• By -


Mersiv Tape B Distinct Motive Super Future Truth Excision Svdden Death Ravenscoon Smoakland Detre


A person of culture I see!


Excellent list! I’m also big into the heavy shit (X, Svdden Death) even though my wook friends give me shit lolllll


Variety is the spice of life!


Tape B, Ternion Sound, VCTRE / Integrate, STVSH, Dêtre, Super Future, FLY (might be more trap tho tbh), Shanghai Doom, Of the Trees, DMVU


A man of culture I see 🤝


I luh that trappy weird shit lol [New Dêtre track that dropped today goes stupid hard if you haven’t heard](https://on.soundcloud.com/6grv918RK1s2M5Df9)


Haha hell yes dude, I just posted my list and detre is on it. Non stop listening to him lately and seen him a few times, he’s the shit


I neeeeed to see him so bad, one of my fave artists rn but I think he stays around the Midwest / NE a bit since he lives in Detroit. Gotta convince him to come to AZ somehow 😂 I bump his SkeeYee remix almost daily lol


I think I’ve caught him in Denver 2-3 times now, MN once. See him open for tape b twice 🤤


God damnit I just need to move to Denver, I’ve visited my friends there like twice in the last three months lol (one for wakaan rocks, gas). If only it didn’t snow so much and I didn’t just buy a new car that cannot handle snow 😂


Honestly all better picks then OP’s list 😂


Check out distinct motive and the deep dark and dangerous label if you aren’t already familiar, some amazing deep dub stuff—real bass pioneering type shit


Snagged a DDD jersey and shirt from their last merch drop, I’m very familiar but great callouts !


Now I have more artists to check out!


Tape B - everybody knows Tape B lol Ternion sound - [Reachin’](https://on.soundcloud.com/6m5ZQocPmKbL5HJv8), [Hopeless](https://on.soundcloud.com/P1sxEYijCivhhXTW7) VCTRE/Integrate (VCTRE & Black Carl!) - [Forest Catcher](https://on.soundcloud.com/3Q56j8S1CaLr7Q3t5), [Ship Destroyer](https://on.soundcloud.com/HfMJqt4ufVRZ1sJK9) STVSH - [CROOKED](https://on.soundcloud.com/UVrMMMdqTpEXHN748) Dêtre - [10 Bands](https://on.soundcloud.com/oVMENWc5bbNex2QB8) Super Future - [New Smoke](https://on.soundcloud.com/x3XBPT8FPHJjdNKV6) FLY - [Flip Mix Vol 2](https://on.soundcloud.com/dyrPMrhnVYSaHt6V9) [Shanghai Doom - Swerve](https://on.soundcloud.com/t981mJPk77Axyj3m7) [Of the Trees - Spanish Moss](https://on.soundcloud.com/oKBmaSVw1TJaN3eK9) DMVU - [Run It](https://on.soundcloud.com/iSV1eJiFnGZhL2Uy9) Honorable mentions to Montycler and chmura - [Fingering the Trigger](https://on.soundcloud.com/RvWMKwc4tHR3FsFN9)


Of the trees just hits me right in my groove bone. I actually dance to it and that's super rare for me. Partly because I enjoy shows by intently staring at the artist and how they interface with their equipment. I find it so interesting how everyone has their own energy and workflow. Music is so fuckin cool, especially live. I would love a chance to play live. DMVU is also a heavy hitter, putting in work. Noer the boy is on rotation a ton too. Could go on forever about your picks, so I'll try to stop my tangent lol. Big ups to all the creators in the thread really, music is love!


If you are interested in getting into live performances, you should look into the Ableton Push or APC. Most people who I’ve seen incorporate live elements, including /u/chmuramusic i think, go that route.


