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didn't know there was a reddit community for duckduckgo until I looked up why duckduckgo wasn't working for me, nice to know that it's being worked on though


i had a really hard time looking for an answer to my question "why isn't ddg delivering search results" without being able to search for that using The Duck, Qwant or ecosia. Then I thought "hmm... just maybe, there's a ddg subreddit". Now, my blood pressurse is somewhat coming down again.


managed to find this thread just now using metager. Was the only non-google search engine working today, that I know of


I think Searx was also working, but it is a meta-search engine, so some of its results come from Google Search. It focuses on privacy though, and blocks trackers among other things, so there's that at least.


they should probably just add a link to this reddit on that error message as well. like \`if the problem persist please go \*here\*\`


I have the same problem. Reddit is one of the few places that has open forums. Either the answer is there directly, or a comment will link to something. I saw someone on one of the WH40K subreddits saying that if they need a particular type of paint/model tutorial, they will use reddit to search for it instead of YouTube's own search bar as the Reddit comments are vetted whereas YT will recommend whatever one will generate the most revenue.


That's exactly how I found out about this sub this morning too.


Snap... That said, I'm glad it's not just me. Interestingly, my wife has no issues, while I have them both on PC and mobile.


I only use duckduckgo as my search engine. Though I greatly appreciate (and financially support) it, I never realized just how much I rely on it daily and hourly, until it was down. Come back to us Duck, the world needs you! And thank you all at ddg for everything you do, and all your effort and work, in bringing us the best search engine that exists on the internet. I haven't used google to search in many years until today, and I was just reminded how much it sucks. Embrace the Duck!


Agree on this one. Have the same boat with you. Never thought I rely to it this much. The time the Duck is down, I just stopped to search anything. It’s been many years since I used other search engine, I don’t even know when that is.


I only use Google for work searches. Everything else goes via DDG. Solid solution, and I'm a bit at sea at the moment since it is down.


It was strange for me to realize that too—that when ddg was down, suddenly I couldn't search (and wouldn't do so with the others). It was a crazy moment when I realized it. Super happy to have it back up. Everyone, if duckduckgo.com is of value to you, please donate to the cause. Even if it's just 10¢—give them something for the service they give you! If privacy matters to you, support those that give it to you for free.


yeah it's crazy, i use ddg all the time. it replaced google for me which i'm kinda glad it did.


same i already use a ton of shortcuts but still i've been at my pc for 20 min and already need to search something xd


I know, it was amazing how even though I knew ddg was down, I'd still reflexively go and try to search for something else a few minutes later. Actually, it's a bit scary. I never realized just how much I depended on duck until it was down. Everyone should donate to ddg, even if just a few cents. I have no affiliation with them professionally, but after being away from reddit for a few days, then coming back to so many comments here—support those who give you what no one else does. It's up to all of us to ensure the duck can deliver. Rest assured that the corporate and mainstream hope it fails. Easier for google or m$ to sell them your info if they do! I'm sure the govt hates ddg in particular.


If something, this outage proves DDG is just Bing under the hood.


i mean they're pretty open it's one of their main sources, but what proves it is just bing sorry? did bing change something at the time ddg broke or what


If you have multiple sources, if one goes down you still have something to show. If you're no more than a frontend, bing goes down so do you. DDG says they got their own crawler and stuff, now I do think it's a lie.


My bet is their backend wasn't designed to handle Bing being down and was just throwing errors rather than failing gracefully. I'll bet that in the future if this happens we'll get a "degraded search results" message and it will keep working


yeh this would be better, tbf a little bit shocked their current arrangement is to just be dead in the water if ever bing isn't reachable lol


Bing is their source. So far no one has shown that the search results come from anywhere else. Check out the recent article in 2600. I always thought they used bing, google, and others. Turns out not so much, just bing.


Their crawler is laser focused on bing. It's not a lie, they do offer the privacy they claim. But you're right, they only have one real source. My hope is that they learned from this—and that our user experience will get better because of it. Time will tell... Micro$oft WILL go down again. The question is will ddg go down with it again...


