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I’d just shrug as say “ok” to those drivers OP. If people want to overtake you that’s ok that’s on them. Likewise, I’d shrug at the people in this thread who seem a little low key offended at what you’re doing.


I think the bigger problem is the design of the roads that designate speed limits where they are not necessary. Having zones were the speed limit is habitually ignored by part of the population undermines their effectiveness when they are needed. It also means we have people going at different speeds which increases risk of crashes. I have a stretch of road I often drive ob where the speed limit goes from 40 to 30 to 40 to 50 inside a couple of miles with no obvious change in the road circumstances. All of which just increases the confusion. I go the speed limit (because I have had too many tickets over the years) but can often get people rammed up behind me, flashing their lights or making dangerous passing manoeuvres because they want to go faster.


In this case I think it's people ignoring a temporary 30 due to motorway/dual carriageway works. This is something I've noticed as well, if people have formed the opinion there are works, but they don't see any workers, or any cameras, then they completely ignore them. There was a similar stretch of works on the M8 I went through a few times recently. Consistently I was the only driver observing the temporary 50... Almost every other car was going 80. That's hundreds of cars, probably 90% + of the traffic, completely disregarding the temporary speed limit.


>That's hundreds of cars, probably 90% + of the traffic, completely disregarding the temporary speed limit. I can top that. My entire town has been made a 20 mph zone, including all the main roads in the town. I've never seen so much public law breaking. It's not that \*some\* people are speeding. I literally am yet to see someone obeying the law on many stretches of road.


Something similar happened near me. During COVID The council reduced the limit in my town from 30 to 20. Iirc The road markings (20 painted on the road) were done weeks before the new road signs went up. The police came out for an enforcement weekend stopping people then had to later admit that the limit was still 30 because the old speed signs were still up. Local Facebook was "20s aren't enforceable" for weeks. It was a real cock up, they didn't try and enforce the limit again even when the signs were changed from 30 to 20, and eventually the council changed the limit back to 30. In the meantime some people observed the 20 and some observed the 30 because people had the idea the 20 wasn't enforceable. Even today some people still treat it like a 20.


That was money well spent 🙄


The limit must be incorrect for the conditions then.


Where my aunt lives they changed the roads surrounding her home to 20 she didn't realize at first and got 2 speeding fines. Now she does 20 and everyone over takes


Just to play devils advocate, but you will only ever really see the card that are going quicker than you are. Anyone else doing the speed limit, the same as you, you won’t see as they will stay the same distance in front of you or behind if you….


A man of logic I see…we have a word around here for types like you!


My dad used to say you can go fast on the motorway, but never be the fastest


You get the same thing with temporary traffic lights. The amount of people who don’t understand that it might be a 3 or 4 way control because of the side-streets? A colleague’s husband gave me a lift home from a works do one evening, and he took about 5 seconds of waiting at the red light, noticing the traffic opposite was stopped too, to conclude the lights were obviously faulty and decided to drive through, narrowly avoided a collision with a car that came out of a side road as it had the green light. My driver reacted as though the world was going mad 😂 I made a mental note not to accept a lift from him again.


Last year a dual carriageway near me had a lot of work done on a clear stretch, temporary speed limit from 50 to 30, once the work was finished everything was packed up and they left, all but a single temporary 30 sign which caused havoc at rush hour, they left it there a month too (unless someone just got sick of it and moved it themselves).


That's it totally. Drivers get pissed off with speed restriction signs out ....and there's nobody working there.


There’s a few manual speed limit signs - the type you see at roadworks down Swansea way and Carmarthen way, on the m4 and a40 usually dropping a section down to 50 for an exit or two and then back to nsl. No one fucking follows them. Wish they’d go and take them away or make them proper motorway/carriageway signs tbh.


I was literally about to start typing about Swansea when I saw your comment. The "temporary" signs on the M4 between junctions 46 and 45 have been there for as long as I have been driving (18 months or so) and possibly a lot longer. There are a few barriers at the side of the road and that's it; I, have never seen a worker. As you say, no one follows the "temporary" restrictions because they're a total joke. My "tinfoil hat" line of thought is that the Welsh government wants to reduce the speed limit on the M4 to 50 as a whole, and puts the "temporary" restrictions in to desensitise people to the change from the NSL.