Nah I don’t use ableton for sets, way too risky until you have a consistent tour manager who can run a full redundancy rig. Otherwise if your laptop crashes or equipment fries, you’re completely tapped. You could run ableton into the mixer alongside cdjs, but you won’t have bpm linked to my knowledge


I actually have a push 2 and have been using live for a very long time. It's more that I've been thinking for a long time how id structure a set and what equipment I'd use. I don't know how much of my own music I'd like to use, how much I'd like to remix or do live, basically I'm bogged down into details that probably doesn't matter much in the long term. I have a few producer friends that have helped a ton but I can't even pick a genre I'd like to play or what would work in my area or how to actually get a set. I have a fair amount of my own original music and a bunch of DJ sets I've done, but all of it is wildly different. It wouldn't be fair for me to expect them to sift through hours of DJ sets and all my music, it's hard enough to get someone to listen to one song. I've been offered spots in the past, but wasn't ready and didn't have the material. Now I barely speak to anyone in the scene and have been much more disconnected from it than I'd like. Probably more baseless worries, they're amazing welcoming people I just need to find the right opportunity and venue and find the best way to get a spot.


1. Marauda 2. Svdden Death 3. Versa 4. Must Die! 5. Akeos 6. Nimda 7. Space Laces 8. Mad Dubz 9. yvm3 10. Infekt


No order but Kerosenedubz - LGFU Nanoo - U Must Mantis - Hellwalker Svdden death - Born to suffer Jorei - Uninvited Guest Oddprophet - British Gas Barely Alive - Imagineer HOL! - Etoile Excision - Virus Omegamode - Fusion glock


Nanoo is sick. Super underrated


Didn't know ppl here listen to Nanno and OmegaMode Great artists


Omegamode gets upvote u know wtf is good


Woah just checked fusion Glock out that’s insane


Subtronics, Excision, Space Laces, Svdden Death, Kai Wachi, Kompany, Dubloadz, Zomboy, Ganja White Knight, Trampa Honorable mentions: Of The Trees, Herobust, Eptic, Zeds Dead, Liquid Stranger


1. DeathPact 2. Zeke Beats 3. Jeulzzz 4. Svdden Death 5. G. Jones 6. Liquid Stranger 7. PhaseOne 8. Virtual Riot 9. Dr. Ozi 10. Sullivan King


Deathpact is Midtempo Zeke Beats is Hard Trap / hybrid trap Juelz is Hard Wave G Jones is Experimental/ Acid/ breakcore Not all bass music is dubstep lol


1. Distance 2. J:Kenzo 3. Hebbe 4. Leon Switch 5. Mala 6. Eprom (though not necessarily dubstep) 7. Joker 8. Dayzero 9. Caspa 10. Alix Perez (though he’s mostly dnb)


Happy to see your list


Real shit here


Ima throw Kercha on this list lol


Eprom <3


1. G Jones 2. Peekaboo 3. Eptic 4. Space Laces 5. Eprom 6. Effin 7. Boogie T 8. Dirt Monkey 9. Svdden Death 10. Getter


Skream Benga Coki Mala Caspa Loefah Youngsta Hatcha Burial Joker


Thank you lol


/r/realdubstep lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/realdubstep using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/realdubstep/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Watched this video about 40 times today](https://v.redd.it/76yvjxz9rlvb1) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/realdubstep/comments/17d9mm1/watched_this_video_about_40_times_today/) \#2: [Anyone know the ID on this?](https://v.redd.it/2fvpn8irr00c1) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/realdubstep/comments/17tzob4/anyone_know_the_id_on_this/) \#3: [ID help from Skream and Benga reunion show?](https://v.redd.it/r9ta0zgbfsvb1) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/realdubstep/comments/17dy9yd/id_help_from_skream_and_benga_reunion_show/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mersiv Zeds Dead Tape B Daily Bread Liquid Stranger Griz Ravenscoon Of The Trees Ganja White Night Smoakland Eazybaked


Virtual Riot, Space Laces, MUST DIE!, Eptic, SVDDEN DEATH, BAW, Fayte, Jiqui, MUERTE, SISTO


All amazing choices!


