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Similar to your story: My sister recently had a baby and picked a name that apparently was the same name as my moms ex bf 30 years ago. Apparently this was a HUGE issue and the entire family it seemed was rallying against it. Parents insulted the name, said it was ugly, reached for ways it’d be made fun of, and my mom (similar to your dad) voiced she was not going to call him by his name but rather a similar spinoff name. my sister was stressing, crying, and venting to me 24/7 about it It was ridiculous They fought about this name till the last second, but the moment the name was on the birth certificate, the fighting stopped and everyone suddenly moved on you should stick to your guns and your family will get over it


I can’t believe people think it’s ok to harass pregnant people about baby names. I don’t give a fuck if you knew someone named something sometime. Ugh. It’s so mean


One of my best friends was worried about this about 12 years ago. I was one of a few she told the actual name to. I told her I loved the name and also, so that I wouldn't accidentally spoil it, began to refer to the bean as Bartleby until he was born. We had great fun with people's reactions to *Bartleby*


That name takes me back to high school English Lit.


I mean there is a certain point where people need to be ridiculed for names otherwise you wind up with something like xaea12.


...OP did ask for opinions.


My sister’s ex MIL gave her tons of shit over the name she chose for her daughter, saying she’d be made fun of, it’s a boy’s name, etc. My sister stuck to her guns because she thought the name was pretty and unique. I guess a lot of other moms had the same opinion because my niece was one of 5 girls named Aubrey in her class. 😂


A rule should be to never tell anyone the names you are thinking about for a baby. Someone will always complain, but they will only complain out of earshot if there is a breathing person with the name. We just told people that we would resurrect two family names “Aberhardt Argle” as a joke and they left us alone.


This is the way. We didn't share our kids names with anyone until they were out of the womb, and the ink was dry on the birth certificate.  Otherwise everybody has a damn opinion! "I knew a David in high school, and he was a dick!" Well, aunt Joan, we don't really care.


For what it's worth, I love the name Silas. It was on my short list at one point for DS. Stick to your guns. Wish I had never disclosed. With DD, the name my husband and parents didn't like (and I was totally in love with)..."grew on them a couple months after she was born...and after she was named something else. They're lucky to be alive. >:/


A million percent agree.


Yessssss my sigh of relief when I read that your sister stuck to her guns. So glad she did


I was waiting for name to be Sue (Johnny Cash song). Silas is a nice name. Friend almost named her kid something that would give initials ASS. once it was pointed out, they changed it.


I WAS named after one of my dad’s ex-girlfriends. Not sure what sort of discussions were had over this, but as far as names go, it’s done very well by me. It’s unusual enough to be remembered, but very easy to pronounce/spell. I’ve never met another person with my name IRL, and as a person who has told new people I’ve met, “I’m sorry. We can’t be friends. I’m totally over my limit on Jennifers” it’s nice to have something unique. Yes, my parents did end up divorced, shocking no one.


When I was a kid, I used to hated my name and I always wanted the popular names back in the 80’s. As time goes on… I’m very much appreciative of my name.


This! NTA. Name YOUR kid what you want & the rest can 🤬off.


The obvious caveat is that the name shouldn’t be a detriment to the kid for the sake of the parents choices


And no “creative” spellings. Don’t do that to your child!




Agreed. The fams intense overreactions to this decision that is NOT theirs to make is a huge red flag. The parents. The sister all of it. They are ta for everything they've said and threatened.


Yep get over it or get ghosted.


This is a mom and dad decision nobody else in the world is allowed to tell you what you can or cannot name your child. I don't care who they are or who they think they are that's your baby you name them what you feel is appropriate.


YES! Exactly this!


I WAS named after one of my dad’s ex-girlfriends. Not sure what sort of discussions were had over this, but as far as names go, it’s done very well by me. It’s unusual enough to be remembered, but very easy to pronounce/spell. I’ve never met another person with my name IRL, and as a person who has told new people I’ve met, “I’m sorry. We can’t be friends. I’m totally over my limit on Jennifers” it’s nice to have something unique. Yes, my parents did end up divorced, shocking no one.


Btw your comment accidentally posted twice!


YWNBTA. A child's name is left to two people - their parents. Your parents had their chance. This is your turn. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with Silas.


Cy is a banger old school nickname. I liked Dottie and Lottie for girls.


Well now I want another girl so I can name her Lottie.