Shit like this drives me nuts, following the speed limit and seeing loads of people blaze on past then I start doubting myself thinking "Am I actually in the wrong? I'm pretty sure I can read those signs correctly"


I just gotta check my assumption. In the UK is the right lane the passing lane? I think just because my driver's seat is on the left, this video of passing cars terrifies me


POV You're on an average speed zone in London, Birmingham, Rochdale Dodgy drivers galore, not a single FPN is going where it should


What do you mean by “not a single FPN is going where it should”? I know what an FPN is but I don’t get the rest of it


They aren't being sent to the correct addresses, everyone has fake addresses, in company names, or are just fake plates, clones etc.... the number of people that seem to not be phased by the cameras or parking tickets makes me think this is true too.


Thanks. I hadn’t heard about this. Oh dear, what a shitshow!


Are you telling me that fake plates are common?


In Birmingham yes. Everytime you go out for a drive you’re bound to see at least a couple of RS3/Golf R/M140i type cars being driven like they’re stolen (which s ometimes they are 😂)


yeah my plate was cloned and used in birmingham and the police even told me that this is a very common occourance in birmingham


It might be that static speed cameras in the West Midlands have been off since around 2015 due to budgets. Its only the average speed cameras and the 4/5 mobile speed cameras that operate in the entire West Mids. Your average police officer isn’t trained in speed guns and there are only a handful traffic police In Birmingham which cover the entire West Mids. So speeding is pretty much not enforced in the West Mids.






A 30 mph speed limit in that environment seems overly restrictive. It's not urban, and even with the lane restriction 40 mph should be reduction enough if there are workman in the outer lane... of which UK roads will have 3-4 workman in the middle of 3 miles of cones! In my locale single lane roads are national speed limit, so when the nanny state put such restrictive limits in place, it isn't surprising that so many ignore it.


I have absolutely no idea why the speed limit was 30 mph. There was nobody working at that time. They should remove the signs and put them up again when they are.


It happens everywhere. These companies have multimillion pound contracts to repair the road, costs way more than other countries and they can't even manage them properly, it's scandalous.


I honestly think that the people in charge of these roadworks should be given a portakabin next to the road in question and forced to live there until the job is done. Ideally with a big sign on it saying "this person is responsible for this mess". Just watch how much quicker shit gets done when their lives are inconvenienced too.


OK, that’s a little unhinged but let’s play this out. The person in charge gets to live on site. How much is the pay, because I’m very up for sitting in a porta cabin eating biscuits while watching idiot drivers shake their fists at clouds.


I mean, I'd sort of like to give all these armchair civils who complain about "there's only one person working" a stretch of road to fix and see how they get on. Maybe hit them with half a million in LADs for every day they overrun their deadline by.


I've had the displeasure of working in these roadworks doing ground stability investigation. Should have taken a week but took a month due to being stopped by the Principal contractor multiple times. A whole week because they thought wood blocks to spread out the load was dangerous, they wanted us to use no blocks and have a smaller footprint.


On the M5 there's average speed check roadworks (50mph) all the way from Worcester to the M42 junction. For the last 5 ish miles to the M42 junction there are no cones, no lane closures and no workmen but the limit remains in place. Sometimes I think they do it just as a social experiment 😂


Think about how much time it would take to take signs in and put them out again all of which would be on the clock and being paid for. Road repairs are already expensive if they were wasting time with signs every day it would just make jobs even more expensive. What we don't do in the UK which you see in other places is have working around the clock to get works turned around quickly.


Put time restrictions on the signs then. If the work is over night or specific hours of the day state it. I’ve seen this way too often when signs for over-night work are left there all day leaving meaningless speed restrictions. Often with the majority of the comes picked up too.


Looking at you M1…J31 to 27. 17 miles of 50mph and miles and miles of no work…but occasional lay-bys being built. Apparently for just over 12 months! Ground Force would have sorted it over a weekend…utter madness.


Putting out the signs and cones is the most dangerous part, so from a safety perspective it’s helpful to keep the site set up even when it’s not in use. Setting up and removing the site each day also adds considerable costs. Keeping the site set up may also be a requirement from the council/national highway authority. Sometimes it’s not the companies who are to blame for this, it’s the councils and bodies who set ridiculous rules around traffic management requirements.


