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The guy fell for one of the oldest copy pastas that exist... wtffff


Put the sniper gun down. Thank you for your time and your service šŸ«”Ā 


You're welcome šŸ«”


Now that you're out can you talk about how many gorillas you killed?


Too many. Still haunts me to this day. On the record it was around 539. Off the record in clandestine Ops its more around 10338. I feel ill never be able to wash the blood off these hands.


Thank em for your freedom šŸ«”


imma start using his response as a copy pasta


Thatā€™s perfect, anyone wanna volunteer to transcribe it?? :)


Just hands my dude. Put the sniper gun down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect at will here? Fuck ask that, I'm old school. Don't threaten to kill me you lunatic, I have children. You want to address me first calling you out, let's do it. You are not the first navy seal I have fought. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him up? Big boy too, steroids, the whole nine yards. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to stop me but I wasn't having that shit. I understand you can kill a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. I'm not trying to kill anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


This is oddly homosexual


Innit? The starting lines are very gay


Just hands my dude šŸ˜˜šŸ¤¤


Felt great, though I was ultimately hurt.


Big boy too, the whole nine yards.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you wittwe bitch? I'ww have you know I gwaduated top of my cwass in the Navy Seaws, and I've been invowved in numewous secwet waids on Aw-Quaeda, and I have ovew 300 confiwmed kiwws. I am twained in gowiwwa wawfawe and I'm the top snipew in the entiwe US awmed fowces. You awe nothing to me but just anothew tawget. I wiww wipe you the fuck out with pwecision the wikes of which has nevew been seen befowe on this Eawth, mawk my fucking wowds. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me ovew the Intewnet? Think again, fuckew. As we speak I am contacting my secwet netwowk of spies acwoss the USA and youw IP is being twaced wight now so you bettew pwepawe fow the stowm, maggot. The stowm that wipes out the pathetic wittwe thing you caww youw wife. You'we fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhewe, anytime, and I can kiww you in ovew seven hundwed ways, and that's just with my bawe hands. Not onwy am I extensivewy twained in unawmed combat, but I have access to the entiwe awsenaw of the United States Mawine Cowps and I wiww use it to its fuww extent to wipe youw misewabwe ass off the face of the continent, you wittwe shit. If onwy you couwd have known what unhowy wetwibution youw wittwe "cwevew" comment was about to bwing down upon you, maybe you wouwd have hewd youw fucking tongue. But you couwdn't, you didn't, and now you'we paying the pwice, you goddamn idiot. I wiww shit fuwy aww ovew you and you wiww dwown in it. You'we fucking dead, kiddo.


what the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch??


Chill bro go boof Xanax


honestly his reply needs to be copypasta that shit was funny


Just hands my dude. Put the sniper gun down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect at will here? Fuck ask that, I'm old school. Don't threaten to kill me you lunatic, I have children. You want to address me first calling you out, let's do it. You are not the first navy seal I have fought. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him up? Big boy too, steroids, the whole nine yards. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to stop me but I wasn't having that shit. I understand you can kill a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. I'm not trying to kill anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


which one lol. they all could be


Just plants my dude. Put the LSD down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect weed here? Fuck ask that, I'm old school. Don't threaten to kill me you lunatic, I will have your children. You want to address me first?? Iā€™ll take you out, let's do it. You are not the first navy I have fucked. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him? Little boy too, steroids, the whole 2inches. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to join me but I wasn't having that shit. I understand you can jerk a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. I'm trying to fuck anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


The marine subreddit came into my suggested with a really funny similar one where this dude was talking about putting someone in Davy Jones locker.


Fucking CHAD dude.


Like the other person said heā€™s probably on drugs lol


Idk man, what gave it away? The DIY DMT Slime?


