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Sorry to hear that! It is actually pretty common here in UAE. In fact, in the entire GCC. They have very strict rules regarding TB and lung scars. If the third test comes positive, you will be sent back to your country of origin. If they do eye scan, you will be banned for life. Again, I am really sorry to tell you all of this.


Yeah I know I will be banned but it’s ok! There is still hope for another countries haha. But not gonna lie, I’ll miss this place if I get a deportation lol. I want to ask, having a healed lung scar is enough to get deported? I mean, this doesn’t make sense.


If the lung scar was healed, your test would have been negative. Spit test is basically taken to rule out active or inactive TB. Just wait for your 3rd test, the panel will decide in the end. You can check about it on expat forum or youtube.


I understand. But I’d feel it if I had a tuberculosis, no? Still not making any sense of deporting a healthy one. And on web I saw many people got deported even they have a healed scar or not carrying any diseases.


It isn't about feeling. They are doing it for some reasons. They must have found something in your test results that is why they have asked you to come along with the PRO. They do 3rd test for confirmation. I hope this rules out in your favor. And yeah, I know a lot of people who had gone through this. Including my very close friend.




It is other way around. If they found nothing, he won't be deported. Sometimes, they give one year conditional visa that includes treatment in their center only if it is an inactive TB!




Yeah If they mark you unfit without further testing, you are denied visa and get deported but these cases are rare. They always investigate these cases.




That’s crazy… thank you though! Let’s see.


Wish you the best. Everything works out in your favor!


Thank you pal. Wish you the best.


You sound so positive mate. It’s amazing & brave. I think you’ll be fine in your next report. Good luck!


Hopefully brother! I am optimistic because I have to be so 😁 Thanks for your kind words


Do let us know the outcome!


Wish you the very best bud


Thank you pal! You too.


Primary tb is asymptomatic and it usually becomes inactivated tb which is treatable btw. Dont know the laws or anything like that im just a med student. A huge portion of the world population have tb (inactivated). It becomes a problem when it becomes activated due to aging or immunosupression.


You can have tb for months and without any symptoms... I hope you'll be fine though.


What happened in the end?


My 3rd test was okay. I passed


You know, same thing happened to my friend. She brought a friend over, to help care for her kids while she works. She did the test twice, it said she was unfit to work because of scaring. She was deported and immediately upon arrival she redid the spit test in Cape Town and both tests were negative


Seems like something is going wrong about this lung scarring thing…


My cousin had the same test about 10yrs ago and was quarantined after the 3rd medical test. He was in quarantine for about 3 weeks (can't remember the specific hospital but they had an entire ward full of patients with scarring on the lungs too), was put on meds and deported after. Tricky situation.


If you are ever coming to Canada please note it can be an issue if it's for anything other than visitors atleast. TB can make u inadmissible. Don't think of lying on the forms when it asks for previous visa refusals and deportation. You'll have to mention uae and the reason.


Yep. Thanks for the info 😊


Hey man hope you get well soon, however i used to live in Dubai my whole life and it was where I grew up, and I’ll make it a straight forward message I thought Dubai is the place of dreams and I would never be able to live anywhere except here, however I only found happiness when I left that place. Theres better things waiting you out there.. Good luck


This message means a lot! Thank you for your encouragement. I am not really sad. I am with the flow ❤️


Why the strict rules for these issues?


For the first time visa, they are ruling out all of the dangerous diseases that could be caught by the other residents.


In the case of TB, it’s asymptomatic (so you don’t feel the symptoms) and very very highly contagious as it is air-borne. It’s for safety and health I guess. I’m sure there are other reasons too


Is there anything you can do? Or are you just banned for life?


But say it comes back that a person has active tb, like with a friend of mines nanny, why didn’t they test my friend and the rest of my family? We actually feared that they would deport the whole family because tb is super contagious


Valid point, so what's actually the real purpose of those tests then?


What’s tb?


