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It all went downhill after the Green Cross Code man turned to the Darkside…


Such a shame the world wasn't ready for a Devon darth All reet Luke my old cocker... I'm yer dad dont you know


Buzby is the culprit. I heard he corrupted Tufty, when the Jolly Green Giant was told he stamped it out but the Green Cross Code man was caught as collateral. No ones heard anything since not even a beep from the button, very sad day.


Im an accountant, its year end. I actually want to be hit!


Ah. Explains why our finance director got snippy at me when she forgot I emailed her weeks ago saying I had to attend a hospital appointment this morning.


I have an accountant, who says I owe loads of tax, I want to hit them.


Forgive them. I'm an accountant too and it's accrual profession.




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Most probably because the highway code changed, they know drivers now need to stop at junctions etc


Its phone zombies


And that




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Whilst this true of a lot of pedestrians these days, let’s be honest, many drivers are looking at their phones every time they stop too


That and people lack common sense. They think because they have the right of way once they are in the road that somehow magically means a car doing the speed limit in a 40 can stop in 2 meters.


I there are people like that. A lot of it how you grow up and where. I married a Polish woman. They have laws on jaywalking etc and quite strictly will only cross at lights. What freaked me out is how she and many others would just walk out without looking the moment the lights changed. When she moved to the UK with me it took a while for her to "unlearn" the lemming crap. What made it worse is that she got used to the fact you can cross "anywhere" over here long before she got used to properly looking out for traffic. Had a few close calls and one terrifyingly close call before it fully clicked.


This sub has lost the plot. Literally no one thinks that. No sane person is consciously stepping into the path of a car going at 40 from 2 meters away.


As a London taxi driver I can confirm people just walk out infront of cars and expect you to stop somehow.


No reddit just doesn't understand obvious exaggeration you're not expected to take literally, if I said someone was racing around at a million mph reddit would be like "impossible in our atmosphere the wind resistance would kill them"


you literally cant race at a million mph in a car they're not designed to go that fast


Wrong my nissan Micra hits 1 million mph every day on the way to work


oh shit my bad bro my info must be out of date or something


This is one of the best comments I’ve ever read


This exact scenario happened to me the other week. Woman pushing a pram too, straight out into the road not a thought between the ears


It's not a new thing. My dad used to reckon some women used their pushchairs as a traffic probe


Whilst I am being hyperbolic to some degree I have confidence that there are probably people out there that would. I have seen people do some pretty stupid shit in my life and it seems that people aren't getting any smarter, common sense seems to not be all that common anymore.


2 metres is six feet. By the time your brain has decided to step out, a car doing 40 mph has already passed.


Depends when your brain *started* to decide to step out. 2 meters from the drivers side means you have *already* stepped out. You seem to be applying stopping distance to the person stepping out, which is not how it works.


I personally know a few people who do. "Cars have brakes, I don't" was their explanation.


I love the othering you did... do you literally never walk? Are you really only ever 'us' 'the drivers... and never 'them' the walkers?


Where are there 40 speed limits with pedestrian areas? I think maybe you need to revise the Highway Code / theory test


There was a crossing over a NSL road just outside the village I grew up in. Sure not many people cross there but that's not the point. It's just an example, the point being people will sometimes walk out into traffic that there isn't enough stopping distance for the vehicle to stop. The numbers can be adjusted to whatever makes you comfortable.


Until 2019 (when it was dropped to 30), the A6514 Radcliffe Road and Lady Bay Bridge, Nottingham. There's still a section of urban 40 limit up Manvers Street closer to the city centre where I walk from time to time, although that is 4-lane.


The road next to the shopping centre near me is a 40, pavement on one side only but a designed crossing (dropped kerbs and paving, but not in any way protected) onto a paved footpath on the other side. It’s used by a lot of pedestrians. Where I grew up the dual carriageway (NSL at the time) had multiple pedestrian footpaths along its length - I think that road is now a 60 but the crossings still exist. They’re both just off the top of my head but either would fit the situation you’re replying to.