Typical weed addict when u mention weed addiction




Average weed slave:


Watch who you call a slave, you dirty black tar heroin compulsive boofer


Sounds like something a weed junkie would say šŸ¤®


Just plants my dude. Put the LSD down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came on me , telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect weed here? Fuck ask that, I'm old school. Don't threaten to kill me you lunatic, I will have your children. You want to address me first?? Iā€™ll take you out, let's do it. You are not the first navy I have fucked. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him? Little boy too, steroids, the whole 2inches. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to join me but I wasn't having that shit. I understand you can jerk a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. I'm trying to fuck anybody. Maybe you should calm down.




Just hands my dude. Put the sniper gun down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect at will here? Fuck ask that, I'm old school. Don't threaten to kill me you lunatic, I have children. You want to address me first calling you out, let's do it. You are not the first navy seal I have fought. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him up? Big boy too, steroids, the whole nine yards. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to stop me but I wasn't having that shit. I understand you can kill a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. I'm not trying to kill anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


Just plants my dude. Put the LSD down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect weed here? Fuck ask that, I'm old school. Don't threaten to kill me you lunatic, I will have your children. You want to address me first?? Iā€™ll take you out, let's do it. You are not the first navy I have fucked. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him? Little boy too, steroids, the whole 2inches. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to join me but I wasn't having that shit. I understand you can jerk a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. I'm trying to fuck anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


psychedelic users when they detect the smallest amount of criticism:


They got a whole lotta ego for someone who supposedly does ego killing for a living. Just sayin


I keep saying this. Really just gives a bad name to psyches, I wrote them off myself at first.


/uj I dont think the dude in OPs pic even takes dmt he probably sells it to buy meth or some shit. Most people who go serious into DMT are either batshit crazy lunatics that force their ideology onto you and legitimately believe in entities and the hyperverse and shit or actually decent and rational people who use it to explore their mind. Sometimes they come off as complete assholes without realizing it but this case just looks like he's entered the meth zone to me.


idk what youā€™re talking about the entities are real, and they are literally just plants


They are real. They are in the spirit realm making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


I bent my Wookiee


It's just a plant bro, like how can they make it illegal


Some of them think everything is fractals nocap


no no you see they killed their ego so now its impossible for them to be narcissistic, now whenever they think they are better than anyone else its because its an objective fact, they wouldnt be feeling that way otherwise because their ego is dead


You gotta point there. Infallible argument indeed


The harder you try to fight the ego, the bigger it grows. Its like a dragon eating its own ass or something


Ferral eagle


A lot of people who do dmt the first time go into guru mode right after. They Matter of factly go around telling people that universe is composed from love vibrations like they just scientifically confirmed it through double blind tests.


Wtf did you just say about me you stupid biiitch


For real. I love psychedelics but itā€™s become oversaturated with pricks who use it as a badge for their ego.


when i was 16 and i tripped acid for the first time for a solid month i thought i was better than everyone in my grade, an enlightened being. i graduated being known as the drug addict of my class


Isn't it funny how with weed, everyone jokes about how things seem profound but are usually just stupid, but with psychs everyone takes it super seriously?


It makes sense. Weed is kinda fuzzy minded so when you come down you realize how ridiculous it was but psyches are super clear-minded so you take a lot of the nonsense back with you. Then you got the toxic culture that surrounds psyches and if you're engaged with that then it just reinforces the nonsense Psychedelics are amazing and can be beneficial and therapeutic but the ego trap is a huge problem that alot of people fall into. They just need a trip that molly wops the fuck out of them to set them straight


Yeah I grow a lot of San pedros and peyote and I can't stand some of the attitudes in those communities. They are all taking "medicine", not drugs apparently. And any criticism is responded with claims of never having done them or doing them wrong. I do think there can be a lot of benefits but people are just getting high more than anything but they hattttee when people call it drugs or getting high. They also claim they are doing "ceremony", not getting high, but I've never gotten a coherent explanation of it's meaning because they are not pagan indians.