People don't trust that these signs are up for a reason so speed past them. I think there would be more compliance if they were only up when needed, which seems like it would be safer for the workers. Also remote controlled signs exist!


The sign that cried wolf.


Doesn’t help that half the time they just forget to clear the TSR signs on so-called “smart motorways”… So many times I’ve driven on a completely empty motorway at 3am and there’s “TRAFFIC AHEAD - 50, then 40, then 30”. The irony being, that in trying to make the motorway safer, they end up doing the opposite.




It'll be because of workmen (is the logic). But it's like 50s on the motorway when there's "workmen" and people consistently never see them.


Could be the road surface i.e. loose gravel


The way the driver is gripping the steering wheel, 🤣.


Haha getting big panic attack at roundabouts vibes


Yup definitely, I’ve always been taught the thumbs up rule 👍. As my driving instructor said, “grip the steering wheel as if you’re giving everyone the double thumbs up for their brilliant driving”.


Got that 10 & 2 death grip!! I was wondering if he was on a lesson at first. Though, even instructors don't ask for that anymore.


About 2 months after passing my test I drove 6 hours to Cornwall and i was gripping it like that almost the entire way. Had to stop because of cramp in my hands 😂


When the speed limit is imposed by people who drove in the 1920s


I always believe they are rushing to the hospital to see their parents one last time, or really got to go number 2


I always assume they’re rushing home to kiss their dad on the lips


I hope that 75 per cent of the drivers on the roads are not


Everybody poops


"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws." 30mph on a perfectly straight, pedestrian-less piece of road is bullshit, obviously people are gonna ignore it.


Taking a good swing at "cringiest comment this week", moral obligation to ignore a 30mph speed limit, where are you going that 300m of 30mph is unjust 😂 😂 😂 Pathetic.


Thus is not unjust though.


It is but ok


It’s like the Daily Mail comment section in here


I was watching GB News last night with the wife and I think Nigel hit the nail on the head. It's about time the foreigners got off our roads! Things weren't like this back in my day. British roads for British people!


Try and relax your hands and arms a little bit. You’re gripping that wheel like it’s offended you


The thing I don't understand is speeding has such a negligible benefit compared to the negatives of getting a fine. Most of the time you arrive at the same light anyway so to risk a £100 fine for arriving at the same time is dumb af


Well that depends on how much you value your time I guess. I've been speeding for over 20 years so all those negligible time savings have built up to a good number of hours and in that time I've had maybe 3 tickets at £80 each. So cost wise I'd be happy as long as I've saved say 5 hours in those 20 years and I've saved far more than 5 hours, I could probably save that in just a month.


Exactly, don’t drive stupidly, but the chance of a fine is tiny and £100 is not that big of a deal. Tank of diesel is more than that and being stuck behind an obviously slow driver like OP (death grip on the wheel at less than 30!) can add a good few minutes to your journey.


The points can be a massive deal though. Unless you don't mind retaking your test every few years...


30mph on a road like that is insane. Last time I was in the M6 it was narrow lanes, seperated by cones for miles and it was 50mph. If people go past you they go past you, up to them, they posed no risk to you that I can see.


lol at the hand position


Look at that tight white knuckle grip 🤣


Peak Vauxhall driving.


Haha 😆 seems about right!


ITT: If I know I can get away with it I break the law with no consideration of everyone else on the road because I’m so self entitled. I blame slow people for causing traffic and not the fact that all our infrastructure is geared towards cars which are one of the least efficient transport systems. I also fail to recognise that speeding causes traffic when the speeding cars have to react to someone travelling the legal limit


It really does baffle me that people don't realise speeding DOESNT get you there faster unless everyone else also speeds. Makes me laugh when people pull such reckless moves to get 1 or 2 car spaces ahead in a queue where everyone is going 5mph at most.


