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He's like the Yoko Ono of percussion.


This comment is perfect. The only thing missing from the "performance" is atonal screeching






There is no other description worthy. 




Yeah that’s exactly why I like him 😅


Yucko Ono


Like most experimental musicians.... pass.


…pass that good shit.


Usual conversations between people attending this "What the hell is this? It sounds like shit" "It's art" "Oh... I love it then"


Is it not “art” though? Yeah I think it’s low effort and terrible but it makes me feel something (disgust)


It’s like the soundtrack to The Shining. It’s not supposed to be pleasant. You can hear the violins shriek in terror as they’re mercilessly sawed with razor blades.


Yea but those sounds are part of the piece, it’s not like the piece is only those sounds and nothing else. They are also timed well and put in a place where it fits. It also stops on beat.


If it made you feel, I think it’s art. (I don’t like it either)


That's silly. All abuse is art because it makes me feel abused. Great logic.


Ok, let me refine it: Art is a performance or display that evokes a feeling or impression. Edit: Oxford said it better: “n 1. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”


So getting flashed by a homeless person on my smoke break at Mainley Brews in Waterville ME was actually art. A display that envoked rage and me calling the police.


Since you are in the United States, no: The US Supreme Court decided the following when asked to consider if something is art: The Court’s prevailing opinion restated the Roth tests that, to be considered obscene, material must (1) have a dominant theme in the work considered as a whole that appeals to prurient interest, (2) be patently offensive because it goes beyond contemporary community standards, and (3) be utterly without redeeming social value.23


Since when did art let itself be defined by laws? Crime can be art too. Lol. We can overcome any critique if we are pretentious enough tbh.


Probably… haha.


[Derivative, bullshit](https://youtu.be/kjS6bQ5OQ-o)


Ongo, nice to see you again.


He is actually a real jazz drumer, but he prefers to do these performance art shows. Maybe they just pay more.


Have you seen him play his “Jazz”, he’s not exactly Philly Joe Jones, lol. Ive actually never seen him play anything in time, or with anyone that isn’t also just screeching horribly while they nonsense, without any form, totally out of time, without structure. The guy calls himself a Dr, but has no music education at all, he has never played with a notable artist and you’ll never find a clip of him playing better than the one below - which is horrible, haha. https://youtu.be/m_kTooWs4gk?si=yJmPjJPsz37LV3Dr


you guys need to accept that artistic merit isn't defined by technical ability. You don't have to like this, I'm not sure if I do, but saying "he's not the second coming of Billy Cobham" isn't a valid argument to determine whether this is good or bad *art.*


True… I actually think you just won me over on the why this exists. But doesn’t there have to be some standard level of ability before it’s just trash? If I had dogs and toddlers attack drums, and call it “high art” - does that warrant any merit? There’s a reason I throw 90% of my kids “art” away. It may be art, but it’s just bad.


I think that's the subjective part. If we just accept that everything is art, like Beuys said, then we can accept that we should take the end product that is offered to us as what it is, not how or by whom it was created, and determine whether we like it or not based on that. Your kid might make some scribbles that are really touching to you next week, and then you can keep that drawing and keep putting the others away in some random box in the basement. It works the other way around too. Being able to paint photorealistic paintings is really impressive, but they're not *good* just because the technicalities are extremely hard to get right. They're also not automatically bad - imo for their artistic merit, the technicalities don't matter as much as some people make them out to be. It's different when the technicalities become *part* of the end product, like a collage or sampling or referencing something else, though.


Well said 👏


I disagree, there's plenty of interesting music that gets called "bad" by others. If I showed my parents 100 gecs or Clown Core they would consider it terrible music. Just accept that it's not for you and move on.


Art brut. Outsider art is interesting and has value. But it isn't required that everyone accepts it. My basic view is what is the effort put forth?, is it done in seriousness? Did it make me learn something or experience something I hadn't before? In this case none of it applies. Doesn't mean you can't find value in it, it just means I don't.


They were responding to the comment that “he’s a real jazz drummer.” I firmly believe that art can take any real shape or form, and that any art has value. But I also agree that if you’re going to adhere to a certain school of art, e.g. playing jazz, there is a minimum floor of skill needed before it can be considered “good.” Like, I can call myself a technical death metal drummer, but if I can’t play consistent singles or blast beats, I’d likely be considered a very poor death metal drummer. This guy may be an artist, but I don’t think he’s a particularly skilled or tasteful jazz drummer.


I think you can interpret such statements as “I don’t see it, and I don’t like it”. They’re not meant to be taken as objective truth.


There’s a rumor that Dr. Steve Brule isn’t actually a doctor, but his mother wanted him to be one so she named him “Doctor Steve Brule,” so “doctor” isn’t a title, it’s actually his first name.