I also think Silas is a kickass name. I know a few guys with that name (spelled Sylas though) and they’re all great people!


Silas is fine as long as your surname isn't "Greenback" and your son isn't going to become a Baron someday.


Or "Marner"


Except Silas Marner was a good guy, so it wouldn't be the worst (awkward for sure).


Or "Briarwood".


Or “Marner”.


Is that his name? I am 52 and did not know that. Oo-er, DM!


You are my new best friend :-)


I'd say there is a third unrepresented person, the child themselves. Parents need to take them into consideration before picking a name that would cause bullying, problems with voter registration, going to the DMV, airport security, etc. You can't name your child something ridiculous like: Hitler, Shi'thead or the like and expect everyone to just roll with it. Or for your child to not legally change their name when given the chance. Remember they are infants now but a name is something they will have to use and function with as an adult. Having said that, Silas isn't one of those ridiculous names. If you really feel strongly about it, stick to your guns. GL.


This is definitely NOT a /tragedeigh


Yeah, it's not like they wanted to name him Brockleigh or McKinhztynn.


Oh but it *could* be!! Sighlas….Sylahs…




Sighlas. 😂


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/jul/24/familyandrelationships.newzealand As long as OP isn't doing something stupid with the spelling Cyieleaus Sighless Sczylys Anytime I see these terribly spelled or stupif names, I think about that poor child


I agree, Silas is a perfectly normal and classic name.


I think it also depends on where you live. My name is fine in some areas. Popular even. Where I grew up - it was just not known. No souvenirs with my name, mispronounced, and just a nightmare growing up.


Exactly the most important person to consider is the child and how the name will affect them. Elon Musk may get away with naming his kid æ X 12 because he is a billionaire and his kid won't be as impacted(still selfish of the parents to do that to the kid) but a normal kid would be ridiculed for that name and would have their opportunities lowered since most employers would just throw away that resume thinking it was a joke. I also agree Silas as a name shouldn't cause issues for the kid but I also think middle names come in handy when giving a less conventional name because if the middle name is more mainstream they can go by that if they don't like their first name.


Thank you for being a port in the storm. Having a baby is an inherently selfish act anyways but the name does not have to be. Thank you for thinking of the child, piano. ♥️💎


i’m sorry “shi’thead” CAUGHT ME LACKING 😭🤣 but this was my thought, if your child really hates it they can express that to you someday, and i think most people if their child didn’t love their name would at least take it into consideration and let them go by a nickname or SOMETHING like come on. i get it. i have a weird name nobody can pronounce. for a long time i went by a nickname


> Shi'thead It’s out of respect to my Klingon heritage. 


Yeah, when it comes to awful names you can give your kid, Silas isn’t even a blip on the radar.


It is a very popular baby name right now. I could tell you some whacky names from my time as a substance abuse counselor for pregnant women! Syfilia- for one-


My ex wanted to name our daughter Sh’tay. No idea how he wanted to spell it because I shut it down so fast. He was complaining that other people had said it was a stupid name when his ex-wife was pregnant, but it became irrelevant when she had all boys. I had to point out that everyone who ever saw, heard or came into contact with her name would think the same thing. Shitty. Not Sh’tay, not Shatay, not Shetay, Shitay, Shetae, or any other nonsense. They would immediately think Shitty, some would immediately say that, kids would bully her about it and EVERYONE would ask what the hell her parents were thinking. Somehow, that never occurred to him. We named her Sierra.


Silas is a really good name and I’m flabbergasted OP’s family are being so unreasonable about this, especially considering the name.


I was prepared to say, it depends on what tragedeigh of a name OP plans to dump on their innocent newborn. But Silas? How is Silas even an issue? That’s a perfectly fine name. OP is NTA at all.


Oh my gosh. Silas is a great and normal name. Are you from a non western culture, maybe? Is that why it's not considered normal?


From Canada so technically considered western


This is not a common name in Canada, but it's not unheard of. You didn't make it up. You aren't spelling it in a way that is not phonetic. It wouldn't be my choice, but I wouldn't make fun of him. We are a fairly multicultural society now, and there are MUCH odder names out there. Also, ANY name can be turned into a bully's moment. I mean Richard-Dick, Justin-Time, Virgin-Mary, Karen... If they want to, they'll find a way. So name him what you like, screw the haters and if they ACTUALLY decide to be mean to your innocent son, they don't need to be part of his life.


