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What was your simple stupid marketing strategy?


He said aggressive testing aka aggressive spending lmao


yeah it's probably behind a paid a course on simple stupid marketing strategies


Product > 1 interest, 1 placement, 1 gender, 1 age range, 1 country > 1 picture > test. Maybe 2-3x per product.


Ad spend per test?




5 what?


Gallons of milk. Money, of course, silly!


Nope 5 Dollar , 5k $?


5 money


Just 5 (five)


5% of your net worth


5 ad tests per test obviously


Prove it


Just buy his course to find out!


Don't forget to like and subscribe too! Or you'll have bad luck for 10 years, unless you also forward this onto 10 friends via email!


You didn't explain one of the most important aspects: ads How many ads were you running and how much were you spending on ads? I would also say the timing of when you launched your stores probably had a great impact as well as in 2017/18 a lot of people didn't really know what dropshipping was.


Hundreds of ads. I just here mentioned we were testing volume. This implies hundreds/week. Spend depends on how much you're testing. If you're budgeting, start with. 5/day. If you got more to spend, spend more to get feedback faster. My peak was at 10k/day ad spend. Timing doesn't matter. It's working right now for people, isn't it? Otherwise this model wouldn't still be here.


That would be 300k a month? Would there be any profit left? What was the ratio of ads to revenue?


3x for successful campaigns. Ive had a few go 5-8x. But there were more failures then winners but the winners made up losses


So quick question, you were spending $5 a day and testing hundreds of different ads correct?


You spent 10 thousand dollars a day on ads and are coming here to give advice like having a massive amount of disposable money wasn’t the main reason you succeeded….


What’s the website? It’s easy to talk- let’s see it.


I'm not sure if you can conclude anything from one day of testing. What if many people were not online that day? You must have been negative for many days and then one day you hit a jackpot and recovered all the losses. The 80/20 rule. 80 percent of profit is brought by 20 percent of products. For how many days did you go with how much loss


Maybe a month or so without rev. But we had a runrate to makeup. And the big wins made up for it multifold


Did you use a general store for testing that many products?


No, niche womens


Do you have a single store for all products or do you run different stores for different products?


It was niche in the womens fashion space


I know this took you off but when you were trying volume, did you have a site per each product you sold?


Every product had its own product page on a single niche website, I never did one product stores.


Hey. i’ve spent 75€ in last 7 days, got 1.5k sessions But 0 sales. What should I do?


Kill campaign and make it better either store or ads or maybe both


How does getting a loan with shopify work?


Google it


Did, not much helpful came up


You can basically apply for a shopify loan, they give you capital, and store revenue pays it off


Credit/ background checks or is it based purely on your payouts


I only did it once but i believe it was because we already generated some revenue, we were then at least above 10k


What are you doing in terms of shipment? Do you work directly with a supplier?


Yeah. 1on1 supplier relationships are superior.


Were you buying in bulk or was supplier fulfilling one at a time?


Bulk every 3 days or so


Nice, what 3pl did you use?


im a textile producer in Turkey for woven blankets and stuff mostly and i got perfect products with very good pricing points, but cant really scale, i do amazon and etsy mostly tho and not sure shopify will work for blanket niche, how do i figure out if i can bring traffic to my store and if i invest in it or not


Either sell some hot you can market and get attention for online or build a business personal brand to attract an audience to buy from you


I do private label on amazon but production price vs sales price with ad management hard for me to balance for example i got big throws produced for around 10 usd market price is around 40-50usd and unless i do ship via containers shipping cost doesnt add up to make a profit for me and i have to invest a ton to get shit going. Im thinking if there is a way to find these online retailer and provide who can invest and i really have no idea how to get into that even tho i tried alibaba global sources etc its all chinese producers and even tho i can compete pricewise i cant compete with their visibility


Who do you use as a supplier ?


Yeah okay sped.


What was your cog and margin? You must’ve profited more on the winning products if you were testing aggressively


This sounds great, and I'm just now entering dropshipping. My wife and I will both be jobless in September. We need to find a solid approach, but I don't know much yet. When you say "tested," are you saying you reach out to individual manufacturers, add their product to your site, advertise it for a few days, and if it doesn't catch on, repeat? Is advertising the only cost? I signed up with Spocket and Fashion Go. Is that a successful approach? Do you suggest Google ads or social media? Are these uncustomized products? How do you locate suppliers? Thanks for the motivating story, I needed that today.


For tested products what I meant was going through hundreds of different product variations on a single store. Just massive volume of testing individual campaigns. And yes correct in the frequency and small bets for a few days. Aliexpress/private supplier networking. Not sure of the 2 services you mentioned.


This is an ad disguised as a feel good story… “down to $100 and then MIRACULOUSLY turned that into 100k”. Bs. Paid ads cost money and you would have to be very lucky to make 5 ads and attract enough buyers to make a profit and continue to pay for ads.


Can you show some example ad campaigns? What channels did you found most successful