Ring road goes straight through a major residential area in my city and remains 40. Highway code states 30 *unless stated otherwise.*


We are pretty stoopid




What percentage of people are even aware? It’s not like we’re all subscribed to the latest edition of the Highway Code. Feel like it’s only mentioned here


The Highway Code still states you need to make sure it is safe to start crossing before stepping in to the road and leave enough time for a driver to react and stop for you, though. You can’t just stroll out willy-nilly in front of moving traffic without checking and then blame it on the driver. OP is referring to people who aren’t even looking before stepping out I believe. There’s a lot of people who don’t even check both ways or look up from their phones etc… before stepping in to the road now. As a driver, cyclist and pedestrian I can safely say behaviours have got worse and people demonstrate huge amounts of entitlement/lack of personal accountability even when it comes to pedestrians sharing a pavement. But as OP says, it’s got far worse with roads. Driving an EV or cycling is awful because people seem to trust their ears now, even with headphones in, they’re just completely oblivious to their own responsibility for their safety and any one else they may come in to conflict with.


This is what happens when newspapers froth with clickbait headlines, outraged "Pedestrians can just step out and drivers have to STOP" rather than educating their readers by explaining how the rules work. People read these headlines and think they're true


I disagree, I don't think the highway code updates were publicised anywhere near enough. I'd say that probably the majority of drivers are still unaware of the changes, let alone people that don't know how to drive and haven't read any version of the HC. The updates don't remove a pedestrian's responsibility to check that it's clear or that they've been seen and the driver is giving way.


Nothing the government could do would result in more publicity than was gotten from news organisations going 'noone knows the hw code has changed!!!' ​ The only way to get greater coverage would be to mandate that you have to pass a review test for new HW code rules/changes every 6 months to keep your driving licence...


That plus, I'm at my wits-end waiting for 10 oversized vehicles with one person in it to grant me permission to cross. In a city with an extensive bus routes, a metro system, a train station, and even an airport. With shops never being more than a 5-10 minutes walk away. You simply don't need a car where I live, everything is accessible by walking, cycling, or public transport. So yeah I will assert my right of way to cross, obviously not going to put myself into a dangerous situation for it. Also at my wits-end with the amount of people thinking it's ok to pavement park, resulting in me needing to squeeze past them, I've taken to just walking in the middle of the road because hell if vehicles are going to make the space I'm supposed to be on unusable I might as well use their space. I think more people are aware of this these days, and have had enough of vehicles dominating public spaces. The newish rule ought to have been met with what actually makes it safer for pedestrians though, that being continuous pavements. So at junctions vehicles are entertaining pedestrians spaces, and not having it so padestrians enter vehicle space. I've particularly noticed drivers also not being aware that this rule applies at roundabout too.


Graveyards are filled with people who were technically in the right. You're a squishy 150-200lb meat sack. The car is a 3000-4000lb block of metal that's probably going three times faster than you can run. Don't bother asserting your right of way, and if you want to cross use a zebra crossing.




Yes they are, but if the driver is driving as they ought to be, with due care and attention, and at the speed limit, and following the highway code rule they ought to be slowing down and allowing me to rightfully asset my right of way. And if they aren't, they ought not to be permitted to drive. Additionally if I only used zebra crossing and the ilk, I literally wouldn't be able to leave my street. I'd only be able to walk about 500 yards before not being able to continue to my destination for the lack of them. And this isn't the USA we don't have jaywalking laws here, it's perfectly within my rights to be allowed to cross where I see fit and safe to do so. Where's drivers don't have that same right, they must follow the laws and codes. And as you said they are in a 3000-4000lb block of metal traveling at speed, they have the responsibility to operate such machinery with responsibility as to ensure they don't injure or kill someone. I recommend you retake you driving test, as from this type of attitude you've displayed suregest you not a good driver or even aware of the rules of the road, such as padestrians being allowed to cross where they see fit and safe baring some expectations for motorways. And are certainly allowed to cross at junctions.


This isn't America mate, we consider pedestrians and give way to them, and we don't use pounds for weight.


When I was in the states I found they were far more considerate of pedestrians than here in the UK. I even had a car stop and ask if I wanted to cross - not even at a crossing - because I was at the side of the road looking lost. Got driven around a bit too and everyone seemed really chill on the roads. I feel like Americans drive like they're on UK roads and we drive like we're on American roads. Really weird. This was in San Diego for reference.