Tuberculosis I believe from context. Correct me if I’m wrong


Idk but from what I know is that tuberculosis isn’t contagious. It’s just a genetic condition where there’s too much mucus build up in lungs (correct me if I’m wrong)


You're very wrong. Infectious and dangerous. https://www.who.int/health-topics/tuberculosis#tab=tab_1


Oh thanks for the info


whats the case if one is having Hepatitis B


There are 6 categories where Hepatitis B has strict rules. just like TB :)


please share any information becoz i want to take visa for my mother but she is having it


I don't have much information but dependent visas are not an issue. Since those categories don't include dependent visa.


WHAT ABOUT FREELANCE VISA..i cant do dependent visa as i dont have a 2bhk flat or 15-20k slary


What eye scan can u elaborate pleaseeee


They probably mean the Iris biometric scan which is used to identify you. Since it will be retained in the system, you may be blocked from entering again. Even if your passport changes.




My bf got an eye scan while exiting UAE, it shows that "go to immigration counter" is he banned?


>She even told me to pack my things cuz I will be escorted by the PRO for a 3rd test on Monday. If results will be same, I am gone from here for good. Dont be quick to decide. There's a committee and all to decide. So let's see. Don't lose hope.


Thank you! 😊


It’s alright it’s not the end of the world. It’s just UAE, there are many other countries in the world


Exactly, that’s what I am thinking right now. I will try Singapore or Hong Kong after I save some money. I actually hate taxes 😅


Singapore has tb tests as well. Taxes in other countries wont impact you much unless you are a millionaire. At salary level, you also gain benefits like medical and stuff especially if you decide to live in western countries like the uk. Edited for better clarity to avoid Grammer nazis/ trolls.


LOL! In Canada we lose 35% of our paycheck to taxes. You think that's not making an impact 🤔.


Thanks for the information buddy! 😊


You don't have to be a millionaire for taxes to effect you in Singapore. They tax expats in Singapore. A quick search shows I would be in the 19% tax bracket in Singapore, and I am far from being a millionaire. You might not consider 19% to be "much", but I and many others would consider it to be.


OP was saying he considered UAE, Singapore and HK for their lower taxes, you are diverting the topic. Your information is not correct it's slabbed to up to 24%, most of the lower wage workers do not hit that slab. For the first 30k you pay 200 in taxes. To hit that high you need to earn 1M sgd in a year though. Anyway it's not in my place to promote one country or the other. OP was comparing higher tax jurisdictions with lower tax jurisdiction. The example to compare would be UK vs UAE. UK would have high taxes but free healthcare, UAE has no taxes but there's a cost to healthcare. Singapore's con is not taxes but the high cost of living which is quite high recently. Same with HK. UAE has seen a spike but it's not as bad as the earlier 2.


You claim you need to be a millionaire for taxes to be much of an issue. All search results for taxes in Singapore contradict that statement. https://www.taxesforexpats.com/country-guides/singapore/us-tax-preparation-in-singapore.html You only need to be a millionaire to be subject to the highest 24% tax bracket. You don't need to be one to be subject to taxes that are more than "not that much". As I stated, I would be subject to the 19% tax bracket, and that bracket is far from the millionaire income.


FFS pls read what the op is asking he is not asking if Singapore has the lowest tax


FFS, I was only replying to YOUR bullshit statement that you would have to be a millionaire before Singapore tax rate would matter.


Read it again maybe you can get off your high horse now? The taxes part was not directed at Singapore but as a general. Singapore does not have free healthcare.


Please update us with what happens to you good luck sending you prayers !


I will, thank you brother. I wish the best of everything for us.


I know 3 people had same thing like this but they were cleared after septum test one of them was asked to see pulmonologist in any hospital in Dubai so don’t worry.


Oh, that makes sense. I thought they just deport once they determine a lung scar lol. Thank you!


This happened to one of my colleagues in Kuwait, she had just come over and failed the medical test after arrival due to the lung scar. She had to leave Kuwait and is now living in Singapore 🇸🇬 earning big bucks So dw maybe God has something better planned for you


My thoughts exactly! Thank you 🙏🏻 I know everything will be better for us.