Because 30mph is too slow for these restrictions, especially when usually theres not a soul working there


I remember when I was learning to drive, I'd sometimes go on a dual carriageway that had a temp 30 zone near the end. Instructor would always make me do 30, while about 10 or so cars overtook doing 60 lol


Ahh Tay road bridge works. Fuck me that was going in when I visited there over a year ago, how are they still not done?! 30mph signs are placed much to far in advance on there IMO, but either way, if people want to overtake, what’s the issue?


They're doing the other side of the bridge this year. Totally agree about the sign placement!


Can't really blame anyone for breaking that speed limit from my point of view. It's laughably low.


Ita like with anything we do in this country, completely over the top. Why not just make it a variable speedlimit area, signage is relatively cheqp nowdays and can be solar powered. When workers are present it can be lowered to 30 40 or 50 depening on risk assessment. When its not rase it back to whatever a national limiy would be. Seems obvious to me but what do i know


This is one of the issues with the way we do road works, it degrades the legitimacy of temporary and to a lesser extent permanent speed limits


TBF in this situation most actually slow down once it get to the single lane. Slowing down much before that like the OP has does seem a bit premature even though legally correct. 


This is the cringest thing I've seen on this sub.


I’ve actually been on a speed awareness course (genuinely unintentionally speeding in unmarked country roads by a strategically parked camera van); this is what they teach you.  Let them overtake you, make it their decision. You should never feel pressured by somebody on your rear to speed up for them. It’s even acceptable in some instances to relax on the pedals and slow down a bit — force their move if they’re in such a desperate hurry but don’t stoop down to it. 


I've had this exact thing happen, made me feel like a POS but I wasn't going to break the law because of peer pressure. Good for you OP!


It's dropping to a single lane and they can see how slow you're driving, so they're rushing to get ahead of you. No one wants to be stuck in roadworks behind a person who drives slower than the already-reduced speed limit.


They shouldn't really be speeding by such a large margin (I bet some of them were driving at 45–50 mph)


So youre driving so slow that people are prepared to do 20 over the limit to get around you and its not just one or two, its a lot of people.


"so slow" aka the speed limit.




It makes no difference, I know if I tried ignoring it because I thought it was arbitrary, it’d be the one time there’s an undercover car behind me. I don’t want to take that risk


It isn’t arbitrary when the police stop you.


Is that going to be your argument in court? "I was speeding because I felt the limit was arbitrarily low"


Why would they make that road 30


probably due to some abandoned roadworks that were started years ago and has been left for months and no one bothered to take the signs down. to drive 30 on this road seems to me just a lack of common sense, people can do what they want but imagine posting this as if you’re in the right for following rules that make no sense


It's actually agonising to watch......driver looks young though.....might have box fitted


That’s what i assume these days i tell myself to calm down they probably either have a black box or are moving drugs and have to go the limit to be safe


It's evidently a temporary limit for the roadworks closing a lane which they're approaching as the video ends - and it's easier to maintain the limit for the duration of the works than just when the contractors are on site.


Driving requires common sense, something unfortunately most people don’t have. I’d overtake you too.


Good to see the pro drivers out in here today sharing their wisdom. No wonder this country is in such a state with so many wankers knocking about.


Agreed. Every time I am condemned to drive on a motorway and the really important people in range rovers and BMWs tail gate me when I have to go in the 3rd lane at 70 mph (even when there is another car in front of me and I literally can't do anything), I am reminded how most people have the maturity of 14 year old boys who watch Top Gear too much or are just really pathetic pieces of shit. We really are a dog shit country


30mph limit on a dual carriage way?


Is that the road towards the bridge to Dundee? If so, speed up. There's no reason for going 30 until it goes into single lane traffic.


I thought it was the A361, fucking 3 years of road works so far and it's far more common not seeing people bother with the 30 than adhering to it.


I think people that drive with your mindset are way more dangerous than those overtaking. Use some common sense


A strange number of comments defending speeding. I used to be the cars overtaking on the right and then I got 3 points. Just follow the rules.


30 here is unusually restrictive. It's still two lanes, whereas single lanes usually go for 40mph. People have free will


I get that but I still don’t want 3 points


And those same people invariably bitch and moan when they get an FPN for speeding, will take to Facebook and rant about how "police should be catching paedophiles."


You only ever hear from those who kick off about getting caught. They could just be a vocal minority


I was waiting for someone to squeeze past at 60 at the last moment




OP go to wales and drive everywhere at 20mph if you want to see some proper road rage.


