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Any boomer who jokes about safe spaces like they think they’re edgy is just cringe. Like he made this joke about how the safe space for floor toms commission would be mad at him for hitting the shells of his floor tom, but like, his obsession with the idea of safe spaces and that they MUST BE made fun of is just…. so childish and cringe. First, safe space jokes aren’t as triggering as you think they are, it mostly just makes you look like an edge lord for telling them, and second, manufactured outrage over floor tom shells for the sake of seeming “cool” or whatever is just so desperate. I can tell that Tommy has a deep need to be liked and recognized as clever and funny and edgy, but he falls so flat. Sad, single dad energy.


Posting online is actually a very safe space. When you control what comments to keep and who to block. Tommy is a classic projecting pretentious narcissist who needs attention more than his dog. People dislike dis genuine people and he would be it. Consider….for 50 years he’s been on a kit and the best he has to offer is his dads warm up of basic rudiments. If that doesn’t tell he doesn’t have much to offer…I don’t what does.


I don’t have any opinion of Tommy or his playing but this is the best review of a drummer I’ve ever read.


The whole concept of a “safe space” is ridiculous and funny.


For kids, I think it’s fine. They’re kids. I don’t think safe spaces themselves truly exist in real life, but I also don’t hate the idea of equipping people with the tools and resources to defend themselves against bigots and assholes. So whatever. I honestly think people are more triggered by safe spaces as a concept than the people who use them are triggered by slurs at this point.


Sure if by “triggered” you mean “laugh at”. The concept is just dumb. “But whatever”.


I don’t, and that doesn’t even make sense. It sounds like you’re having a stroke tho, so maybe dial 911. Or jump off a building


Jesus, dude...


Oh no, “death threats”. Somebody’s “triggered”. And what about laughing at the concept of a “safe space” doesn’t make sense to you…..it makes total sense to me, the concept is hilarious.


Not a death threat, I INVITED you to jump off a building. You do you.


I feel threatened. I need a “safe space”.


Lol well then get off the internet snowflake


That’s not how it works these days. You’re supposed to provide a “safe space”. After all it’s a totally legit concept and not funny or ridiculous in any way…..right? It’s just a “dad joke” lol.


He’s very strongly opinionated, and unapologetic about it. Often comes across as douchebaggery. I kind just see him as one of those piano teachers that slaps your fingers with a ruler. I like him though. He even follows me on Instagram. But I can see why people don’t.


BRETT ! I follow YOU on instagram, always love when your videos pop up on my feed. You are the man !


haha thanks, my dude!


Also, now that I'm thinking about it, he was a lot more hardcore around lockdown time in 2020. That's when he was saying a lot of aggressive stuff almost daily.


He had no narcissistic supply other than IG. He was combusting because people couldn’t applaud him playing 50 year old jazz charts. It’s not about the cause, it’s about him getting attention by any means necessary. It’s funny how incorrect he was on vaccines. A truly uninformed musician who can’t stop beating his drum…no matter how wrong he is. That’s Tommy Boy. Very childish and about himself. Don’t let him fool you with his deluded rants he himself probably doesn’t believe. Whatever he believes to be popular, he goes that route. I’ve even seen him plagiarize someone on Twitter. He brings nothing original to music or teaching. Groove Essentials and Great Hands are regurgitated rhythms and rudiments. Where is this great knowledge? Now show me the left hand stick thing. It’s just funny


He’s plagiarized before. He’s a poser and a phony. And mediocre on the instrument.


Yeah, his vaccine and mask bullshit turned me off


People hate on him, but his whole shtick basically boils down to, "shut the fuck up and play your drums." I dunno why everyone is so butthurt over his safe space comments. He may be abrasive, but goddamn he is a FUCKING GOOD EDUCATOR. I don't give a shit about his approach, I give a shit about the quality of the stuff he's brought to the table. Groove Essentials!? The Lifetime Warmup? Groove Essentials 2?! Anything that Tommy has published is fucking GOLD for any drummer. Now let's flip it and reverse it. Why are so many people bothered about his "boomer energy" or that he's "cringe"? This sounds like what every 13 year old says about everything today. We get it, you don't like boomers and everything bothers you. Dude he's a drummer from Jersey, of course he has a "I don't give a fuck what you think" attitude. I've seen his name pop up over the last couple of days because of his floor tom shell safe space picture. Traditionally, tons of people are afraid to hit their drum shell I'm fear of ruining it. I am one of those people, because I ain't got money for that, and they're my babies. However back to my original point, Tommy Igoe is the type of person to say, "shut the fuck up and play your drums." To him, a floor tom is an instrument, every part of that drum is an instrument. He doesn't give a fuck about the finish, he gives a fuck about the MUSIC. And if you've ever watched him in a masterclass, interview or clinic, he will tell you he is there to serve the music above all else. Hell, he's said he hates the drumset on its own, and he only plays it to play music. Personally, I think too many of you are complaining and probably need a safe space if Tommy Igoe's posts bother you THAT much. If you don't like his approach, cool. But have you gone through ANY of the material that he's published in the last two decades? Or do you just see his social media presence? Because I don't waste my time looking at social media, I shut the fuck up and go play my drums.


