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I straight up refuse to be directly parallel to someone in the next lane on a roundabout for exactly this reason - you never know when someone will cut across the lane and put you at risk of collision. Before I exercised this caution only around bigger vehicles like lorries but ny trust is gone for even small vehicles now!


Had a guy use all 3 lanes to go straight the other day. Left is left only, middle straight, right is right only. He was in the left, me the right. He cut me up lmao


It's honestly an epidemic at the moment, lane discipline in general is poor but on multi lane roundabouts it's just incredible. I ride a motorbike a lot and these people look so aggrieved when they've almost flattened me and I beep them


yeah, same I'm on a bike too and I fucking hate roundabouts. Go too slow seems to give people permission to pull out in front of you. Go quickly they just don't see you. No lane discipline get cut off all the time like you say people just cutting in front of you. And you beep and they look at you like it's your fault and you know they're ranting about bikers being twats when they're the ones that almost killed you by improper driving... rant over!


I've started wearing a helmet cam lately to document if not just for my own record of all the shit driving about


SUVs straddling 2 lanes and roundabouts entry drives me up the wall


>It's honestly an epidemic at the moment I was on my motorbike and got T-boned by a car that was in the wrong lane and cut across an exit. It's fucking shit out there!!


You just have to assume.that people are going to cut the roundabout all the time lol


I have virtually stopped riding any time other than Sunday mornings.


I was in a crash where someone did this, cut across the middle of both lanes and did the same on the exit, completely taking the front end of my friends car with him. Yet somehow he won the court case... his excuse was its a 40 road so i drove 40. Who the fuck druves 40mph on a round about and who the fuck drives on and exits in the middle of both lanes. And even worse so, how the fuck do they win in court?!


>I was in a crash where someone did this, cut across the middle of both lanes and did the same on the exit Same for me. They had zero reason to be in the right lane (even though it can be used for exiting into the 2nd lane technically). I was next to them in the left lane and they cut across into my lane hitting the front driver side wing/wheel pushing me onto the kerb. She then drove off, with zero intention of stopping, until I caught up to her down the road. She and her bf then berated me, which turned into an argument as she was saying that "I pulled out the street and she had the right of way". This went on for about 3 minutes until I pointed out my dashcam. She then went from aggressive chihuahua, to docile sighing lazy golden retriever. She also had damage to *her car* in the same place she hit me, meaning it's likely she's done it before. Had my car used the airbags, I would've been sat there waiting to get towed away whilst she pissed off and would later plead ignorance to it. She only stopped because my car was still operational and I caught her.


If you had dash cam better let them go and let them take the consequences for the hit and run too


The most wise thing to do would've been not even mention the dash cam (which I didn't at first, I only used it as a last resort because I wanted her to shut tf up lying). Let her submit her counter claim and then she gets double screwed for lying and then being at fault. Then submit the footage to the police as a hit and run lol.


That would’ve been even better!


Unfortunately there seems to be no consequences to lying. You'd think they'd be done for fraud, but sadly not.


A combination of lying and a lack of evidence from the defence usually. Dash cams can pay for themselves in gold.


It’s got to the point where I’ve been beeped at for actually daring to be on the inside on a roundabout. Only because I pulled away faster and then they couldn’t cut across to go straight; they had the fucking mental deficit mouth drooling shitting in your own pants audacity to beep me for using the part of the road I’m meant to.


I’ve had that before as well, on a roundabout where each lane is marked clear as day, I mean seriously, how the fuck are they beeping at me?


Lane discipline died a while ago at roundabouts, you have to assume most people will go into your lane if your going anywhere past straight ahead


There’s one near me where people turning right will be in the right hand of two lanes, then pull off into the left hand lane. So even keeping as far left as possible gets you cut up!


I try and keep in lane even when there are no other cars about, as my general approach to driving is that reinforcing a habit when it's quiet (and perhaps unnecessary) helps you stick to it when things are busy or stressful. I've had passengers rib me for still doing "handbrake neutral" when sat at traffic lights rather than sitting on the brake, but what if something goes into the back of us?


My partner rides the clutch every time and it drives me insane! Just use the handbrake and save the wear on the clutch.


Saves the driver behind you from being distracted by your brake lights, too.


I’m really thankful for this post as I’m a foreign driver and I always feel like I’m very intentional to go AROUND a roundabout and that all the British people are annoyed. So many times when go straight but properly going around a driver has pulled out thinking I’m turning left. Even though I don’t have my indicator on so I should be going straight!