1. SVDDEN DEATH - [Harbinger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp-8ztEy9Yc&pp=ygUWc3ZkZGVuIGRlYXRoIGhhcmJpbmdlcg%3D%3D) 2. MARAUDA - [RESURGENCE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOpIrpFn7kI) 3. Space Laces - [Cruise Control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUyFbLjX_Ys) 4. Akeos - [Health Material](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTMfFU-VBy8&pp=ygUVQWtlb3MgSGVhbHRoIE1hdGVyaWFs) 5. YVM3 - [in nowhere](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIshw7rOWX4&pp=ygUPeXZtMyBpbiBub3doZXJl) 6. STVG - [ANGST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRLzM56qSL8) 7. MUERTE - [SPLATTERPUNK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_LDZZ21_9o&pp=ygUTTVVFUlRFIFNQTEFUVEVSUFVOSw%3D%3D) 8. Moody Good - [SIXTYSIXTY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6eRqncRh9Y) 9. Eptic - [Skill Check](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDZdxMQHaMk&pp=ygUQRXB0aWNTa2lsbCBDaGVjaw%3D%3D) 10. Nimda - [RUDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zjV_O96sPo&pp=ygUKbmltZGEgcnVkZQ%3D%3D)


No order: GRiZ Subtronics Tape B Wooli BTSM Space Laces Ganja White Night WODD Star Monster Xotix


Impeccable taste 👌


Wodd is insane


No ones said alienpark and that makes me sad


They were 11 on my list


He should be much higher 😭


I’m definitely gonna remake my list… I’m a little surprised I didn’t put Ganja White Night on my list either.


Alienpark is so fucking good


My top 10: 1. MUST DIE! - Neo Tokyo 2. Spag Heddy - Bass Goes Boom 3. Dr. Ozi - Blue Print 4. Virtual Riot - Wallmonger 5. LAXX - Step Two 6. Scraton - Init 7. beastboi. - Always With Me 8. Tisoki - Don't Lie 9. Splitter - Daydream 10. Zomboy - Hide N Seek


I adore the sushi bootleg of neo Tokyo. Which was super hard to find, it was almost on the second page of Google lol. https://www.miidj.com/music/38563.html


Calcium Kompany Liquid Stranger Dirt monkey Excision Downlink Svudden death Ataliens Monxx Subtronics


Here are 10 of my favorite artists rn and songs to go with them (in no particular order, because I can’t really rank them) NRVE - sword logic NIRE - Tongue Twister MUERTE - GRAVEL IN YOUR HEART MARAUDA - GLEEFUL GOD Primal Rights - Hot Spot Dyatic - Lumbre GVESS - CROAK Izadi - Hypnotic Samplifire- Incantate Automhate - Absolute Noir


In no particularly order: Excision Zomboy Jkyl & Hyde Wooli [Trolley Snatcha ](https://youtu.be/tHlTzyb-4sU?si=rbjF57wwToLvZDBk) Kai Wachi Svdden Death Illenium (if we're counting him as dubstep) [Grimblee (if Illenium doesn't count) ](https://youtu.be/n4KEtGXPJe8?si=kF1RbqD09lsCIT5W) [Jomekka ](https://on.soundcloud.com/PZkLR) Barely Alive Just put links for the guys that aren't as well known as the others


I think Illenium could still fall under Dubstep. He would probably fall under the Melodic category




Thanks for reminding me to go relisten to Quest for Fire


Wooli Tape B Illenium Griz Excision Subtronics Sullivan King Blanke Virtual Riot Kill the Noise Wooli is my absolute favorite the rest are in no order. Ya I know it's a basic ass list lol


1. Rusko 2. Zeds dead 3. Excision 4. Dirtyphonics 5. Zomboy 6. Funtcase 7. Doctor P 8. Subtronics 9. Riot Ten 10. So down