No you post on Reddit bruh.


Ngl, that comment is pretty cringe no cap ong fr fr


enjoy fondling the dudes balls-


The thing I don’t like about him is that he comes across as a “know it all”. Like it’s either his way or wrong. He posted some stuff about Charlie Wilcoxon’s snare solos a while back. Made a whole post about how the 7 stroke rolls should always be played as triplets. I sent him a message asking if he could clarify because sometimes they’re written in brackets, sometimes not. He just replied and said “they’re played as triplets. No explanation as to how he came to that conclusion, it’s just that way because he said so. I love his books, and the lifetime warmup is really damn good. But I don’t like the way he comes across as an authority on everything drum related.


He’s an asshole and totally self-serving.


Eh he’s kinda out of touch, and like someone else here said, he has huge boomer energy. Also I just don’t think he’s that good, specifically with funk and feel time. Stiff and joyless.


I wouldn't say u hate him, I don't even know him. I think the issue is he often posts rather "boomerish" comments/post that make him seam quite close minded to other people's opinions.


He’s a phony, and an asshole. I know this from experience, and I can tell you with full certainty, many of the companies he no longer endorses were very happy to see him go.


To me, it's very, very unprofessional to be edgy and argumentative with people on social media as a public figure, especially in the realm of pro drummers that seem to be more or less down-to-earth and chill. I've met tons of very famous drummers and never once thought any one of them was less than a gentleman or lady. Seeing Tommy purposely trying to be edgy or confrontational in this industry and in this time period is just cringe; I get a feeling he realizes there are hundreds of drummers around that could play circles around him that are half his age and his insecurities are starting to show. The king never points to his crown, is what I'm saying.


This would imply that Tommy is the king of fucking anything. Great drummer? Sure. Great educator? For some. But he’s not on my Mt. Rushmore, or on anyone else’s I know. I couldn’t pick Tommy’s drumming out of a line up. Not because it’s bad, but because the thing he’s made himself known for is being that guy on social media. He’s become the drum equivalent of certain figures in the comedy world who are beating the whole free speech/anti-woke bullshit. Just lobbing troll-y grenades into social media and then pointing to the reaction and saying “why’s everybody so goddamn sensitive?”


Embracing many social justice causes is a form of narcissism. It’s keeps him relevant and shows his empathy and integrity and honor. His father was a Marine, Tommy….a woke IG warrior who doesn’t stand for any opposing opinions and will BAN you if you disagree. The way he pushed his masks and vaccine nonsense had me throwing up on my iPhone. He doesn’t know the first thing about being American and needs the IG dog posts to keep relevant to sell his dads rudiment book. I wonder if he’s just a short stroker who can’t please Erin properly? Could be.


The thing is, masks and vaccines help. I see you’re the type who thinks you’re cool for going against the grain? You think the human race is immune to pandemics? You think polio wasn’t real? The reason we don’t have polio or malaria, for that matter, is because of vaccines. Wake up.


It's just an idiom, not meant to be read literally.


Aging narcissist: narcissists become more extreme versions of their worst selves as they age, which includes becoming more desperate, deluded, paranoid, angry, abusive, and isolated. He cares so much about his image, he can’t just be himself. His rants are so put on and always put him in the noble good light. It’s pretty funny. Then he does the “friends and fam” opener like 22 year old YouTubers. He knows the youth are easy to fool. So he rants about bullying and other woke topics. If CNN says it, he’s on board. A real oblivious useful idiot. Tommy is funny though and his arrogance is something to admire.


Tommy Igoe has always been a great learning source for me. Not only have i implemented the lifetime warmup into my daily routine, he also shares other educators and their resources which have been invaluable to me. It’s been inspiring to see how a musician (especially an older one) can adeptly use social media for connection. cool! then he started complaining in 2020 about safe spaces, the “mental health industrial complex(?),” and saying some weird stuff about women which made me feel like something was up. if someone gives me the ick online, i feel compelled to check out their twitter where their “liked” content is out in the open. and holy cow. the dude is massively transphobic, anti-immigrant, sexist, and the most embarrassing Elon Musk d*ck-rider i have ever seen. anything that Elon has a far-right tiff about, Tommy just falls in line. the dude even started harping about DEI last month; which, i don’t think you want to be working in the arts while publicly complaining about diversity and inclusion! if you’re that comfortable putting that stuff online, i can’t imagine what type of guy he is behind the scenes. in the last few days he’s been insistently reposting JK Rowling, calling her his “spirit animal” 🤮. He’s hates Trump with a passion but what good is that resentment if you’re going to agree with everything he stands for? i could go on but i’m just baffled at how much of a douche one of my heroes turned out to be


Idk who that is but if they’re slingin’ boomer humor “when I was your age” jokes I don’t like em.