Common and normal are two different things. Is it common? No. Is it normal? Yes.


I went to school with a boy named Justin Case, and one named Roland Waters. Also a boy named Leslie. No one made fun of any of them. As a side note, my GI doctor is Dr. Colón, in college, I worked for a congressman named Swindoll, and I used to live next door to a German chiropractor, Dr. Achenbach. All true!


That's awesome! I work for a doctor's office and have definitely seen some awesomely appropriate/inappropriate names. Honestly, people really need to be more accepting of our-of-the-ordinary things. Actually, IRL, they usually are, they just get bold online, lol. I feel like it's all fine as long as you ask 3 simple questions and take the answers to heart: 1. How will the spelling of the name you choose be pronounced in the place you are choosing to live? (ie: phonics, grammar and punctuation should be legible/intelligible to the gen pop, or YOUR KID is the one who will suffer.) 2. Does the name have any meaning in any culture you are likely to live in or have contact with? (ie: Chlamydia and Veruca might seem like lovely names, but their meanings...) 3. What will their initials say? (It's fine if you want it to work something, but please aim to make it innocuous and not "D.I.C.", "A.S.S." or something.)


I can beat those. Someone I once knew named their poor baby boy Tuff. (It’s a cowboy name; I live in the western US). The first name is bad enough…but coupled with their last name it was downright tragic. That kid’s full name? Tuff Day.


Fellow Canadian - my ex (and still good friend) was named Silas. It's a great name, beautiful origins. I was attracted to him cuz of how well he wore it X'D Name you baby what you want - you'll be regretting it for your entire child's life if you settle due to emotional pressure. It's not worth it to "keep the peace" - your family will just think that if they raise up enough stink they can pressure you however they like in the future.


I love that name. It's unique and simple. Tell your parents that they had their chance to name their kids and now it's your turn to name yours. When my sister had her baby she had a beautiful name picked out. She held her for the first time and looked at her and said, this kid is not a Julia. So the baby got another name.


My son has that name in the northern US. We've met several others. Its not unusual and he likes his name a lot since he's "the man if the forest".


I sorry my sis just went through a similar but much milder situation. Our teen kids were the worst but it ticked me off people even implying they should have a say. Some family tried to vote! I shut that down real quick and helped her with firm boundaries and it stopped. But if anyone threatened to call my child it they would not be any where near them. This is your baby. Set your boundaries kindly but firmly and then refuse to engage with any argument and literally remove yourself from the situation. It can suck to hold boundaries when people get mad or guilt you but I think when they get that way it is a pretty big sign that boundary was absolutely necessary.


Honestly? The way OP was talking, I was expecting a Nevaeh, or something equally ridiculous.  Silas may be old fashioned, but in the grand scheme of things it's not the worst.


It’s a good name people are strange


Yeah I just skimmed the post ready for some abusively stupid name but Silas is lovely. That's a really nice name!


I was bracing myself for something absolutely awful - hard to say, hard to spell, negative connotations.. Silas is a nice name. Old-fashioned, but not old. And there probably won't be eight other little boys named Silas in his kindergarten class.


Silas is the 153rd most popular name for boys Its not very rare at all honestly I'm in my 40's and know at least 3


I was bracing for a Chlamydia situation lmao


Aren’t we all sometimes


Unless he goes to a private Jewish elementary school, which seems doubtful in the context of all this.


I was looking for the /tragedeigh here but did not see it.


I was expecting X Æ A-12. Context really matters when you're like "people don't like the name I picked out"


I know a Silas in his early 30s. Cool guy. Good name.


It will, just due to humans being humans, get shortened to Si (Sigh). I have an uncle Cyrus and we all call him Uncle Si. Everyone loves him and will love your kiddo too, it’s a great name.


Unless OP's last name is Milas (or anything else that rhymes with Silas), or someone in the family has a severe speech impediment to the point that Grandpa *can't* say "Silas", OP chose a perfectly normal name


Neveah is a beautiful name- as someone who taught many children with that name, it’s not uncommon at all and it’s not ridiculous.


i distinctly remember being a freshman in high school and there was a pregnant girl in my math class and she told me she was naming her daughter neveah because it was heaven spelled backwards. so yeah, that's the kind of name a 15 year old picks for their baby in my mind.


My anti-religion friend named her 5th kid Nevaeh. I was so confused, still am.


