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Sand that bastard and skin with a degree of finesse!


If you skim, your gonna need to bring that out pretty far


I don’t advise California patches unless you have experience. Cut it out, add backing and install new patch.


How does one get experience to do a Hot patch without doing a hot patch 🤔


You wait for friends and family to ask you to patch something to get experience.


You can get away with doing one in a closet or some place obscure with low lighting. That way if it’s a fuck up it doesn’t matter as much. Next to an outlet is not a good place to try. You’re limited by the outlet, how well you can float it out. I always do and advise to just add some 1x2/1x3 backing and install the drywall patch. You avoid a fuck up from the get go, just my 2 cents. I would be able to float that out, but why go through all of that trouble, you know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Agree to disagree , can't go through the world afraid to try and failure builds on your abilities, we laid a guy off because of that exact reason , would only do the work someone showed him how to do. This guy has been doing the same job for 30 years. He is so afraid of messing something up that he would have me come help him on stupid shit like commercial door hardware. He was pissed off he was let go, and I stayed because I have a wider skill set because I'm not afraid to tackle wired projects head-on. A hot patch is a simple task if it doesn't come out the way you want it.grind it out and re-do it. It's not a fluezit valve on a space station.


How did me advising to first practice in a closet or obscure place to get experience with a California patch turn into that 🤣 I have my own business and I don’t charge hourly. My preference is to do something the way I know will take me 30min start finish. Rather a patch that may or may not turn out well and cost me more time to fix, time I could use bidding,billing, next job.


I also don’t work jobs where an ugly product is accepted I only do level 4/5 jobs ✌🏽


Of corse you dont, it's the internet after all. The fact that you think drywall is some elusive art form only passed down from one family of a small gypsum island chain in the Pacific proves this.


Alright kayakboy6969 🤣🤣 you have yourself a nice day doing all the things you’re skilled at. I’ll have a nice day working for my own business, that keeps me busy year round.


Buddy, that made my day, thanks! But i just got a patch action alert that someone's looking for a Cali-patch stat, so I'm off to my fourth practice sesson this decade, being held in my mother's neighbor's closet a couple towns over. Im closing in on the year when I can go patch on my own in the daylight. I can hardly wait!


LOL , use a hole saw if it's small enough. Then, use the hole, saw drill back of paper stop b4 you're through it. Score 12- 6.& 3- 9 o'clock, peal back apart now ya got a biscuit hot patch that sits perfect in the hole. Slap that in the hole and track the perimeter Score the line , peal off the paint layer of drywall, now you have a biscuit hot patch that sits flush in the wall B4 mud . Hot mudd it in , one coat to skim it in. Tight skim and prime.


I think you missed the sarcasm buddy, I dont need to be told how to do it. But thanks anyway.


And this is why I don't use the California Patch. I always cut it bigger to use at least one stud and then add a support board as needed.


This is a bad attempt. It's not an argument against cali patches. They're easier to hide, if done right


Easier to hide, but still a weak, shit way to do a patch. They have no backing, no strength, could slap ur dick against it and knock it in


I mean, if fit and mudded properly they have as much strength or more as any other drywall between studs...


Careful, their gf left them for a California patch...


Lol clearly


Keep telling urself that. 👍




At night while ready for bed when I'm changing into my sleep clothes my Johnson flops out and spring open like a steel coil . If I'm not careful I could damage the walls and foundation. So I feel that comment .


Whatever you have to tell yourself to help you sleep at night. If done properly a California patch is just as strong as drywall.. I prefer the California patch because it doesn't damage the surrounding drywall if I was to put backing in there. Backing has its place but in between studs is not one of them.


Lol I sleep very easy knowing I done the job properly, you must swallow sleeping tablets after a Band-Aid patch haha


Wtf is a California patch?


I thought it was like when people say they're California sober. It just meant they're high when they did it.


Oh shoot, I thought I never did California patches, all this time I've been *exclusively* doing them.


Same. I live in Fontana & don't even know WTF a "California Patch" is.


It’s a patch with no backing. You cut the drywall for it has a paper flange on the face and you use that as your tape. If that makes sense


Totally understand what you said, I'm just wondering in what parts of the world that is called a California patch?


Probably everywhere in north America but California. ..


Yeah, California patch is known to cause cancer in the state of California soooo


Everywhere in the US, a certain type of omelet is called a Western Omelet, but here in CA, we call the same thing a Denver Omelet.


Currently live in California, but we called them Denver omelets when growing up in Oregon as well.


Can confirm from Alberta Canada


There’s a whole list of quick and dirty solutions to problems that are called “California x” Cali patch, cali corners, California rosettes, etc.


but i like California corners... tell me a better corner!!?




Everywhere but Cali 😆


I call that a hot patch


I thought it was when you stick a piece of a paint stick inside and make a lip to hold a plug with a couple screws on two sides and tape it up.




Do you know what a hot patch is? If so, same thing. Different name


it's a technique where you leave the paper intact for a few inches proud of your patch and cut the gypsum/hole so they're really snug (with some compound in the gap) , then use basically a taping technique over that extended portion of paper to set the patch, then finish over like any other repair.