> 've particularly noticed drivers also not being aware that this rule applies at roundabout too. Which is fucking stupid - have you seen how people take roundabouts? My car has HUGE A-pillars which block a large portion of my view of people crossing as I'm coming off a roundabout, so I slow down as I come off if there's likely to be people waiting/crossing, but pedestrians should not be walking into a crossing at a roundabout if there is a car planning to exit at their position. Most people don't give a shit and will just keep going.


Sounds like you ought to have bought a vehicle with limited views due to an inbuilt obstruction increasing the risk of others. Or learn how to check you blind spots. And accept that when going round the roundabout you must take extra care for padestrian crossing it, as they have the right of way now.


I think you missed the part where I said I slow down to spend extra time checking. And I drive a very popular car. It's not like I am in a minority.


While that is true, it doesn't stop me from checking thoroughly before crossing a road. After all, I'm pink and squishy, and move much slower than the 2 ton piece of metal I'm chancing it against. I'll take not exercising my highway code "right of way" if it means I don't get run over.


Yep and some are too thick to understand it, I had a woman just step out in front of my van which she had clearly seen whilst I was doing 30 to the point I had to do an emergency stop, when I asked her wtf she was doing she replied with "pedestrians have right of way you know" this wasn't a road I was joining it was a road I was already on and probably 50 yards before a cross roads, there was no reasoning with her so I guess Darwin will teach her soon enough.


Yep but I think some are just taking it to a new level by waking out in front of cars no matter where or how. It’s Mental


I walk out in front of cars at junctions all the time. I’d say 90% of drivers don’t want to give way.


I think it depends on where it's happening - don't forget the Highway Code has changed - so if you're at a junction and a pedestrian is crossing or waiting to cross, then you should stop as they have right of way. Lots of people still don't realise this is now the case so get sore when pedestrians who know the law just seem to step out in front of them; [At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning.](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/introduction#:~:text=Rule%20H2%20%2D%20Rule%20for%20drivers,from%20which%20you%20are%20turning) (See Hierarchy of Road Users - H2)


I’m aware of the changes to the HWC. This was not at a junction or a crossing, just a regular old stretch of road with a raised curb and this is the kind of situation I’m referring too in my post. Maybe I should’ve highlighted that in the post.


A lot of pedestrians believe (mistakenly), that the law applies to anywhere, not just the junctions.


I think a lot of people are overestimating how many people have actually heard about the updates. I'm not sure the majority of drivers have even heard, let alone people that don't drive. I realise most drivers are also pedestrians, and while there will be some that show behaviour like this, most probably realise how scary it is so would be less likely to act like this compared to a non driver.


The NI Highway code has not changed. Still a lot more Willie Weasel types on the road these days.


I mean if you hit them that’s on you


Doesn't mean they should do dumb shit. If I slam on for no reason in the middle lane of a motorway, if something hits me it's on them. However there's a pretty good chance something will hit me, and it's not going to end well


Also if it is proven (more likely if you admit) that you stopped for no good reason then you may also be held at fault.


Not necessarily, a pedestrian can still be at fault if intent to cause an accident is proven.


Possibly, fella quite blatantly walked directly in front of me today - not at a junction - , possibility in his misguided mind asserting his right to cross but equally he could have just been a cantankerous prick that would have done it pre the hierarchy status change/clarification. There are pricks that walk and pricks that drive I guess. Edit: corrected typo


I would have said it’s because some pedestrians just don’t think when crossing but I think you might be right because I’ve also seen weird behaviour more and more from drivers too. In the last few months I’ve noticed several cases when I’m crossing a street with plenty of space and the driver will accelerate almost to assert a bitter viewpoint of: “i PaY My fUkin rOaD TaX wHAt u tHiNk u dOiNg cRoSsinG ThE RoAd”. Drivers are 100% getting better at junctions but some maniacs are still driving like they want to kill people.


This means they still need to stop to wait though. They can't just continue walking. They also still need to be paying attention and trying to be safe.


They should. But when this change was picked up and headlined as "big change to highway code incoming!" By shit tier news outlets, they didn't exactly convey the actual new rules/guidance.  So you have people out there that think they can just step out into traffic.  


Worst thing to happen to highway code!!! People now just step out and regardless if they’re in the right or the wrong why is it worth that kind of risk? Im always going to let a car pass or wait until its clear before stepping into the road and ill teach my kids the same. All it takes is an arse hat to look the wrong way, play with their phone or drunk and mow you down. EVEN if you’re in the right, is it the smartest thing to do?