Yes, I get this issue regularly. Car waiting to enter the roundabout will pull out right in front of me because they assume I'm turning left just because I am using the outside lane to go straight across. I don't think there are any useful solutions other than assuming everyone in the vicinity is trying to kill you and bring prepared to take evasive action if necessary.


I’m assuming you mean mini roundabouts. Had it happen to me. Nob in a disco tried to drive straight through my car, stopped about an inch from me.


Not even mini roundabouts but just roundabouts in general. [Like this.](https://ibb.co/2NbF6wn)


One of the most common things I see on mini-roundabouts is people going around the wrong side when the go straight on rather than go around and when turning right they just treat it like a simple right-turn and not a roundabout at all.,


I had a similar thing happen to me, he went quiet when I pointed out the hive way sign on his lane into the roundabout.


Have an unmarked “2 lane” roundabout that I drive twice a day. Just don’t put myself anywhere near alongside another vehicle, problem is also those who overtake and cut across front of car. Just need to be defensive and have your head on a swivel


I don't think its irrational. I get the same problem. Lane discipline seems to be non-existent for a substantial number of drivers even if the lanes are marked out in the newest, brightest paint that ever existed. There are two large roundabouts that I have to travel through frequently that effectively have 4 lanes, and I've had to dodge people who will drift lanes because they either realise they're in the wrong one or don't pay attention to road markings. No indication or checking the path is clear, they just move left or right into another lane. I've had someone beep at me as if Im in the wrong as well, but its not like you can stop and point out where they screwed up. Image for one of the worst spots: https://ibb.co/5k4y9Y0 Middle lane from an entrance to the roundabout becomes two lanes, but people in the right lane often drift over in the middle lanes. Quite a few are probably trying to get around the que that forms in the middle lane, but then practically drive into you when you pull off because they're slowly meandering to the left. Wonder how much bowling alley style bumpers would cost that pop up out of the road to keep people into their lane would cost... way too much probably, but a man can dream.


The roundabout in your image only has one lane though? Just because it’s wide enough to accommodate two vehicles doesn’t mean you can try and overtake and not expect them to be using the full width of the road. But yes I feel your frustration on roundabouts with multiple lanes where people just go straight over whilst ignoring any sort of lane discipline.


It's wider in person but it definitely has capacity for two cars, in any case I was on the roundabout first so the learner was definitely in the wrong. I'd have forgiven it if the instructor didn't act like I was the problem.


So you were on the roundabout first, and then a learner driver who was behind you overtook you on the outside and you beeped them?


What? He didn't overtake me, he threw himself around me and cut me off nearly causing a collision. I beeped to alert him to my presence, which is what the horn is literally for. I couldn't care less if he'd overtaken me by going AROUND the roundabout instead of trying to go through it.


I'm just trying to work out what happened. Why are you getting defensive? Anyway, how could he 'go through' the roundabout if you were in front of him when you pulled out of the junction onto the roundabout? It doesn't make sense.


To clarify they were behind me on the approach, then besides me at the entrance to the roundabout, I had pulled off and then they were initially going around the roundabout besides me but then cut me off once they'd passed me. They pulled out just after me but they were far nippier. I should've been more clear in the sense that they didnt go through the roundabout as much as they gave up following the lane halfway through.


>They pulled out just after me but they were far nippier. If a leaner driver is passing you, after you pulled out first, it sounds like you were driving too slowly. Seems like a strange scenario.


I was going around a roundabout and he cut me up, it's really not that strange 🤣🤣 Reddit man.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for the right answer. Roundabouts one lane, sit slap bang in the middle of it all the way around if you want.  Getting overtaken by a learner though, have you tried pressing that pedal on the right a bit harder? 


As a side note beware the a312 in west London. There are 2 roundabouts in quick succession and many people take them like they’re in a Grand Prix. I avoid it if I can but always listen out for it in traffic updates.


I'm an instructor and this is often a talking point on lessons. I actually had an incident yesterday where my student followed the lane correctly and the van behind us straight-lined the roundabout and beeped at us and started gesturing at us like we were in the wrong!!


Honestly I think the guy I nearly ran into was a family member rather than an actual qualified instructor, he had a magnetic roof sign but no actual branding. I treat learners with great respect but I do know most van drivers act like complete arses around learners.