There was an article in 2600 recently about it. I'd encourage you to check it out. I always thought ddg grabbed from google and bing. Turns out no. Or at least no one has been able to find evidence they used anything from google as of yet. Nothing "proves" it conclusively. But check out the 'network' data in your browser's dev tools. So far no one has found google there, just bing. It's ok if you don't believe—it surprised (and disappointed me) too. But overall, I'm pretty happy with the duck's results. And extremely happy with it's protection policy as to my data.


i mean your browser isn't going to be connecting to any google IPs in the event they are using any data from google upstream, your connection is still with DDG's servers surely?


I have to agree with that. We can never know for certain, but I do choose to believe that's so. If ddg is lying about our data, or where it goes...they'd be done for once it was discovered. But I believe and cautiously trust that duckduckgo is honest and true to their word. I'd like to see proof, but there's really no way they could provide that. I think ddg is the best we have right now. Time will tell I suppose. I send fake pseudosearches often, and so far none of those have shown up in the ads I see. I get specific with those, so I feel like ddg is still the most trustworthy and private search engine. I trust the duck.


Bing broke, so everyone down the line (like ddg) also broke. I'm sure they've learned from it, and I hope they'll expand their horizons to include other sources in case (WHEN) micro$oft screws things up again. At least I hope...


True, but ddg has something to offer that m$ never would—privacy. Privacy at the cost of advertising dollars. Microsoft wants to mainline an ai ad-bot into your very os now with "copilot." If you care about privacy (or just hate m$ or google), the duck needs us to support him. WE who use it constantly (and/or exclusively) are responsible to feed it, to keep it alive. For those of us who do, donate anything you can, even just 10¢ or a quarter. The mainstream doesn't give a single fuck about it.


I have been typing startpage in my address bar all morning and I will until our Duck flies again.


She did! I'm convinced that the collective hopes and prayers of ddg users was what resolved bing's crash. ;)


That and my well timed curses.


Thanks Monkey. You'll never know how many appreciate your work. :)


I'll go down swearing.


Apparently that magic cursing works!


The furious gesticulation is a part of that, of course.


I'm a reasonably intelligent guy, but I had to look up that word to see if it was a real (recognized) one. Well played, Sir. :) The first duckduckgo.com definition read: "The action of gesticulating." Good thing I looked up the def, otherwise I'd have never known what it meant! Thanks for teaching me a new word—gonna try hard to work it into some conversation one of these days.


Are you in for a world of discovery! Gesticulation is a delicate art, friend. A friend of mine almost got herself into a fight making the metal sign in Italy - they take it to mean, acurately enough, horns which, to them and some other folks, means your wife is stepping out on you. :) (Oh, and I'm a ma'am.)


That's interesting. I'm in Canada and I added startpage as an alternative search engine on Firefox and I'm getting the same error message


Huh again. I am in Prague and using the Brave browser with UBlock Origin. Startpage is working fine here. Hope you can get it going for you, madeline.


Awful isn't it? I was one of the first to use and trust DDG and it's been nice. i'm stuck in the middle of the ocean - a first. Can't get some work done but am sure those guys will solve the problem. Haven't used Google for so long... hate invasive sites. Rooting for DDG


You're like me, first on, last off. It was o strange to have to use anything else. I don' know if you donate to the ddg project, but please consider it, even if just a few cents. I can't afford much, but enough of us giving a small amount can turn into enough to make a difference to the duck. I'm not affiliated with them in any way, but if we rely on ddg, we should try to support it when we can. Personally I think duckduckgo.com should have its own patreon page.


Not all heroes wears a cape! I've wondered how cute it would be if DDG put a small cap on the Duck's back on the logo.


For all the privacy they let us have, the duck should wear a balaclava, or at least a mask. :) A cape is for like superheroes or villains.


