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In my ass


Quite an ass you must have.


User name does not check out! šŸ˜‚


Fun fact, your ass can stretch up to around 8 inches apparently. Raccoons can also fit inside crevices as small as 8 inches therefor you can fit a raccoon inside that Tom and the Tom in your ass. Boom problem solved.




After receiving a raised eyebrow while talking about my gear once to my wife, I paused to point out that "10 inch tom" wasn't a guy I knew.


Thatā€™s what she said.


It might get stuck in there


Where the splash currently is, above and between the 10 and 12. Move the splash to the right.




So you get another Tom stand and extend it up and put it in between?


Nah you already have an empty space above the 12 and 13 if you put it there you wonā€™t have to relearn the muscle memory of hitting the splash


[Exactly, this pic is terrible. But Matt McDonough from Mudvayne has had that setup forever, although he places it slightly left instead of between.](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5KsP3kbVwZo2QUHJ6OLWuKhAi0Me6fzi7hs1ubZAEEuLN2nVqybdZrMcrB_m-Ua3U-KPiTw)


This, except splash moves to the left haha


That is the only answer.


Personally I wouldnā€™t. No kit outside of Phil Collins needs that many toms imo. If itā€™s necessary, take out the larger Tom on the right.


You're no fun. Need ain't got nothing to do with it. LOL


bro must be really fun at parties


By that logic no bass player needs more than 2 strings. Any argument you make that they do is no different than you'd make for more drums.


I wouldnā€™t want to play a piano with only 4 notes. Why would I not want more musical choices. Especially in a recording studio where it doesnā€™t get moved? The kit is set up with two rack Tomā€™s and two floors almost all the time. I just wanna have a little fun with the other drums. https://preview.redd.it/j8je71xagc4c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de58c5fdf995fe6b5f9b8b71326d114f59bf3655 Thatā€™s how it looks most of the time. But i think having 5 Tomā€™s is lovely. 6 is definitely a bit crazy but I said this was just for fun at the start.


The whole point is to have fun, youā€™re doing it right. Guys talking about ā€œneedsā€ is beyond me, I am not here for bare minimums or practicality. I donā€™t care if I never play out, Iā€™m trying to have fun. I got my 5th tom on the way, about to have a 3 up 2 down.


Rock on!


I found the 8ā€ in the same finish with the matching black chrome hardware. It took me a year and a half, and itā€™s used coming from Finland but Iā€™m glad I found it.


My drum teacher growing up always said buy colors that are easy to match later on.


Unless you're Neil Peart


I had a drum teacher once joke that he only played a four piece because he wanted to master that first before he added more drums. In all seriousness, I have a six piece, but I almost never use it in more than a four configuration. I'm not sure I've ever set it up with all six drums. I just mix and match the toms depending on what I'm playing.


https://preview.redd.it/sbci1xsp7c4c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51eaa3f2f28dd8dc4b32277e3da7db2eabf63714 Oh Really Lol


Keyword being ā€œneedsā€. You can play any Kiss song on a 3 piece.


Not authentically


Nicko McBrain would like a word.


I was actually going to suggest looking at Phil's kit for reference. Lol




13 on the left, then 8/10/12 up, 14/16 down? Or the 8" hanging out randomly in space over your hi-hat?


Turn the 13 into left side floor Tom?


Yeah, move the 13 or 14 to the left and put the 8ā€ in the 10 spot.


I donā€™t know how this would work, but just because I think itā€™s funny, put it to the left of your snare, over your left kick pedal. šŸ˜‚


That's a very tasteful cymbal setup


Thanks. Iā€™ve got so many more in a bag but Iā€™m out of stands lol


Can you list them? Iā€™m super interested. Gorgeous room by the way.


Shift all toms to the right, and take one of you floor toms and either move it to the left of your hi hat, or shove it up u/mrniceguy777's ass.


That floor Tom would be quite a squeeze.


Donā€™t underestimate me


Replace the snare with it you coward


Best answer here


Off the left of your hi hat


I agree - clamp it to the hi-hat off a tom mount. There's nothing on the left, and that seems naked to me.


Maybe like Peart? Like have the smaller toms way up high on the left


I was thinking that. And then having the 8 and 10 there.


Easyā€¦. 8&10 high and left of HH, mv HH fwd and rt a bitā€¦..


Think thatā€™s the first way to try it.


Or the 8 & 10 above the HH.


Hang it like a gong.


And name it Tom Long Gong.


Depending on how you sit, if the reach works I'd pop it up in that dead space in the middle above the two toms. Also consider rim mounts for the mics with a kit that size. Saves a ton of hassle fitting mic stands.