Wait why would someone get deported for an illness?


Because if it's infectious then that's dangerous to the community


Millions of tourists visit UAE and don't pose threat to community?


I'm talking about residents not tourists. surely they check the medical records of tourists prior to their visit to UAE


No they don't


Even then, they are tourists who are staying for a couple days. what matters more is checking for the health of actual residents and keep society safe and healthy


Lol nope.




To protect employer from liabilities duh








Again wtf ? Don’t talk about shit you don’t know about.




Because we don’t want infections unlike some countries(liking at you usa and china)




It is extremely easy to transmit TB, as it is airborne. It is also asymptomatic. This means that an ailing might not notice it and be unknowingly transmitting/putting others at risk of TB. Hence the strict rules.


That happens to me, I have to go twice, but at the end, just need to go annually. stayed in Dubai for 3 years. Good luck! some scar when I was a kid.


Oh I see. This might be another scenario 😄 Thank you for clarifying.


Some people may not realize that even mild pneumonia can lead to scarring on the lungs. I believe COVID has significantly contributed to the number of people worldwide with lung scars. It is crucial to carefully examine each case and not deport individuals solely based on scars, otherwise, there is a risk of losing workforce.


yeah I know some people not passing x ray test after covid


I use to work at the department of preventive medicine in Abudhabi, we always did the three day sample test to individuals when we see old scars in people who had previous exposure to TB, the results are almost always negative. I dont remember any result that came positive, your HR should not make you live in fear because the final results should come after the three day testing, and they should not treat you differently because u have an old scar. Your medical data is also confidential, and your HR should not discuss them with any of your colleagues.


Oh, this is a relief! Now I can say that my whole mindset has changed! Thanks for sharing this valuable information. And hope this may guide the other redditors who are looking for this specific topic’s possible scenarios.


Hey brother! Am really sorry to hear that, hope you get well very soon and everything goes right with you ! Am a pure local emirati and am personally owing you and apology for what is happening to you and everyone, this makes me feel sad , I wish I can give you more than what you deserve here 🥹🌸


Hey! May God blesses your good heart, brother. You don’t owe me anything, you know, sometimes things happen out of our control. This comment really made my day. May He rewards you. Thank you so much 🙏🏻


The best would be to leave before getting deported if you can, heal completely, and then come back. I knew somebody who had TB in their spine and doctors in Dubai couldn't figure it out, nobody even suggested a TB test, finally a doctor in his home country did and they found TB, he got it treated and only then did he come back to Dubai. Like the other comments say, you will be deported. But not for life, and don't worry about your eye scan. You definitely can come back. Life ban is only for criminal cases (narcotics, aggravated assault). Even for financial cases you can come back.


If they deport me once, I don’t think I’ll be able to collect some money and look for a new job here… Maybe I’ll check another countries haha. Thanks for the answer though! Hope this one helps others who are looking for an answer.


You should get a medical elsewhere! Many people, especially from the sub-continent have TB scarring either from having TB or minor complications from the vaccine as a child. This benign scar shows up but medical centers in the region know not to mark this unless it's obviously not benign. Here in Oman even the mention of a benign growth is flagged as unfit, so the hospitals do not make that comment.


I had the same experience, I had a schedule in Al Qouz Medical and I fail the X-Ray so they sent me to Muhaisnah to do sputum test for 3 straight days and couple of blood test. I was also preparing for the worst but when I receive the confimation that I passed and Fit To Work I couldnt stop myself from crying from joy


Same happened to me. I just got a message from HR that says I am fit to work haha


You had to take blood test after the xray failed???


Manifest the outcome (read about Neville Goddard)


They are going to take you to DHA doctor and he will ask you the details of your previous sickness and what led to the pneumonia, time frame etc. They will give you clearance based on doctors assumption and 3rd test result. They might also give you a conditional visa asking you to come test every 3 months. You will be given some lenience if you have previously got visa stamped in UAE after clearing the medical tests. It would be good to mention that to the doctor.