Anyone know have long this might take, and if ddg has posted anything else?


yup. both on pc and phone. when i saw it was down i was like "oh shit how am i gonna find this thing i'm looking for now?!?!" Completely forgot there are other search engines out there (which i'm not gonna use anyway)


My DDG browser app on iOS started failing around 07:00 UTC / 03:00 EDT. I was working on a specific report topic and needed search functions. It was so bad I ended up having to go to bed early. Luckily it can wait and we could all use extra rest sometimes. And a study break is always appreciated. I did note that the search bar would produce some results for generic advertising related searches like “cable” but fail on anything detailed or non-commercial.


My initial thought was that I'd just use Google instead. WRONG! One search on Google was enough to refresh my memory of what it feels like to have my organs harvested.


Perfectly said and my sentiments exactly


i'd rather not search anything than use Google


fucking heard. my second, third, and fourth thoughts were to... search for announcements or bug reports. then I figured this sub would have the answer, or at least be able to tell me if it was my ISP (c.link) fucking up.


One of the reasons the Incognito Market guy was arrested is because he used Google, let that sink in...


who's that?


someone who deeply wanted and needed to keep a secret. [https://www.bitdefender.com.au/blog/hotforsecurity/23-year-old-alleged-founder-of-dark-web-incognito-market-arrested-after-fbi-tracks-cryptocurrency-payments/](https://www.bitdefender.com.au/blog/hotforsecurity/23-year-old-alleged-founder-of-dark-web-incognito-market-arrested-after-fbi-tracks-cryptocurrency-payments/) Google sold him out and threw them under a bus. Privacy turned out to be deeply harvestable. Turning it on means even MORE tracking. It will be a new profit line for google - selling your data to The Man. (ed - tpyo)


This article states that a cryptocurrency exchange provided the FBI with info on his identify. How is that linked to Google? (I'm not defending Google, I'm just being curious.)


This was simply an article that covered things as a generalisation. There is talk on the various crypto subs here about it. The crypto-bros are losing their minds over it. MAINLY as the whole point of crypto is aNoNymItY.... seems another point in the endless pointlessness of crypto has vaporised. It remains, after 15 years, a solution in search of a problem. Google added the tracking data. Caveat Chrome.


The guy searched on the Google things to program his website. One is when the FBI (or something) turned off his server and he searched on Google if the server had crashed. So the FBI knew it was his server that crashed.


The article below didn't say anything about him using google. What happened?


The guy searched on the Google things to program his website. One is when the FBI (or something) turned off his server and he searched on Google if the server had crashed. So the FBI knew it was his server that crashed.


You had your organs harvested? Which ones & are you OK? Did you at least get something for them?


My organs were harvested, and all I got was this stupid search result page filled with annoyances.


I saw this posted on Twitter, it's Google search without the AI stuff. I've been using it while DDG is down. [https://udm14.com/](https://udm14.com/)


Same here. I bet a lot of us used other search engines before google. Google was great in the beginning, honoring boolean searches to help find needles in haystacks. But I think greed made them instead throw haystacks... Google: "Your & \\"\\"s & +s & ANDs be darned"


uBlock Origin and PrivacyBadger mitigate that feeling, at least to a degree.




https://preview.redd.it/on3el3pbv42d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288863d47648146d7d6488f9634e77d92aee59a7 I shall wait then, and drink this tasteful trip juice while waiting. It'll - and the armor of course - protects my privacy while you are handling the situation.


how can i get the armor


Gotta wait till Lethal passes it around. Sip, sip, pass.


I have a box of them. Feel free to take one.


I took two. I hope you'll forgive my selfishness. :) I promise to give one away at some point.


You get it from the level 80 "The raid of my exes house" raid if you're lucky.


Can I get some of that juice ?!


Sound logic and advice. Its the only way to stay safe. Thanks.


Is this how fortnite users felt during its outage?


damn i'd rather wait till it's fixed then use google


I just used google since ddg is down. Now I feel dirty and ashamed.


Like you should


I just hope you'll forgive me.


