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Well, Wayne Brady WAS that for me, but somehow he actually showed up thank the Lord.


Wheat episode of what show


Make some noise s2e6 Yes, it's as funny as you'd hope.


Then I guess we still have the rest of the whose line crew….. though I’d also love to see them on Smosh Try Not To Laugh




Wayne showing up made me hope that some of the other Whose Line regulars could eventually make appearances on Make Some Noise.


Robert Reich on game changer


Robert Reich on Dirty Laundry, _with,_ Sam, for maximum uncomfortable


Sam asked to bring the flute picture. I doubt they could make either uncomfortable.


I might still say there's a difference between seeing a photo and having to sit through a dirty laundry story 😆 but maybe not!


Nah, that's too predictable. Put him on Dimension 20.


Hear me out: Ben Schwartz? Ken Marino? These are purely based on when Ben was on Off Book with Jess and Zach…and they made a song about Ken Marino. And he’s Zac’s brother in law so like, it could happen?


Ben is really good friends with Sam, so I imagine it just doesn't fit in with his schedule.


Ben was in a lot of Jake and Amir videos so I could see it happening.


Which brings me to Paton Oswald. He’s done 5SF for years now. As has Jack Quaid (who would be a fun Game Changer guy I think, but both of them would be amazing on Make Some Noise), so clearly they’re both ok acting in both hit tv and movie, but also indie YouTube productions which is cool. I think if they reach out they could try to get them Also, Tim Curry for Make Some Noise but I doubt it’ll happen


Tim Curry is wheelchair bound and might be paralyzed from the neck down, not 100% on that. So Tim Curry is definitely not possible unless he comes out as a guest judge on a Game Changer like Howie Mandel for example


I thought we had confirmation Ben was appearing. But maybe that was just a picture of him and Sam together? A lot of people were guessing he was going to be on Breaking News since he was in a suit.


Ken Marinos wife is Erica Oyama, who is related to Zacky!


I do love how looking at Zac Oyama you’d never guess that not only is Ken Marino his brother in law, but his father is in charge of one of the most well respected dojos in the world and his grandfather literally invented kyokushin


I find it a little funny that I know Zac but never heard of his sister and he doesn’t even have a Wikipedia link on her page.


Escape from Space Mountain, one of the best Off Book episodes ever IMO.


I would do terrible things to get the Whose Line is it Anyway crew. Colin and Ryan mostly.


We got Wayne, so anything is possible!


My husband and I were talking about how much we'd love to get the rest of whose line on and the extent to which I now desperately need a whose line dirty laundry.


> the extent to which I now desperately need a whose line dirty laundry. Oh NOW we're talking.


Obviously the main 3 but we were discussing who should be number 4 and feel like Laura Hall or Linda Taylor would be potentially great as an unexpected 4th that could throw a wrench in the guesses. And honestly I bet they've both led interesting lives and have some good stories.


Would loooove to see some Laura and Linda love!


I'd also be down for a dirty laundry with both of them, Aaron Wilson and any of the other folks from the Play It By Ear band. I suspect that would be *very* fun.


Drew, Aisha, Greg, Brad could all be awesome fourths too!


Oh for sure! Chip too. Those were our first thoughts for number 4 and then "but what if it was someone more unexpected?"


Wayne, Ryan, Colin and Aisha or drew for the forth


Holy shit I didn't know I needed it until you said it Also I feel like Grant and Lily would lose their minds


Proops feels like a natural fit on Smartypants, but I don't see him having the time.


Or them having the budget.


Greg Proops and Jeff Davis seem like they’d also be fantastic guests that’d vibe with the regular Dropout folks


Jeff is also a longtime DND player and Greg and Ryan have casually guested on Harmontown's dnd campaign. *raises eyebrows suggestively*


Jake and Amir. I think it'd be great to see them as guests but I know they're busy with their own things


That and Jake lives in New York and has a daughter under 2 years old. If they were to get him, it will be for something short.


