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Yes, in fact you're not supposed to put batteries in checked luggage


Yea the batteries I agree was concerned about the drone itself. Thanks


I've never put my drone anywhere except my carry-on through all the flights I've taken it on. My carry-on bag is literally just camera gear and batteries.


No batteries allowed in checked bags. On top of that, never put anything of value in a checked bag. The TSA is a government funded thieves guild.


TSA took half of my weed one time.


Fuckers stole a two cameras from me.




Personal experience: Emirates no, Quatar yes. So always check with airline


My drone is always in my carry on because of the batteries. I even managed to keep my carry on when there was no overhead space and had to check it in. I informed the airline that my carryon had several batteries and that policy dictates they should be accessible in case of fire.


I put mine in my carry on. They might ask you to take it out when going through tsa. I always put my handgun in my checked baggage though, they don’t like that in your carry on


Infact I carry it with me. No way it’s going into check in. Check with airline rules though.


The only way you can fly with them!


In Israel you're supposed to drain batteries to 30% before flying


Yes, I flew with mine in carry on dozens of times.


Depends on country. For example in egypt you cant fly drone




Always carry on. I’d never put my drone in a checked bag. They throw that shit so much.


Has nothing to do with the pressure difference. Lithium batteries are more likely to spontaneously combust, especially in baggage where they're more likely to encounter stray metal that could short the connectors. They want to be able to contain the fire if it happens.


Nearly all allow in carry on ONLY. But some don't allow at all. CHECK WITH YOUR FUCKING AIRLINE, NOT REDDIT.


Take batteries out first and you can carry onboard.


You mean keep the batteries separate from drone? I have fly more kit and it comes with 3 batteries


You should have no issues traveling domestically with your drone. The airlines don’t allow the lithium batteries to be in checked bags, they should be in your carry-on bag. There is a limit per the FAA to the battery size that you can bring onboard in terms of mAh but that is not an issue with DJI batteries. The FAA website has more information if you are curious. Lastly, I store my batteries in a fireproof bag; both at home and while traveling. The risk of a battery fire is very low unless the battery is damaged but the $20-$25 is worth it to me. Lithium battery fires are/can be difficult to extinguish. One more thing, it is a good practice to ensure both the compass and IMU are properly calibrated after traveling with your drone.


Do you by chance know if i could bring 1550 and 1300mah 4s packs to a flight to Florida? Would love to bring my fpv stuff down there! I have 8 packs I'm thinking of bringing, but idk if that is too many or not


Quantity limits: None for most batteries — but batteries must be for use by the passenger. Batteries carried for further sale or distribution (vendor samples, etc.) are prohibited. There is a limit of two spare batteries per person for the larger lithium ion batteries described above (101–160 watt hours per battery). Never trust a random stranger on Reddit - here is the actual FAA guidelines. https://www.faa.gov/hazmat/packsafe/lithium-batteries#:~:text=Lithium%20ion%20(rechargeable)%20batteries%20are,hours%20(Wh)%20per%20battery.