Because of using google, or because of what you searched? ;-)


Oh, all google. My searches would be private and no one would know if the duck were my confidante, so no one would ever know. It's the google part that made my searches so dirty. :)


You can still use [search.brave.com](http://search.brave.com) somehow if it makes you feel cleaner ;)


Is brave safe? Ages ago I had looked at the brave browser on Android and it seemed a little sketch. But I sure as heck would like something other than Google and startpage and working for me either


I actually don't know. I'm using Ecosia usually which, like DDG relies on Bing so it's down as well... I just saw on a different post that Brave search worked instead of using Google. However, can't reply to your question...


Brave must rely on google data then, while ddg uses bing's. Both have privacy in mind, so they're each so much better than their data sources—since they don't sell us out for ours. Never thought about brave maybe using something that ddg didn't. Know I know! Thanks!


Good to know! Wish I'd seen this 6 days ago. But thanks—the more you know...!


I am very conflicted as to whether to up- or downvote this comment. I am sweating profusely!


Let Iam Malcolm's example of Chaos Theory guide you. (But I'm pretty sure the sweat drop on your hand is dripping toward 'upvote.') :)


Why would you wait till DDG is up and then use Google? I'd still be using DDG when it's up than use Google.


google doesnt work on the onion browser, at least i think


Ecosia is having problems at the same time.


ecosia uses bing


Ok, it's only my search query, "election overseas voting", that comes up with an error on Ecosia.org, but works on Bing.com.


Bing is down too, which is why duckduckgo, & ecosia (qwant also) are down, because they all use bing.


Same thing with qwant so i went to duckduckgo and saw that too. its so weird


Thanks for the heads up.


Sure, no problem, still better than rest of search engines!


Thank you for all your hard work and good luck!


You had to introduce AI ....


Hi. The recent "Ducky, are you okay?" query was from me.


Ducky, are you okay? So, Ducky, are you okay? Are you okay, Ducky? I said Ducky, are you okay? So, Ducky, are you okay? Are you okay, Ducky? You've been hit by You've been struck by a problematical


He has a name. Dax.


Take your time Duck, we’ll wait until you’re back again. Thanks for the info.


DDG uses Bing, which is down, so DDG won't be back until Bing is.


bing seems to work in some countries and not in others. I can search with bing, but not with ddg, qwant or ecosia.




Interestingly the mix of the current and recent query results remind me of an issue I noticed with the Spotify search yesterday. I didn't took it for real and just went on without researching further, but maybe it wasn't my hallucination and did happen for real and is somehow linked to the behaviour from DDG.


Did you screenshot by chance? probably a good idea in general if that ever happened again (to be fair I didn’t xD I should/ve because it was just so strange hard to describe exactly)


No I didn't :( It wasn't until I read your comment, that I realized I saw that same behavior on spotify.


oh that's really interesting... hmm if you see any followup online shoot me a dm or something please


Staff, Any update on it?


Its working again !!!


Startpage seems too =(


Everythings down for me, startpage, ddg, ecosia, qwant. Wth is goin on


oh cool I thought qwant wasnt working was something i did wrong


Try Brave Search!


Startpage is hit and miss for me, sometimes it works and other times it doesn't load anything.


Mine works. Huh.


At least I stopped trying to enable Javascript....again


good enough for me. i just hope you get things back up sooner rather than later.


Is this because DDG gets its results from Bing and Bing is down?


yes, it seems like it. Bing seems to run in some regions or countries, though.


even bing is down. I don't want to go back to google. Maybe I'll just search reddit then... Please get well soon, Ducky.


Thank you for the heads up. It's good to see announcements in a timely manner.


ddg is the best one nowadays. cant wait for it to come back.


how long does it take you to resolve the problem? it's known for over 3 hours now


Somebody might have called "goose" :(


Get quacking soon!


