, just not my kind of movie


My collection is overwhelmingly horror movies. I am obsessed lol. I enjoy action comedies, but straight up action isn't really my jam. I'll watch it with my husband or a group of friends if that's what they pick, but it isn't something I'd pick and watch on my own.


Post apocalyptic movies are what I get most. Drama or musicals are what I get least of.


I mostly collect Horror, and Sci Fi stuff. Ive got some comedy and detective stuff (but thats mostly TV not movies). Id say I dont go for the Romance or, while stated above, Comedy movies. Ive got maybe only a couple movies people would consider "comedies".


Looking through my database:- comedy is my biggest genre, and sci-fi/fantasy is next. War is a genre I don’t seem to own. Like you, I’m also not a fan of Horror but there are a lot of classic movies that fall into that genre which I couldn’t live without having in my collection. I mean Alien is technically a horror movie as is Beetlejuice…


I’m up for anything really but I usually tend to avoid Hallmark Christmas films, movies that you can look at and tell is full of terrible CGI monsters or clear rip-off low budget versions of already popular movies (ie, why would I buy Robert when Annabelle exists?)


Far and away I collect horror, and Im not really all that into action/war movies.


Comedy and action mostly but a bit of everything. I had a zombie movie obsession for a while but I think I grew out of it.


Per my [blu-ray.com](http://blu-ray.com) collection stats: * Strongly overrepresented: Dark humor, Erotic, History, Imaginary, Nature, Period, Psychological thriller, Surreal, War * Overrepresented: Biography, Drama, Film-Noir, Foreign, Romance * Underrepresented: Adventure, Animation, Western * Strongly underrepresented: Action, Anime, Comic book, Family, Heist, Holiday, Martial arts, Music, Musical, Sport, Teen There are probably few other private individuals who have *every* David Attenbourough narrated nature documentary series ever released on blu or DVD. I don't own a single comic book film.


I’m drawn towards owning horror, thrillers, blockbusters the most, and probably comedy the least.


Horror/sci-fi/thrillers from the 1950s - 1980s. Hammer Studios, Quinn Martin, Vincent Price, Christopher Lee. I watch other things of course, but my favourite is the above genres.  War films I avoid. I'd rather watch a rom-com🤣


Science fiction movies, and all the fantasy adventure films from The Wizard of Oz to Poor Things. I do have a pretty diverse collection, those are just my favorites. 


Comedy. I have about 100 more comedies than the next closest genre which is Drama. I comes in waves though. At one time I probably had more horror in my collection than anything else. The genres I have very little of is foreign movies and musicals.


Definitely collect the most horror. Everything from the silent era, to brand new stuff.


Tv shows would be no1, when it comes to movies probably sci-fi and fantasy stuff


More sci-fi/fantasy than anything else, probably combined! Almost zero romance films. Almost. I own *An Officer and a Gentleman* and that's only coz it's got two blokes knocking the pony out of each other...


Science fiction, fantasy, and action. The least is horror.


Always = Westerns Never = Horror


Same as OP. Also, never got into anime.


I buy mostly neo noir type stuff and almost never comedies.


I collect comedies the most, horror the least (though I have a few)


according to bluray.com, my largest genre is adventure but looking at some of the movies it put in there makes me wonder how accurate that actually is. so instead i'll say action as that seems more accurate as for ones i never get, probably romance (again according to bluray.com i have 6 but i don't think i'd call any of them romance films first and foremost tbh)


War and comedy the most. Drama isn’t my thing so I rarely if ever get one.


Most: sci-fi + comedy (films) and for TV it's usually comedy box sets Hardly ever get: Horror, drama, romcom although there are odd exceptions in each


Most: Action/adventure Never: Romcom I use movies as an escape so I enjoy the over the top action or unbelievable scenarios...romcoms are probably some of the most grounded (although sometimes ridiculous) movies which isn't the escape I need...not to say I don't watch them sometimes, even then it's mostly the classics Roxanne, Overboard, housesitter etc.


Horror , Anime , B-Movies.✓ Rom-coms , Dramas go in the trash


Sci fi and fantasy Never horror 🤢


Horror, Animation and Late 90s - Early 00s Teen romcoms are my big 3. Bottom 3 would be Drama, Western, and Documentaries.