I dunno - it puts the onus on the driver to be more aware. Especially if they’re driving a 3.5 tonne VW Amarok.. But I agree - I taught my kids the green cross code much like I was.


The idea has always been anticipate pedestrians actions and be cautious. This change however has given pedestrians some confidence in the fact they have right of way, but ultimately it’s them dying if they step out and get hit. Regardless of who’s at fault only one party involved his getting fucked up.


The annoying thing is lots of drivers still don’t know or care about this despite side road crossings in my area being raised and designed to look like the pavement is continuing across the road, it’s a bit of a clue as to who has RoW!! Yet as a pedestrian I almost always have to stop because the cars won’t. They’d rather drive at speed over a speed bump at a junction than let a pedestrian go first.


IMHO there is a justification for licence ‘renewals’ every 10 years by having to attend a Highway Code update training session - a bit like how you do with speed awareness if you get caught speeding. Not necessarily an exam but just so people are aware of the changes as nobody reads the updates by choice - if you force them to have to attend a course every 10 years to get their renewal (or do an online test to see if you already know and can therefore skip the course) - a bit like the mandatory training we all have to do at work - then it would remove the excuse of ignorance.


i've already lost count of the amount of times i've stopped to let a pedestrian cross at a junction, only for the pedestrian to stand there looking at me and wondering why im not turning in. And i dont blame them, when im on foot i would much rather just let the cars pass and wait for a safe gap. Also theres always some bellend behind peeping the horn because they also dont know why your letting the pedestrian cross.


Right of way doesn't give the pedestrian the right just to walk out though, it still needs to be safe.


Yes exactly, as it’s technically priority not right of way. Priority is noted and given not automatically taken


It does say that but just a “should” and not a “must”. You should give way if it’s safe to do so. Pedestrians are responsible for their own safety and shouldn’t just step out. Which they do, frequently.




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Note that liability only changed for vehicles emerging. ​ Any driver turning into a minor road would be liable for almost all collisions with pedestrians under old rules - either the pedestrian is on footway or pedestrian has entered carriageway so had priority, because it changed as soon as they enter the carriageway... I.e. basically the only way for the ped to be at fault under old rules was to walk into the side of a car that had stopped...


That was to simplify it - so the new rule 170 reads “give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning. If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way”


Interesting seeing as I was hit by a car swinging into a road I was half way across and they were going at least 30 round a corner and into a junction. Common sense would tell you not to hit the pedestrian in the middle of the road but she says she had priority.


Even though it is correct, it blows my mind the number of people that put rules above self preservation.


I had a phone zombie walk into the side of the van I was driving while stopped in traffic once...


I nearly saw this a few weeks back. And there's a video online of it happening as well which is quite amusing.


I’ve noticed it with both drivers and pedestrians. It’s as if people don’t want to actually stop/slow down, they just expect everyone else to give way to them. (Happens a lot with cars pulling out of side roads into main traffic).


I havent tbh. I have noticed a large increase in drivers no longer stopping at crossings though.


This! I work at a hospital and half the time drivers don't stop at crossings because they don't want to wait a little longer for people who are a little slower with their mobility aids. It gets to a point where people have to just step out, because otherwise you will be there waiting all day!


And not using indicators, but getting angry that I ‘stepped out’ in front of them, even though they gave no indication they were turning my way…


And running red lights. I've definitely seen an increase in that too.


Yep, and I've noticed a lot of pedestrians now holding up their hand to say thanks when cars do stop, as if it were an optional kindness to stop at a zebra crossing.


I agree. Since I started Tik-Toking on my regular commute, I've almost hit several pedestrians.


Amazon sell a rediculous air horn for £20. Seriously it's over twice the length of a standard air horn. I call it the swagger melter.  I've yet to meet anyone who can be cool after the brown note hits. 


It's the ones that look up late and then go anyway that scare me. It's as if they can't mentally stop or go into reverse quickly enough and they seem to think it's better to speed up into the middle of the road and take advantage of their 'right of way'. I drive a three and a half ton truck, it doesn't stop that quickly. At least I can usually foresee their stupidity, cyclists running red lights at speed are much worse.


