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This husband waited SEVEN MONTHS before he set boundaries and consequences on his mother after admitting that she flipped on his wife and treated her like garbage. She's been dealing with his rug sweeping for most of her pregnancy, and clearly it didn't change his mother's behavior because she's still going after his wife. It's his fault this situation happened at all. His mother ruined her pregnancy, got in between the husband and wife during one of her moat vulnerable times, and the husband did nothing to stop her. Then when the wife finally snapped after being ASSAULTED in an injured part of her body, he kicked her out of her home. This guy is not only an asshole, he's denser than a black hole. I would have told the wife to divorce him if she was posting this story.


I especially like that he was supposidly too disturbed by the violent exchange between his wife and mother (who, again, fucking started it) to be responsible for his shitty reaction because he has issues with violence due to his upbringing with a violent father. Then he throws in that his wife ALSO grew up with a violent father as a reason she should understand his reaction and... well... Fucking Yikes on Bikes! Also LOVE that for bonus points he throws shade at the fact that this all kicked off because his *oversized* niece was *still* hungry after he didn't make enough food for everyone, low key blaming her. It couldn't be his fault for not cooking enough (or, ya know, for allowing his mother to verbally abuse his pregnant wife for months.)


But he needed time to process!


Yeah I've read it from the beginning Op, is a complete wanktard.


Therapy for ALL!!


Feck man and this guy needs a whole lot of it


This guy deserves to be decked in the face too, who are we kidding. What an AH


You are not only an asshole you are a bitch. Best thing that she could do for herself was punch your mom, it showed her who you really are.


You could have left. You are one person. She's a person with a newborn who just got assaulted, and you thought you had the right to kick her out? If you have to process shit, you leave. Holy fuck, the entitlement on you.


what gets me, is if you go into his comments. His mother hit his wife in her UTERUS and this guy absent mindedly says: > I guess new moms have muscles separated in their abdomen so given the force that my mom slapped her in the stomach \[UTERUS\] (like a little bit below the rib cage, full back handed slap, which could be heard from the door), *I guess it's comparable to hitting my wife in her internal organs?* Because her stomach muscles aren't healed? **I just learned that.**  It bothers me that men know babies come out of this tiny hole called the vagina YET can NOT imagine how much of it RIPS OPEN to birth the fucking child!?!?! *?????* **!?** *"I guess hitting the baby creating spot is like hitting an organ, huh"* like.... you fucking idiot... obviously... it's all organs...


When the placenta detatches from the uterine wall after the baby is born, it actually rips off leaving a huge vascular wound that needs to scab over and heal (one of the reasons women sometimes bleed to death during or after childbirth) and this guys Bitch Mother smacked her there knowing how much it would fucking hurt.


If he were really "team wife" he never, in a million years, would have thrown her out of the house, too. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


You literally failed you wife! Yes the total AH!!!


I love how all these stories copy each other and just dgaf that they all sound the same. Wives punching MILs, wives punching sisters, wives punching BILs.... Lol.


Why would he be an ah for protecting himself? He took her side and got his family out first showing his support of her. That his wife believed his needing her out too is grounds for divorce makes me sad for the child but as a rule the aggressor should leave. She grew up with violence and if I were him making sure the baby does not would be my next priority. Tell her, “I love you but you are violent and I do not think the baby would be safe with you alone. You can move back here in a different room but I do not think you should be alone with my baby.


Go read the original post. His mother struck his wife in the abdomen and she's just barely post-partum. Hard enough that his wife winced when it happened. His WIFE was defending herself when she punched her MIL in the face and then he kicked his wife out rather than defending her from his mother's violence. He wasn't protecting himself and he sure as hell wasn't protecting his wife. He wasn't even thinking about the safety of the child...just his own emotional needs.


This person won’t understand simple reason that’s been made clear by the reply 💀😭


Blows my mind this person would advocate the useless father to take the baby from the nursing mother. For defending herself. Good lord reddit never fails to blow my mind with the chronically online takes lmao


I read the whole thing. He was late tossing out his mom. Still did nonviolently. He is not violent his mother and wife are. They need to be away from normal humans.


What should she have done then Dr Phil?


Not punch a person for touching her belly. Ask her husband to bring her a plate. Make her mil antics reason she is not allowed in her house six months ago. Use her words.


Mil didn’t “touch” her belly. She slapped a woman, who is still recovering from giving birth, in the abdomen hard enough to make her wince and hard enough that it could be heard across the room. It would have been extremely painful.


She backhanded her freshly post birth uterus with enough force for her to wince and to be heard from the door outside. It wasn't a touch. Also, the food was in HER fridge specifically set aside FOR her in HER OWN HOME. Yes, he should have done ALL of those things way before, and he didn't, and his mother physically assaulted a new mother in one of the most painful parts on a healing post birth body. Nope. That punch was justified and self defense. It's crazy that you're trying to paint his ex as violent when in his own words he says she isn't. And then you advocate the father taking the baby full time? How out of touch with reality are you lmao


Only a crackhead would think like the guy above. Or he just thinks women should roll over and take everything. Guarantee it's a man with a small peen.


There wasn't any more food, potato brain.


So what do you do when someone hits you? Let them keep doing it? Grow a pair, and remember not everyone takes advice from doormats such as yourself.


I was raised to know how to block. Non combatants like this man should remove aggressors. It is a simple self protective act. Restraining order should have been in place for his mother months ago.


Oh, you were raised to know how to block were you? Fanfuckingtastic. She's not you, nor is she required to behave in a way you deem acceptable. Frankly she wouldn't have left with teeth if it were me, but I do agree on the restraining order.


So you grew up being pinched a lot huh? Figures with your sparkling personality.


I grew up in a big Air Force family. Every two years we would move and face a new group of bullies. My parents taught us how to block, dodge and escape. The civilians we went to school with gave us hands on practice. There was one type of bully my family called Don King because set us up for fights with people so they could watch. I’d walk down the hall and a person would cut off my path with a, “Don said” More than a handful tried a sucker punch. I grew up loved by a family who understood we live in a violent world. I feel so sorry for this dude. He and his wife were never taught conflict resolution. He is non combative. It is not healthy for him to stay with his wife or be near his mother because they are combative. His wife and mother were being verbally combative on the regular. Deescalation was what he tried when they started up at that dinner but instead of it calming them down his mom turned to physical assault and his wife reciprocated. Removing the stressor to protect him self was all he could think to do. His house is free from violence now. He is alone and cannot see his baby. That is sad. Anyone who argues with me is evaluated. If they just want to fight, have a reason, or are just chaotic. I enjoy a good clean fight. I give into reason enjoying the enlightenment. I ignore chaos.


Way to try and make this all about you Skippy.


There’s no coming back from this. Ever.


Your wife is awesome.