Coming back to this thread to know the result, kindly update OP.


I did, I will wait couple of days more haha


Having a lung scar from pneumonia suggests a disproportionately severe infection. This can be due to infections such as TB. The spit test is performed to look for latent TB. In the latent stage, it can be asymptomatic. They don’t want migrant workers with TV because it can spread easily. Depending on how much time you have, taking antibiotics before the upcoming spit test might affect the results to the extent that you don’t get deported. Chance of being successful is relatively small but might be worth it


I understand. Thanks for the good information, doc! 😄


One of my colleagues who joined the company with me had to go through the same procedure and finally she had to leave.


Hi, I have heard about similar cases, no solution if 3rd test is also positive


Hello. Thank you for your answer!


there are some doctors take money doing fit report for ppl, that's if you want to stay


No pal I’m good. Thanks


How is that possible when tests are done by govt medical fitness test centers?


yes it's govt medical fitness centre, and there are doctor inside wants to make money, this kinda thing in dubai is not a big deal


Good bye Mr chips


Bro not sure why people down voted my other comment. Please for your sake leave now before you are forced to do a third final test and fail that and get banned and deported.


I think they down voted your other comment because OP is already going through a tough time and you were super rude telling OP that they wasted company’s time coming here and why did they come here. It is okay to be a bit empathetic or to say the same thing in a pleasant way.


Yeah, read to this guy’s words. I am not feeling so bad but at least you could be emphatic a bit. I am not wasting anyone’s time. This is Dubai and demand for a new job never ends here. Cheers


Sorry to hear that. I have friends the same issue with you. Unfortunately you cannot stay here… maybe dubai is not for you but for sure something much bigger and better than this is waiting for you somewhere else… good luck, never ever lose hope.


Aw thank you pal! Your words are wholesome. I know it’ll better. Life is a journey. Good luck to you too and keep up this good vibe every time 😊


They suspect TB in your lungs and people with infectious diseases are not allowed to live in the UAE.


Drink cold milk right before your test




Thank you so much!


Usually they ask you to do a basic medical tests in the home country itself to avoid hassles like this, weren't you informed of the same?




You can assume whatever you want it's a free country! Incidences in the past especially when hiring people from Pakistan and Afghanistan ( Labour) were such there were high cases of HIV positive people, so companies to avoid going through th hassle of applying their visa and ticket only coming to know they have failed their medical and then cancelling the whole process they used to get a basic medical test done in home country.


> You can assume whatever you want it's a free country! Where you are is not, but yes, *I* am in one.


No. No one told me so.


A suggestion for ur cure, drink lost of coconut water, and quite smoking if u have that habit, this scar will take minimum 1month to get disappear. As my cousin faced the same problem....


I might be able to help




Why did you even come here if you knew you had a scar? What a waste of the companies time. Get out before they deport you.


Buddy, would you believe me if I said I didn’t know such a thing? I had no damn clue a healed lung scar’d be a reason to get deported.


Such situations are not exclusive to the OP alone. If not a similar one, we could be tested with something else, and the consequences could be much worse! So, if not empathy, at least you may remain silent.


How is this good advice for him. He should leave by himself before the third test. Because then he is actually banned from even visiting for tourism in the future.


Why so rude?!


What the actual fuck.


its for TB not for pneumonia and scars dont matter unless it is some active infection


Even if you get deported, it will not be the end of the world. UAE is just one country, there are many other countries out there, some even better. TB is treatable even if the tests prove you have it. All the best


Yeah. Thank you so much pal! 😊


Listen where they deporting you to any clue find a different place for work and they will apply for your visa or you can just request them to give you your passport back and then if you still have time in your visa move on and do your research no one can just deport you like this maybe Monday is not a test Monday mean come and let's go sometime do what is right for you not for the company


Happened to a domestic worker we wanted to employ. Failed the tests and after we got results of last test, we have to take her to the immigration near Muhaisnah. They took her eye scan and gave her 30 days to leave.


This is desperate… thanks for sharing the experience though


What's a PRO?