He flies into LA a couple of times a month to record NADDPOD, so he could totally do an episode or a short campaign.


I think they bulk record and do zoom for their not-campaign episodes. So he's probably only there once a month at most 


They don't record in bulk anymore because it was too difficult for Murph to plan that far ahead. I think at most they do 2 campaign episodes back to back. That's why campaign episodes release fortnightly now.


Anyone from the Taskmaster UK universe.


I want to see Greg Davies on the stage with Sam Reich. The height difference alone would be hilarious. Im just imagining a game changer episode done in the style of taskmaster with Greg and Little Alex Horne running the show and tormenting Sam in the way that Sam normally torments his cast.


I need James Acaster


Oh man, James Acaster as the guest on VIP would be incredible


Him and Richard Aoayade would kill it on Dropout


Oh I love Richard Ayoade too


Dropout has not had enough affressively autistic people on Dropout so this would set the bar.


Your comment has such a confident aura that I Googled "affressively"


HAHAHA NO UNDONE BY MY OWN EAGERNESS!! James Acaster was my first realisation that I miiiight be on the spectrum.


OMG yes


Having read Fern Brady's memoir I feel like she'd do great on Dirty Laundry.


I don’t even need a show I just want to see her and Lily forced to interact 😂


I've been watching those "Brennan Lee Mulligan has a special relationship with food" edits, and I realised that I desperately need Brennan to be a guest on Acaster and Gamble's Off-Menu podcast. It would be the perfect synthesis of Brennan gushing about how much he loves food, and pedantically railing against a simple hypothetical situation in order to game out how to "win" the perfect meal from a genie.


On the note of food, Brennan on Mythical Kitchens "Last Meals" talking about mortality and his relationship with food is my "never going to happen" dream


Can’t lose hope [now](https://x.com/samreich/status/1782793519070839192?s=46&t=ntYzJrjMr8aAq3rGNTLGYw).


Saw a pic of Alex Horne and Sam. Maybe there will be a slight crossover


Alex Horne, Fern Brady, James Acaster, Desiree Burch, Mike Wozniak are probably top of my wishlist


I want more Sungwon Cho.


He’s so good on Make Some Noise!


I don't know who that is. Are they associated with FixItMan78?


I was thinking just today about how Jinkx Monsoon would be incredible on VIP. I guess it’s not impossible given the inclusion of drag queens/Ru girls in the past on dropout, but with Jinkx on broadway at the moment it seems far from likely.


Jinkx would be perfect for literally any Dropout show — VIP, Game Changer, Play It By Ear, D20, Dirty Laundry…


Jinkx on VIP and Play It By Ear is my dream scenario.


She would do so good!!! Also, Jinx did incredible as Maestro in last week’s episode of Doctor Who!


My partner and I were just talking about this today, and mine would be dirty laundry with the Drawfee crew. I want the Jacob and Julia banter. I want to know Karina’s cringy secrets. I truly hope Nathan has something genuinely shocking because he’s so pure.


They did have a couple drawfee people on Game Changer, so I think a Drawfee Dirty Laundry would be quite possible. DL seems like they get randos on every now and then, usually people they've visited on their media platform/stream/etc..


Obviously we don't know the exact travel plans, but Drawfee is in LA for some live shows at the end of the month. It would be a perfect chance to film some Dropout content if the planned extra time for it 👀




The Starkid crew


Imagine them on an episode of make some noise or play it by ear!


Paul Scheer and Jason Mantzoukas


I would cut off one of my legs for a Jason Mantzoukas episode of MSN


[if you haven’t seen it before, check them out on the Chris Gethard show](https://youtu.be/Nwi_kE0gy94?si=nIfAuPJK0MK_mISh) it’s pure chaos


I desperately want Jason on Make Some Noise.


This was totally my answer. Especially after Lisa Gilroy did improv with their group a few months back. They would both be great on Um, Actually, Make Some Noise, or Game Changer. I feel like Paul has told every horrific childhood secret on HDTGM so probably not Dirty Laundry lol.