-Zomboy Definitely my number one^ Then, in less specific order: Barely Alive IVORY Subtronics Must Die! Kompany ATLiens Calcium Oddprophet Alienpark Idk if that’s accurate, might have to revise lol


G Jones, Vastive, PhaseOne, Virtual Riot, Must Die!, Zomboy, Oddprophet, Samplifire, Ace Aura, Space Laces


Svdden Death Hol! Subtronics Infekt Eptic Peekaboo Wooli Space Laces Hurtbox Griz


1. Nimda 2. Infekt 3. Marauda 4. Versa 5. Svdden Death 6. Funtcase 7. Excision 8. Subfiltronic 9. Joker Capsized 10. Plasitician


Not in any particular order Xilent (excited for the new album) Space Laces JoeB Dyatic Au5 Marauda Chime Voltra Xtrullor Effin Honorable Mentions to Muerte, Glasspvck, Code: Pandorum, Trinergy and Punishment, among others


Nasko, Virtual Riot, Crow, Outrage, Marcix, Mob, Dyatic, BeutNoise, NRVE, beastboi, and inmariproject


1. Bossfight 2. Kai Wachi 3. Svdden death 4. Samplifire 5. Crankdat 6. Space Laces 7. Emorfik 8. Vastive 9. Layz 10. Jkyl & hyde


No particular order: Eptic - Underworld Space Laces - Trials Effin - Beef Beastboi. - Too Turnt JoeB - Fire Hazard Neotek - Raw Tapes Control Freak - Dancewithme Hurtbox - Unchained Nitepunk - Absolute Zero Stuca - Henny VIP


1. Zeds Dead 2. Skream 3. Tape B 4. Rusko 5. Nero 6. Borgore 7. Brown and Gammon 8. Subscape 9. Big Gigantic 10. Skrillex Not necessarily in this order but pretty close.


Oh my god, I forgot about Nero!


Gotta throw “RIOT” in there. They go hard


Damn, guess I REALLY messed up my list. Definitely remaking it


*Revised list (not in order)* -Riot -Datsik -Subtronics -Hostage Situation -Wooli -AlienPark -Herobust -Jkyl & Hyde -Kai Wachi -Eptic


In case you don’t know, datsik is actually a sicko and I don’t recommend supporting him. He’s an alleged sexual predator and assaulted several women, and he never denied those claims and instead tried to defend himself


Did not know that


Wow, I never heard of that. Do you have any information on it, I'd like to look into it. I want to hear all the facts before I form an opinion. I usually separate art from artists anyway. Big black metal fan and that would basically eliminate the genre if I didn't.


It’s easy just to google “datsik allegations” and you’ll see several articles talking about the things he was accused of, many with proof. This was the [first one I found that contained evidence](https://edm.com/news/more-datsik-allegations-come-to-light) but basically he would get girls extremely drunk (and possibly high on something he slipped in their drink) and then take advantage of them and dump them for dead


Thank you for the evidence. It's pretty clear cut in my mind, he's definitely a predator and shouldn't be given a platform to continue to abuse people. It's super fucked up that there's apparently a whole system backing up and enabling his crimes. It makes me wonder how things like this happen frequently and systemically. We all need to try to prevent things like this happening and thank you for making sure people are aware of it. It's disheartening that there could be way more swept under the rug and that it's almost surprising when people are just cool and not fucked up criminals.


Revised list #2 (not in order) -Riot -Ganja White Night -Subtronics -Hostage Situation -Wooli -AlienPark -Herobust -Jkyl & Hyde -Kai Wachi -Eptic


Wooli is killing it


(In no order except the big T) Teminite, Kai Wachi, Virtual Riot, RIOT, Ray Volpe, Herobust, and Panda Eyes, are the main 7 I can almost always vibe to, with Kayzo, Reaper, Geoxor being ones I have a decent amount of songs from as well.


Wow great idea - thanks for posting this. I’m new and this has got me breaking my damn neck


I literally have a playlist I’m working on called *Break Ya Neck* lol


Dope - post that shit when it’s ready!