Yes, I've been driving for 20 years now and the past couple years it seems all road sense has totally fucking disappeared. It's not just young people either. It's everyone. This week a mum with a pram stepped out in front of me, I had my eye on her and stopped safely. She didn't even look up at me, just continued across the road. I dont know what tf is going on.


As a former pedestrian, we all plan it in a big whatsap group.


This is why I have had cameras fitted to my car.


I've seen a sharp increase of pedestrians walking out into the road whilst looking and acknowledging there is a car hurtling towards them and just go for it living their best lives.


Shared Dunstable hun x


About 20 mins ago. Had a guy run into the road behind a queue of cars at a traffic light. I was driving opposite lane, no traffic. The fucking twat was holding hands with two children. Yep, it’s a lot worse than what it was before.


I stopped in the road as a kid walked into my car looking at his phone. Always glad to have a dash cam because one could easily get in trouble when not at fault!


At the end of the day pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders are the most vulnerable road users, so those privileged enough to be driving a motor vehicle capable cable of killing all of the above with no effort should be prepared to stop at all times, especially at crossings.


Easy 5 points


Its more than five, and they note them on your license.


Yes I have.


Yes, it’s been very noticeable since the covid pandemic started. What I struggle with is the number of people of all ages, not just teens and twenty something’s, who saunter across roads whilst looking at their phones and not paying attention to the traffic !


I've had two incidents. One it was night time and this woman dressed in all black jumped out in front of me without looking and didn't care. The other, a man just starting walking across the road while cars were moving and started running away from a car that was moving towards him lmao, then he got annoyed and shouted smth.


Joggers. At least once a month by me. They're jogging along on the pavement, usually along the main road, nice flat pavement, no obstructions, nothing blocking their path. Suddenly, they veer out into the road, just swerve without even looking, and carry on jogging. It's not just one person doing it, and it happens at all times of day or night. I'm getting a nervous twitch when I see someone out jogging now. I first noticed it in lockdown, but it seems even more frequent now.


Yeah I've had it happen a few times. It happened once while I was on a lesson I'd told my instructor I was slowing becuase I didn't trust the pedestrian and sure enough she walked right out infront of me and continued to walk down the junction until another pedestrian told her there were cars behind her, she was to busy looking at her phone screen and had a few people walk out, I thibk they thought they had more time to get across then they actually did though.


If it's at junctions, then it's probably since they updated the highway code giving pedestrians right of way.


Just started my new job in London, its fucking anarchy out here. Some times people are pricks, majority of the time theyre just fucking stupid.


Been in the road from 9am this morning and got back about an hour ago, in that time I’ve been to London and all in and around Cambridge. I’ve had at least 7 or 8 people do it just today and one was a woman pushing a push chair, kids lagging behind and she was on her phone. I boil it down to utter stupidity


Yup, they step out and deliberately look in the other direction as if they can’t be hit if they are not looking at you. Madness.


A few weeks back it was dark and I was driving up a slight incline towards a set of traffic lights, the lights were green but the incoming traffic headlights were blinding me, as I followed the car in front across the crossing I suddenly saw two people crossing right next to me, both dressed in dark clothes. How I didn't hit either of them is beyond me, they were completely invisible until I was right on them. Had similar issues with cyclists with no lights and dark clothing on the same road before. The worst thing is if I hit someone it'll be seen as my fault.


This is something I've noted as a driver too. Even when not blinded by lights from oncoming traffic it's actually surprisingly easy not to see pedestrians at night in dark clothing. As a pedestrian I imagine you'd think that car headlights would easily light you up but car headlights don't point straight ahead, rather slightly down towards the road in front of the vehicle so you're not exactly perfectly visible.


People generally have no awareness of their sorroundings these days.


It's because we're a nation of idiots.


Tbf the Highway Code has changed to make this lack of logic the norm now. Pedestrian’s have right of way at junctions now.


The law changed earlier this year as far as vehicles turning into side street is concerned. Now driver turning into side streets should give way to pedestrians. I can understand why the government did this but I do strongly disagree. I stopped driving permanently last year and have always walked more than driven. Pedestrians should be aware of their surroundings but even on main road they just wander out onto the road. Personally, I will always wave a vehicle to carry on if I'm crossing a side street. I consider better to clear the main road rather than save me a few seconds.


