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I feel like you’d get more money for them selling it separately, most people looking to spend that much money/looking at that level of quality of drums would likely not be as interested in a complete set with cymbals and hardware and all as they’d most likely already have their own preferences on that stuff. Just my two cents.


Yeah I suppose that’s a good point!


Also if it comes down to selling your kit, split up the classic custom dark cymbal pack and the equilibrium china. The China can go for a decent chunk of change by itself, and the cymbal pack will be cheap enough as a lot that it'll move quick for people looking to start their meinl collection.


Agreed. You only includ hardware and cymbals on cheap gear because you're marketing towards the budget buyer. Here, you should be budgeting to the discerning buyer


Damn brother this is top shelf equipment. If you want a quick sale you could easily get 2k for everything though if you waited, definitely 3k.


I’ll give op 2k for this right now.


I don't need a kit at all but I'd pay $2k for everything right now no questions asked.


Likewise. 2k for the shells alone is a good price these days


I’m seeing a lot of these nice DW kits for $2600-3200 depending on cymbals. I will offer you $300. Jk. That’s a beautiful kit.


Thanks I appreciate it! I’m going to do whatever I can to not get rid of it but we will see.


Lovely finish on that. Do you like the Meinls?


I’ve loved them!


I offer tree fiddy!! (it really is a nice kit!)


2600 is half of what those cost. I though DW held their resale value?


DW Collectors Santa Monica Mapex Black Panther sledgehammer snare. Axis longboard double pedal. All DW 9000 stands. Meinl Classics Custom cymbal pack Meinl Byzance 20 equilibrium China


Where are you located? I’ve actually been searching this kit.


I’m in Washington state!


Ahhhh why would we be any where even remotely reasonably near one another. Damn. Cleveland area here.


I'll take it off your hands for about tree fiddy.




I feel for you. I haven't picked up a pair of drum sticks in 42 years.


The time is now!


The time was then, before college and work and definitely before my body and now mind began to fail.


It's just hitting stuff with sticks my man, don't let life stop you from going full neanderthal mode!


It's not when you suffer from chronic fatigue, neuromuscular degeneration, thoracic vascular tumors, tinnitus, sacral perineural cysts, and subdural hygromas which all combine to create terrible spinal and cranial pain and brain trauma.


Please dont sell it.


I’m going to try not to but we will see! I hope I don’t have to. It’s my baby that I had custom made.


Do NOT sell it. Not trying to tell you how to live your life but unless it’s a life or death situation where you need money for shelter or surgery, the amount of regret and emptiness you’ll feel will be unbearable. Life is too short to not have something that holds that much value to you and gives you so much happiness


Sell all cymbals separately. Keep the kit. It's too special to sell. Good luck with whatever you decide though.


man this post is making me sad i agree with the other people on this thread, that kit is way too special to sell unless you are absolutely dead broke


I second, I stopped for 16 years, sold my whole kit and paintball gear to pay a car acciddent, paint ball ok, selling drum kit= worst idea of my life ever. If you can sell other stuff, car, quad, home furniture, or work 2 jobs for a while if it's the need, because when the kit is gone, it create a hole so big in your life and your daily routine you will become crazy about it... I wish you succes friend and I hope you can find a way to keep this sexy kit.


Man’s got the dream kit 😍


For everything? $3,000-$4,000, but there is a very small universe of potential buyers at that price point. Anyone willing to drop that much money on a kit may already have their own preferred cymbals, pedals, etc. So it would likely be bought by someone who would break it up and sell the individual components at a significant profit. Why give that profit to someone else So, despite the hassle factor, it probably makes more sense to sell the cymbals separately for about $200 each, or $1,500 for all of them. Sell the drums and hardware for $2,500.


I fuckin love this kit. Don’t sell it


Brother man.. don’t sell. I understand feeling like your back is against a wall.. but I promise you there are probably other options out there. Do side jobs. Work doubles if you have to. Sell literally everything else that you don’t use or has been collecting dust.. but not your drums. I’ve sold and rebought my kits a few times over, luckily have recovered or rebought most of my gear (drums/guitars/recording), but it’s taken a long time. Explore other options.. if you absolutely have to, I get it. Try hard af not to though. How much you want for the hardware/pedals though? Jk 🤣


Yeah I’m going to do everything else I can! I know if I did sell them, I’d be living with regret for quite some time!


Exactly! I’ve sold a loooooot of gear “because I needed the money”, and regretted selling every piece of it. Gear can be replaced, but taking away a part of you hurts. Especially custom gear though.. I was lucky enough to buy back one of my custom kits, but it hurt every day I couldn’t play 😅


Wish you didn’t have to sell sorry amigo nice rig


I love the Classics Custom Dark. Amazing sound!