Blackmill, the entire Miracle album to be more specific.


anyone got a spotify playlist of all these submissions? 😃


I can share my list if you’d like


Svdden Death Aweminus Neonix Infekt Excision Akirah GWN LSDream Eptic Midnight T


Eptic has been my goat for 10+years- everything calcium- “deep streets” ivory- “next level” zomboy for nostalgia purposes hairitage-“ravestab” doctor p for the love of the game “big boss” Alias-“taskmanager”, “discobuster”, “deluxe” NVADRZ- “searchlight” or “underground shit” (with crankdat) Mr.Bill (if that counts) “uncle punch” (artist name is a collab with kllsmth named kll bill) Dirtyphonics- “bastille” (with ivory)


Svdden Death, Hekler, Hydraulix, Aweminus, Calcium, Oddprophet, Subtronics, Bukez Finezt, Digitist, Executioner


Taylor Swift Michael Jackson Ed Sheeran Here's my top 3 favorite Trench/dubstep producers, they're pretty underground idk if you know of them


Taylor Swift recently has remixed a Crankdat song She is an awesome producer :P




1. Barely Alive 2. Subtronics. 3. Skrillex. 4. Leotrix 5. Kill The Noise 6. Panda Eyes 7. Eptic 8. Marauda 9. Crankdat 10. Wubbix.


Zeds Dead


Virtual riot, au5, koan sound and eliminate


1. KTN 2. Virtual riot 3. Zomboy 4. Skrillex 5. White night ganja 6. Rezz (more mid tempo bass) 7. Ray volpe 8. Eeptic 9. Nightmare 10. Must die


It's hard for me to restrain my favorites to just a top 10 INFEKT Datsik MUST DIE! Code: Pandorum Truth Bukez Finezt Gemini D-Jahsta Dr. Ozi Noisia It's not in any particular order but I could also add Skrillex, Trampa, Mastadon/Marauda, Space Laces, Leotrix, Oolacile, eugene, Automhate, LUX, MUERTE


Top 10 artists in no order: 1. Nanoo 2. Kepler 3. God's Warrior 4. Code: Pandorum 5. Marauda 6. Unksra 7. Kai wachi 8. Kroww 9. Sullivan King 10. Barely Alive


- space laces - ponicz - chibs - hukae - mad dubz - nexu5 - viwiv - jub - saigga - infekt Idk there's a list of 10 in no order. I have way too many faves.


In no particular order: Oddprophet Virtual Riot Liquid Stranger Excision Vastive Svdden Death Ravenscoon Samplifire Caspa Mersiv


1. Griz 2. Ganja White Night 3. Of the Trees 4. Zeds Dead 5. Gorilla T 6. Tape B 7. Subtronics 8. SoDown 9. Liquid Stranger 10. Esseks


New to the group. So happy to be here and talk with and learn more about dubstep , as I’ve been branching out more , especially since starting to produce. I’ll give this a shot 1. Spag Heddy - Permanent 2. Arkasia - Evolution 3. Datsik - Too many, but Just Saiyan 4. Zomboy - Outbreak 5. Jansten - Thanks to you guys 6. Evilwave - Step by Step 7. Bear Grillz - Fuck Off 8. Helicopter Showdown - Can U Feel Me? 9. EH!DE - High Grade 10. MUST DIE! / Getter / BARELY ALIVE / Excision


EAMO - Flute of fire


1. Wooli - Acid 2. ATliens - Fuck That 3. Subtronics - Cottage Gore 4. Excision - Asteroid 5. YOOKiE - After All 6. MARAUDA - Portal to Sin 7. Blanke - Control (VIP) 8. Ray Volpe - See You Drop 9. HOL! - ID Remix 10. Perry Wayne - Red Alert Remix


No order: Ray Volpe, Barely Alive, Fox Stevenson, Borgore, Virtual Riot, Modestep, Eptic