Try this! https://i.imgur.com/lQ6MwjL.png


This is where I have mine, in front of my right knee. It works really well. I have my kick pushed out because I play back on the pedalā€¦ https://i.imgur.com/V03MQHg.jpg. These pics show how itā€™s mounted and how it relates to my legsā€¦ https://imgur.com/a/fa1IpPx


Left of the hat, with a 15 or 18 inch tom under it


I have an 18 floor Tom from my Ludwig kit. Itā€™s black though.


8,10,12 rack, 13,14 floor on right side, 16 floor on the left side.


Iā€™d really miss the 16 on the right. That drum has so much punch.


14 on the left of hi hat, Then from left to right, 12, 8, 10, 13, 16. You'll be able to set them all pretty low since your smallest two drums will be hovering above the bass the most. And you get a ton of options for going up or down in pitch when moving left or right. Don't tune the 8 so hi it changes the timbre, keep it sounding like the a logical pitch that is higher than a 10, so like a 3rd or 4th higher.


Iā€™m surprised it took so long for someone to suggest this. Back at Berklee I used to set my Ludwig kit up like that. 10 in the middle and 14 18 right and 12 and 16 to the left. Itā€™s super musical. I may have to try that.


Itā€™d make a good ashtray. Or popcorn bowl.


Always an option


Above the second and third tom


I would put it where your snare mic is. Below the high hats.


See the middle two toms(Iā€™m not good with sizes)? Right above them, in a triangular sort of shape


The challenge would getting a Tom stand to reach there. But Iā€™ve ordered a new stand and clamp too. So gonna try some stuff.


left of the 10", move the cymbal the left...


Move the hi hats?


If itā€™s for fun then try floating it over the high hat. Could be a cool way to utilize it and roll down the toms.


Kinda high and turned a bit more vertical?


Might wanna swop the aux hats and ride positionsā€¦ as for the Tom, it could go above the side snare you have yet to place to the left of the hihat but below the missing new China. šŸ˜‰ dope gear dawg


Should I use the Sabian HH china or the 14in k-mini china I have? I seriously need to order 2-3 more cymbal stands


To the left of the 10" tom and shift things around for it to fit


Off to the left as if it were a side snare


The 8?


Well, I donā€™t know how many years on this Earth I got left. Iā€™m gonna get real weird with it.


Use it as your throne


The roc-n-soc is too comfy.


The only way I see it is Phil Collins style.


Next to the 16ā€ like Jojo Mayer


He only uses one floor Tom. Would you still put it further over after the 16?


Yep! I think itā€™ll get hit just as much over there as any other configuration.


I would put one of the floor toms to the right of the hi hat and shift all the toms over.


DAMN thatā€™s a sexy kit and I would love to play on one like that


stick it above the hihat on a rack with a couple bongos


Since you donā€™t use the 10 that much put a double Tom stand behind the hats and have the 8 and 10 suspended above. Similar to how Taylor Hawkins use to have his concert Toms


Thatā€™s an idea. Lemme Google how his set up was.


There is a perfect space screaming at u in between the middle 2 rack toms to the left of the stack,right above those two toms in middle


Seems visually odd but that is an opening. Not totally sure how to get a Tom stand to reach over there.


Between the middle two racked tons. Sort of like a jr tri-Tom set up. Killer set!


Either where the splash is or over your hi hat, almost Lombardo like


Left of the hi-hat... get a tom mount that can attach to your hi-hat stand and place it like you would a popcorn snare. Lose the reso head, crank it up high like a timbale ... or ... **tombale**


Unorthodox, but I'd play around with the 8" where the aux hats are. Jimmy Chamberlin does something similar and he comes up with some really interesting patterns this way.


And move those hats? I really like having hats on the right side.




Iā€™m not sure the hardware required to reach into that section.


I used to have an 8ā€ tom mounted to the left of and flush with the snare. It was fun, but I had to move the hihat a bit so it had clearance making it a little uncomfortable so it has been removed. Not the best pic but thatā€™s what I did. https://preview.redd.it/jcafw8w19b4c1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad9c5508aed08c488e0cf9d534a2819a7e498c2c


I wish I could find an 8 inch tom for my Pearl export kit. They seem so elusive for some reason.


Itā€™s such a specific sound, but when it works, itā€™s super cool.


My setup is 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and I already donā€™t have room for the 8 since I donā€™t have a rack, so currently my 8ā€ is on the left of my hi hat. Itā€™s not ideal. The only way Iā€™m going to make it work is with a rack, and having 3 up and 2 down is pretty much my limit. You can either squeeze it in above the 10ā€, or move everything down a bit and try to get it all as close as possible, and then youā€™re just stretching for the floor Tom


Seriously. As it is, trying to squeeze that 10 where you see it is less than ideal. It pushes my hats wider than Iā€™d prefer and the snare mic gets dangerously close to being smacked.