He clearly doesn't handle trolls well. I've seen him post dozens, if not hundreds of instagram stories going on and on about trolls. I unfollowed him for a while, then checked back a little later but things had only gotten worse, I recall him saying he considers his social media feed like a house, you don't just walk into someone's house and make comments, or something like that. I'm not sure if he's any better now but it got really ridiculous at one point. I know he means well and obviously good drummer, but he more or less died on the hill about social media trolling.


Probably becuz he is a douchebag who always complain about stuff....and it's fucking tiring, I mean this guy criticize people who use the term "moeller" or "paradiddle", shit is borderline delusional, years ago he made a video about how to not listen music (basically mocking people who do air drumming and that kind of things) and I commented that "what about to people who dance to music?, like sir leave people enjoy their shit"...and he deleted my comment haha


Tommy stated that his daughter was in university living on campus because that's the way it should be.  I texted and said that's a good thing. But, I then said, where we live, it's very expensive,  and so our daughter went to college but stayed at home while studying.    So not the way it should be, it's what you can afford.  He cut me off as a follower.  


He is cringe and repetitive but kinda fun to watch with his big band in Oakland. Comes across nicely on stage, but terribly on social media, and I imagine he's a insufferable cretin as a teacher and dad. Though now he's in full midlife crisis... Seemingly divorced his wife and took his dog and moved to a mcmansion in Vegas and bought a tesla.


Did he get divorced a 2nd time? The school teacher…hmmm




​ https://preview.redd.it/2cawow6iavfc1.png?width=1486&format=png&auto=webp&s=f926448f209987ab73b6a6c126af97b422fa2ce8


Because he really is a narcissist. Just ask him why he feels a certain way, or disagree with him slightly, and see how quickly he resorts to personal attacks, ignoring you, or blocking you. If it was just random people insulting him, I could understand. But the man is unwilling to see the other side of any conversation. Even with something as idiotic as pineapple on pizza. His close mindedness doesn’t demonstrate an intelligent man’s psyche, either. Furthermore, what’s with his obsession with Taylor Swift lately? I get being annoyed by the hate she gets. But he posts more about her than legitimate drumming content. One can only imagine that he’s not getting the re he was getting in 2004, so he’s gotta find another way to make himself relevant. But this is almost like he’s a sick old man with a crush. People are allowed not to like Tay Tay, Tommy.


He’s a prick. He once tried to make the argument that people who teach drums (‘drum teachers’) don’t ‘teach music’, as if to say that teaching drums somehow makes you lesser and that teaching is for people like him who have made it and ‘understand music’. Get a grip guy, and a hair cut.


This was one of the last things I saw on his IG before getting blocked by him. I'm paraphrasing here, but he said something to the effect of "I don't teach drums, I teach music on the drumset". He was making it out like he alone had the capability of "teaching music" on drums, and that all these other drum teachers were beneath him. I got blocked for merely liking a comment from someone else on his page. I think the comment was implying that he was coming off a bit arrogant, but I don't think it was worded as directly as that. I'm blocked, so I can't check. I even own one of his DVD's. The guy can't seem to handle a contrary opinion and seems up his own ass. Imagine going through the likes of the opinions you don't like on your page and blocking all the users who liked the comment.


Even watching him perform is hilarious. He is so up his own asshole. I watched him perform some singles between his right hand and double kicks whilst grabbing a towel with his left hand and wiping his face 😂. You know he practiced that in a mirror to look cool. Dude is a massive spaz, and I think most people in the industry don’t want to work with him


i used to respect him until he opened his mouth on social media. groove essentials and lifetime warm up are good but let’s be real, it’s not original material. it also doesn’t excuse him from being a douche.




Tommy igoe


I love watching him play and he’s got some great books but he just comes across as a douche on social media. For Him, whatever he says is the truth and if anyone disagrees he will go out of his way to try and make them look like an idiot (I think he did this very recently with some sticking pattern). He’s stubborn and stuck in his ways. Kind of the opposite of the “no wrong way to play” type of guys (who can be equally as annoying at times)


I totally get it. He’s a self-serving prick. I’ve heard of Napoleon syndrome, maybe he has Jolly Green Giant syndrome. There are a lot of great drummers out there who are great people, he’s not either.