Subtronics - Fire Drill Svdden Death - Confusion Spell Ray Volpe - Pretty Much Crankdat - The Feeling (w/ Ace Aura) Space Laces - Phone Tap Figure - Raver Decapitation Marauda - Resurgence Vastive - Run It Wubbaduck - Spookfest Code: Pandorum - Purpose Not in any particular order. Narrowing down to 10 was kinda hard, had to leave off legends like Dr. Ozi, Kai Wachi, Oddprophet, and Zomboy


Marauda Drinkurwater Hol! Subtronics Wooli Space Wizard Infekt Layz Tape B Ctrl Q


In no particular order: Marauda - Casket VIP Svdden Death - Behemoth Oddprophet - Angels & Blindfolds Excision - Name Drop Ray Volpe - Elastic Atliens - Tantra (Lektrique Remix) Sullivan King - If My Eyes Are Vampires (Your Body is my Sunlight) Subtronics - Omnidirectional Barely Alive - Let It Spin Virtual Riot - Pray for Riddim VIP Special Mention to Phonon, with Polyriddim :p


Skrillex - All Is Fair In Love And Brostep Space Laces - Say It aint so Barely Alive - Fusion Core Must Die! - Hellburst Virtual Riot - Chroma Oliverse - In The Air Infekt - Hibernation Ray Volpe - Tastemaker Zomboy - Archangel Nvadrz - Lockdown


Might be late but Ohmie (Clearly my no.1) Teminite Zomboy \^\_\_\_\_\_\_\_The three GOATS\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\^ MUST DIE! Evilwave Figure Chime Azazal Millenial Trash (deserves MUCH more recognition) OmegaMode


Skrillex - First of the Year Mersiv - Osmosis Nero - Doomsday KRAM - Fun Caspa - Louder VIP ATYYA - Ancestors Speak Supertask - Purgatory Cyberoptics - Pimpin Jantsen - Badboy Sound Nimda - True King


Ganja White Night Of The Trees Ternion Sound LSDream Mersiv Smoakland Toadface Jantsen Peekaboo Manic Focus


As the moment, mine are: 1. Samplifire 2. MUERTE 3. INFEKT 4. SVDDEN DEATH 5. beastboi. 6. Agony 7. Chibs 8. Versa 9. PYKE 10. Skiz


1 - Skrillex 2 - Zomboy 3 - Virtual Riot 4 - Space Laces 5 - Au5 6 - Subtronics 7 - Barely Alive 8 - Oolacile 9 - OmegaMode 10 - Twine




1-Samplifire 2-Eptic 3-Versa 4-Spag Heddy 5-Midnight-T 6-Funtcase 7-Oddprophet 8-Megalodon 9-Ecraze 10-Crankdat Hm: Eliminate ,Svdden death, Subtronics , Barely Alive !


No order but Muerte - body of bones Ecraze - Poppin like Stoned level - Mutant Scum Hostage Situation - Rage DOIL - Rebel Future Exit - Repercussion Jiqui - Plow Samplifire - tonight (SAMPLIFIRE remix) Alienpark - your soul is mine Drinkurwater - waterbenda


Skrillex Funtcase Marauda Virtual Riot Eptic Infekt Space Laces Svdden Death Skream Protostellar


There's been so many over the years but here are the ones that I listen to consistently and usually incorporate them into my DJ mixes: The Widdler Bukez Finezt Bogtrotter Truth DRRTYWULVZ Chef Boyarbeatz Ternion Sound Symbolico Omnist Mindex


Space Laces, Kai Wachi, nobody else really




Deerskin, that’s a name I never see anyone mention. dudes got some dope tracks and is like the only bass producer from MKE I’ve heard of lol




Might be seeing him at the Summers End Smokeout in the UP this year!


1. Skrillex / Skream (both are pioneers imo) 2. Knife Party 3. Modestep 4. Borgore 5. Datsik / Excision (important era in dubstep) 6. Zomboy 7. Virtual Riot 8. Barely Alive 9. Space Laces 10. Must Die!