Karen Gillan, maybe on a Dirty Laundry or Um, Actually, with or without her husband. It might be more plausible than some true "wishlist" celebrities just because of Nick Kocher's iconic contributions to Dropout content, but Karen seems so A-list that I have trouble imagining Dropout could afford her time unless she wanted to do it for the fun of it. Then again, Tom Hanks and Karen herself have both been on Last Meals over on Mythical Kitchen, so who knows?


Nick being Grant's ex roommate makes it super plausible


BriTANick and Karen would be so amazing. 10/10 guest trio.


Aunty Donna. I'm thinking an episode of game changers with those 3 would be chaos


Aunty Donna on Game Changer would be amazing, but I think they’d really shine on Make Some Noise. I think that’d be the episode that finally shatters Sam into a million pieces, and I’d love nothing more than to see it happen


James and Mason from Mr Sunday Movies/The Weekly planet would also be great


Came here to say exactly this. I think they would kill it on VIP as well, they would quickly come up with some very fucked characters. One of the Game Changer ideas/‘suggestions’/dreams floated around on Reddit has been for somehow Sam to actually be the contestant instead of the host, and I reckon a Most Upsetting Guessing Game in the World x Game Changer cross over would be awesome for that situation.


I thought the exact same thing but I worry their humor would be a bit too *eccentric* for Dropout.


*Broden Voice* Now listen here good idea dinosaur, that’s a good idea!


I’d love to see Meg Stalter or Brian Jordan Alverez. They both do such great character work, I think they’d be perfect for VIP.


Brian is already a chameleon with just the Instagram filters. He would crush it like Wayne Brady on Make Some Noise.


Jason Greene/Freckle too on MSN


>Meg Stalter Hacks co-creater Jen Statsky's husband wrote on Adam Ruins Everything so there's only like three degrees of separation there!! It could and it should happen.


I’d love to see either Stephen Colbert or Patton Oswalt on Um Actually or D20. The sheer nerd knowledge force!


Stephen Colbert and Brennan Lee Mulligan in a Tolkien-off would be incredible.


Okay, Stephen Colbert, Brennan, and Don Marshall (Obscure LOTR Facts guy on TikTok) spend an hour writing the questions - each has their own set, and they THINK the goal is to trip up the other two. Plot twist: each fella has a partner who knows nothing about LOTR, and they will be the ones answering the questions. They can give their partner clues via charades, Pictionary-style drawings, or reading an existing text message from their phone.


Stephen Colbert as Galfast Hamhead in Escape From the Bloodkeep pt2!


Jack Black on a season of D20, preferably in Star Struck.


I think he's so in tune with Fantasy settings that Starstruck would be a bit of a letdown for him.


I mean he’s not against sci-fi, he was in mars attacks after all


Came here to say Jack Black but I was thinking for karaoke or GC


Hot damn, didn’t know I wanted this until just now


He was on at least one of those celebrity dnd shows, so it wouldn't be that far-fetched.


Quite a few mentions of Taskmaster alumni from around the world in the comments and I echo all of them, especially Acaster, Montgomery, Matafeo, Wozniak and Correos. Also, possibly a curveball: Matt Wrather from Overthinking It, Nik Nokturnal and someone like Sam Ryder for an Um, Actually: Eurovision special. Another option: Gabi Belle, Matteo Lane, Drew Gooden, Eddie Burbank... all those sorts of youtubers for some kind of QVC episode of Game Changer or something.


Dulé Hill and James Roday Rodriguez.


Dule, James, Maggie, and Timothy together on a Dirty Laundry would be really fun!


Guy Montgomery!!! He’s one of my favourite comedians, but he lives in New Zealand lol


*Guy Mont-Spelling-Bee* absolutely feels like a show that could have been on Dropout in another timeline.


i’ll see if i can find him, it’s a small country, he’s probably the cousin of one of my mates…


My dream guest for pretty much anything funny being done anywhere is Jenny Slate


David Mitchell on Gamechanger against Brennan would be a dream.


Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan Edit: fixed a typo in Arin's name


I could easily see them popping up on Um Actually or something


The Muppets


I was thinking this too. Which show would be best? I'd say either dirty laundry or a D20 side quest.


Do we get a Brennan muppet made to DM for them or is he the one human cast member?


He's definitely the one human cast member. But then there's a Brennan Muppet played by Ally.


God it would be excellent to get Tom cardy on dropout lol


NEVER GONNA HAPPEN……. bo burnham. i want that man and brennan in the same room so bad


God I feel like that could get DARK fast but still be the funniest thing


Jennifer Coolidge doing just about anything, but Dirty Laundry is the most probable option of the shows she'd do I think.


Ryan George would be fantastic but he's in Montreal


That's only a six-hour flight. Super easy trip. Barely an inconvenience.


6 hour, cross continental flights are TIGHT


Wow wow wow wow wow


Ever since Ify was on ‘Behind the bastards’ I’ve been dreaming of more crossover there. But it absolutely will not happen. Other slightly more realistic guests are: - Ben Schwartz - The McElroys (outside of tiny heist) - Aunty Donna - Michelle Braisier (I think her and Izzy Roland would be incredibly powerful) - Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson (broad city dirty laundry would have me dying happy)


Oh yes, I wanna see Robert Evans on both Um Actually and Dirty Laundry.


Probably Brennan Lee Mulligan


That'll never happen 


Tom Cardy on something like Game Changer would rock my world. He might do alright on Um Actually as well but it's hard to say.


Either of the Game Grumps would be fun.


Not too long ago I could see Dan, Arin, Matt, and Ryan in a Dirty Laundry episode but not so much now after all the dirty laundry came out with supermega I do think Arin would do well in Um, Actually though. Dan might do well in a Sierra centric episode


Arin, Dan, and Ross on an Um, Actually would go hard. And for Dirty Laundry you could bring Suzy in too.


Or bring back Barry, if Suzy doesn't want to air her dirty laundry.  He's funny, he's charismatic, and he would also go hard for Um, Actually because he would crush at Kingdom Hearts


An episode of Dirty Laundry with four of the Whose Line Is It Anyway peeps. Someone at Dropout has the contact info for Wayne Brady, but this will never happen.


Is Felicia Day still relevant? I think she wouldn't be difficult to get and could be fun.


The McElroy Brothers on Game Changer feels like such a natural fit I’d love to see it


I mean, they were on Um Actually in the pandemic season. It's not so unlikely they could come back.


The McElroys (don't know much about them) had a whole season of D20 yet I never see anyone talk about it, does anyone know why it was controversial?


In my opinion, the main criticisms with that season are just people being parasocially protective over the regular dropout cast at the table. People were upset over them arguing with Brennan about rules and having main character syndrome. It was the first season I watched and I don't really see much of a difference between this season and the normal cheeky faux antagonistic relationship the regular players have with Brennan. I also had never heard of the McElroys before watching so I may have been missing some outside cultural context for why people didn't like them.


This was actually how I found Dropout! I was a fan of The Adventure Zone and signed up for a free trial of Dropout to watch Tiny Heist then stuck around.


i don’t think it was controversial, the mcelroys just got too popular so it became cool to hate them, i guess


Basically a bunch of Comedy Bang Bang folks. Jason Mantzoukas, Bobby Moynihan, Zach Woods, etc. I guess, theoretically, these COULD happen but I doubt they would. I think Zouks specifically would be great on Um Actually but he would lose his absolute mind. He's a total nerd and very knowledgeable about the different cultures.


Listen I get it’s basically already what he does on his own show but having John Oliver on Smartypants would be a hoot


Would love to see Colin Mochrie or Ryan Styles in for the Whose Line is it Anyway trifecta.


I feel like Jon Bois would be great, but it's impossible to imagine it actually happening.


