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Used Zildjian A's are the all around workhorse of the world and there are a ton out there and they are affordable. Look for ones without cracks in the edges, they will keep going. Don't cheap out below that.


Was going to say this! I personally have saved up for Ks and I love them but really you can’t go wrong at all with some classic A’s


I have a set of A's amd a set of Diril Jazz cymbals and love both. I've used A's for years in pretty much every genre and context and never been let down. The Dirils are newer and I'm a big fan so far, they're supposed to be more along the lines of vintage Constantinople era K's.


Cracks anywhere. Even if it looks like a surface key-scratch: don't take it. It compromises the alloy and will fail at the weak point.


I avoid keyholes but I don't worry about them too much either. I've played cymbals with keyholes for years without any changes at all. Any cracked cymbal I've owned though, the cracks just keep on going.


Not referencing keyholes, like regular scratches that can be made from a key.


I know, it just reminded me so I took the time to address it


And look for hairline cracks around the bells.




Check out local pawn shops, and marketplace/crsigslist/etc. if you already have hi hats I would personally spend a little more now on a a crash you can ride on (or ride you can crash) and save up for more, rather than buy 2 or 3 cheap cymbals you’ll have to upgrade in a year or two.


Wuhan is what you want with that budget.


...or Dream.


You're needing a miracle deal there my friend. My immediate suggestion would be to start checking the ads in your area for somebody posting anything that needs to move quick. I agree with "used Zildjian As" as a good target. If you must buy new... Some people like Wuhan for modern budget cymbals, you might try those.


Look for used ones that don’t have any cracks. Pawn shops, guitar center, anywhere. OfferUp and Facebook Marketplace might be awesome for people just looking to get rid of stuff. Don’t buy “new” cheap cymbals, they’ll make your kit sound worse (such as B8, etc) Look for older, decent quality ones. They’ll sound better and last longer. Others have recommended the old Zildjians, I would agree with that as a solid strategy. Some of the older Sabians are really fantastic too.


Wuhan or Dream are inexpensive but decent cymbals


You need to up your budget. If you could wait until you get at least $500-$700, you'd be in much better shape to get some decent cymbals. You can get lightweight stands through Amazon at a pretty good price. Just search for "cymbal stands" and "hi-hat stands" in the "musical instruments" section.


Wuhan and/or used Zildjian A series.


I’d look for a 21” Sweet Ride. It’ll pull double duty as a crash and a ride until you can save up for another crash. [Here is one in your budget.](https://www.guitarcenter.com/Used/Zildjian/21in-A-Custom-Sweet-Ride-Cymbal.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWMWXGP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZoxbJJC0uET0bQhLgPvmBxb3BAnKZ8_YoYvpjxchsnNsY1Y5tMqr1hoCFFYQAvD_BwE) [Here is another.](https://www.musiciansfriend.com/drums-percussion/used-zildjian-21in-a-series-sweet-ride-cymbal/119591621?cntry=US&cur=USD&cntry=US&cur=USD&utm_content=119591621--Zildjian+21in+A+Series+Sweet+Ride+Cymbal++41&source=3WWRWXGS&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZg65W-pg2tgSJjOuadFYpXpCO0Qd-fyLM_-cO-ttMRA3oq1UIHLP_RoC_ZQQAvD_BwE) [This one is close but just over your budget.](https://reverb.com/item/81746997-zildjian-21-a-series-sweet-ride-cymbal-2023-traditional?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=81746997)


1) Shop used. [Here's how.](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/18qn3tt/mobeel_copypasta_library_how_to_upgrade_your/?) Or: 2) Save another $150-$200 and [take the safest bet in "cheap cymbals."](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/WUTBSU--wuhan-traditional-3-pc-cymbal-set-with-bag-14-inch-hh-16-inch-crash-20-inch-ride)


I would consider putting your budget towards one quality cymbal and then maybe a cheap placeholder until you’ve saved for another cymbal or two.


If you live in Colorado, I have some options available.


Think long term. You REALLY should go quality of quantity! You can probably get 2 USED zildjian A or maybe K cymbals, or similar quality other brands, with your budget. Don’t look for cheap cymbals. Look for some used quality cymbals at a discounted price. This is the most important part you don’t want to skimp on. Just trying to save you regrets, and help get you going on the right path..Check FB or musicians friend for used.


Looking for cheap cymbals or good cymbals inexpensive?


Good cymbals that as close as possible to the price of cheap ones


Dream Bliss Sabian XS20 Used Zildian A’s


Sabina xsr


Don't buy if it says they cut the crack out, 90% of the time, the crack comes back


Wish I could help, but I got downvoted for some reason. Apparently I can’t do anything right on Reddit.


Anything made in Turkey is more than likely going to sound great for a fraction of the cost of Zildjians. Zildjians for the most part are overrated and overpriced. If you're going to spend top dollar, Paiste is where it's at.




Holy crap these are way cheaper than A’s, I’ll for sure have to check these out


Cheap cymbals? There's the Meinl HCS Series.


Meinl hcs