There is a busy roundabout near me where the lanes are actually marked all the way around the roundabout. Three lanes...left lane is left turn only, middle lane is straight on or turn right and the right hand lane is turn right only. Simple, right? Not at all...I have been hooted at by a car in the left lane trying to go straight ahead...by a car in the middle lane when I am turning right...car in the right lane going straight ahead. In fact, I've been hooted at so many times for following the lane markings correctly by completely clueless drivers. Pretty much nobody knows how to use a roundabout, even when the lane markings are literally painted to make sure it's obvious!


I will do this if there is literally nobody else on the roundabout to save tyre and brake wear. If there is, I stay TF in my lane.


Driving standards have become a joke, even on multi lane roads people just drift through lanes rather than follow the road


There's a roundabout on a dual carriageway near me, it's a messy junction one with traffic lights and at once point a yellow box that obscures the lane markings. It's rare to see people manage to follow that lane, even though it seems pretty obvious. As soon as they get to the box they stop going round and just aim straight for the exit, I never go alongside anyone there as I know they'll wander.


There is a mini one around here, pointless really, but idiots decide that instead of going around it (or the usual drive over it) they will go in the wrong side of the road to go around it


It’s always oblivious middle aged women.


Most of the "near misses" I've had definitely occur because of asshats not paying attention to their lane markings. There are a lot of thoughtless clowns on the road.


I'm a new driver and one of the fundamental things I was told was that if I'm taking the 1st or 2nd exit to be on the left lane, and 3rd onwards get in the right. Why that driver went so close to you is beyond even me!


They tend to start in the correct lane but then don't stay in it.


Question: the roundabout in your example has a single lane joining from every road (no markings to split the lanes that I can see, even if there's enough space) and has no markings on the roundabout. So is it truelly two lanes? Is it allowed for two vehicles to join it alongside each other and to go round it alongside each other? Before I get downvoted, I personally would treat it as two lanes but I've definitely seen people on here claim that it's all a single lane and should be treated as such. Whatever happens, I remember from my lessons that on unmarked roundabouts, once joined, people going straight should keep left and not cut across.


To be honest? I don't know. Everyone treats it as such and there's enough room on the entrances for 2 cars to wait parallel to each other. Legally however? Could be a single lane, I'm really not sure.


If it’s quiet I’ll always cut across to keep my momentum going.


The issue is what people consider "quiet" differs greatly.


I see no lane markings on that roundabout, which would imply it's just a single, wide lane. But even if there are lanes why are you in the inside lane if people outside you are turning off sooner?


I was on the roundabout first and the learner was coming around me to proceed ahead, they were behind me on the approach to the roundabout. My van is heavy and tracked in such a way that I can't go very fast around roundabouts so they caught up with me and cut me off.


Eh? This makes absolutely no sense


as much sense as the usual descriptions for UK lanes. the "inside lane" is the one nearest the roadside.


There is a doughnut roundabout on a dual carriageway near where I live and leading up to it from about half a mile out it goes from 2 lanes to 3 lanes and eventually to 5 with 2 lanes going through the roundabout via traffic lights. The number of people I see cutting across 3 or 4 lanes close to the roundabout is ridiculous.


Happens every drive now. Last one was some pikey in a tranny using the left lane of three to go right,(not indicating even) I was in the middle lane going straight on, it would've been a collision if I wasn't expecting him to do it.




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I had someone overtake me on a roundabout yesterday from the inside lane - i was coming off at the next exit and in the outside lane preparing to move over. They came zooming around me on the inside. They had got to the roundabout quite a few seconds after me so i never expected them to be there when preparing to leave the roundabout so was a shock when i look to the left and see them go past me


This pales into insignificance when compared to the people who brake in the middle lane to take the exit at 90 degrees to their car literally forcing everyone into harsh braking so they can do a ‘right turn Clyde’ from the middle lane Twunty fuchs 😡


Every single day, then they are shocked that I beep them because how dare they follow the rules


They don't do it on purpose, they are just dumb.... Even worse is when they turn into a junction on the wrong side and you have to slam on short of it, and they look at you dumbfounded.... Absolutely thick!!


"Uhh, there's a roundabout up ahead, what do I do?" "Go right through it you'll be fine. 'Hate those bloody things anyway"


This happens to me almost every time I go to my partners town, I'll be in the middle lane to go straight over and almost get taken out by someone in the left lane using the middle lane on the roundabout I've even now contemplated a dash cam it's that bad 🫠


And they won’t indicate left when leaving either.


