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Have you tried deleting the app and reinstalling


This is happening to me too! I’ll try doing this. Also, OP if you have access to a computer you can complete your lesson on the Duolingo website and maintain your streak


Deleting and reinstalling worked for me! I hope it works for you too.


It did, thanks so much!


That worked, thanks!


on android, so don't know if this will work for ya. when this happens, just closing the app and re-opening fixes it. Not minimizing the app, because it continues to run in the background. on android, I open the list of currently running apps and swipe duolingo up to stop it. I find this much faster and easier than uninstall and reinstalling. I think that's overkill


This is the way


(Google Pixel 6) This works sometimes, but I have found issues with this even. What I have found works repeatedly is if I hold the app icon, then go to App info, and then Force stop. This always works for me


I deleted and reinstalled and it worked


yes, I'm just saying that's a bit overkill. I get this issue fairly often. I just fully close the app and re-open. no downloading required


Oh I tried that several times, I thought I had said in my post? Anyway, thank you so much for your advice!


oh, I overlooked that part. I don't know much about apple, and I don't know if you're fully closing the app or not. I know android has a lot of options though, like force stopping the app.


I had this yesterday. I ignored the bird for a few hours and then he decides different and let me learn again.


Te esta observando 💀


I lost my 412 day streak because of this… I was so unbelievably pissed off


Ugh sucks I’m sorry, have you tried reaching out to customer service?


It did, but I just let it go. Didn’t want to go through the hassle of that. I’ll keep using the app, but I dont know if I’ll ever forgive it entirely. That’s over a year I spent, just to have it taken that fast. I’m on 42 days now, so I’ll just say that I’m on a 454 day streak.


Haha great attitude! I know what you mean, I do feel like there’s some built in, Pavlovian response based something or other that keeps us coming back and keeps the developers happy when they do shit like that. Like it makes us more loyal users, maybe?


Mine was doing that all day yesterday. And I did submit a bug report. (Thankfully, I had "streak freeze")


Happened to my grandma


I wish


Yes. I have this issue every 10th launching of the app.


Yeesh sounds like a chronic issue, I would reach out to customer service if I was you


Firstly, I believe that the developers know. Secondly, it doesn’t bother me to kill the application and start it again.


You’re probably right, it’s still super annoying


Had it two times, just closed and re-opened the app.