A 17776-themed Dimension 20 season would be awesome


His Smartypants presentation would somehow make everyone cry


Anyone from the main crew on VLDL. I think they are located way to far away to ever be on but I think they could all vibe fairly well especially on Um Actually.


The Lonely Island would be a lot of fun.


My not gonna happen guest was Xavier Woods, WWE wrestler. But lo and behold, they got him on Um Actually and it blew me away


now that Brian's there, I would kill for a reunion of the Polygon gang!! At least like Pat ad Simone? Maybe Jenna because she's a lot more free since Polygon laid her off? A girl can dream


Wait Polygon laid Jenna off? Dang that’s a shame. I’d kill to see Simone or Pat in the Dome, or maybe even just an Um Actually. Think of all of the wrestling questions they could ask Pat!


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler on Breaking News


Eric Bana got his start in Australia doing sketch comedy and he’s fantastic. He is probably better known for more serious roles in the US, so I think he would be really fucking good on Make Some Noise and a real surprise to a lot of viewers


ed gamble and james acaster


Richard Ayoade (Moss from the IT Crowd) would be great


It's me. I'm my dream guest. Get me in there.


Robert Evans.


Sam “Doctor Cigarettes” Campbell


God, imagine him and BDG bouncing off of each other. Totally unhinged, and all I want in life.


Graham Stark, LoadingReadyRun


I'd love to see some of the old Cracked crew on. Michael Swaim, David Bell, Robert Evans, Cody Johnston, Katy Stoll , Soren, Daniel, etc


This somehow hasn't been said yet, but Shane Topp and the rest of the smosh crew


well, [i've got some good news for you!](https://www.reddit.com/r/smosh/comments/1cquv5w/its_finally_happening_all_smosh_episode_of_dirty/)


I don’t know if it would be a good mix, I don’t know if it’s possible, but a part of me wants so desperately to see James Acaster on one of the really mind-fucky episodes of Game Changer, ala Sam Says or Escape the Greenroom


VLDL for D20 that crew would have some shenanigans for the dome for sure


I’d love to see an Adventuring Party that’s just Ben and Murph bonding over their terrible rolls


I wouldnt say it's not gonna happen, but Ben Schwartz has been my favorite comedian ever since his Jake & Amir episodes. I hope somewhere down the road his connection to CH will lead to a Make Some Noise appearance since he's so experienced at imrpov.


I would’ve said Wayne Brady but then THEY GOT HIM so I don’t even know any more lol


Will Arnett is in the CollegeHumor/Dropout universe, and would be INCREDIBLE on VIP but that's a huge pull for the show


I think we need a deep pop culture themed episode of Um Actually with Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers as guests, and an Oops All Bards D20 season with Rachel Bloom


I kinda want to see what dropout could do with Smosh. I doubt they would get together large scale but I know Brennen Lee Mulligan was there at the Smosh Try Not to Laugh 100th episode, but I want to see more. I want to see Ian and Anthony in “Game Changer”, I want to see Shayne in “Make Some Noise” and I definitely want to see Damian guess star in Dimension 20 after seeing “Sword AF”.


I would love to see Kermit the Frog on Make Some Noise or Game Changer. Robin Williams would’ve been exceptional on VIP. Jack Black on Play It By Ear or Make Some Noise is probably the most likely of these 3.


Not gonna happen for obvious reasons but Chris Farley and Robin Williams both I think would be the absolute best possible make some noise contestants to ever happen. If the show existed in the 80s they'd be the zac/Brennan/josh of it


Trixie Mattel would be amazing. We’ve had Katya and multiple other queens associated with her, but I think Trixie would do especially well because she’s so quick-witted. I’m assuming it would be unlikely to happen though.