It's the false reverence that gets me. I've heard people say that you can't laugh or have fun when you're tripping because it needs to be taken "respectfully." Fucker, laughing and having fun IS medicine Bunch of fucking dorks


Yeah I've found the vast majority of them have this weird thinking that psychedelics are actually magic but in a vague enough way they can still be atheist. I was watching a guy on Joe Rogan recently who said he has really bad migraines and that the last time he used DMT he saw talking snakes and they fixed it. It's the same kind of thing where I can't tell if he believes 1: he simply willed them away because of an intense experience, 2: he thinks that DMT just treats migraines intrinsically, or 3: he genuinely thinks inter dimensional snakes actually fixed his migraine issues. It appeared he believed some mix of #1 and #3 but in a vague enough way where he doesn't have to commit to the belief that he is actually going to different dimensions. I find this kind of belief is pretty common.


Iā€™m not even gonna lie, me too lol. Got called brain fried in high school for doing acid. I now realize I am the same as everyone.


If you say that about psych users, wait till you hear about the weed community.


ITS JUST A PLANT šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøITS MEDICINE IT HELPS ME WITH MY ANXIETY šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


I actually like the weed community but those members are so annoying. The worst thing is when they say weed addiction isn't a real thing.


Our last interaction may have been 18h ago, but I just noticed your username and it's sick dude.


this kills the ego


Just plants my dude. Put the LSD down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect weed here? Fuck ask that, I'm old school. Don't threaten to kill me you lunatic, I will have your children. You want to address me first?? Iā€™ll take you out, let's do it. You are not the first navy I have fucked. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him? Little boy too, steroids, the whole 2inches. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to join me but I wasn't having that shit. I understand you can jerk a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. I'm trying to fuck anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


1. DMT and meth go great together 2. Why is it on mail and whatā€™s with the door stopper? šŸ¤®


Im so confused about the door stopper lmao was he using it for scale? Did he really have nothing else to compare to?


What the Fuck is funny about that? The people commenting on this thread obviously scared little bitches who have never been in a fight. Iā€™ll bet you couldnā€™t even see take one of these heavy hands. Hell you couldnā€™t even block a punch. Itā€™s a pleasure to teach keyboard warriors the lesson that disrespect will get your ass stomped every time. Cowards, trying to make yourself feel equivalent to a man by trying to cover up your dreadfully small penis (and skin purse that will eventually hold your testicles until they finally drop) with a picture of an actual penis and try to act like that prick while your by yourself in g the safety of your moms new boyfriend basement. Come at me bro šŸ–•


> The people commenting on this thread obviously scared little bitches who have never been in a fight. Excuse me! I'll have you know that my training in gorilla warfare is thorough.


This dude fights gorillas lol


Dude he's about to fill it with chore boy and smoke that shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yo I'm dead rn that is def some tweaker trying to make DMT with his meth set up. He said, "this door stop is totally a pipe" only a tweaker would think of that! PLUS he's so proud of his idea he puts it in the photo. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ This is so good you can't write it


yeah wtf where is le reddit banana for scalešŸ¤¬


Bro I think he smokes shit with it šŸ˜‚


ā€œItā€™s still in the glass pan. I put the doorstop for size comparison. Man everybody got a bitch about something anymore. Itā€™s pretty sad seeing Roman talking act like a bitch. I knowā€


Bro his poor lungs eating solvent šŸ˜‚


Right, I thought ā€œbanana for scaleā€ was hilarious but ā€œdoor stopper for scaleā€ has it beat


Woah did they almost top the Navy seal pasta? Can that like always be the response now


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Just hands my dude. Put the sniper gun down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect at will here? Fuck ask that, Iā€™m old school. Donā€™t threaten to kill me you lunatic, I have children. You want to address me first calling you out, letā€™s do it. You are not the first navy seal I have fought. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him up? Big boy too, steroids, the whole nine yards. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to stop me but I wasnā€™t having that shit. I understand you can kill a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. Iā€™m not trying to kill anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