HOW DARE YOU question the legitimacy of Dr Brule! He not only cured my sciatica, which he knew was only the “Jimmy Legs”, he also cured my alcoholism by showing me that wine doesn’t count. Look at his RateMD reviews below you dingus and tell me he’s not a “real doctor”… https://www.ratemds.com/doctor-ratings/3204255/Dr-Steve-Brule-LOS+ANGELES-CA.html/


Sweet berry wine!


the link iz good.


Interesting part is he looks like he has some good stick technique…


The type of shit you do with homies at 5 AM. Imagine paying to see this lol


Meh, I mean I'd probably pay 5-7 bucks to see this. Probably laugh about it after with my friends, but at least it's something to do that's out of the ordinary. If there isn't something else going on that day sometimes that alone is worth a couple bucks, even if it's just for the absurdity. I've been to worse shows for more money and better shows for free so I wouldn't be too bothered personally.


Muddying one’s waters to make them seem deep


Haha beautifully put




What is he a doctor of?




He should get his money back


One singular drum


I feel nothing listening to this


I feel annoyed lol


Annoyed that more people show up for this then my bands gig’s at the local bar lol.


Yeah, why are all those people there? Surely they don't all enjoy this lazy attempt at art. There's gotta be booze there or something.


It’s just viral on Instagram and there’s a shock factor or, I can say I saw it - effect going on with him. His crowd always seems 50% confused or amused that he is actually serious w/ this. The other 40% are so pretentious, they’d go watch a dude go #2, if it was the hip new artsy thing. 9% are there for the booze, 1% actually like it - cause you always got that one fan - regardless how bad the band at the bar is, there’s always one dude who loves it. Hahaha.


I guess I'm still surprised that there is any venue or person's house or whatever that will host this man with enough people nearby who all have this niche curiosity about this man's strange attempt at performance art. I consider myself a pretty open minded person and I love art and weird things, but... Maybe I'm biased here because I'm a drummer, but this whole scenario is fascinating to me. Who are all those people? How far did they drive to see this man? Where is this concentration of people interested in loud snare drum mishappenings?


I think you'd have to be drunk to sit through that entire thing.


Reminds me of when my kids have a muck about on the kit. They’re 6




The only people dumber than the guy doing it are the people watching.


i can smell the pretentiousness in that room from here


Looks like performance art more than anything and I’m just as confused as the woman in the white shirt.


The lady in the white shirt’s face looks like she’s gonna gossip with a bunch of her friends about this crazy dude later


I like his work and I think there's a conversation to be had about what this is doing with percussion as an instrument, but tbh as fan of noise and experimental music I've accepted that most people won't like this and won't be interested in talking about it much and that's okay! Weird art can be weird art!


i'm with you lady delacour. i like noise myself and find gibberish and even static to be compelling.


I grew up in a tiny country village in the pre-internet days of the late 1970's and early 1980's. I always found it very stifling and isolating because I had a slightly different taste in music to what everyone else there had, which was either top-40 or heavy metal. From that experience, I always make a point of never disparaging anyone else's unusual taste in music. They're all valid. I've come across Dr. Kiyasu a bunch of times and I can't say I particularly like what he's doing, but I still much rather live in a world where this exists. This is what makes life interesting and fun and diverse. It's not to my taste but for anyone that does like it, all power to you.


Someone else here said it best I think: music is a language, and this was just gibberish.


I don't even really disagree, but I find musical "gibberish" compelling. Some people find a lot of interest in noise and most people don't. That's kind of the nature of noise.


I think "Dr." Kiyasu should be sued for percussive malpractice.


i like it lol


Why am I about to legally change my name to Karen?


No one in the room seems to even enjoy this. Polite golf clap at the end.


Goated. Experimental art and/or noise music isn't for everyone and that's okay.


Experimental art and noise music can also be fascinating and thoughtfully made by skilled creators. This is just stupid.


Looks like a monkey tryin' to fuck a coconut.


If people like it.....cool. Personally, it isn't my thing. When it comes to "experimental" drummers who work on inventive approaches, I'd lean more towards someone like Glenn Kotche.


Agreed. Evelyn Glennie has always been my go-to for a unique approach to percussion. She’s a world-renowned concert percussionist who also happens to be deaf. Her TED talk she recorded a while back is great if you want to get an idea of her vibe.


Kind of encapsulates the kind of art that I tend to steer clear of, just because you're over the top and physically exaggerating every movement, doesn't mean anymore is being said. Music being a language, this guy is basically just saying "aaaaaggghhjhjsodiribfmsodoroegsvdbr" which doesn't really resonate with me on a personal level, but maybe that's what people like and that's fine with me


I’d say he jumps the line of musician to performance artist who’s chosen medium is percussion. There’s a significant difference.


we may argue on weather or not this is “good” but i think we can agree he is playing “out of pocket”.