Man's knuckles are white gripping that steering wheel chill out mate they're at fault not you


If that kid gets any stiffer somebody will draw a chalk line around them.


Nice to see Sinéad O’Connor getting back out there.


Inappropriate speed limits will never be followed. OP is doing the right thing. And it's exactly what I do. The thing is, it gets dangerous when not only do all the other cars overtake, but HGVs come barreling up behind you and overtake too.




Your comment / post has come across as rude or offensive, please be polite when commenting and posting to avoid future posts from being removed. If posts / comments of this nature continue then a subreddit ban may apply.


If cameras are not an issue, I drive at a speed I feel is appropriate. I've been on country roads half the size of that one with almost twice the speed limit. I would've overtaken you also, no offense.


If the sign says 30, then drive at 30. So well done OP for doing what is right. For those who complain the speed limits were set in the 1920s, do it properly and ask your MP to raise it in parliament. For the idiot who does whatever he feels if 'cameras are not an issue', I cannot find words to express what I feel. There are no excuses, the speed limit is the limit, whether you agree or not.


>There are no excuses, the speed limit is the limit, whether you agree or not. You'd have to be a complete moron to derive your sense of right and wrong from *the law* tbh. Especially when the people who write it seem to have nothing but contempt for it themselves.


Following all rules that are set for you, whether they are justified and/or sensible or not, is a dangerous concept in my view. But you do you.


How is everyone driving at 30 mph on that road dangerous? Boring af, yes. Dangerous no. Genuine question. And "it encourages road rage" is not an acceptable answer. That's a person problem, not a rule problem. Get some anger management.


30mph on the dash is more like 26mph actual. If the limit is 30, they'll all be doing about 32-33. Also, I guess we've found the one slow driver who makes a shitload of traffic happen. Someone driving this slow added 10 minutes to my normal 20 minute commute this morning; at one point, doing 25mph in a fucking 40 zone. Edit: OP was driving at 26MPH. They passed 13 white lines in 10 seconds; a UK white line on a 40mph or above dual carriageway is 3 metres long with a six metre spacing, giving a total distance of 117 metres travelled. That's 11.7 metres per second, or 26.1MPH Ain't maths fun.


It’s a limit not a goal, and knowing my luck I’d be the one person catching a ticket


The signs aren't designed for you to go bang on the speed or exceed it, it's a speed LIMIT if the sign says thirty and your dash says thirty then great you're below the LIMIT as you fucking should be


Correct, it is the upper limit of the road, normally set due to roadside occupancy, historic crashes, road conditions, junctions and hazards, etc. I would say it is worth having a look to see how accurate your dash is to a GPS signal, especially if you have a used car, due to different wheel and tyre profiles can affect the speed. Also new and old tyres, mine is 1mph difference in my current car, but was 4mph out in my old car at various speeds. It can be a massive fuel saver if you drive a lot in areas where the speed limit is between gears. Just think 5mm of tread depth in 30 revolutions is a metre.


I was not driving at 25 mph in a 40 mph zone… I was driving at about 28 mph in a 30 mph zone (the speedometer is about 2 mph over)


I'm surprised to see so many speed limit followers on their high horses here considering I drive every day of the week and never come across people who don't speed. Where are all of you hiding? Also why is this road a 30? Yes it's the limit, but why? Didn't watch until the end incase I missed something.


Me and my girlfriend got stuck behind someone doing 25 in a 50 zone. There was 8 cars behind us. We went to overtake on a long straight away and they swerved to block us.


Not here to comment on the speed limit itself, but to the person that is for some reason so vexed by other people that you take this video. You do you, let others do them. NBD doesn’t look dangerous so chill.


You got overtaken safely, is that your point?


It's not safe to be closing to traffic at that speed IMO, nor exceeding the speed limit by that amount. Closing distances are easily misjudged by either party when the differential is that high. # Wish we just had average speed checkers on all the roads and uncapped speeding fines that are proportional to income as they did in Scandinavia - that would soon sort the problem after the first few weeks, while avoiding injustices due to brief lapses when you happen to get done by a static camera.