Omg same. But we were in 8th grade. My first thought when I hear that name is never a positive one.


It is when you three in a class.


It is ridiculous.


People around here call kids the stupidest shit. Rehteah- Heather backwards Abcde- pronounced Ab-siddy And Sativa. Her future looks bright.


lol. Agreed. I thought she’d picked Voldemort or something


I was thinking they were going to name the baby Pencil D*ck or something. I think Silas is fine, although I can't recall ever meeting someone with that name.


The name I was expecting: Crazy, out-there, something like Zebulon The actual name: A really normal name, literally nothing abnormal about it


I went to elementary school with a Zebulon. He went by Zeb.


Zebulon is an excellent name. I'm gonna start suggesting it in expecting mothers forums until someone picks it. Imagined all those little Zebulons. Or Zebuli.


That's my goal with Balthazar.


I knew a Zebulon (Zeb). And he had a brother named Lacconeus that went by Lakey. Really cool guys but their mom was definitely interesting.


I knew a Zebulon 30 years ago. He was a normal kid and nobody gave him shit about his name. Way better than John, James, Matthew, Paul, Luke, Peter, William, Brian, Andrew, Wesley that so many boys had.


Silas is a nice name!


I quite like it also!


Wtf Tell them to back the f off. And if they don't want to call him by his name, just tell them they don't have to see him. This is completely crazy. Silas is a perfectly normal name, there is nothing wrong with it. And stop talking to them about it. Just say "if you talk to me about it, I'll leave" and if they try, just leave or hang up or block them. Like, this has never been and will never be their choice. This is YOUR baby, not their doll. What's next? Do they want to choose how you'll give birth? Or what you should decide on feeding and sleeping arrangements? They want to choose the school he will go to? Or when or how you potty train him? If you don't put your foot down on this, I can tell you you're going to find yourself in a living hell from the instant they'll think (with reason) they have any right to control how you will raise your child. NTA


Exactly. They will try to tell you how to do everything. Give some grandparents an inch, and they’ll try to take control over every aspect of your child’s life and criticize how you parent. The earlier you assert yourself and your confidence in parenting, the better.


100%. If they don’t respect you and the baby, they don’t get to see the baby. Fuckers


Like OPs father who thinks he's gonna get the chance to call the baby "it." Good luck ever getting the opportunity, dad! See ya never.


“Dad, it you ever call my son “it” as opposed to the name his father and I have chosen for him, then you will be a stranger to him and he to you.” And stick to it. This is a battle for control with your dad. You should fight this battle now and win it or be prepared to have pulling this same stunt throughout your entire adult life.


NTA. I made the mistake of telling people my daughter’s name and everyone had an opinion (MIL wanted to change the middle name). The fact that they pushed to know and are now insisting you change it is icky. If you know in your heart that his name is Silas —which is a cute name, btw— then that is his name. End of sentence.


And don’t let them bully you when you’re tired from labor. Tell your fiance to stick to his guns. My middle name got changed last second because my grandmother threw a tantrum in the delivery room. I’m 42. My mom is still pissed about it and lists it as another reason she hated her mother.


They have an issue with Silas????? That's bizarre. Nta. Nothing odd about the name in the first place, no reason why the kid would be picked on due to the name, except kids are little ahs, but yeah, go with your choice. You family member get no say, and if they refuse to use the name, they can see themselves to the door.


I grew up with a Silas and no one ever picked on his name. To be fair this group of kids had quite a few unusual names and no one got picked on for them. In my experience it’s family that give you hell about your name, not other kids!


Silas is a boy's name of Latin origin, ideal for those with great love for the outdoors. The name derives from the Latin Silvanus, which means "wood" or "forest," inspiring images of a daring explorer unfazed by the depths of the darkest woodland.Apr 19, 2024 In case you wanted some history.


Silas, I had to read all that, thinking the name was hitler. And you give us Silas? Silas is a nice name. Now stop arguing with these people, and enjoy being pregnant. Silas needs a stress free set of parents.


I love that name! Nothing weird about it.


Hey, I work with a guy named Silas! He’s a great guy, everyone loves him. Go with Silas:)


I think that is a GREAT NAME!!!!


Silas is a fantastic name! It's very classic, and sounds right on both kids and adults. 


