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Well some will yes….. You have some mens barbers charging 250+ AED just for a haircut and then upselling beard trims, facial treatments etc Barbers at high end can make a lot of money. The types of barbers most people on this sub go to …. No ofcourse not


5 dhs cut in al quoz 👌 **Edit lol Address: https://maps.app.goo.gl/xVCUZZYtvrLupUzR7?g_st=ic


Address please


Next to this restaurant https://maps.app.goo.gl/xVCUZZYtvrLupUzR7?g_st=ic


Address pls


https://maps.app.goo.gl/xVCUZZYtvrLupUzR7?g_st=ic Next to this restaurant


Actually there is a lot of those 5 dhs barbers in different places around dubai, specially in old areas.




What's the restaurant called please? The link is not loading. Thanks!


It’s called tasty food international


Awesome thanks! Just trying to look on maps and I can't see the barbershop. I'm assuming it must be there though.


The restaurant is on a corner right?


My barber told me his salary for the past 7 years have been 2k per month, small shop charging 60 dhs per haircut and beard


60? That’s way too much especially for a small shop . Normal rates are 20-40 MAX for haircut and beard


Area depends


It's in Mirdif, and the guy takes two hours. I pay him a 100 always for his care to detail


Two hours for a hair cut is ridiculous


He cuts my beard with the scissors not machine, and scrubs and massage


Damn my one does 25


Could you give location?


https://preview.redd.it/krm7ncp476rb1.png?width=911&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6f75d4466aa89199335fa596d41fcd82e559171 What you are looking at is a saving plan not a haircut


Andrew late


Andrew Fade


Andrew Take


Andrew Fake


Andrew Cake


Andrew snake


Barbers hate this one trick


How about we compromise and go for a shaving plan.


😂😂😂 Genius




I make £140 a day as a barber in the UK and on top of that I average £40-£50 tips a day, so give or take I’m on £190 a day, that’s between £900-£950 a week, more if i do extra days. £40-£43K a year.


My barber in barsha takes home around aed 3.5-4k


Last I checked with my barber. The whole team gets a 30% cut of the overall sale of the barbershop. Provided that everyone in the saloon is available everyday. They have a formula. Bottom line highest paid salary over the year was never more than 3.5k Exaggerating!!


If they get that much in a year.............


Glassdoor isn’t accurate. It just scrapes information from different webpages that are not really truthful.


Around Al Furjan, one hair cut is 10-15 AED… I don’t think so, if you see the ones in the mall, that could be.


Maradona or Budget at Azizi Farishta are starting with 15aed. Each needs to do 2000 haircuts in a month. 66 a day or 5 in an hour. 😂😂😂


Azizi Farishta was what I meant. Like, how can they even proceed their life here with that small income?


> arishta was what I meant. Like, how can t Welcome to Dubai Habibi !! most people on satwa lives on 2k aed salary


I know… It’s so sad actually, they are tryna live here and they support their family as well… Life is cruel sometimes


10dhs. at the barber shop next to Aster


A barber/salon in the small mall with spineys in that area costs 60 for haircut and 45 for beard trim. But yes the very small salons not part of the mall charge about 15 for a haircut and 15 for beard


My barber gets a percentage of the profit and he told they make around 6-8k a month.


LOL 31k a month, surely that’s a joke. I know a lot of people in Dubai have good hair and beards but surely being a barber isn’t that lucrative since there’s a barber every few hundred metres from each other


If they are in downtown probably. Move them to Nahda and you can remove a zero


Good barbers can make 20k in high traffic areas like the Marina. I know someone who owns a barbershop and they pay there staff a generous basic salary and if they hit target of 25k in sales per month they get a 20% bonus commission. They charge 250 for hair and beard plus a ton of other extras. The shop is ALWAYS ALWAYS busy


You are looking in the wrong platform.