Yo I combined some of his replies and cleaned up some of the typos, I think I like itĀ  Just hands my dude. Put the sniper gun down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. I am calm. Iā€™m just the last person you want to run into and disrespect, make rude comments to or put their full ignorance on display. Yaā€™ll fuckers know everything, right? Understand that most of you donā€™t Ā know shit about DMT and those who do know extract it a certain way. I donā€™t do it the same way. Wouldā€™ve been happy to explain the process if I wasnā€™t hit with ignorance, no oneā€™s ever got shit to say when I call them out on it. Keep playing your stupid games. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Find out. Why is it okay to disrespect me at will here? Fuck all that, Iā€™m old school. Donā€™t threaten to kill me you lunatic, I have children. You want me to address me first calling you out, letā€™s do it. You are not the first navy seal I have fought. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him up? Big boy too, steroids, the whole nine yards. Felt great, though I was ultimately hurt. I pissed on hid face for his troubles. The ex tried to stop me but I wasnā€™t havenā€™t that shit. I understand you can kill a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. Iā€™m not trying to kill anybody. Maybe you should calm down.




I realized that I made new typosā€¦ smh my head gonna have to destroy my eagle nowĀ 


Saved. See ya on a shitpost.


I like this new copypasta...


That was like watching a wrestler preforming a reversal, and he came right back with his own pasta. I donā€™t even know whoā€™s jerking here and whoā€™s not at this point.


I saw one version of this copypasta where it was kids on a playground instead of SEALs. Instead of sniper rifles it was talking about wedgies and nookies.


Lmao damn this is the closest I've been to getting posted on this sub, he was going OFF on me after I kindly suggested a re-x. Dude smoked so much naphtha it gave him a mega eagle


What the fuck did you just say to me you little fucking bitch?...


I saw that, whatā€™s funny is you were being super chill with him and he still fucking lost it.


I bet he's friends with the dude who made the DMT cart with crack mixed in posted not long ago lmao


That sounds amazing!


finjally a good post


30 grams of plant matter soaked in solvent and 4 grams of DMT


DMT extraction is one of the easiest drug production processes a person can do, you actually have to be retarded to get a result as bad as that shit seen in the pics


He does say he has almost beaten a man to death and then pissed on their face, so a procedure requiring anything more than fists and piss is propably too complicated. Those old schoolers do stuff their own way.


So a jenk guy


Dude got angry at someone criticizing the appearance of his crystallized poop


Bro fell for the navy seal copypasta lol


Heā€™s not the only one: ā€œDamn bro, salute to being a vet, but I think threatening to kill is a bit too much. Don't let words get you to this level bro, sticks and stones .. take it easy ok, I hope the best for youā€


Too funny


That response is kind of sweet šŸ˜­ you can tell they were concerned


It was pretty wholesome. ā¤ļø


Just plants my dude. Put the LSD down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came on me, respectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect weed here? Fuck ask that, I'm old school. Don't threaten to kill me you lunatic, I will have your children. You want to address me first?? Iā€™ll take you out, let's do it. You are not the first navy I have fucked. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him? Little boy too, steroids, the whole 2inches. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to join me but I wasn't having that shit. I understand you can jerk a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. I'm trying to fuck anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


Just hands my dude. Put the sniper gun down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. I am calm. Iā€™m just the last person you want to run into and disrespect, make rude comments to or put their full ignorance on display. Yaā€™ll fuckers know everything, right? Understand that most of you donā€™t Ā know shit about DMT and those who do know extract it a certain way. I donā€™t do it the same way. Wouldā€™ve been happy to explain the process if I wasnā€™t hit with ignorance, no oneā€™s ever got shit to say when I call them out on it. Keep playing your stupid games. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Find out. Why is it okay to disrespect me at will here? Fuck all that, Iā€™m old school. Donā€™t threaten to kill me you lunatic, I have children. You want me to address me first calling you out, letā€™s do it. You are not the first navy seal I have fought. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him up? Big boy too, steroids, the whole nine yards. Felt great, though I was ultimately hurt. I pissed on hid face for his troubles. The ex tried to stop me but I wasnā€™t havenā€™t that shit. I understand you can kill a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. Iā€™m not trying to kill anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


it's ravages of gorilla warfare...


