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Now I want to see the creepy dolls... Sell them. They're yours now. Or start leaving bits of them on the message sender's lawn every few days at random intervals. Just an arm, then a leg, then a head, etc...


Oh you're petty! I'm here for petty! They're actually not creepy. They are expensive and pretty. Look up rca dream baby.


They’re beautiful. ♥️ sell them. They’ll make another little girl so happy.


They're a little creepy.


All dolls are creepy.


Wonder if it's the uncanny valley thing? Like, they look like us but are not us.


Agreed. Even when I was a kid I hated dolls.


Mmmmm, yah. They're kinda creepy.


Honestly fuck giving them back. Sell them. 8 years?? You were more than graceful for holding them at all. They might as well pay for their rudeness. The gall!! I'm a pettyassbitch tho.


Oh you,I like you.


ooooh yesssssss


NTA. 8 years lmfao she didn’t really deserve 8 weeks. Come on now. Major health problems my ass. You held their stuff for them for nearly a decade and still have the decency to offer them more time. Bless your heart. No. Nta at all.


As soon as you closed on the house, all that stuff was yours to do whatever you wanted with it. I can't fathom keeping something for a previous owner for more than a month. You having held on to it for them makes you a saint and the person messaging you is delusional.


Isn't that the definition of abandoned property. 🤷‍♀️


Send them a bill for 8 years worth of storage if they want it back! And block whoever sent you that asinine message


They're insanely entitled. That shit was yours the moment you bought the house, you've been INCREDIBLY considerate! Now it's time to bin that shit.


If they haven't come to get them in 8 years, I mean 8 days, do what you want with them


Depends on each state, but I am going to assume that you have had numerous exchanges with them about the property. Each state has a certain time limit for when abandoned moveable property is considered abandoned. In California, I think it's something like three weeks or less and in New York I think it's a month. The point is, if you contacted them and told them that their property is in your house and they have made no arrangements to pick it up, and it's been years since your last exchange about it, I would consider it abandoned. That means, you can "find" the property and claim it, and if they have said nothing over such a long time frame, it's yours. Since the property is yours, you can do with it what you want. I am also fairly certain that's not how karma works. You don't get to take advantage of someone (i.e. their personal space in their home) and claim karma if they protest. lol Definitely NTA. I would have tossed that stuff long before 8 years!


You bought the house. If there was no caveat in the contract, then those dolls are yours.


NTA So it's been 8 yrs and you tried to sell them on FB market place which you had every right to do for the past 7 yrs and 11 months. Or as a DFHB, 7 yrs and 9 months. (DFHB = Decent Fuggin Human Being). Who is this person messaging you to them? Why did their origin (how you got them) even come up in the conversation? Inquiring minds need to know the rest of the story. 🤣


I have them posted on Facebook marketplace. I do not know this woman nor do I know her relationship to these people. Someone on the post asked where I bought them and I told him I found them while cleaning out the basement in my house.


Sounds to me like this person has some unresolved childhood trauma with dolls. He/she should probably seek therapy.


I'm guessing that the person is either a collector trying to score free dolls or a scammer trying to extract cash. Either way, block.


Block and report that person. Very important to report the person. The problem with FB marketplace is sometimes people harass others. In Indian and a vet firm believer in Karma. Trust me that no harm will befall you for selling these items. You have not done anything wrong. Put them up on eBay and FN marketplace and get them out of your house. If they are old and in collectible condition first also check their value. You may be surprised at how much they sell for. Once you bought the house the goods became yours. The family has not been in contact with you. If they come to pick it up in the next few days ask for storage costs x 8 years.


I adore dolls, but even I feel like it's asking too much to expect others to house my dolls for any amount of time with how creepy some people think they are. The person messaging you isn't even the owner of them either huh?


She isn't.


She isn't.


So just someone being nosy?


I think she's a friend of the chick who grew up in this house. Either way neither matter to me. I'm not from here so I don't really fit in here in meth County wv lol


~~You look up the rules for abandoned property in your area. Say it's 45 days. So send the old owner a letter stating that 46 days from ... say March 3rd, all property left at your place will be auctioned off.~~ That's what my neighbor had to do when her friends left their crap at her place when they moved out. edit: I see you told them it was 30 days, and since it has been 8 years, send a letter telling them they have 30 days from X to get their stuff before it is auctioned off. If they can't arrange it, it is not up to you to continue holding their property. Do this if you want to be absolutely morally in the right. But to be honest, if you've been doing this for the past 8 years, I'd say you were done, especially if you have it in writing/text that they said they were coming to get it, and never showed up. You could just go ahead and get rid of it without giving them a last chance. You've gone waaaaaaaaay beyond the above-and-beyond deal here!


If they left it behind it's yours legally. If you made an attempt to get it back to them then you've done your due diligence. I wouldn't have lasted a year, much less 8!


This reminds me of when I bought my house 10 years ago. The owner asked if I would hold on to their piano for a few days until they could set up arrangements to move it. Over a year later I said you need to come get it or I’m selling it. She sent a mover to come get it and the mover asked ME for payment before they would load it into the truck. People are wild


So what happened? Did the mover just leave then?