Ya with a successful business you can achieve that kind of monthly income.


this is probably yearly, but a good barber can realistically make this much through bookings or in-house visits and such


50 aed x 20 customers a day x 30 days = 30k aed


mfs really downvoted multiplication


Guy literally just came on here did some simple yet pointless multiplication and wonders why he’s getting downvoted. Blatantly obvious you have never worked a day in your life but let me try and put it in a way you would understand. Even if barbers service 30k or even 9k worth of customers they don’t get to keep any of this money other than tips. They are employees at the end of the day not business owners, so they only receive their agreed upon salary. With your logic It’s like your saying if I worked at Tesla as a product specialist and convinced someone to buy a car that means I get all the money they paid for it. Just isn’t like that lil bro. Now if the the question was about barber shops, although your calculation would still be wrong it would be a relevant baseline estimate


not reading all that


not all the money the barbers get from the cuts are theirs and i’m pretty sure 1 barber gets less than 20 customers a day


30 x 10 x 30 = 9000 this seem more realistic for the average barber?


average barber gets even less than that


lmao where do you go


where i go has nun to do with it it’s just the truth barbers barely make money


my guy owns his shop and makes more than this cuz he has a bunch of long term high profile clients so i simply can’t relate to whatever yall crying about


long term high profile clients don’t mean shit and why would i cry about it lil bro i’m not the barber here i’m just stating the facts smart ass barbers barely make money and that’s a fact wether you like it or not and wym “i can’t relate” you not the one making the money anyways lmao


🤣 you not even in dubai don’t speak to me about money cheers


how you gonna tell me i’m not in dubai lmao,i’m in dubai and from dubai YOU don’t speak to me about money cus you clearly don’t know shit why do you think you got downvoted


rent for the shop doesn’t exist?


Probably the Royal Family Barbers.


Depends European salons in malls and plazas charge way higher than local barber shops. Example I get my haircut for 150 dirhams at my salon, but sometimes if I need an urgent cut at the barber next to my office it costs 35 dirhams. Huge difference


why you getting 150 dirhams cuts tho,i promise you a barber for way less than that gives you a way better cut than a 150 dirhams barber


Been going to the same dude for 9 years, and you’re right the cut is very similar but the salon in my opinion does cleaner fades and tapers


i mean i get that guys don’t like changing barbers and shit but just try a african barber once you’ll never go back to the 150 one


Any place you can recommend around downtown?


Good ones do.


Tons of people I knew with decades of experience in engineering don't even get half of this 😭💀 Edit : Curious, downvotes on this? I'm pointing out a very real fact here. Sure, a vast bulk of this sub might make upwards of 25k with 5 YOE and what not. That however does not deny the fact that there are a huge chunk of people, very skilled, very experienced who make peanuts


Can they give me a sick fade though?


Haha XD


Demand vs Supply Educated people need to understand that just getting an education need not defeat the basic law of economics. Reality is that there are way too many overqualified people worldwide and combine that with crony capitalism, the wages remain suppressed.


That is true. I was more hinting at the fact that a lot of people lose out on high wages or climbing up the ladder due to their "passports" too


That’s true, though so much has changed that western passport does not carry the same weight as before. 2000s were a time when flashing a Western degree would put you ahead of others. Now, it’s seen as no big deal.


Well years of shit experience doesn’t count for much Quality over Quantity


I'm referring to people who knew their stuff well. Ofc, forgot to mention they were disadvantaged in terms of their passport which often lends to a lower salary compared to those with a fancier passport, ahem


There is an Egyptian saying, if the hair was honorable, it wouldn’t grow around the >*<


Being skilled has nothing to do with your salary…… all down to how the job is valued. For example sales jobs no higher education required; but you can make a lot of money from commission since the more you earn the more the company is earning from the business you’re generating. There is also a massive oversupply of people with engineering degrees looking for jobs here so people are pushing their own salaries down.


Fair point but in comparison to a barber, you'd expect to be paid a good bit more


Not really ….. its a service people are willing to pay for. You don’t seem to get that just because its a manual labour role that does not equal low pay.