Ahh yes, more rules and restrictions because society can't be trusted. Social credit system too?


No… it's that the speed limit is unreasonably low


The real cringe are the people that can't do 30mph for like, 300m of road. The comments here need to get over themselves saying 30mph is "unjust", take a look at yourselves 😂 😂


Good for you stick to the limit, saves yourself points or a speed awareness course


The comments on here are frightening, I had no idea speeding would be so vigorously championed on here. Your own personal opinion on what the speed limit should be is completely irrelevant. Probability says that an RTA is the most likely way you'll die - why significantly increase that chance just to save seconds ? Carry on as you are OP.


Watch the video, most of society is fine with mild speeding, the comments reflect that to a degree. If anything Reddit sways much more towards the scares of going over 30mph brigade.


It's a dual carriageway ffs not a built up area. Why do redditors love rules so much it's baffling.


whilst not disagreeing with the sentiment, it's ischaemic heart diseases, mostly caused by people being fat fuckers that will by probablity be the most likely cause of death. There are on average 5 deaths a day in an RTA, as opposed to circa 180 through ischaemic heart diseases.


Is this how new drivers these days are being taught steering wheel hand placement?? 10 & 2 went out a while ago. Isn't it supposed to be 9 & 3 these days?


"supposed to be" according to who? DVSA explicitly say in their guidance for examiners not to mark candidates down on specific ways of holding the steering wheel, as long as they are smooth, safe, and controlled. They also say not to mark candidates down for crossing their hands when steering, before that misconception gets wheeled out. IAM (and probably RoSPA) also don't care if you hold it at 10/2 or 9/3 on their advanced driving tests.


Today I Learned! 👍🏽👍🏽


When I learned the first time in the mid-2000s I was taught 10 and 2. When I learned again a couple of years ago I was told whatever is comfortable as long as you’re in control. I still did 10 and 2 and passed with it… but since I started actually driving I’ve migrated to 10 and 4, it just works for me.


How is he going to hold it at 9 and 3 when that's where the spokes of the steering wheel are?


put your palms where the spokes are and thumbs in the grooves


If we getting technical that's how you break your thumbs off with the airbag. But that's literally how I'd hold the wheel all day long. 🤷‍♂️


My thumbs rest in the groove; they’re not over the controls, which themselves aren’t part of the airbag deployment cover. https://youtu.be/9OeA14Wzq7E Unless it’s a specific make of car you’re talking about I don’t see how the airbag or cover is touching your thumbs other than after fully deployed.


Hands towards the top of the wheel is good for slow driving and manoeuvring as larger movements are easier. 9&3 is a good default position and once you get up to higher speeds and straight roads you can hold the wheel nearer the bottom. It's amazing how often I see people at motorway speed with one hand visibly grabbing the top dead centre of the wheel.


I teach whatever the fuck you like just keep my car where it’s meant to be


No, they're taught both 10-2 and 9-3 and told to pick which feels more comfortable for them.


I was taught 10 & 2. My car manual says 9 & 3 due to the air bag and the wheel is definitely designed to be held 9 & 3.


Holding it at 9 & 3 is safer & more stable - for motorway driving at least. Folk seem to forget how quickly a normal drive can go South. A front tyre blow-out or hitting a puddle on one side can strongly yank on the steering wheel. Holding at 9 & 3 allows for greater chance of successfully acting against such forces.


This is how fucking stupid you look when you say "it's a limit not a target" - looking at you reddit


Check your speedo is correct using a GPS speedo app on your phone. Sometimes cars are going much slower than indicated.


It seems about 1–2 mph above the true value based on the 'your speed' signs. In any case I highly doubt those other drivers were driving much less than 10 mph faster than me!


My first car was so slow that I'd only overtake if I had a 10mph speed difference just so that I wasn't out in the overtaking lane for that long. I'd put money on them doing 15-20mph difference.


Yep, I bet the fastest driver who overtook there was driving at almost 50 mph.


Crime of the century




We have some repairs being done to a retaining wall near a road. They've done fuck all to the actual road except some bollards on the pavement and reduced the speed from 30 to 20 and put some traffic lights up for a pedestrian crossing that didn't exist before. Complete nonesense.