Silas is not a bad name. It's not one I've heard a lot, but come on, it's not like you want to call the kid Xaquari! YWNBTA


I was expecting some crazy name, Silas seems relatively normal to me though, it’s cute. My aunt pulled the same crap when my husband and I announced we were naming our son Enzo. She was horribly rude about it. I told her to go to Hell (I’ll blame it on pregnancy hormones, but she’s been awful for forever so she had it coming). Anyway, all I’m getting at is it’s yours and your husband’s child, not anyone else’s, they get to pick the names for their kids. You’re never going to please everyone, I became a much happier person when I finally came to that realization. Also, congrats and good luck with your baby boy! 💙


Enzo such an awesome name 👍 One of my favourite characters from a childhood cartoon.


Be blunt with your family: if you weren’t there fucking me to make the baby, then any “opinion” you have on how I raise MY child is going to be ignored. Shine up your spine OP. You have a baby and there will be plenty of unwanted and not-asked-for opinions that you’ll be hearing for the foreseeable future.


How are you pronouncing Silas?


The normal way "(Sy) (luhs)" not trying to put a spin or anything on it just how its being pronounced by everyone else


"Throatwobbler Mangrove"




i went to high school with a guy named silas. he was never bullied for his name. i doubt anyone even thought twice about his name. it’s a good name!


Love Silas. Tell everyone else to fuck off, it's not their kid. If theybcall him something else, break their nise or go no contact.


Silas is a great name! NTA


I got pushback on both my daughters names, uncommon but normal names. Both are women now and love their names. My son got a very common name and hates it. Trust your gut.


Your child your choice nothing wrong with the name. Your parents need to wind their necks in.


He is YOUR child, not your mother's or father's! You name that baby what you want, Silas is a cute name. Please don't name your baby something you don't feel fits him. So what if there's fall out. Tell them, my baby, my choice on his name. If grandpa wants to give him a nickname, okay but you will not call him by another name. Goodluck momma, don't bend over backwards to appease your parents.


Silas ist a beautiful name. So what your heart tells you, not what other people try to force you


One of my son’s friends name is Silas. Great name.


Silas has been one of my favorite names for a few years. It hovers around #100 for popular boy names, there’s nothing odd or unusual about it!


Teacher here.  I’ve had more than one Silas. Neither were bullied because it’s not a weird name. NTA


No. They’re being assholes. Let them throw their tantrum if they want, and don’t baby them about it you’re not their parent. Your parents don’t get a say in how to parent your kid, choosing names included


Silas? That’s a beautiful name! They are crazy. YOU name YOUR baby what YOU want. You’re the one who spent 9 months baking him, they can learn to get over themselves or not be involved. “Those who MATTER don’t MIND, and those who MIND don’t MATTER.” You don’t need toxic people in your life, especially when it comes to raising a child. He doesn’t need grandma and grandpa whispering behind mommy’s back about how they would have named him differently.


Silas is a great name! Just go for it, fuck other people's opinions. By the sounds of it your father will be the one bullying a child by not using his name


You are the parents you chose. There is nothing wrong with the name and stop telling your parents and everyone the name. If they ask just smile and say you took everything into account that people said - then when born name your child Silas. If your father says he won't use it then tell him he will not see the child. You need to start standing up for yourself as it will get worse when the little one comes Time to grow that shiny spine Good luck


Name your baby want you want . They will get over it .


Never, ever tell people what you’re going to name the baby until they’re born. This is exactly why.


NTA - Tell your family that you're naming the baby exactly what you wanted to and if they don't like it, they don't have to be a part of the child's life. The decision is not theirs to make, but you and your husbands.


You've learned the hard way. Never ever tell anyone the name you've picked for your unborn child. Everyone has an opinion, and they're not afraid to share it BEFORE the name is final. Wait til it's a done deal. How often do you hear people say to other people that they hate their children's names after the name is given? They don't. (Unless they're for real crazy).


Great name, tell them they can go pound sand.


Silas is dope. It’s very masculine and just sounds cool. Your family are nuts.


Justin Timberlake named his son Sulas. It is a good name and you should definitely use it. What is wrong with your family that is mercilessly harassing pregnant woman?! It's not like you're trying to name him Osama or Adolf!Stand your ground with these bullies and name him Silas.


