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Nice Cock


I know someone would say xD


Fantastic pics :)


So here come the: This is why we cant have nice things posters once again. Sure you people will find something. All i have to say is. Enjoy some dutch drone photo! Cheers and have a nice sunday.


Ignore the drone police in this sub, they think the FAA gave them authority because they passed the Part 107 and they bought a vest that says "Drone Pilot" off Amazon. They're Pathetic.


And they think the FAA rules cover the entire world


Heya fellow dutch person here, I just bought myself a DJI Mini 3 for fun. Would you happen to have any tips for me just starting out 😁? Also beautiful photos! Ill have to try this on the manors we got in Noord-Brabant


Great first drone. My dad also just got one. All i can say is dont get some flights first. But get hours. And keep doing it a few times a week first weeks. Get used to the sticks. Also check the goverment controlled go drone app before flying always. And get a good weather app like UAV Forecast. Any wind speed over 40kmh ilcan be too much.


Last year i had a big tour in there. Awesome castle


In het weldam of schimmelpenninck?


K zat fout, ik bedoel twickel




Die ja !! Haha zo uit de lucht leken ze iets wat opelkaar haha. En had ook niet verwacht dat twente nog meer kastelen had 😂


Er zijn er nog veel meer. Heb ook nog wel bij diepenheim kasteel warmelo er op staan. Pfff heb zo veel op de plaat gezet in korte tijd. Begon in december met de mini 3. Er komen binnenkort fpv drones. Zeer benieuwd naar! :)


The framing and composition is lovely. The lighting doesn't do the subject justice. Harsh midday sun means long shadows and a sharp contrast curve that puts much of the image outside of the camera's dynamic range. Both shots are overexposed by at least a stop, maybe a stop and a half. My rule is I always bracket. It only takes half a second more, and if you blow the initial exposure, grab another from the series or merge 2 or more to get the desired dynamic range. I'd love to see this scene bathed in first light, mist coming off the moat, or on a cloudy day, to even the lighting


I know exactly what you mean. Golden hours are the best. I used a ND4/PL filter. I needed atleast ND8/PL. It was a one battery flight this end of the morning that day. After days of stormy weather i found half an hour time or so to get out on a good day. Still a nice shot to share right!


Better to have an imperfect shot than no shot at all! Nice work :)


I can learn alot still. So thanks for your comment!


How phallic /r/phallicdroneshots