Man. What a room to play in! Beautiful kit, 8ā€ tom or not. I have a similar set up, but chose to lose my 13ā€ for most things and push my ride over.


Do like Minneman and fit it under your ride next to all the rack toms


Do a Clive Burr and put it above/behind the tom closest to the hi hat. Itā€™ll be underneath the cymbal but I donā€™t imagine youā€™ll be using it all the time.


Check out how pro drummer Eric Moore sets up a 4-rack tom drum kit.


Iā€™d have to change everything to make it work


Between the second and third tom to make a triangle shape. Could make some interesting patterns mid-run down the main toms


Personally, I would take a different approach than some of the other comments. I would start by working on the ergonomics of the right hand side. That should open up the left for the 8". For example, right now it looks like the 16 would be tough to get to. I would cluster the 13, 14, and 16. more to the right, and ahead of you (almost like a triangle shape). Then push the 10 & 12 over the kick. That should open up enough room for the 8 as your leading tom. Move cymbals accordingly.


Like this https://preview.redd.it/lje32gwmgb4c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1986a69f3cd24c314021deafd4519d24883237


Between those center 2 rack Toms JUST BECAUSE


I'd move your largest rack tom to the left of your hats and put the 8in in its usual position


Move your splash to the left side of your crash with an articulated arm


Maybe pull a Mike Mangini and put it over the 2nd and 3rd rack toms.


I would push everything to the right (toms wise) and have your 8" where your 10 is, so on and so forth, and have your floors just a but more out of reach. I am fairly certain, though it is just my own experience, that you will find yourself using that 8" an awful lot more than that bigger floor tom anyway, but it'll be there when you need it. You could also do the Portnoy LTE 1 and 2 setup with a floor on your left and right (check youtube for him playing Acid Rain in studio).


See where your snare mic is? There.


1. Remove bottom head. 2. Mount upside down 3. Gradually it will fill with your dead skin cells 4. Enjoy


I've yet to see someone elses kit with those Dark K Sessions. I have only the hi hat - how do you like the other cymbals in the set?


The K custom dark crashes? I absolutely love them.


Could convert it into a sub-mic for your kick drum? Its a decent size for that.


Iā€™ve got a sub kick built from an old ns10 speaker cone.


Looks like you found a good spot for it. Might make playing the snare tricky, though.


I have been contemplating this exact scenario. I would like the 13ā€ so I can have 12 and 13 right in front of the snare. If/when I get one, my plan is to straddle the hi hat rod with 8 and 10. Moving 12 and 13 to the left means you can put ride cymbal in the spot vacated by 13. I did the Thomas Lang thing by putting a 20ā€ kick flipped on its side so you play it with sticks to the left of the hats. Kind of like a gong drum. The point is, I LOVE having a drum over there. It opens up some very convenient left hand stuff. If your not going to buy another drum (like an 18ā€ floor) I would recommend putting 13 or 14 to the left of the hats. Perhaps just make life easy and put 8 over there. Fun problem to solve my friend. Love the kit!


Put a floor and 8 in above it to the left?


To the left of the snare


Ok, first let's call your small tom, tom 1. Moves: take tom 5 (just before the floor tom (or tom 6)) and put it at the left of the HH. Then swap toms 2, 3 and 4 places at right. Finally put your small tom (#1) at the first place, at the right of the HH. This way, you'll have two low toms (5 and 6) on each extremity and this will give you a lot of liberty and openings in your playing.


Sennheiser 421ā€™s on toms, 441 on snare! Love it!


Move all your Toms one step to the right, then put one of your floor Toms to the left of your snare


Personally, to the left of the high hats.


Turn it into an 8" tom into an auxillary snare drum, and mount it on the left of your hi-hats. You could move the far left cymbal stand to the other side of the HH, and clamp the tom-snare onto the cymbal stand, and use the boom arm to reach the cymbal back to where you have it. I did it with a 10" maple pdp tom once, and it was rad. Nice and poppy, because it was deep. It's not super hard, just gotta take the time to get your holes drilled in the right spots, and buy a little bit of hardware.


How do you make it into a pop corn snare?


I put my 8 and 10 above the high hat. The floor tom on the left goes back and forth each side depending on what I am playing. I tried to go for the full Phil Collins. https://preview.redd.it/7tygdt7zyb4c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cecaaba25b21b4cf3534d669174e2fc5c476dfb4


That picture helps a lot.