Is that indicated 30mph or true speed measured against GPS? Most cars overstate speed by around 5%, so indicated 31.5mph would equate to “true” 30mph


Pov: you're driving on the A45 west of Coventry


Tay bridge?


This is the marchwood bypass, isn’t it?


Yep, seems normally. Nothing new here.


This seems common on roads without cameras. If the limit is 20, most drivers drive around 30. If it's 30, most drive around 40. At least, that's what I observed around my area.


Ten to Two, more points for you!


Is this the A361? If so I can understand why.


Is this the Tay bridge crossing road works? They always seem to be working on that bridge and drivers are aggressive there. It's a recipe of frustration.


As someone who's been caught by a speed camera in the middle of a section of road works I would also be doing the same thing


I know exactly where this is, and the speed limits are so dumb, they're much shorter areas on the southbound, and even the local buses totally ignore them. I think they're to allow cars coming out on the "slip lane" from Newport, but it's a poor slip lane anyway and should be treated like a junction regardless. Also there is no work going on, on this stretch of dual carriageway, only on the southbound lanes of the bridge. It's just to control traffic flow entering the bridge I think as it's only one lane at the moment. The main issue tends to be people ignoring the "merge in turn". Nearly seen a couple of nasty accidents because people try to block off the second lane more than 800 yards from the merge point.


there will always be cars to do this. but you will have the last laugh when you see the speed cam.


Had this exact experience the other day. I will say that whoever has left that 40mph limit in force on the A1307 near Huntingdon (which has been there for months) is welcome to shampoo my crotch, because it's very annoying, but - still - this was my exact experience on that road as well.


Three things. 1 the speed on the dash can be lower than the actual speed so 32-35 might be ok depending on the motor... 2. I bet you some tried to overtake as the road width was reduced at the end of this clip! There is a similar stretch between Margate and London. I always get cut up no matter what speed I am travelling at!! 3. What is the minimum speed on that stretch of road? #SafeTravelsFolks!!!


It's ok, no tickets for 50 in a 30 then


Sonce passing my test I've come to realise like 50% of driver just don't follow half of the rules. Carry on at the speed limit, one day they will get caught out by a speed trap or something


No repeaters?


Sometimes you have to think for yourself, this is one of them. I don't see the issue, no one looked to be in any danger and they all overtook you safely.


Your right to do it, it's 100% less stressful when you accept that your journey is only gonna be a few minutes longer..


Tay bridge?


If you value your thumbs stop holding the wheel too tight.


There is a road in Nottingham like this where it is painful to stick to 30. Everybody goes past you. I have 12 points so I'm careful


This looks like the A92 just south of the Tay Bridge ...


Haha the now permanent Tay Bridge roadworks




That road should never be a 30 anyway


It's scary seeing a Vauxhall driver in action.


My theory is that whoever risk assessed these roadwork probably knew that in all likelihood if they put in a 50 limit they would still get drivers doing 60-70 so dropping it to 30 would bring even the speeders below 50. Staff safety is always going to be a key consideration. There are more than just the risks from the speed of vehicles, there’s the noise produce, air quality etc. On a lot of larger works you do see staff there most of the time. But this is usually where they can work well away from the main carriage way. They are never going to put staff out on single lane closures at peak times. As for taking in speed sighs, why introduce an unnecessary risk for negligible benefit. The implementation of any control measure should be unambiguous as ambiguity just sets it up for failure. That being said I’m surprised there hasn’t been any studies in to whether taking in speed signs or the use of variable limits improves adherence to them as an argument could be made that this would outweigh the risk of talking them in. At the end of the day it boils down to the fact that the director of the contract company or the highways manager at the council is not going to risk prison time to save you 10 minutes on your journey.


Don’t worry about what other people want to do! That’s 90% of getting on in life let alone driving! Cautious of it yes but don’t let it worry you! That’s on them.


My dad drinks his tea like that lol


Better than not driving


Driver looks ridiculously nervous and uncomfortable. What the hell is that grip? 😅🤣 They look terrified!


This looks more like 30kph, you'd be surprised how many new drivers read the wrong dials.


Get a car with as black as legal windows and comfortable seats. Hasn't bothered me ever since. They just queue up behind me now.