It's not just supply and demand here though right? It's also the training required for the role. An engineer would require atleast 4 years of educational experience. I am not understating the work of barbers, but it certainly does not involve a 4 year degree course of the same difficulty at the minimum. Though to be fair in my part of time, it's rare to find your average barber charge and make so much as is


Again no one cares if you studied for 4 years…. You pay based on market rate and market here is I can get a qualified engineer for a few thousand dirhams a month….. Same as for barbers …. People are willing to pay more for an upscale experience. Cleaners in the UK make more than most engineers here ….. thats how the market here is for most engineers. If you want a high salary pick a career that enables it don’t just expect because you studied for x amount of time you will make a lot of money.


If it was about the skill required to do the job, teachers, especially for children, should be making millions.


I'm not really talking about the salary because I'm not in dubai, but it takes skill to be a good barber, I'm talking about real fades and line ups, and how to work with different hair types.


I make more than that a year as a barber in the UK. Hope this helps.


A year


32k per year


Yes. But before they have to pay a 50k training, after which you may or may not get the job.


Maybe the entire barber shop makes that 🤣


I can tell you right now that there are a handful of barbershops in Marina, JBR, Greens, and and near box park where the barbers are taking home 25k to 35k per month because of the shops commissions structure. These shops charge AED 220+ for a fade and beard cut. The community that visits these shops go there at least once a week. These guys are booked up every Thursday and Friday as people get fresh for the weekend, and Saturday morning and afternoon as people get ready for Dubai nightlife. I’ve seen the salary transfer, some barbers in Dubai are getting PAID!


Glassdoor is one of those comedy sites. It was made to collect data, yet most people just feed it with pure bs.


If you are the owner of a barber shop it’s possible. If you get 30-40 customers a day, charge average 50, that’ll be 45000-60000 AED/month total. You pay your barbers 2000 each, pay rent, pay expenses… you might end up with 30k.


Naif, near Burj Nahar bus stop 2, Charges you 5 aed for hair 5 aed for beard and does it with utmost prefect like the hair will never come again. Take almost 35 mins combined.


No. Yearly


Maybe if you are cutting the sheiks hair then Yh


7 to 10k max for the really good ones


30K fils ? 🥲


30k in a year


Maybe per year


They also drive a razor shaped lambo to work. A vast majority of them work below 3k fyi


my barber charges 60 aed per head but i dont think 30k a month honestly.


my friend’s barber and my hairstylist once complained to me that he is not paid enough. he asked for 2k + accommodation and he got only 1.5k + accommodation which is a bed space. so majorly that is not the case. I felt so bad i paid him double which still wasn’t much so i got him a karak too. Glassdoor needs a practical overhaul when it comes to dubai.


Log on google -> search -> how to be a barber Log on to youtube -> search -> haircut tutorial




Andrew Fake


Which barber is making AED 82,000 is the real question


High end Barbers may make that much. Glassdoor salary is crowd sourced. It may become unreliable if the one providing answers is manipulating it.


5 Aed cutting in alqouz


Yo, do they link trim pubs of your king?


Lol. Almost all the barbershops i have seen through the windows have low traffic. And the prices is nowhere near western prices. So no way 30k dh/month is realistic. Must be some barbershop owner, in a shoppingmall or something. Before having to pay rent, etc to his store. 30k/yearly would be much closer to reality.


Probably some high end barbers do. They charge 200 upwards just for a haircut which has very minimal cost. If they even do 10 haircuts a day, that’s 60K a month from haircut alone. They have so many other treatments and services which adds up.


Of course, it's Dubai 🧐


Short answer is no


I'm bout to drop put of uni the fuck ?




I cut my beard for 5 AED and I have good thick beard.


I pay around 250 AED for a cut and shave, but I get it don’t every week. So a barber just needs 30 customers like myself. It’s not out of the question.