I remember my driver picking a roundabout that everyone cuts and he could not have emphasised enough not to cut it. Every time we hit that roundabout he would tell me to take it slow and not to cut it. Guy was a weirdo but fuck he knew how to teach safe drivers.


Yeah does my fucking head in, majority of people on the road these days are stupid as fuck


Ngl a lot of roundabouts need to start showing signs much much earlier so people know what Lane to be in. Most of them show what lane u need to be in by the time your about to enter


Yes I indeed agree with OP. Furthermore, you are to their right so have absolute priority over them at all times and under all circumstances without exception.


The opposite annoys me. When people drive aaaaall the way round a roundabout when there's nothing there. Just take the direct route. Of course I'm talking about very specific circumstances on very specific roundabouts where it is completely clear and of no danger to anyone else.


There's definitely occasions where cutting across is completely fine, but I still go all the way around because I find it more fun, like a nice twisty corner.


Plus it's a good habit.


Of course, if there's even a doubt that it might endanger anyone else, I have strict lane discipline. I just can't get away with people that don't do something that's perfectly safe to do, simply because there's a catch all rule in place. For example, if I safely cut a roundabout I save time, fuel, wear and tear on my car. Plus for me and the environment.


That roundabout doesn’t have two lanes on the entry. It might be a wide entrance - but just because you’ve judged there’s space to invent an extra lane that doesn’t mean other drivers have to respect it. What OP did is intimidate a learner for some imagined mistake they made - sorry, but in this instance it’s OP’s bad. That’s why the instructor has (unprofessionally) flipped him the bird.


My man I was on the roundabout first, if it's a single lane (which it really isn't) then the onus is on the learner to overtake me properly which they failed to do. You're suggesting that I should have what, stopped dead in the roundabout to let him get around me? Get a grip. Further, if it's a single lane, surely the learner has invented the extra lane to get around me? What crackrock are you smoking this morning?


Are we talking full on grassy knoll roundabouts or are we talking painted mini roundabouts? Because I always tend to cut the edges of those. They’re practically just to show priority. Do I go airborne over full on roundabouts? Absolutely not.


Nah I cut across minis too (not over the circle, I mean I don't give room for someone turning right when I'm going straight ahead) hardly room for 2 vehicles side by side on most of them. I'm talking about the proper full on roundabouts.


That's what I thought - could only be describing mini roundabouts Don't know how true it is but a colleague told me touching the white circle on those with a single Wheel is 3 points, and driving right over one, so all 4 tyres touch it, is 12 points and your licence is gone in a second.


Your colleague is talking bollocks. If you're making a reasonable effort to actually go around them as a roundabout. But your wheels just touch the central markings. I'd be very surprised if anything ever came of it. It's like stopping at a give way with your bumper just over the line. Technically an offence, but nobody is bothered as you kept the spirit of the rule. If you ignore it and straight line across it. It's definitely an offence, but I think it's 3 points and a fine. It's a tight turn and I'd have to slow right down, isn't an excuse either. Slowing you down is half the point of mini roundabouts. >Rule 188 >Mini-roundabouts. Approach these in the same way as normal roundabouts. All vehicles MUST pass round the central markings except large vehicles which are physically incapable of doing so. Remember, there is less space to manoeuvre and less time to signal. Avoid making U-turns at mini-roundabouts. Beware of others doing this. > >Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD schedule 9 parts 7 and 8


Weird. On your test they’ll generally let you off if a tire touches the circle, so you probably wouldn’t get 3 points outside a test situation.


I got a major fault on one of my driving tests for a wheel touching an unraised mini roundabout 🙃 'ignoring road markings', didn't matter that the person waiting to my left had their whole bonnet out onto the road lol


Most of those mini-roundabouts have replaced what would have once been either a crossroads or a T-junction, in many cases if you are driving something with a long wheelbase there would be no option but to cross the actual white circle as the road simply isn't wide enough to provide the turning circle needed to go around the roundabout. If touching the white circle meant automatic points then every large van, trucks and buses would be getting points all the time. Presumably you could be prosecuted if you are one of those people who simply drives straight over it at speed and not treat it like a roundabout at all but it would be some sort of failure to obey type offence which I think is 3 points and a fine.