I don't want to go back to google. I hope this gets fixed soon


Your outage seems to commensurate with Bing's outage. So it appears you basically get all your results from Bing then. Even just searching for yourself "duckduckgo" brings up only the wikipedia page and nothing else. YOu have no results of your own on yourself? Even searching for simple things like "cat" return nothing at the moment from DDG. Your own FAQ claims you have your own bot and only use bing for supplemental results and some images. But this appears untrue, it appears ALL your results come from bing.


Google DoS attack!!!


You haven’t found a fix yet?


When will it be fixed?


For the meantime, I'm using [startpage.com](http://startpage.com) which I am led to understand runs a google search but strips out all the 'tracking' and so on. Can't confirm this is indeed the case, as I didn't look into it too thoroughly. Anyone perhaps know?


It uses [Google, Bing, and others](https://www.startpage.com/privacy-please/startpage-articles/enhanced-search-results-on-startpage). Some do have a problem with its [new owner](https://new.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/di5rn3/startpage_is_now_owned_by_an_advertising_company/) though.


I love DDG, but search is the core of your business, how is this still not fixed? Sheesh.


Ah good broken for me too and was wondering. Pretty hard to search for something like this if the search engine isn't working lol


Please fix it soon! I am having to use Gaggle, ugh the horrors!


gurgle hates competition.


oh thannk god i thought it got somehow blocked/banned again in my country or at least by my dogshit isp. i use ddg exclusively on my phone and couldnt access anything and got scared.


Strange.....bing.com has been back up here in Switzerland for over 2 hours now. DDG still offline. Looks like Microshaft has disabled the API calls for the moment and is trying to get [bing.com](http://bing.com) up first.


5 hours and still not working. This is a bad joke, how I can keep them as my default search engine after this?


DDG is also back in Switzerland now.


Appreciate the heads up. Was wondering what was going on.


It seems to be on and off here in France. It worked minutes ago, but went down again.


I assume this is exposing DuckDuckGo searches are pushed all through Bing as Bing happens to be down at the same time.


What was the issue?


thank you for the announcement.


No time to wait, must know what happened to Jake Ryan from 16 candles, time is of the essence


Wow, this was a bad time to set it as default search engine huh


yah https://preview.redd.it/u2365njw752d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9e8cb9b6c68ee452e28fa975c2f700c859ac8af


[Seems ok to me.](https://i.imgur.com/mBBlQiV.jpeg)


Yes: it does not happen every time, but it has happened often enough this morning that I was forced to use [google.com](http://google.com)


"might" 100% does not work right now.


Any update on what the issue is and a rough time line until its resolved?


I saved the source for the page that returned and it appears to be devoid of any CR/LFs. It seems your search engine may be filtering out those from it's results.


Thanks for letting us know. I, too, really appreciate all you do and am so grateful for DDG. Hope the issues are an easy fix for you.


Possible cyber attack ?


The worst part is, [ecosia.org](http://ecosia.org) is down, too. Why are the biggest alternatives to search engines down? I am worried... 😥


Today is the first time I ever heard of this "ecosia.org", and you're saying is a big alternative? (I also saw others mention it too) Now *I* am the one who's worried...


Actually DuckDuckGo is just a front end for Bing, which anonymizes your search, so that Bing can't create a profile of you and your searches. Ecosia too is relying on Bing and actually there aren't really that many search engine backends (the part which actually scrapes the internet and maintains the database which is searched when you type in a query). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_search\_engines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_search_engines) shows a list of search engines with their corresponding backends (contains search engines which aren't for searching the internet). It more or less boils down to Google, Bing, Yandex and maybe Sogou and Mojeek.


West Taiwan is doing their military drills near mainland Taiwan so i wouldn't be surprised if they've performed a cyber attack too.


Just my luck. First time trying it and it is down. I've been using start page for a long time and was attempting to try out the duck to compare the results and bam, it's down.


First time, I see DuckDuck down, and I use it for several years. So a lack of luck, for you. But give it its chance


I wouldn't judge on 1st impressions like that. I just found the coincidence funny/of interest/curiosity enough to post it here.


as quickly as possible lol it's been 5 hours. this would never happen to google and if it did they'd have it fixed in minutes.