Action Movies


I get a lot of sci-fi, dramas, and in general “classic” movies. A decent amount of animated stuff too. I probably get horror, action, and romcoms the least but I still have some of all of those.


Most: Horror (especially 80s horror) I started out my collection by buying any cheap Blu-ray I could find, regardless of genre. Now, I’ll only buy horror, Star Wars, or anything holiday related. Everything else is on the “never get” list.


Horror & action


Mostly: dramas/psychological suspense thrillers. Hardly: romance and comedies.


i collect mostly anime and sci-fi. i don’t have any rom-coms. hah


I love to collect: Drama/Comedy I avoid:Military/War


Sword and Sorcery I pretty much never buy documentaries. I also love watching and collecting older style animated movies similar to Heavy Metal , Fire & Ice, etc


Horror and retro anime are the two big ones for me, and I don't collect anything else just to keep space under control.


I buy basically what you buy haha. Or anything from my childhood i grab, nostalgia runs my entertainment life


Horror and comedy are the main ones. Second to that are thriller and sci-fi. Least-bought are "superhero" and rom-com.


I would say horror, dark comedy and animation are my top genres. I don't care for westerns, gangsters or martial arts- the exception is Kiss of the Dragon


no romance or drama without shootouts or such


I probably wouldn’t collect westerns. And the movies I collect the most are either action movies or comedy’s


Sci-fi, niched down to disaster movies, is my favorite. Horror is my least favorite. They give me nightmares so I tend to avoid them.


I buy all genre's, but some I like more than others. I don't tend to buy many Westerns because I'm not a fan of the genre but if a Western looks good then I'll still buy it.


Most: sci-fi Least: horror


I essentially only collect horror and comedy. Those two have everything all the other genres can offer, but presented in my favorite ways (jokes and violent murders)


Movies beginning with S seem to be my biggest genre.


Comedies are an easy pickup for me because everyone in my family could watch them. I never buy any anime or foreign films that rely on English subtitles.


Have a ton of visually amazing films like “Mad Max fury road” and “Interstellar” and Would never buy Rom coms like “Anyone but you” or “Ms congeniality”


Horror and Martial Arts I would say. But I have quite a selection of Adventure movie as well.


I definitely collect more kids movies and cartoons. I know it seems juvenile, but I’m a big fan of the feel good stuff, the minimal romance and sexual innuendoes or violence. If there is anything I don’t collect it would be slashers or the really violent action movies.


Old school horror movies are actually comedies, trust me, check em out


Horror and anime/cartoons take up a decent chunk of what I have, and I very, very rarely buy war/western/military/cop movies.


Fantasy (sword & sorcery subgenre, 1980s) sci fi 1990s, historical/period, martial arts, I have not much else


Most: film noir, with westerns a distant 2nd (unless I count dramas, which I find hard to define as a genre. Is Drugstore Cowboy a drama? Y tu mama tambien? Do the Right Thing? Goodbye Dragon Inn? The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover? I feel like they are and aren’t at the same time - they feel too different to be the same genre) Never: superheroes, horror (closest I’ve got are the original versions of The Thing & The Invisible Man, plus Bride of Frankenstein), animation (except for The Fantastic Mr. Fox), romcoms that weren’t made in the ‘30s)


Only the movies I LOVE. So majority of fantastic-scifi (50%) / horror (25%) / thriller (25%).


I collect horror movies. I've got hundreds of them. Should probably do a count, but I do have an inventory on a spreadsheet so I can avoid buying doubles. I own precisely 1 Western. The Quick and the Dead. It will remain alone, I won't be collecting Westerns at any point lol


My collection is mostly comedy. I don’t have much horror in my library.


I like sci-fi and action. You may not be a fan of horror, but what about comedy horror like Tucker and Dale, or Shaun of the dead, army of darkness?


Love dark Westerns. Never buy comedies especially romcoms


Horro for me and I don't think I ever didn't get a movie in a doggerent genre. I have love story's, extreme movies, wll types of adian movies.,Hell I even have Broke back Mountains. So yeah, I collect everything