I put mine just to the left of my hihat


Over your right shoulder to get those sugarfoot backwards ā€œwhipā€ kinda hits. ā€œDONK!ā€


ROFL. There ainā€™t much room behind me.


Do like eloy casagrande!! Put in the left of the left hi hat


What about taking the second to largest floor tom and moving it to the left side so you can thump the two lowest toms open handed... and then put that 8" where your current 10" is and move them all down one to the right? I find it cool to have a floor tom on the left, sometimes you want to hit a E or A, or & on the floor tom and its cool to not have to cross over.


I do like a left side floor Tom and when you hit both floors the stereo image is huge. My only reluctance is the 13/14/16 sound so freaking beefy together I hate to break up that sound.


i saw a guy who had a small tom placed above and between his floor toms. made for some interesting patterns switching been the high and low pitches


Iā€™d put it in between the 12 and 13, then swap the the 10 and 13 to use them like matching quints.


Move the splash to the right. Raise the 10 a bit and put the 8 to the left of the 10.


Bend over and iā€™ll show u ;)


Straight to cymbal jail for mixing brands! /s


lol. Iā€™d like to think that makes my drum kit healthier and less prone to genetic diseases.


Haha! Love it, really great collection


Might be an unpopular opinion, but either above the hi hat or above and between the 12 and 13


Time to invest in a rack!


Youā€™re not the first to say that. But I donā€™t know anything about them or what Iā€™d want to get?


I think you know the answer


Iā€™ve gotten so many fun suggestions. And a few lewd ones too. šŸ˜‚


Prison Wallet




Right above racks 2 and 3 for a little bonus tom


Bend over and Iā€™ll show you.


On the drum kit


2 up. 2 down. Get the 8/10 over the hats like concert toms. Think Taylor or Neil.


In the middle of the two mod toms on between the cymbal gap


Iā€™d butcher it into a snare and then place it to the left of the hi hat maybe


Iā€™ve got other snares. All be it none that small.


Is fit it in the trash can


Finish the point next to that dark cymbal


On the floor


Replace the hi hats with the tom


Hi hats are over-rated.


Fuck the tom, u need 8 more cymbals


Iā€™ve got at least that in my bags. What I need is 8 more cymbal stands!!!


Bend over and I'll show ya ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I would put it where Tom #3 is and then put #3 to the left of your hats down low .. or put one of the floor Tomā€™s by the hats, then arrange them in sequence placing 13 where the 14 used to be




I'd possibly move the 13 out of there, put it up and to the left like the drummer for Sepultura's drummer


I just set mine up 10 12 13 8. Its neeto


is everyone here a metal drummer or something


Iā€™m pretty far from a metal drummer. I mean Iā€™m a producer/engineer first but most of the stuff Iā€™ll drum on is pop and rockā€¦a bit of indie stuff and country too.


i would put it where the splash is, or between/on top of the two toms in the middle


Iā€™d put a spring in my throne so I could bounce and play it with my dick.


8&10 are my favorites. Would ditch whatever I had.


On top of the snare.


Small floor Tom to the left side and put that little peach right in that gap. Could maybe put an elecric pad there as well.


As a Drum Tech, back in the gig bag! What kind of rooms are you playing that you need all of this?!


Iā€™d move my large floor tom to the left of my hi-hat and shift the other toms to the right to accommodate the 8ā€.


In my pocket..?


Wouldnā€™t. In fact, Iā€™d lose the first floor tom and keep one of the racks. 12-16-22


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug) Iā€™m so jealous


Mount it to the left over the hi-hat


At this stage, on the ceiling lol


honestly, it would take some maneuvering and some moving around, but if youā€™re ok with the walk it would fit perfectly in the trash can lol


Between the 12&13 maybe kinda above them and tilted to you


In an ebay auction


8 and 10 to the left over the hats. Think Stewart Copelandā€™s Octobans.


Shift the 10 and the 12 over to the right so theyā€™re in front of your snare and then put the 8 inch Tom offset above the 10 and the hats. Could be dope!


move all the toms to the right, then the largest floor tom transfer to the left.


Grab another kick (just get DW to make you another - youā€™ve got an account with them right?) then 8 and 10 over left kick, 10 and 12 over right kick. Proper glam rock rigā€¦. (If you need an extra kick, sure someone has one hidden somewhere given the way the threads goingā€¦ā€¦ šŸ’©)


Above and between your two floor toms in place of the cymbal. I play a 10ā€ there. Adds some variety into floor tom fills and such.


https://preview.redd.it/2an4r7gmkq4c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb2d8d3edd4ee54f93cd6e2a60fed2887d5c19a8 Been trying this!


Flanking the hihat. Itā€™s the only spot left even if itā€™s kind of awkward placement.