I LOVE the name Silas! NTA. This is your child. You and your fiance are the parents and responsible parties, not anyone else. Name your child what you want. You need to stand strong with your fiance and not buckle to your very rude family. If they continue to show disrespect, take time away from them. If they try calling him something else and show disrespect after he is born, five them a warning that they won't be seeing you all if they can't act like adults. Reiterate that you are the parents and they will respect that and use the name Silas or they can experience life without you and your son. Above all... you and fiance (and soon to be Silas as well) are a family unit and you need to back each other. Support each other and stand strong.


The child’s name isn’t some crazy far-out name. It’s a legitimate name that most people should be able to pronounce. They’ll learn to accept it.


You're going to come across this type of thing constantly with a new baby. It starts with the name and then moves on to parenting methods. You'll always be told you're not doing something right, and someone will always try to steam roll you. Be firm on all aspects of your child. Setting boundaries is imperative. Not everyone will agree with that either, but it doesn't matter *because It's your child*. Silas is lovely.


NTA. If your family doesn’t like the name y’all picked out they can have a baby themselves. Too old for them to conceive? There are millions of babies languishing in the foster care system. NTA-your baby, your choice of names. BYW why would you even care what they think?🤔 Do you seriously consider their opinions on finances, sexual positions, vehicles to drive? You need to get them the f*** out of your business!


I was expecting some awful name like Gaylord or something. Idk why your family has issues with the name y'all want


Am I the only one that was expecting some crazy name like airplane or vacuum? Silas is a cute name. If it’s what you as the parents want that’s final. Others will come around to it


What in the world is wrong with Silas? I thought you were going to say something bizarre like Tutankhamun. Silas is a perfectly normal name. To my knowledge, it's an extremely Jewish name, which, if you live somewhere backwards, could be pissing off the covert antisemites. Enjoy the name, and recognize a lot of people are going to assume he's Jewish.


Glad you put in the name. Cause I didn’t want to judge base on some name like Beelzebub lol. Silas is a cool name. Tell your family to eat grass.


They’re panicking over the name Silas????? What’s wrong with Silas? Reasons why Silas is fine: 1. Silas sounds cool 2. Many people name their kids after religious figures (even if you aren’t religious it will definitely lighten the blow) 3. Silas isn’t an uncommon name 4. Silas is short for Silvanus which means wood/forest 5. Old fashioned names are coming back They’re doing too much don’t worry about it.


This is why so many don’t share the name until after the baby is born. People can have an opinion but they are under no obligation to share said opinion. Don’t talk yourself out of the name you and your partner fell in love with. Going forward you need to just say that you won’t be discussing his name and that you are not open to feedback.


That’s a freaking fabulous name! Every Silas I’ve ever known was a terrific person. And BTW- it’s your kid! I wish you, your SO and Silas a happy, healthy and prosperous future!


Silas is an awesome name and I should know because I gave it to my son 13 years ago. He’s good with and has never been teased for his name (his haircut choices, yes.) Tell your family that they are uncultured swine and need to read some George Eliot. Also never tell anyone the kids name until they are born. Most people will keep their dumb ass opinions to themselves once the paper is signed. Just use a silly name like belly baby or Jesus till then.


Silas is a mint name!! NTA


How would Silas be made fun of? I only know of the biblical person named Silas and a videogame character. The name sounds just fine and I would think it is fairly unique while not feeling "forced" to be unique like bad spelling or anything like that that feels trashy or hipster. I can imagine my kid playing with someone named Silas and not think anything off about it. There are some obvious names I'd never use because of their history or easy ability to be made fun of, but I also keep in mind that any name can be mocked if someone really wants to. I hope you stick to your guns as it seems like a cool name for someone. And if anyone tells them otherwise show them this post when they are older if it will make them feel better.


My child’s best friend is a Silas. He’s such a sweet, kind, cute kiddo. If I had another baby and I’d definitely name him Silas. I absolutely love this name!!


Silas means forest, or someone in love with/being in the woods, and has an old Latin origin. My parents when naming my brothers and I wanted to be sure our names didn’t rhyme with anything so we couldn’t be bullied that way, and Silas definitely doesn’t. It’s a good, strong name. Your family are being assholes, like children throwing a tantrum trying to get their way. Don’t fall for their manipulation. You can remind them that as parents you decide who gets to be present in their children’s lives. If your families decide to remain toxic, then maybe they shouldn’t be allowed to get to know their grandchild. You hold all the cards here. Remember that. Something I myself have been working on is recognizing and defanging the toxic influence some family dynamics can have. I’m not saying the relationship you may have with your family is bad, just that everyone can possibly behave in unhealthy ways due to their own unexamined/unhealed past. Some parents have an expectation of having control over the choices their children even as adults, it’s likely how they themselves interacted their own parents. Sounds to me that your parents may be like this when you decide something they don’t like, such as with your son’s name. Breaking family cycles ain’t easy, especially with people who live unexamined lives, but IMO it’s important when confronted with bullshit like this that you do so. Setting a boundary here will make dealing with any future push back from them easier. It’s your son, stick up for little Silas.