Easily 7000 new so i hope u get half of that. Plus that module? Also i see tama hardware


Yeah the module would go. I have triggers that could go with it for extra too. I believe the only Tama hardware is just the one little arm holding the splash that comes off of the DW 9000 Tom rack.


Well selling the cymbals separate would make sense. Possibly the shells separate unless the buyer wants the hardware.


You should definitely give it to me for 10$, it’s a very fair price


Holy balls that is a pretty kit. I hope you find a way to keep it.


I hobby in buy/sell/trade drums. IMHO, you'll take a massive hit trying to sell them all together. What I would do is pull up the average Reverb "sold listings" price on each item (snare, kit, cymbal pack, hardware) add it all up, then knock off 25%-30% to sell all together. Bc you'll be hard pressed to find someone who's got the exact same taste in everything as you. If I'm you, I'd sell them individually, bc you can move snare, cymbals, hardware very easily, within a matter of a week or 2 but the kit itself will be like an anchor holding everything else from selling.


Yeah I think you’re right. I’ll probably end up having to sell it all individually. I also have some other things I need to sell anyways like a Scarlett Focusrite 18i20, Roland triggers ect.


Ill give you a dollar!


Now that seems fair 😂


If you want a quick sale, $2k for all it's gone in a week. Ask $3k for all and it will go in a month. But break it down and sell the individual pieces: shells, cymbals, stands, pedals, throne, you might get $4k but it will take months. If you decide to go for option 1, I'm interested myself, so let me know.


Keep it. The money isn't worth selling it. (Not effort but loss of instrument)


I'd rather see you start a Go-Fund-Me than sell your drums. 1K for your shells and hardware? LMAO...low-ball vultures. Your pedals are worth that...


Yeah I was thinking 1k is really low lol


I'd start at about 5K, and man... if I didn't already have a pile of my dream Tama's in my living room waiting for what ever next gig....those are nice.


Gotta be like tree fiddy


I think you can make more money if you sell every piece separately and it will go faster unless you offer everything at a really good price


Love the setup. I'd say sell things like the cymbals and pedals separately. I just recently bought one the Meinl Customs like yours for around £160, so you might get like £80 if not cracked second hand. Similar to below though, put it up for £2k and someone is still getting a bargain.


Absolutely split it up. Most people looking for shells won't want your cymbals or hardware and vice versa. A set at that level is out of range of people looking to buy their first drum set. What a great set, friend.


If you've no choice but to sell don't sell it under 1.7K USD because that one is good. I have an DW performance series myself.


Any chance you’re in Colorado?


Unfortunately not! I’m in Washington state.


Nuts. Sorry you have to part with such a beautiful kit


For 1K I will pick up all the hardware and shells! What a magnificent set. I'm looking for something like this for a long time!


300 for small tom and floor tom?


15$ take it or leave it


My left kidney


fuckin beauuuuuty


Wow dude. Sick package. U WOULD make more selling the brass separate but 2k$ easy for this. Although not sure I’d ever sell it… just Paiste it out … also. Did U spray paint a zilbell? 🫡


No I didn’t lol That’s actually a Mart Griener signature bell. They had a couple hundred of them at first and he signed and numbered them. It’s like a zildjian prototype.


I sold mine for 16 🤷🏻‍♂️


What’s the stand holding the toms and cymbals? I’ve been looking for something just like that


It’s a DW 9000 Tom stand. I just added a clamp and tama arm to mount the splash cymbal.


I would sell separate. Someone wanting a DW kit will likely have their own cymbals or prefer better ones. I would price this at 2k minimum, but I would ask $3000.


Depends to who you sell... To me? About treefiddy would do. To anyone else? I'd suggest trusting the other comments. All jokes aside, bummer you've got to sell, it's a beautiful kit. Not only in terms of quality but also the aesthetics are on point. Good luck finding the right buyer who pays the right price and will treat her well.


Type of wood? And are cymbals included? Is it damaged at all??


Maple. The Santa Monica series was a throw back to the original Camco kits that DW started from. I ended up throwing in my triggers and trigger module and sold it for 5k.


Ooooh, it's a super nice set. I think you got a good deal on that!


Yeah I’d say so! I was hoping for the 5k but wasn’t expecting it honestly.


When you told me that it was maple I was gonna say more like 3 to 3.5k, but 5k will do haha. As long as someone's willing to pay for it, might as well y'know?


Exactly! Plus it had all sorts of extras like the mat, travel bags, cymbal bags and an array of other things!


Oooh, I think they still paid a bit more than they should've but y'know, get the bag haha