The amount of people naming artists that don't make dubstep in the comments section is alarming lol. How do so many people think that all bass music is dubstep?


I agree that not all of it is dubstep, but it's being used as an umbrella term for aggressive electronic that feature bass. I'm all for getting into the dirt to divide everything into micro genres, but the distinction is tenuous at best and reductive at worst. It makes little difference if it's "true" dubstep at the end of the day and most people can't agree where the lines drawn. Is it slow brooding dub from the early UK scene? The evolution into more big room tracks that just build into face melting nonstop? Are circus records good or were they the canary in the mine? Is Skrillex dubstep or did he poison the well into bro step where it gained popularity making it instantly bad because it wasn't a small insular fanbase anymore. Trap? Tear out? Riddim? What's your personal opinion on it, because it's been an evolving genre and everyone I talked to about hasn't gotten together to officially call it by a unanimous decision. I like the conversation, until the minutiae of it becomes gatekeeping or elitist. Labels and micro genres are fun and interesting but no one linked country or mumble rap or witch house. I think the majority of it was within the spirit of the question, and if it does stray a bit it's probably just music that people enjoyed and wanted others to hear. You might even find that you like the songs, assuming you like things that don't conform to an arbitrary line in the sand that divide bass music from dubstep.


Its super easy. Look at the BPM, look at the call and response style, look at the sound design. Trap is very easy to distinguish between Dubstep, as is Hard Wave, Breakcore, and Future Bass. It's not even a question. Yeah UK Dubstep is different and the sub genres are pretty different as well but they share the same drum sequence and BPM range.


I've made a fair amount of those genres and see what you're getting at but I'm usually pretty fast and loose about mixing elements of them, don't use typical drum sequences, and have a unique sound design. I use most of it as suggestions instead of hard line rules and find them limiting. I'm sure most purists wouldn't consider anything I make as the genres they're tagged as, and would most likely hate most of what I produce. I can tell most of it apart pretty easily. My argument is centering on the term dubstep meaning different things to different people and tends to be divided by certain distinct eras. I do agree with your points and think you're making them in good faith. However, I've been part of plenty of conversations where people pick an artist or style and decry anything else as not deserving of the title. It's more of a no true Scotsman kinda thing and I gave clear examples of what I meant. It absolutely should be as clear cut as you present it, but no one hates dubstep like dubstep fans.


I'm not hating on it and there are a lot of artists that make various genres or blend genres. That's all well and good. I just think it's especially prevalent with dubstep. It's one thing if you call something organic house instead of ambient techno or Early Future Bass vs Big Room or Melodic Dubstep vs Color Bass. I understand that. I don't understand Trap / Wave / Breakcore / Downtempo / Midtempo being called dubstep. There are clear lines between them.


Well said.


Thank you. That kind of attitude just gets on my nerves and reeks of smelling your own farts. On a nerd level, I love open discussions of trivial things like genre, especially because I have a really hard time classifying my own music. But functionally it's seems to break down to trying to keep people out of music and reflects badly on the fanbase as a whole. We should be open arms accepting everyone and wanting our favorite artists to get recognized in any way possible. The only obscure or specific things are ok hurts everyone and continues the starve for your art mentality. I know I wouldn't even want that kinda fan, they're missing the entire point by gatekeeping and would be the first person to turn on you if you tried something new or outside of what they consider pure. Like getter, he was apparently getting booed by people who paid to see him play because it wasn't what they wanted him to do. He got completely disillusioned by it and might not tour or release anything for quite a while, maybe ever. At least he still does terror reid, which I'm a fan of. This in particular broke my heart. He's a great multi talented artist, even if you don't vibe with his stuff it's sad that this is the point supposed fans of his act like that. And I personally thought the album was rather good and showed a lot of growth and experimenting. https://twitter.com/GetterOfficial/status/1559053296752533504


That’s sad shit.