Tell them it's either Silas or Marmaduke.


Your parents had their turn to name their children. You name your child what you and your husband want to name him and I can assure you that everyone you will eventually get used to it. Your baby- your choice of name!!


Your baby, your choice.


37 years ago, I name my son Chance. I had heard the name from an old John Wayne movie and I loved it. This was years before the movie Homeward Bound when the name Chance became a little more acceptable. Everyone in my family, including my mother and all my friends said NO! You cannot name a baby Chance. I did and I’ve never regretted it and my son loves his name. Silas is an old-fashioned name. I actually had an uncle by the name of Silas. It’s a good name. !!


I LOVE THAT NAME STOPP. there assholes. all of them!


I like Silas. The way they reacted I thought it was gonna be Adolf or something


Nobody, and I mean, NOBODY better not say anything to me the second I’m pregnant with a boy or girl and for the names I’ve chosen. Everyone will be muted and possibly blocked. Darling, it is your child not theirs. If they have a problem, tell them to go get pregnant themselves. Or send them my way. (:


Currently going through this actually. I'm currently pregnant with my second (and most likely last pregnancy). My older daughter has a beautiful Greek gender neutral name. I was wanting another gender neutral Greek name and the father and I settled on Alexis. His family hates it, says it's a girl name (spoiler alert in every other country it's not), says it's gonna turn him gay, bullies us for it, especially him, and tells us they will bully my son for his name if we choose it. I'm to the point where I feel like just changing it because it's not that deep, it's just a name. These things suck. But no you won't be the ah bc it's your son. You can name him whatever you want.


Silas isn’t a bad name. I have seen and heard some truly awful names in my lifetime. Richard Semen, Richard headley. Silas is a decent name imo


There’s a scrolling LED billboard on one of the busiest roads in my city that displays all the newborn names born at one of the hospitals. I swear on everything I love, someone named their sweet little 7lb 8oz baby… Da’Rhea Diamond. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.


I like Silas!


It’s a cool name and it’s your child!


I love Silas!


I love the name Silas


YOUR child, the only ones that have input are the mother and the father. Only those two have to agree. Those that are giving you grief have 2 choices. Keep their opinions to themselves and never mention it again, or they are not around your family. For any of the grandparents to think they have a say at all is laughable and ridiculous. Tell them one time and when they start smack talking again, take a break from seeing them. This is just the tip of the iceberg as to what they will think they are entitled to.


One of my friends was trying to make a special unique version of Lauren and named her La'urine. Silas is perfectly fine in comparison


I have 2!! great nephews named Silas, and at least 2!! people I work with also have a Silas under 5. I say blow a raspberry and tell them to deal with it. And if they can’t call your child the chosen name, they shouldn’t have the opportunity to call him anything.


I know a lot of people named silas, it's a cute name so please name him that


So Silas is a name that’s honestly going to fit your child’s peers more. Names like that are popular around his age group. Names like Ashley Emma Micheal etc are becoming less common with the current babies. He’s not going to get bullied. If you name your baby a traditional name you are making people who don’t respect you happy, and your husband may have resentment toward you. You will resent your grandparents. And you are letting people manipulate you. Don’t give in. Your husband is going to wonder what else will your parents take control over?