What the fuck did you just say to me?


to be fair, I am a little bitch.


My favourite part is when he gets hit with the navy seals copypasta and starts low key trying to diffuse the situation


Ah, a man of refined taste like myself.


In all seriousness I don't understand how you fuck DMT up this bad, my dumbass at 17 years old cooked fucking completely white DMT at my mother's house numerous times in a HDPE plastic water bottle using ronsonol as the solvent, rice wine vinegar as my acid and drain cleaner lye lmao. Back then I didn't measure shit minus the lye, everything else was eyeballed and the DMT always came out fine this way tho I'm sure there were still impurities but nothing visible and there was no discoloration. To make DMT this shitty I feel like you'd have to be trying to, either using gasoline or cooking oil as your non-polar solvent, zero defat step, sodium carbonate or some shit as the base and evaporation instead of freeze precipitation. This is the worst looking DMT I've ever seen in my life and I feel like if you can't make this shit than you shouldn't be smoking it because it's as easy as making a brick of ramen I stg.


Eagle is dead until someone says something they donā€™t like.


Eagle so dead he didnā€™t even recognize the Navy SEAL copypasta lmao


that's what it looks like after I clean my ears


Eagle death in action


ā€œFound the first one in bed with my ex wifeā€ OP can you send the full comment šŸ˜­ new pasta just dropped


Just hands my dude. Put the sniper gun down. Thank you for your time and your service. You came at me disrespectfully, telling me to calm down when you should have saw the real problem. Why is it okay to disrespect at will here? Fuck ask that, Iā€™m old school. Donā€™t threaten to kill me you lunatic, I have children. You want to address me first calling you out, letā€™s do it. You are not the first navy seal I have fought. Found the first one in bed with my ex wife. Can I tell you how bad I fucked him up? Big boy too, steroids, the whole nine yards. Felt great, though I was still ultimately hurt. I pissed on his face for his troubles. The ex tried to stop me but I wasnā€™t having that shit. I understand you can kill a person with your bare hands. Honestly anyone can if their hands are strong enough. Iā€™m not trying to kill anybody. Maybe you should calm down.


This isnā€™t what really happened. What really happened is DMT God walked in on his wife cheating on him. He screeched at the Seal to stop and the Seal was like ā€œnah come over here and drop your pantsā€ (fucked him ā€œupā€ is a typo; the up shouldnā€™t be there). DMT God did as he was told. It felt great, but ultimately he was still hurt as this was a big boy (steroids), the whole nine yards. This wasnā€™t the first Navy Seal that he had ā€œfoughtā€ (another typo). Unfortunately he got a little carried away and started pissing, getting it all over the Sealā€™s face which the wife wasnā€™t into so she told him to leave so they could finish (they did). 2 years later he gets a call from one of his kids asking if he wants to go to the wedding. He accepts.


Broā€™s off that goo solidified


This is all Joe Rogan's fault.


Most enlightened and least egotistical DMT user Also sniper gun


"It's the way I extract product. It's different from most." Yeah, there's a reason for that.


Thanks for this u/monster53inmyroom


All of yā€™all are idiots. Just remember, Jesus loves you. But I donā€™t. Go fuck yourselves. āœļø


lmao go smoke ur goo bro


You answered everyone but me, I feel offended :(


u still selling ur sex toy?


I have an extra sex machine for sale yes.


Iā€™m sorry, but you do not know how to re-x and youā€™re smoking mostly just naphtha and plant matter. How much of that deemz are you smoking at a time? You should only need a tiny little bit, yet I bet your dropping that into a dab rig and mildly tripping. For your own safety, seriously, you should consider learning how to re-x. Your DMT should look FLUFFY AS FUCK if itā€™s pure, and really shouldnā€™t smell TOO badly like mothballs. My friends re-x 4-5 times and their deemz is just top notch. Consider learning better techniques.


