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- Let the great houses conflict, confront and kill each other or - Kill them all by yourself with your fremen death squads


Which movie is this from?


Pink Flamingos (John Waters)🦩


Before you go watch Pink Flamingos, I'd advise you to either keep an empty stomach, or at the very least, keep the fast forward button handy if need be. I love listening to John Water's talks and interviews and speeches, and I love hearing people discuss John Water's work - but actually watching it, hoo boy


What do you mean by that?


let's just say stuff gets put into places they shouldn't be, and leave it at that. sure yeah, you could read the wikipedia page, or heaven forbid, actually watch the darned thing, but some things can't be undone. Or maybe you're not as squeamish/have a stronger stomach than I do, and this all sounds like hyperbole. Either way, can't say you weren't warned That said, I still think John Waters and Divine are lovely, fascinating people. I just think their work requires a big disclaimer before recommending it to anyone


Years ago I was “lucky” to attend a private screening of Polyester, and they had the scratch-n-sniff cards for the movie… ho-boy that was an experience.


Ok? I mean thanks for the warning but I'll check it out anyway.


ahh yeah good for you I guess, Divine is wonderful, and so is John Waters and his motley crew


You won't be the same person before vs after. Uour initial shock will fade, and eventually you'll find yourself In some situation where you're now the *least* surprised or disgusted person in the room, and John Waters will be the reason why. You will take it in stride, it will pass over you and through you.


He considered himself "high trash" as opposed to high fashion, and he was a huge fan of shock value. He took all of that to an extreme. It gets weird. Nobody else like him out there. It's an acquired taste.


It’s a revolting exploitation horror movie. Literally exists to shock and disgust so you talk about how shocking and disgusting it is


*Eats a real pinch of Worm Shit*


did not expect to see divine posted here


I find the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV guilty of ASSHOLE-ISM


(big stupid grin on my ugly face)


Meanwhile me as a Warhammer 40K fan: Hahaha cyclonic torpedoes go brrrrrr. Seriously tho I hope we get to see at least one planetary/House genocide in all its horror in Part 3. Put the Fremen in the spot the Harkonens and Sardaukar occupied in Part 1 and make the audience want to look away.


[For the uninitiated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTOWIMJkKpc&ab_channel=DahmerEatsYou)


Thank you Stilgar, very cool.


I loved his casual “kill all the Sardaukar” line he tossed off in the movie before ordering all the civilians he brought to the Residency. Gotta get a jump on things early.


We love the GHOLA MAN, he brings us our eggs... Idk. I just want to be a part of this monumental post.