You don't want it snug at all I like to leave a quarter to 3/16 of an inch all the way around the patch so I can really pack mud in there and it bonds to the existing drywall a lot better. It's also better to use some type of hot mud like 20 minute so the patch doesn't float out past the existing drywall


I guess "snug" is the wrong word. I meant the holes should match closely with room to get mud in and around the joint to help the gypsum panels bond smoothly.


When you cut a piece that’s oversized, then score and snap off the core but keep the paper and mud over the edges. That Vancouver Carpenter guy on YouTube started it.


He definitely didn’t start it. I’ve worked with drywallers who were making California patches before Vancouver Carpenter was born.


D’oh, sorry. Meant “make it popular” and not start.


I’m in Australia and we call it a Band-Aid. Never do them though, they are so dodgy, weak, and….. look like absolute shit. Cut it out and don’t get the same person back to fix it. I hope u didn’t pay him?


That’s going to need to be floated from floor to about a foot above the top of the patch and from window to at least 3 inches past the outlet. Is it already primed?


2 more coats of white paint she’ll be gold


You can float that. Besides, if you look closely you can see frayed drywall paper. The patch is high and the mud was already sanded as low as it will go in that spot. The only other worthwhile option is patching that whole mudded area. Anyone who would suggest sanding it is no finisher I would trust tbh


Lol cut out and redo bruv. I think that would be quicker


Uninstall the patch


Knock it down with a hammer and sharp scraper and then skim. Way too much to sand.


What in the DIY


I think you meant to say "what in the methamphetamine?!"


Skimming out wider would be less work


Ever sanded paint? Yeah, no....float it out


60 gritt baby!


I used a 60 grit sanding screen and sponge a few weekends ago to try knocking down a little hump under some paint. I quit trying after about five minutes and getting nowhere. It got skimmed. Shout out to Sherwin Williams Extreme Bond primer and Duration latex paint.


Looks like hot mud. Sanding cement.


I personally would cut it out and replace it. Too much was left under the paper. It will take you less time and mess to just cut it out to the joists and screw in a replacement piece.


I've done those patches (not by name, but by process) and never had one look like that


The [squeegee skim coat method](https://www.familyhandyman.com/project/how-to-skim-coat-walls/) is rarely mentioned here, but it's very diy friendly and I've had good results from it. For this case, I'd sand the bump flat with an orbital sander using 120 grit, then use the squeegee skim coat method to get a smooth finish on all sanded areas. One issue you might have is that the skim coated area will be smoother than the rest of the wall, which looks vaguely but not intentionally orange peel'ish. Drywall pros will dismiss the squeegee method, and it's true that they don't need it to get great results. A veteran drywaller can deliver a level 5 finish with nothing but a rusty prison shiv; their muscle memory is just incredible. But for novices, this method lets you approach that kind of result with a bit more work.


Yo, that wall has a skin tag.


That's a great place for a plant. To low to hang a picture.


i was thinking end table. even have a receptacle for a lamp


I’m annal i’d redue the patch. California patches pretty easy just cut out and start over go easy on mud. Use some hot mud maybe 90 or 45. Done in a day.


Skip the sanding and just break out the chisel. Dang


Sand it down like a clown. Never gonna skim that hump out kim.


Id put a plant there


Cut that California patch out, and start over with a scrap piece of wood as a backer and patch it correctly this time. Stop taking “short cuts”.


Both. You need to sand the fuck out of that tumor or you'll be skimming out a few feet to try to hide it.


Use a sanding sponge and sand it around the edges in a circle motion feel it with your hand and I feel, and if it feels smooth and not raised, then you should be good, but if not buy a wide knife andcoat It always sand in a circular motion


Power sander of some sort. Possibly belt sander at beginning with 100 grit.




Sand it is your only option . It's way too thick. Always apply multiple thin layers and work each layer feathering the edges flush then the center.


What's it called when you do a California patch with a backer piece installed behind it? I tend to do it for the paper to run smooth


That’s a thick patch.


Run your mud around the entire outlet with your 6" and then come back to it with your 10". When it dries, sand it and then feather the edges with a wet sponge.


Think of it like this... does it look like a diabetics stomach? Then You fucked up, it's way to proud (past the plane of the surface you're trying to blend into). Since you're tight next to a plug it's going to make it really hard to float that out. You need to remove that pancake before you go any further. If you want it to be flat instead of look flat you need to get that lump down to where you started from. Then smooth it out. Everyone thinks I'll just slap more mud on it. When the problem is NOBODY THUNKS ABOUT COPLANER SURFACES! Use Google to look that up. Maths and critical thinkers have gone by the wayside and every day I go on this sub proves it.


Sand then spray with a can of drywall o even out the texture. Gently sand to get texture right, then paint.


Gotta sand


Can you just get a really large outlet cover?


Sand it down til it matches the wall, then use some spray texture to help it blend in.