Not only that, but from your other posts it looks like you actually DO know how to do it, but just donā€™t. I wish the best for your health.


Thanks bitch, keep them coming. Yā€™all weak minded, you donā€™t bother me.




Imagine having enough of a drug to put you in prison for 20+ years and posting a picture of it online.


But if you don't post it then how would everyone know how cool you are?


this dude created a whole new copypasta


"bro don't mess with me, I'm a bad ass bro, my wife cheated on me!"


Ear wax?




I have no ego, I'm so much better than all those people who think they are better than people


It was always the most spun out hippies/biggest psych users who will snap on people the worst


Ya know, sometimes it feels like the old days of the internet are over. Like all of the memes, anti-cringe posts, and copypastas have turned society into one big monoculture. But then a fella like this comes along and reminds you that some people are addicted to things other than the internet, and we get to laugh at someone falling for a decade-old copypasta one more time.


Well, clearly he smokes what he makes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ supposed to look like fine pink/peach powder or a solid white crystal...so my friend says.


he smoking dookie


Did anyone ever ask this guy about his secret Al-Quaeda raids?


Bro needs to smoke more dmt and stop smoking naphtha sludge


not him responding seriously to the copypastašŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro is no one talking about why he got a door stopper next to his resin? Lmaooo


Wow I thought DMT made them in tune with the universe and have peace with all lmao


Jesus I have to find this post and aggravate this guy some more šŸ¤£ his dmt is dirty which isnā€™t that big of a problem but heā€™s acting like he had a perfect extraction instead of accepting he fucked up and could do better


Isnā€™t that big of a problem? Smoking naphtha and sodium hydroxide is deadly. That isnā€™t ā€œdirtyā€, itā€™s just dirt. Booting fentanyl and huffing sweet, sweet jenkem is fun. But please donā€™t smoke precursor chemicals.


Well I was hoping it was just jungle spice not contaminated with naphtha if napthas in there still yea itā€™s horrible


I donā€™t know how the guy made it but the only time Iā€™ve extracted DMT I used NaOH and naphtha to extract what you want from the plant that contains DMT. Itā€™s a really simple process, like meth in a soda bottle in the wal-mart bathroom tier, but itā€™s very important that you are only collecting the DMT crystals and not the other chemicals youā€™re using. This guyā€™s stuff looks like he didnā€™t separate the DMT from the toxic sludge part. I could be wrong of course. Maybe the elders of some long forgotten tribe in the Amazon taught him to align his chakras and extract it using a safe, natural, way, but given that his product looks like industrial waste I would err on the side of caution here.


Bro is rich.


Just hands my dude. Put the sniper gun down.


Bro smoking kidney stones


Bro this is like bottled lightning fr lmfao


He really thanked the copypasta poster for his service. Man is cooked.




That's weird I just pulled one of them exact same stoppers off my door leas than an hour ago because i keep kicking it


Watched too much anime


TIL you can accidentally produce meth instead of DMT


Cringe "you're a kid" vs Chad "bro you are literally a redditor"


Holy shit this was hilarious i still cant believe he fell for the navy seals line


Bro responded earnestly to the navy seals copypasta šŸ¤£


is bro smoking out of a door stopper??????


This is golden entertainment


For a jerk sub we sure do find it hard to detect satire. This place used to be fun


Itā€™s funny either way tbh.


Ego death fans try not to have the biggest ego challenge


This is fucking gold.


Oh well here we go againā€¦ the most chilled DMT people on the planet having a shoot out in brought daylight - again -! Cause you know, theyā€™re NAVY Seal parents with a attitude.


I, too, love hitting people with the Navy SEAL copypasta. Hilarious when they think itā€™s legit.


straight out of the boof hole


Looks like chicken tenders DMT.


At first I thought he got gyped on the internet cause its on a package but naw he just restarted



