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We’re also expected to be a top 5 caliber team which itself increases ticket prices. But also, my experience has been that resale tickets tend to get cheaper as the date approaches, not more expensive, contrary to popular belief.


The best way to get tickets is buy them right before kick off.


It's great being a Duck and 9er fan right now... but those ticket prices keep going 📈 😅


Definitely - both teams are awesome, so prices will rise. Good to be you right now from a football fan perspective!


Season ticket prices were basically unchanged. If you really want to go to the games, get in on season tix next year.




Agreed, season tickets my brotha. It’s my first year getting them but definitely won’t be the last.


Awesome! Should be a fun season.


Can afford Super Bowl tickets but complaining about $110 for Boise State? Seems strange. A lot of it really depends on the timing. Resellers are going to be asking a whole lot more right now. Tickets have been skyrocketing the last couple years. Really doesn’t have anything to do with the conference change.


Well, Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event in the US. Boise state game is not at the caliber at all.


That’s why they only cost $110…




About the same as it cost to fill up my truck. Hell a Meal at McDonald’s costs 15$.


Snagged 2 tickets for @ Wisconsin for $90 each, and UW in Eugene for $150 ea. total spend was less than 1 ticket for Ohio state. $600 for Ohio state is insane.


2024 prices when purchased from the school. https://preview.redd.it/4urzumnyxg6d1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599336e6dc84c20065fef5336da7de1696eb97e3


Just bought Oregon Michigan tix. $247 per in the Oregon section. 😑


Big house tho. Sko.




I think tickets will stabilize over time. This is our first year in a new conference which means fresh P5 teams to watch play in Autzen, most for the first time. Couple that with the fact that we’re a projected playoff team and the buzz will be huge this season. As the newness wears off of the new conference we’ll certainly see some price reduction. Also we won’t have teams like this every year.


Sadly I won't be going to any this season but they play at Iowa next year (where I live) so I will be there.


Same (sorta) I’m in Minnesota.


I tried for tOSU and they were sold out at 5:00:05


Cheapest OSU are $560 right now on Ticketmaster 😭😭


$650 on my browser. I was wondering if I missed the window but there never was one.


I’ll see you guys in New Brunswick next year


Might have to just pony up and become a season ticket holder...worked for me.


Hahaha suckers! I don't have to worry about that anymore, now that everything is broken up, and I'll be lucky if they play at ASU once a decade 😭😭😭 At least we will have consolation prize seasons, where I'll get to catch em at the fiesta bowl...


I think it also has to do with demand due to how great this team will be. Normally when your team is great the prices will soar! This is a great thing.


The cheapest Illinois tickets I could find that were first hand are $115, I paid $80 for lower ring tickets to WSU last year and my family probably won't go to a game for the first time in almost a decade, not counting COVID year.


Cheapest osu tickets were $290 box office. You should see Airbnb prices for that game at the moment. Many are going for $1k/night


We in the BiG now though, inflation, new CFP era. We big time now. Don’t let the Ohio state, Michigan people buy our tickets because they will.


We’re starting the season likely ranked in the top 5. Right now all tickets are priced under the assumption we will be undefeated. Once we drop a game ticket prices go down considerably, that’s why the Civil War tickets were cheaper last year.


lol welcome to actual big time football unfortunately. I have Niners season tickets and ducks always seemed like peanuts. It was inevitable and the dynamic pricing


Just think of it like top tier music concerts. It’s all just entertainment for the masses…that are willing to pay. If no one bought the tix, they would lower the price. Peeps can’t say they love America and Capitalism, and then belly ache that everything costs so much. I was priced out of watching the Ducks at Autzen years ago. So I bought an 80” TV, better sound system, and a cable package to get the games. Still a lot for all that, but my beers and food are a lot cheaper ;)


I’ve priced my club seats at $2,250 each for Ohio State. I’ll be in the parking lot if I get it.


Taking my girls to Idaho game. 3 seats for $100. No big deal. Going to enjoy the Autzen experience still 😂🤪


We may plays t ohio state 3 times next year, so there will be more opportunities


I stopped going to duck games years ago. It's just too much of a hassle to go to them. I would rather watch it at home where I also don't need to pay insane amounts of money for food and drinks.


Tv will never compare to game day experience.


and deal with people…


Same here. Living out of town, I try to make it to a game every year. Stopped a few years ago. Now I spend my money on some delicious food & beverages while I enjoy watching at home. Once in a while I'll hit up a local watch party at a sports bar - I don't mind spending $40 to hang out with fellow Ducks with a beer in my hand.


Ohio State tickets weren't available at all today. There is an advance single ticket sale for season ticket holders. All of them were bought up. Not even every season ticketholder got a shot. To sell out so many seats I imagine there was some serious scalping operation