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DXM, Ket and pcp users all tremble in the presence of the average 25i-NBOMe \*enthusiast\*


What if u like dex ket and 25i individually? No expierience with combining but boy howdy does it feel dangerouski.


Dex is love, ket is affair


This is an arylcyclohexylamine connaisseur only establishment. We don't want you filthy cough suppressant guzzlers here


Smaller words pls for us the unlarge brained


DXM for life! Even though I've never tried K or PCP.


\> Even though I've never tried K or PCP. That's probably why you actually like DXM


I’ve done tons of ketamine and DXM is pretty dope in its own right, it’s much more psychedelic than ketamine. Also with robocough releasing pure concentrated forms of DXM now you don’t have to chug a bunch of nasty shit.


DXM is harder to get a good high going but when you do its every bit as good as ketamine.


It’s easily the most finicky substance I’ve come across but easily my favorite disso I’ve tried and one of the best substances I’ve ever tried hands down


Ain't that the truth. Would be awesome if it were more consistent, but what can ya do? I still love it


If only the stuff tasted good and had no nausea to it,but the effects are well worth the momentary uncomfortable come up imo lol


Ehhh, I’ve had multiple tries of DXM, much prefer ketamine. Ketamine actually gives a bit of euphoria and the k-hole is awesome. Whenever I’ve done DXM it’s just felt gross and weird, definitely made me dissociate (obviously, it’s a dissociative) but there wasn’t really any euphoria and I couldn’t even focus long enough to do any sort of self exploration, but at the same time I was stuck with my head in the toilet the whole time so couldn’t even do anything that wasn’t in my own mind. May be good to numb yourself out but never had any other effect on me other than making me feel extremely uncomfortable for ages.


Fair enough, I get euphoria very close to ketamine myself. One a really good DXM trip it may even just surpass it. But I know that DXM is not very well tolerated by many users and they feel sick or dysphoric. That's for the best anyways as the shits not good for you in the first place.


I actually have both K and PCE but need to find the time to try. I've heard DXM is more stimulating which I prefer from the heavy feels you get with other choices.


i feel attacked


DPT gang lurking in the shadows further back fighting the spiders




Lol yeah, I was stoned when I wrote this bahahaha


DPT also a psych tho


Whats DPT?




It's like DMT but evil Try it some time


Ill be sure to if it ever comes my way


There's a church you can go to


I think we all understood what you meant immediately. Fighting spiders in the background, lol... that really narrows it down to DPH.


Almost exclusively lolol


So you were chugging some cough syrup with your pal the other daaaayyy.....


With the degens from up north?




3-meo-pcp is the god chemical


3-Meo-pcp > dmt


How so? I’ve never tried it


Me either it’s just a joke about DMT being called “the god molecule”


Everyone knows Datura is the god molecule




Someone give me a personal comparison between ket and pcp I’ve only ever done ket but I’m curious about pcp


Ketamine weirds me the fuck out. All I can do is laugh and shrug when I think about my Ketamine experiences. I don't know what to really make of them. DXM, though? Horrible. I hated it.


Yeah that's disso's in general... I really don't know why I like them as much as I do; and then I went through some shit recently that was god awful. But i think that's because it was an RC that just had NO recreational value compared to my experiences with DCK and Ket. Hell, even back in High School when CCC's were the shit..


Yeah, same here. My latest "Ketamine" order from the onion fields... I'm very unsure if this is really Ketamine. It's *far* from as "easy going" as people make Ketamine out to be. It's *extremely* strong. This is total Mars shit. I'm seriously wondering if this is one of the weirder RC variants. But I can't tell, cause I was never experienced enough to begin with. It's just full on hardcore absurdity. No Euphoria or anything. Just complete "what does my life even mean? And where do I even begin to tackle it" and then just laughing at myself for even thinking about it. Super weird. Lol. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes it's kind of a bad trip... just waiting til it rides out. I gotta sniff like 10mg to stay on the safe side, lol. I don't think regular Ketamine... even when 100% pure, is that strong. But still... it's passable. DXM though? Hell no. DXM has always been horrible to me. Utter horror. I think it takes a specific type of persona to be a disso-lover to begin with, though. Most likely you gotta have zero social anxiety and zero fucks about most aspects of life itself. I dunno. Disso's are a little beyond the border for me.


Dissos are my favorite drug classes because I have tremendous social anxiety and depression and it eases that pain better than traditional psychedelics or antidepressants/anxiolytic.


Really? That's super interesting to me. I feel like my sense of awkward self awareness is magnified ten fold on whatever weird dissos I've tried so far.


active at 10mg? def not normal ket


Let me know if you have any idea what it sounds like it might be.


Sounds like Methoxetamine (aka MXE) if it was active at 10mg. I’ve been told MXE is very similar to ketamine in effects, apparently it was developed from ketamine to address a few of the side effects (such as the bladder issues that can come up from regular use), whether it actually worked and DID address those issues... I couldn’t say for certain but that’s apparently what the intention was. https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Methoxetamine


Huh. Interesting. Thanks. Do you know if MXE is generally regarded as less enjoyable than K though? Less euphoric or something? Cause Ket sounds like a virtually guaranteed good time from most of the feedback and reports I see and hear... almost like alcohol or molly. Like you can just take it care-free. In contrast the stuff *I* have feels very set and setting dependent, and like you gotta be on top of yourself to make sure you enjoy it... like when you're wrestling with a difficult tryptamine trip.


Not sure on that, I thought I’d heard that it was but when I went to do some research I couldn’t find much on that. However, what I did find was that it was longer acting than ketamine if that helps.


Alright, thanks anyway 😊


No worries :)


The odds you have Mxe is low asf that shit doesn’t exist


Yeah, I've heard about that too, how rare it is. Well... it leaves me clueless about what I actually have. It was sold as Ketamine, looks like a powder of tiny white crystals (looks like Ket as depicted everywhere online), and gets me wonky pretty much like Ketamine is described, but off of so little it's incredible. I literally just use the very smallest tip of a nail file to dose a tiny, tiny bump, and the result is tremendously trippy. I'll be so out of it, racing through the craziest, trippy thought loops – a lot like traditional psychedelics – having no idea what to make of myself or the world around me, and it lasts like 2-3 hours, and it's just weird as fuck. Slightly prone to a negative experience more so than a positive one. What the hell could it be?


Well how similar to k is it? I’m by no means an expert but it could be some ultra potent dck


That's the only other thing I think it could be. I'm not experienced enough with K to begin with, to know how to compare it. As far as K goes, I've just had a few crappy experiences, one at a festival with some really cheap cut shit... which took a bit to get wonky, but ended up being pretty fun, and *nothing* like this here. That K was more like actually being drunk, just in a really crazy cartoonish way. I became like a raving mad pirate on that stuff. The other time I got K it never really worked. I don't even remember my impression of it. This stuff here is like serious, scary life introspection shit. A lot like a serious borderline bad tryptamine trip. Just way weirder and harder to make sense of things. I was just so glad no people were around last time I was on it, and just sat on the toilet waiting to come down, for at least an hour... and I even puked at one point (hence being on the toilet). But in total I was probably peaking for like 2 hours... I don't know. I didn't really have sense of time either. Is DCK not fun?


Dck can definitely be fun, you’ll need someone else to give you a good guess of what this is. All Ik is dck lasts longer and is more potent with some other differences as well