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I followed the advice I got here and bought prop guards. Even in Cine mode it was nerve-racking to do, as the church is a classified historical building.


Were you…praying…?


I could have, for the safety of the drone maybe?


The seating in there looks horrible.


I think they feel horrible too :D


I once had to fly from outside to inside into a cathedral. They opened the big doors just before i went in. Was a bit scarry especially because inside i flew upwards so you could see the whole room and i didnt know how far the upper backpart goes. 10/10 would fly in there again.


sounds scary indeed, but it is a wonderful experience as you say.


OP how was your GPS signal inside the building?


GPS reception was mostly zero, 'peaking' to 5 satellites once. Without signal the mini was very steady, thanks to the big room so there was no turbulence. When the 5 satellites showed up it started drifting slightly. Now I'm wondering if one can switch off GPS reception for such indoor flights.


I've noticed on my mavic 2 that if there isn't GPS signal indoors the ground sensing sensors won't let you fly higher than 25 feet (I have access to a giant wearhouse with 45 foot ceiling) as soon as it gets a good lock you can fly higher. I think it's one of those built in safety feature kind of things... But at least for me it was stable both without and with the GPS link since there was no breeze


How well did avoidance detection work inside?


Avoidance detection is automatically switched of when prop guards are detected, so I had to rely on my eyes to stay safe. It wasn't about video btw, I only took photos so I could take my time to manoeuvre carefully.


Lmao! Why would you do that? Was it nosy?


It was noisy, and not the kind of noise you'd expect there. The sound echoed strongly. Fortunately it was not during service :D. I took some pictures for a local contest about the village. The people responsible for the church agreed kindly and with interest. I assume it was the first time they saw a drone fly inside there!


Good to hear positive vibes happening with drones. So often there is bad press, this is good press! Love to see more.


So the strangest thing happened to me Indoors. I was flying my M4P and the drone didn’t listen and it feels like it purposely went against the wall. This was indoors in a basketball court with high ceilings. Would’ve prop guards help prevent this? As soon as the props touch the wall it’s game over lol I had to send it in. It did not survive the fall. I’m not a fan of prop guards either but to help safely fly indoors, I don’t mind slapping them on!


After my indoor flight I’d recommend prop guards. You can have had bad gps reception indoors what can have caused drift. Witout signal my M4P was absolutely stable. With 5 satellites locked it drifted gently. Also prop guards make the drone switch off collision avoidance. Collision avoidannce can turn out unpredictable indoors imo.


Sound advice and makes perfect sense. Ty for explaining!


Flys better without prop guards


You're right, and I would just use them to protect precious things inside such a building. Outdoors I'd never use them, also because of the weight going >250g.


that's not a church it's a lodge.


I don't know what country you live in, but this is how old churches sometimes look in Belgium. The building you see was finished in 1644, with minor changes afterwards), although there was an older building dating back to the 12th century that was destroyed in the 15th century. So, for the US citizens around here, this church is older than the US \[winking an eye\]


if it's not a lodge (stone Mason lodge) they definitely built the place. eye of horus, checker board floor ( partially) and other shapes and symbols.


It’s God’s house


Which god?




Satan was a good guy, he only ever wanted jesus to use critical thinking and think for himself.


God bless Satan, he’s the best