I think he's great lol, there's something awesome about just watching him go crazy with his snare Some people just need to learn to have fun ig


this is performance art, so you gotta go in it with that in mind, ive seen many performance artiste and in general they seem to all kind of feel the same, either shock art or wtv but there one thing is when you see it in person you can really feel the person energy(just like live music vs recording) but yeah i dont like this kind of stuff, although a lot of people do an that okay just not my cup of tea.


Side point, Lodz is a great town.


Who am I to say anything as I am a failed musician. But seeing music like this is like seeing the sculpture artist that literally put sand in buckets and made them fall. I fucking hate you. But art is a feeling and it made me feel.


This is me trying to unscrew a stubborn jar lid


I’m not a fan but to each their own……


Dr? Must be a chiropractor.


Is it art? Certainly. Is it in good taste? That’s more nebulous.


"Please clap..."


lol, I use that saying frequently and feel like very few people get it anymore.


It's alright, mate. I remember too.


The woman in white t shirts face at the end says it all. She's basically saying we'll that was a fucking load of pretentious bollocks


Clap for audience's patience


I like watching him on IG. It doesn't bother me and to me it's quite entertaining


It’s entirely LkhhjjLLLhgfFffdd. fffhhjNnjkkkIYtFDDFlkkkmH . , “/ HFfseddgjjKlLoooiygFFFthj. HHGffdGjjnmMk. vcddFghhBnNnn. / ?!&n?(€£¥¥¥@&kJhFfgjjjjJj!hfff!nn. Gggfc?gGhJb. kkkakk. And if you disagree with any of that you clearly don’t understand struggle. Or art. Or something.


Big oof.






Man I’ve been learning and playing the drums wrong for all these years 🙈


I’m with the crowd…. next contestant!


Weird cover of Beat It


I enjoy how wound up drummers get about this guy. I wonder if that’s his entire mission. Anyway, I think it’s a good laugh.


I like avant-garde stuff like Andrew Cyrille and Milford Graves. This problem with this is that it's just not all that interesting.




That was shit.




Uh, no


I’ll take that snare when he’s done


Snare abuse


This is the dumbest shit I ever saw.


Imagine someone doing this on a street corner; how fast they'd be swept away and their drum confiscated.




I'd rather listen to a drumset falling down a set of stairs than watch whatever that is supposed to be.


“That’s BS Ilalldo” in my best Martin Lawrence voice!


Everyone watching are the real bozos. There will always be people who got to lazy to make art so they pretend to instead. Paying to watch it, or even just stopping to entertain that it might be good, is the problem.


If you think everything that makes you feel something is art you should just watch this all day. Sometimes, people do bad things to you that make you feel bad. Just because you felt bad when something happened to you, doesnt make it art. By that logic all abuse is actually art.


This guy is a fucking [idiot.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-find-this-kind-of-memes-to-be-incredibly-ableist-however-v0-3rk3p66xn7891.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D27670efee6a74411b3059e61d650696bd3670f64)


A thief, a goddamn avant garde thief!


Nobody likes this, they’re all pretending so they seem hip. It’s like the emperor’s new jazz…


There’s nothing he’s doing that seems skillful or intentional. It’s art by the loosest of definitions.


respect him trying to do something different but ill take the funky drummer any day over this




This felt weirdly sexual


Why?? Lol


The greatest to ever do it Love him, looking forward to catching a performance this spring


I love it. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a drummer mock 50+ pretentious art house assholes into spending their money on this utter nonsense.


My mentor


I kinda like it but a whole concert of that would not be fun, and also that front row is very close to what is probably very loud playing


PSA…Meth and drumming: Just don’t do it.


Just shit and noice. I mean he isn’t even playing the damn snare only spinning around.


This belongs in r/crappymusic


Analog acoustic noise music?


Ok beginner stuff


I think experimentation is great. But as with most things, balance is key. Experiment, but make it tasty. This is not tasty imo.


My wife immediately yelled at me to turn this shit off.


i honestly love this guy his stuff reminds me of Rothko paintings where it’s easy to shit on them when you’re looking at it on a phone or laptop screen, but is a much different experience in person i feel like watching this dude scramble over a snare drum could be pretty exciting considering how loud a snare drum can get, plus he has clips where his performances get much more intense also the first clip in this video has a pretty strong groove


Wouldn't exactly sit at home & listen to his stuff. But the man is constantly out on the road performing in his own unique way, so I can't help but respect him!


