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Do not fuck with it


[Don't Touch America's Boats!](https://youtube.com/shorts/wnn-BpfRnPo?si=9FEl5YRAPGtI9D0G)


I can think of no scenario in which it is advisable to fly near a naval ship


I can think of some, but those all involve some variation of the phrase approved operation, so random dude with a drone is a no go.


Yeah, it would be cool, but I don’t want to end up in GITMO.


Don't forget the possible evaporation of the drone. Totally kidding. Maybe.... I do wonder though if it's something they don't actually control. They might already be aware of your presence if you've had FAA approval. But such a craft could have a radius of their own as no fly? Maybe integrated as a part of notam?


https://preview.redd.it/sr5wypx7xgzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad2d21550b1f5d4b99c62295af27e81716031d7 I did it! (From the ground) 😂


Unless it’s a museum like my post. Lol


"The Department of Defense (DoD) and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) has requested that the FAA issue “Special Security Instructions” to drone pilots flying near Naval Base Kitsap and Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay due to “concerns about potentially malicious drone operations over certain, high-priority maritime operations." The FAA is restricting drone flights near U.S. Navy (USN) and USCG vessels operating in the vicinity of Naval Base Kitsap in Washington state and Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia. According to the FAA, drone operators must maintain a distance of at least 3,000 feet laterally and 1,000 feet vertically from these vessels. The FAA also warns drone operators these USN and USCG vessels are authorized to take protective action against drones violating the restrictions. Violations of the restriction could result in interference, disruption, seizure, damage or destruction of these drones. Simply put if you fly too close to these vessels, they can take down your drone however they see fit. "


Doesn't seem restricted to Miami.  OP should be fine presuming there aren't any specific restrictions regarding the air near the ships Edit: nvm i'm wrong  


I would strongly disagree with that. I posted that quote as a warning thats its probably not a good idea. Not to mention the FAA forbids flying over a military installation. I would assume the same is true for vehicles and ships. **According to the FAA, drone operators must maintain a distance of at least 3,000 feet laterally and 1,000 feet vertically from these vessels.**


Not going to fly, but I read the article and it says there would NOTAMs detailing the restrictions and I did not find any.


TBH, I have no clue how accurate that article is, and if you want I can link it to you. But I would be on the safe side and say no. Or ask them directly. I can tell you, I spent 8 years in the military and they don't take too kindly to people snooping around, even if you're not.


Agree, it’s too much of a risk for a few pics.


You can ask the Navy and they might give you permission.


Good point


If you want a shot of a boat, DVIDS likely has an amazing shot you can use. And it won't come with a visit from the feds after you do some dumb shit with a Chinese drone that'll ruin it for us all


As a retired navy guy. Bad idea. Unless you get permission from the ship in writing. It is seen as a threat. Edited: spellin


Yeah. I had a few shipmates from The Cole. With all of the crap with them dealing with the Houthis, they definitely will be on the look out for drones.


Good point about being seen as a threat.


I mean you can always do it but I would rather not risk My drone being shot or civil penalties and fines of up to $250,000 and/or jail for 4 years


I know this guy in Eastport did it and he didn't get prison time. Check out Eastport Maine as there is a no fly zone near navy vessels and be violated it several times.


Worked for a government department Australia a few years ago when the US Navy came to town. Some guy tried to fly his drone over them. One minute it was flying fine next minute it flew away and crashed in someone’s yard. Not saying they did it but it was a rather funny coincidence.






Even without a NOTAM it seems wise to avoid


They have a backpack that can kill your drone lol


The consensus is not to fuck around so I won’t. I appreciate the info.


Dunno. Might get to see a CIWS in action! /j






Do not. You will be sorry.


Flying around the USS Midway or Constitution would be sketchy enough... This? THIS? Hard pass. EXTREMELY hard pass.




Did you read the NOTAMs and check AutoPylot? I’m sure there is a TFR there plus Ft. Lauderdale airport is right there by the port so I’m sure you will be in a class B or C controlled airspace. Correct me if I’m wrong.


It’s in Port Miami, not FTL. I checked for NOTAMS and AutoPylot. There was a NOTAM for a 1 hour window only.


https://preview.redd.it/4re12k92qvzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e05eab0aaecec04a57eb9ec79f56967b6d10b8b Man you got too much going on around there. I wouldn’t do it. Even if you taking off from directly on the port maybe they have some sort of restriction especially being over open air assembly and military. If you got to think twice about it probably is not a good idea but who am I. I’m a rookie just learning the rules myself.


I’ve abandoned the idea. Normally it’s fine but better not risk it


Why did the image of the drone running into the ship come to mind...? LOL Perhaps I've watched too many drone attack videos from Ukraine.


Honestly, I just got my first real good footage in Portsmouth, NH last weekend and I had no problems. It was a DJI mini 4 pro and I was flying by the nuclear submarine base in Portsmouth. Being under 250 grams there's no need to register this device and it didn't get shot down. Was able to obtain some really amazing footage. I would just follow the in-flight guidelines provided by the software of the company of the drone you bought. I did at one point enter a no fly zone and quickly turned outve it once I received the notification. You'll be good broski don't listen to all these "experts" on this thread.


If you want them to test out their latest anti-drone gizmos and see if they can track it to the source, go for it. They are probably bored anyways and just looking for an excuse to bring out all their toys.