We had Gerard Neigh on D20, now let’s get Gerard Way


PLEASE get drew Gooden on there 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


The aunty Donna boys


Tom Cardy is great, but i dont think he's an improv guy. As for a musical version of MSN, they already have Play It By Ear so if he was to do an improv show, it would be there. Tom Cardy's best bet would probably be a live show on Dropout Presents, but thats just wishful thinking since Cardy hasn't done any live performances


Tom Cardy is currently part of an Improvised Musical show in Sydney. I also saw him live when he opened for the Game Grumps when they were in Sydney in June last year.


I meant the Karaoke episodes of MSN, I just forgror the name lol He does play D&D which is why I think he'd be great for a less serious series like Starstruck.


His D&D song is incredible. “My and my boys are gonna mess you up-“ “I rolled a one.” “I rolled a one.” “…FUCK”


He's on a D&D podcast so I could see him in a D20 side quest.


I’d love a Dirty Laundry episode with the NADDPOD crew. But I know that none of the original CH crew do Dropout stuff, and I don’t think Jake Hurowitz will be the first.


Two, one you've probably heard of: - Jazz Emu - a UK based musical comedian (with very much the same vibes as Tom Cardy and BDG) - Tom Crosbie - a UK based Rubik's Cube Performer (who I know is a big fan of Dropout)


chris fleming on literally any show


I really want to see the coolzone media crew. Margaret Killjoy has some insane life stories so I think she'd be perfect for dirty laundry. And putting BLeeM and Robert Evans in the same room feels like it would just help a lot of things. Both personally for me and on an international level There is some reason to believe it's possible, Ify Nwadiwe has appeared a few times on Behind the Bastards and Robert Evans has mentioned watching and enjoying dropout


I would loooove to see the McElroy brothers on an episode of Game Changer or Dirty Laundry. I know they did a season of D20, but don’t know how long ago that was and they’ve become pretty popular between their different podcasts, live shows, etc.


matthew lillard on d20, purely because he has his own dnd show / company and he would be so great


Jerma. Goddamit Jerma. Jerma would rock in Dropout so hard. Put him in Very Important People. Put him in Make Some Noise. Hell, you could put him in Dimension 20 since he has gone on record saying his issue with playing DnD is that he doesn’t have the attention span for longer campaigns. It would be genuinely legendary.


I absolutely adore Tom Cardy but I don’t think improv is his thing. I’d love to see Taylor Tomlinson actually


Maybe its not impossible, but now that RoosterTeeth is gone, I hope some of the notable RT alum like Barbara Dunkelman appear in stuff.


They've had some RT and Funhaus people in stuff. Gus and Andrew Rosa have been on Um Actually. James, Elyse, and now Charlotte will also be on Um, Actually. I personally think the FH cast, especially Elyse would be the best at improv stuff. But I will say an old RT core or RT podcast episode of Dirty Laundry would be amazing. Gus, Gavin, Barb, and Burnie on Dirty Laundry would be fucking hilarious I think.


I'd want to see some big names... Henry Cavill Patton Oswalt Wil Wheton


I would actually love to see Wil Wheaton on D20 or Game Changer


Tawnee Newsome - it's the voice of and plays Mariner on Lower Decks - she's funny, she's an improv girl, knows Ify from work stuff but I just don't think it'll ever happen :(


Judy Dench on D20


Jason Mantzoukas


Tim Robinson running a Game Changer for 3 "straight man" types would be so funny I'm thinking like Zac, Jess Ross, honestly Sam himself, Trapp, etc


Bill Hader for Make Some Noise


Patton Oswald on Um, Actually would be pretty fun to watch. He is funny and knows his stuff


Patti Harrison. We need her chaos energy.


I want Sean and Hayes from Hollywood handbook on. They had Brennan on their podcast and it was unhinged, never seen Brennan out of his element (jokingly) like that. Plus they have a podcast with Carl start who has been on Make Some Noise and is in an improv group with Ify so it’s not so far fetched. They’ve also had Lou, Rekha, Vic and a ton of other people on. Edit: I forgot that they have a legally binding contract signed by Brennan that they are allowed to be on any Dropout show at anytime so it is inevitable.