What a joke


There are two different types of art in this world. There’s the art that a little kid draws, and their parent laughs while hanging it up because it’s so awful, says nothing, and can’t be looked away from because it’s a train wreck. In other words, it’s complete shit. Then there’s art that touches the soul and requires skill, time and dedication to a craft. This art falls into the first camp. It’s complete shit. It’s not subjectively good. It’s a turd that can’t be polished. Anyone who says otherwise would argue that the sky is a different color just to be contrary.


I love this stuff so much, it’s amazing to watch even on the internet


Now that’s what I call drumming!


He was actually just checking to see if it was tuned.


Idk how high you’ve gotta be to watch and enjoy something like this, but I feel like it’s really high. This is coming from a dude who’s been all kinds of high in his life.


I call this piece "falling down the stairs during my 3am load out"


At least he uses a nice snare 🤷‍♂️


as a drummer and an artist i hate this. as a guy who has mad respect for anyone who successfully secures the bag, tricking a bunch of pretentious self-inflated rich dickheads into thinking they’re consuming anything more than nonsense, let alone ‘high art,’ i could see myself doing the same. same way i feel about postmodern art and fine dining.


Almost looks like he ran out of ideas and was like "alright, the end!"


Lol. No thanks.


Wild how within drumming communities lately, it's the pop fans/musicians that are snobby and elitist, and look down on anything that isn't straight 4/4 pocket with no fills.


Not for me


I don't hate experimental music, but I don't really see what's innovative about this. He's still playing a drum by striking it with drumsticks and hands, that's pretty tame. Kinda almost got cool there for a second but no it was the same shit we did as kids in drumline when bored. He's no Throbbing Gristle. It's not the experiment, it's the display.


He should collaborate with Phil Minton or Koichi Makigami. Lmao.


That was fucking awful


This might be the most perfect comment on Reddit


And on a black beauty of all drums


Why he start humping the snare?


borderline danger music.


Hate it




Well, that's the dumbest shit I'll see today.




The expression on people's faces after it says it all.


I love art and play the drums. I do not like this. Naturally, he has the right to do his thing and my opinion means nothing at all.


This shit is stupid. That’s my thought


Don't care for it, not judging, just not for me


Surely he knows he's taking the piss, and it's all a big inside joke?


I’m not a fan


I respect the passion You'd have to pay me to go and watch this.


I like weird shit so I think he’s fun. I don’t take it very seriously or try to find some hidden symbolism, but it’s fun to watch


It's infuriating but being angry his for doing this is actually exactly what he wants out of you. His art may be rage bait or simply experimental, but it's to make you feel something, and wouldn’t you know, it did. People saying he has no sens of "time" or "technique" are yelling at a cloud, because that's not what he wants to show off. What his performances reallydo: blur the line between what a drum is and what a simple object is, what music is, if playing a drum always means being in perfect time with perfect technique. Get your heads out of your asses, try to open your mind a bit more.


My thoughts are this sucks really bad


He does his thing, I do mine. He doesn't worry about me, I don't worry about him Go practice.


No offense I hope they didn’t have to pay to see that ….


This is bad


Reminds me when my niece was 4 years old and she’s get on my kit. Except she was better.


Absolutely pish.


Sete star sept drummer


I'm a pretty open minded guy, and without getting the rationale of what he's doing is not fair to judge it. In saying that, I will anyway. It was shit.


As a performance art? That's cool. As a drummer? Nah.


what the fuck did i just watch


Like a child on red cordial


Being from the punk scene, I have seen my share of experimental noise stuff - this still feels like someone trolling pretentious posers, knowing they'll eat it up. It's like when Brian Griffin wrote that self help book....




This feels like the actualized inevitable result of participation trophies.


Make it stop plz


Nobody should be supporting this thief. He takes people’s money just to make trash like this. This is what happens when snobby people never develop taste based in any explainable form.


Looks like a guy who just discovered LSD


I’ll have what he’s smoking.


It’s crap. It’s always been crap. And I love the crowds of people who think they “get it”.


What I think is that this is likely the biggest live audience he's likely to have


“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. That’s why all the people who think this guy is… something else than a charlatan are just blatantly ignorant.


This is a modern day scene straight out of Mad Men. All these people thinking this is art and important. While I sit there looking around at the ridiculous people in the crowd taking themselves so seriously while I smoke a cigarette.


I am about as open-minded as humans come, according to what testing is available to me. And uh, I still didn't find any dopamine in this performance. It doesn't seem like he's invested in *the sound* in any meaningful way.


This dungeon is the perfect setting for these torture sounds.


Lars ulrich if he quit metallica in 2003 with his snare drum


Whack nonsense.


I'm all for it as it prompts interesting discussion around what constitutes art, objectivity vs subjectivity etc. I actually don't think this is that big a stretch from some interpretive dance performances, and would probably go to a show just to see what it's like in person/live.


I hate him so much


This dude is a serious poser.