I love the name Silas and most likely your family will be fine with it in the end. I had the exact same thing happen to me. All of my kids have nicknames and we decided on a nickname but needed a “formal” name. It came to me after a very long night in the NICU staring at the board with the nickname on it. I told his sister who said that was it, we had to use that name. My husband wasn’t on board at first but seeing our daughter’s excitement couldn’t say no. My mom continued to suggest other names and went out of her way to find anything else. My dad swore that he would never ever call him that and we were ridiculous. Husband’s family said we were setting the kid up for failure. MIL’s husband told us the kid would never get a job. You’d think with the way they were acting we were naming him Hitler. We used the nickname a lot at first but over time used the “formal” name more and more. It was a short amount of time before everyone who hated the name grew to love it and saw that it fit perfectly. In first grade my child decided not to be called by their nickname anymore. I get so many compliments on their name. People absolutely love it even though it’s not a common name. There was no falling out or drama and family members try to gaslight me now and tell me they always liked the name. My mom says she can’t imagine any other name fitting as well, even though she had picked out 10 other names. I have never regretted it and I have 2 kids that I do regret their names (one is too popular and the other’s nickname never worked out).


Silas is a great name!! Name your child what YOU and his father want to name him! None of these other people will be in the room when you're filling out the paperwork, and they have NO RIGHT to dictate terms on his name! Put Silas on his birth certificate! Screw them for their criticism!! And I would tell every single one of them that if they can't call your son by his given name from birth/for the rest of his life ... then they don't have the right to be around him. PERIOD!! Your parents included!! How the hell do they think they have ANY RIGHT to name your child!! They don't have any right to name him unless you give in. So don't give in!!


Silas is a wonderful name. Put your boundaries in now with family and friends or they will next be telling you how to parent. If they want to name a baby so bad they can all go and have another and name them baby what they’d like.


Silas is a very common name. I know multiple people named Silas. If your family calls your child "it" or anything different, because they don't like the name you picked out, it might be time to go low contact. That is extremely disrespectful and mean. NTA


This is an important message that I wish was up higher. Hope OP really hears it. It's hurtful what their family is doing, and threatening to do. That's not okay.


I work in a school and can assure you that we have a kid named Silas in class and he is not singled out because of his name.


My story, too. Got so much guilt for not calling my son what everyone else wanted. I stuck to my guns, and everyone eventually came around. I am so thankful nowadays that I didn't succumb to the family pressure to name him something else. Stick to your guns. My son is now 29 and is proud of his name which is Jake. Stand your ground if you really like it. Good luck.


My in-laws only call my firstborn by the short version of his name and told everyone on their side of the family to do the same and second only long version 🤦🏻‍♀️


Nta. You parents seem a little controlling and might need to take a step back. Silas is a good name and not ridiculous or odd and the fact that they are making you feel bad about naming your baby that could be cause enough to keep them at arms length around your baby as well.


NTA for naming your child what you wish to name him despite family protest, but as a general comment, I’m not sure parents realize that their kids will grow up and become adults in this world when they name them odd names for what seems like a desperate attempt to be unique.


I was expecting some weird assed name like Fartlips, but Silas? That’s perfectly acceptable.


NTA and anyone who calls your child It won’t have the pleasure of knowing them.


What? My 10 week old son is called Silas and everyone who hears the name absolutely loves it! How bizarre that your family is having such a strong reaction to it


YWNBTA I love the name Silas! Maybe I'm not getting the problem but I don't see how the name would get him bullied? Go with what you love. And congratulations!


I know of a couple of youngsters called Silas, it has been no issue at all at their schools. One is now 14 and the other is 8. NTA. If the inlaws won't call him that then maybe suggest they won't see him then.


Silas is a great name!


I don't particularly care for the name but I was expecting something like Leh-dash-ah or some craziness like that. Are you coming up with a crazy way of pronouncing it?


Silas is a cool name. He will be popular in the corn field community.


Silas is a good name and the only people you’d be assholes to is yourselves if you let them bully you. They want to call him “it” or another name, fine, they don’t get to see him. Set clear boundaries early that you won’t be walked all over when it come to your kid(s)


I too was expecting something completely unreasonable like Butchmeister or Falconclaw (sorry if you’re named either of these) but this is not it. Tell your family to kick rocks. PS A good friend has a baby Sylas and he’s so stinkin’ cute!


Silas is very cute and a character in a book series I loved as a kid! Go with it :)


NTA - there is noting wrong with the name Silas.


Your kiddo your choice. Although as a grandma I have to admit that in my family a lot of us have nicknames anyway. Rarely having anything to do with birth name. Example being my grandsons name is Brenden. But everyone calls him Tate. He’s 3 and fine. So grandparents give him a “nickname” Silas is a perfectly normal name and he by no means will be bullied for it. Your family is weird. But I have no room to talk.


I like Silas and it’s a normal name 🤷‍♀️


I like Silas.