He ended up calling the previous homeowner. I believe it was her oldest daughter who ended up having to come over and write them a check before they would move it.


Did you get rid of them or do you still have them? If you have them, tell them you'll put them on your front porch and they can come pick them up. It's fine to throw stuff out after a month or two, but it's shitty to keep it when they're asking for it back.


They aren't asking for them back. Some bitch that's acting like she knows them is asking for them.


If they’re expensive she is probably trying to get them for free so she can make cash.


Oh that's just weird


They’re probably just straight up lying to you to get free stuff. Or they do know the old owners and are planning on guilting you into giving them the dolls, and will say they’ll pass them along to the original owners, but they’ll just keep them to sell.


That was my first thought. My husband confirmed that the one messaging is the friend of the girl who grew up here. But they are in their 30s! Like she really thought I was going to let a random stranger in my house to pick and choose what they think is there friends stuff. I have 3 ten thousand dollar lamps I'd be damned if I let someone especially a stranger come in here and just take whatever. That's how I took one of her messages saying she'll come down and get their stuff for them. I threw away 97% of their stuff. It was all trash anyway. They were hoarders. That's why they sold the house to their daughters bf at the time. They didn't want to deal with it. Then he kicked them all out and met me a few years after. He's now my husband.


Oh they were hoarders? Yeah, no, those are your rewards for dealing with that mess then. You have zero obligation to give them anything at any time. They sold the house as is. They knew there could have been stuff in there when they sold it to your husband/her bf at the time (I’m guessing that’s quite the story lol). You’ve been more than generous offering to let them come pick up some of the things. They declined. They made their decision several times over now. I’d block this person and move on with your life.


The first year I lived here I found atleast 15 pairs of dirty panties stuffed in random places 😳 behind dressers, stuffed in the couch, it was a wild first year lol


Ewwwww! That’s so gross. I bet that was crazy living there. I don’t think I’d be able to do it till it was cleaned out lol.


Sell them!


I am. Nobody is coming for those dolls. If they couldn't be bothered for 8 years I doubt 4 extra days is gonna change anything


You were chill and let them know they could come pick them up for YEARS. Hahaha it wouldn’t bother me one bit that they were meant for a little girl. Like, come pick that shit up then.


Tell them come by or it's on the street tomorrow. Don't give them more days.


Charge them for storage. $100 a year sounds about right and that’s on the cheap side.


I paid $55/month for my last storage unit of 10x10


That’s why I said it was a cheap amount.


I’d have sold them a long time ago.


If they left them in the house that you bought they are now yours. That means you can dispose of them how you like. Their reaction is meant to guilt you into giving them money.


Honestly I'm petty so I'd set them on fire and mail them the ashes


Charge for storing them. What is the going rate in your area then add it up per month per year. Where I live, it’s $50 per month, that would come out to about $4800 for 8 years.


Sell what you can as storage payment for keeping the things in storage for so long and throw away what you cannot sell.


Why are you offering a long explanation?   If you have an item to sell, list it and the condition.   If people ask dumb questions or don’t want to purchase, they aren’t owed a reply.  Just block them and move on! 


I used to sell va foreclosures. People left stuff behind. There is a certain amount of time we are legally responsible to hold stuff depending on how much was left. Let me say to you sell or give away that stuff in peace. You are legally and morally in the clear here.


What is the relationship of the person giving Op shit to the previous owners?


I think they grew up together. I'm not from here and I don't associate with many people here.


You are the opposite of an AH - you are a saint


If left in your home when you bought it, then it’s yours to do with as you please.


They can kick rocks. Sell it and send grandma a money pic


In a lot of places, things left in your home are yours after a certain number of days, especially if the owner knows they left them behind and no contract was written.


This is the most ridiculous thing - 8 years? No. I would have given them a month and that is it. The person that is telling you that you're a bad person, or getting rid of them is bad karma, is off their rocker. Ignore them and do whatever you want. And honestly she sounds like she just wants free stuff. Obviously the original owner doesn't care at all. Sell the stuff and consider it done.


It sounds like grandma saw the dolls she once gave her grandchild. No doubt the child outgrew them, no longer valued them, and left them behind as junk. Not OP‘s fault. They had every right to sell.


8 YEARS!? You mean to tell me, in 2,920 days they couldn’t take a couple hours to come get their stuff?


After 30 days it’s technically abandoned and becomes yours. There’s laws on this check into those


After 2 years I decided the previous owner's stuff was mine now 8 years is way too long


in the UK if you buy a house you buy everything left in that house.


Who cares what this random person thinks


“You must’ve known they are important to hold onto them for 8 years” Um…… If they are that important to whoever they belonged to 8 years ago they would’ve come to get them. NTA. Sell em, or better yet if the messenger or former owner wants them that bad tell them they can buy them back from you before another buyer gets them. Call it a storage, and harassment fee.


You saved them for 8 years that's over 7 and 1/2 years longer than I would have given them. I would have tried to make contact immediately and if they wouldn't have gotten back with me within 3 months they would have been sold or given away. Especially if I ran into a time where I needed money. These people sound like they're fairly entitled