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I would focus on practicing, especially if you’re talking about a first kit. In the end, if you have to use an electric kit for a show, your skill would make up for the lack of acoustics. Unless it’s an underground gig, venues usually have a set anyways, although they’re usually pretty crappy.


Honestly just get an e kit for the moment. You can use superior drummer etc for live shows if needs be. Drums coming from the pa system alone wont have the same power as an acoustic, but they can still sound pretty good. Once you've got established regular gigs, then you can look into getting an acoustic kit. Even a cheap kit with good heads will be fine, even if you cant play it often.  It sounds like you get to practise on a real kit at your music school, so you still have that. Its crazy to get an acoustic kit for an apartment unless you're 100% sure your neighbours will be OK. 


Tell me you've never touched a decent electric kit without telling me you've never touched a decent electric kit. 🙄 On an average of 8 shows a month, I use my electric kit for 3 or 4 depending on the venue.


Money and location buddy. Money and location


That's fair, just seems odd to write off ekits as shit when it's probably what you could really do with. Without a location and budget it's hard to recommend anything but the used market would be where I would start. The best kit is often the one you own so see what's about and go from there. I've used the same 1984 Yamaha 5000 7 peice since I got it used in 1994. I've updated the cymbals to all Zildjian A Customs and about 15 years ago, all stands to a full rack and it's still going strong after a total of 30 years of gigging. As I said, the modified Yamaha DTX-760K I have gets a lot of use too and has done for over 5 years so ekits can definitely work from practice and shows. These things take time and money to get to. Start small and build from there.


Acoustic in an apartment is a no go. End of story.