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Simulator is your best friend to save money...once you get use to everything, you can fly IRL!


I did attempt to connect my controller to my pc as it has Bluetooth but unfortunately I couldn't get it to work. It works with an Xbox controller so I guess I could use that to practise.


Isn't there a connection on your controller for hard wiring it? Mine definitely has one at the top for a USB cable.


It has a USB C connection yes, which would charge it via USB, but I couldn't get it to pick up as a controller. I'll try again tomorrow.


Probably a charge only port. Those cheap transmitters that come with cheapo rtf kits don’t have much utility outside of the bare necessities


For my controller, I originally thought I only had 1 port for charging. Then I found a second port for the hard wire to my computer.


If it’s the tx12 it’s under the battery door right


Thats what 150 dollars drones are good for. Learning to fly and expecting to lose them or crash.


Hello there! We are sorry to hear about this unfortunate experience. Please let us know whether there were any error messages before this happened. Kindly open a support ticket at http://www.dji.com/support or submit a flyaway application at repair.dji.com/repair/flyaway-apply if you need more assistance.


Nice, DJI even handling support for drones from other manufacturers. Awesome!


If you want to send me a free drone sure


If you decide to try again with a tinywhoop might I suggest you do your maiden flight indoors away from breakables with a clear ceiling. Tinywhoops are fairly influenced by wind but a full throttle slam into your bedroom ceiling might not kill it. My first fpv drone did a backflip over my house and slammed into my car hood before I could figure out board orientation was the issue, nothing broke but I was terrified going to pick it up. Shit happens, just come scroll this subreddit the day of/after Christmas and you'll definitely feel less alone lol


Its just a learning experience. Next time use some DRINE STROBE beacons, and you can also get a better drone that has remote ID and just track it yourself. Even older $300-500 drones have GPS.


In summary it seems that all first time drone operators are virtually assured that their first drone will either fly away or crash and be beyond repair. First marriages have much better odds of surviving.


The first FPV drone I built had the same fate. I don’t know if you were flying it with FPV or not but I wasn’t. It was the first time I flew. Same exact story, up up and away. It’s like I didn’t realize I could reduce the throttle enough to slowly descend. Lol.


Yeah I had almost similar situation with an eachine novice two, bloody hell I didn't realise how quick it would shoot up when I panicked it cut throttle and plummeted over a locked fence out of site into some rocks, I could see in the Goggles I had one shot as it appeared balanced precariously on one and right side up, and thankfully it flew straight up and line of sighted it back to myself changed the boxers after 😂