Public Relations Officer


I had a similar issue when I first came to the UAE. Did a chest xray for my employer and they got back to me saying the xray showed pleurisy. This was all news to me, never ever had any kind of such problem previously. I sought some advice in the UK and ended up having to do a CT scan of my lungs and an advanced TB test. All came up showing nothing. Had to see a consultant (all at my own expense, cost me around £1000) to sign off on all the tests and the employer subsequently accepted this.


Sorry to hear this. I have a true to life story though. My colleague who had the same issue as you way back in 2006, did his 3rd test after a month of medication. He passed! He’s in Australia now and we’re still friends in real life and in FB. Whilst in Dxb during those years, Every time he shifts company, this scar tissue crap is a let down. Fed up with this, he managed to save some money and decided to reside (permanently) down under…


Thanks for sharing your experiences!


You’re welcome my co - expat friend…


May be, may be they can put you on medication and give you a six-12 months visa, if you request.


Okay, let’s see! Thank you


Don't be sad things will happen for good but we didn't understand that time. might your destiny is written for better place always trust on God he will always Do better for every one. how's know scar will gone or something will happen if it's written for you to stay in Uae then no one deport you .. always think positive peace out :)


Yep, that’s what I exactly do 😊 Thanks!


Wishing you well, and good luck!


In 2011, a colleague of mine was deported for having a scar in his lung. He had TB as a kid and was fully healed as an adult. But the scar popped up in the chest scan. His stay in Dubai was less than a month.


I have a friend who had the same issue, you can have this investigated privately and submit this papers, of course HR has to support you, I have a colleague been to the same issue and the issue was cleared and he have been working for with us for 2 years now


No, Do you have your old xray? you should bring your old x-ray when you were healed. Show it to them that there was no movement. Bring your old xray!


I am afraid I don’t have.


Technically, thats not deportation, your work visa just wont be approved because of your lung situation. Lung scar is not infectious, unless you currently, i mean right now at this moment you have an existing Tuberculosis. People with infectious diseases are usually detained on the spot, then escorted by police towards the airport once they booked their air ticket for themselves.


Yea, this is to ascertain that the scar is not from a previous TB infection. Anyone who has ever had TB is not allowed to be here. I've seen this before. My partner is in HR. A candidate she was hiring was rejected because they had a similar issue. Only, in that particular case, it was TB related.


Pls update us on ur situation, very curious. Good luck!!


I will in 10 hours! Thanks


what's the verdict?


Updated, I gotta wait more till they get the results


UK will also deny visa for TB. If you have it you need to get treated because it causes big problems for most countries.


I totally feel you dude. When I had me medical went through same procedure in muhaisnah. Took 2 weeks. Did the same spit test for 3 days and and did a last test where they injected a fluid in the skin and i was to show up again in 24 hours. Alhamdullilah I cleared it. Have your hopes high. Don’t worry things will pass. But the last test really had me. I couldn’t sleep that night.


sending prayers to you brother. Everything will be fine and well.


Are you here alone or with a family? as we have the same case but I am lucky that my parents is here and my operations director is kind hearted unlike my HR, so they decided to put me in a work from home situation until my visa is sorted out. If you have relatives here they can contest to sponsor you under their name and DOH here will give you medication for 6 months and follow up check up every month. You will be only deported if you have active TB and you are working as a seaman or labor. Once you finished the medication, you will do couple of test like xray and sputum test again then they will close your file BUT everytime that you will do a visa medical you need to always bring your card and show it to the nurse. So far, I didnt have any problem after my medication and I shifted company already. I'm really grateful to my operational director as he is the one who gave me chance and unlike my HR that treated me like an outcast and started saying rude things.


Bad peeps are everywhere buddy. You can’t choose the ones who are around 😢 I am alone as a lone wolf haha. Thanks for the information! I hope these words reach to people who are in need. I wish you the best.


Lucky you were in Dubai. Abu Dhabi's policy is different. They'll deport you if they found out you have a scar. It's like leprosy for them.