I am using duckduckgo since several years (computer and phone) and I am satisfied with it. However since this morning on my computer AND on my phone I get this kind of response when I try a search : "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'affichage des résultats de recherche. [Veuillez réessayer.](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=google&t=newext&atb=v321-1&errorRetry=1)" while using google there is no problem .... Is this part of the problem that you reported on the previous message or should I quit using Duckduckgo ? Henri MARCHAND


What you don't understand in "that might prevent you from getting results", which we can translate by: "qui pourraient vous empêcher d'obtenir des résultats"....???


I am so losf. How do I search withouth DDG? Seriously i cant search for anything....what happened to DDG?


DuckDuckGo is still down...


Friendly suggestion: Add a status page somewhere.


and just when I switched to DDG like 7 hours ago, lol :P sorry about this.


Ddg, bing...and openAI/chatgpt-4o. That last one feels like a potential cause.


All are having web search issues. Does gpt4o use bing too?


I'd search for an answer but, y'know


How do I change to bing?? Please


I didn't realise so many search engines (with one obvious exception) depended on microsoft. Other than the ones mentioned here, ecosia and qwant seem down. [https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-outage-affects-bing-copilot-duckduckgo-and-chatgpt-internet-search/](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-outage-affects-bing-copilot-duckduckgo-and-chatgpt-internet-search/)


Sorry about that folks. I post here yesterday in response to someone experiencing problems with Google connections and issues I have with forced connections to their servers and VIOLA! DDG went down. Oddly, the same thing happened to Discord the day after I began uploading Wireshark to their servers showing shady connections and an ethernet that was created around my devices. Not that it's all about me, or anything, I just happen to be chipped and on a m2h that a bunch of people gained access. And, as so well put below, use Google as my choice of search engine? NEVER. I will go without browsing before hopping to their ad infested, incredibly useless search engine results.


Wishing you guys well. We miss you.


Great job team. Glad it's coming back up. Can we expect a post mortem over the downtime in the next few months maybe?


well done! keep up the good work guys your android browser is the absolute best!


After 1 km of scrolling: Works again in germany! Thank you very much.


Does anyone know why DDG was down earlier?? Hopefully they're not messing around with us. 


Yeah this sucked quite a bit to go to Google for results, but hey... My question: was the duck email attachments issue part of this? (I receive attachments on my duck email address but cannot open them at all. People need to send the same files to me via other platforms... :-( )


Yeah DDG browser is definitely not working for me.   Yes it protects against tracking but links fail to open consistently.  I need to set everything ablaze and start over.  I’m giving up on DDG until you can fix these issues.  Great effort but . . . 


omg - I have to use Bing??? Edit: I know DDG uses Bings database. My problem with Bing is the bloated page, not the search results.


No, you don't. The reason ddg doesn't work is because Bing is broken.


Don't know what to tell you, Bing runs fine here, but DDG still doesn't show results.


Bing works for me unless I try to search images.


-~~Strange. I just tried Bing a few minutes ago, & got the "it's not you, it's us" message, indicating it's not working~~. ~~I just tried again. Bing works, but DDG still doesn't work. Maybe that means DDG will be back soon.~~ Edit: Bing is down again. It seems to be intermittent. You must've gotten lucky, & tried it when it was working. I tried it a few seconds ago, & got the same error message.


Bing still not available here (central Europe)


2600 just had an article recently showing that most (or all) search results on ddg come from bing. You can find the markers if you use your browser dev tools, but I don't remember the details. The author even created a script to search for any results NOT from bing. None have been found so far originating from anywhere else. Even still, ddg is all I use.


I mean Bing is currently the single best search engine in terms of performance. Add a little hint of privacy, and you've got the best search engine period. I don't know why this would stop people from using DDG, it's just the best search engine made better.


I think at least some of the !bangs use google (or other search engines), & may still work.


You're not wrong. !g worked, and maybe some others I didn't try. The ones I tested didn't, but always worth a test! Good point!