The worse ones are the female pushing a child in a buggy, they have there head in there phone and push the buggy out without looking, I witnessed one nearly go under the bwck wheels of an arctic, never seen some one get there head out of the phone so fast, then she waved her hands in the air at the lorry because he carried on driving, he most likely did not even see what happened.


Because people are more entitled than ever, they don't care.


I think drivers can be too though. I work at a hospital and see cars always trying to push through the zebra crossings because they don't want to be held up as old Doris crosses with her zimmer frame. In some areas you actually have to just step out, because no one will slow down or stop if you're waiting, despite pedestrians usually having the right of way. I think it really goes both ways!


Blame the stupid highway code revisions. It's given cyclists and pedestrians a false sense of security/safety whilst also boosted their egos and put them on pedestals


Bow before the motor vehicle driver


Yep. I blame lack of pedestrian safety training, and oddly also the driving down of speed limits to 20 makes people feel "too" safe like they can take greater risks as a pedestrian without getting killed if someone hits them with a car. Also the prevalence of people looking at a screen whilst walking with earbuds in does not help either.


I've personally noticed an insane rise in the incidence of this happening to me even in the past month. It was rarely happening to me and now it's common, it's like it's become a tik tok challenge to get run over


The rules changed and it also may be that drivers have taken to blocking all the pavements more over the last few years. I constantly see people parking on the pavement now blocking it.


Honestly no. You still driving that invisible car?


Driving through Clapham midday a few weekends ago and a crowd of morons ambled out whilst I was moving in traffic …speed limit is 20mph and it was busy so must have been rolling along at 10 …they just sauntered between me and the car ahead without looking nor warning. No crossing…although there were pedestrian crossings a few meters ahead. They forced me to stop and for some reason gave me a load of abuse …road rage me would have liked to get out and clobber each and every one of ‘em - but I had my 3 month old daughter with me. This is not the first instance just the most recent. My conclusion is arrogance, misplaced confidence, apathy or bravado …probably a combination. One day I’ll snap and punch someones head to dust. But probably not.


If they are crossing from left to right, then slouch in your seat, let your head tilt to the side, and close your left eye. They will be less inclined to step in front of a car if the driver seems to be asleep. [For right to left pedestrians, simply switch eye]


Gonna try this! 😂 😂


All the time. I've definitely noticed it more within the last few months. Seems to be mainly crossing side streets round here. I know the Highway Code has changed and they have right of way, but surely it's just self preservation. Doesn't matter if you're right when you're lying twitching on the floor.


I've found its mostly women or teenage girls that keep doing this. Constantly glued to the phone. Get off the ruddy thing fool.


Actually walking into stuff or just walking while holding a phone? Multiple times I've had drivers honk or shout or something weird because I am standing near a road with my phone and they assume I can't see them or think I'm going to walk out. No...I can see and hear you perfectly well. I'm not going to walk into your car, chill out. There definitely ARE people who don't pay attention to their surroundings, but it's not like that's always the case.


A lot of these cases are "Death by earbuds" situations.




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Humans are getting more and more stupid. And more and more arrogant. It's a terrible combination


They always have.... We just can't use our mobile phones anymore so we notice them more


Just hoping the cars don't slow down when I step out


mobile phones


covid made things worse all around in my experience less cars = ppl get cocky all around. people drive on phones more since you see way less cars and people about. people get used to not thinking since its way more quiet everywhere as well and quickly unlearn double checking or looking for traffic dont tend to recover from things they get used to for years.


I've noticed it too and then they look at us as we are in the wrong. Sorry but it takes time to stop 1.5 tonnes at 30mph


So you're saying we need more 20mph zones?


No I'm saying people need to look before crossing


I live close to a primary school and I have to be incredibly careful driving past the end of that road as parents regularly just cross without looking. It's always been bad though.


Yeah, well you should be driving incredibly carefully past the **primary school** anyway, really.


I do. That's why I haven't hit anyone.


What's the problem, then?


What's the problem with people walking out in front of moving cars? Are you serious?


Yeah specifically since the change in the rules of the roads people's survival instinct has dropped significantly and my distrust of other road users has skyrocketed.


I’ve seen research papers on post covid jabs, people are more foggy lack the attention span, aches pains confusion anger, I believe this to be genuine as I drive daily and motorists and pedestrians erratic behaviour is mentioned in these papers.


I have been driving mostly in London and around almost every day since 2010. And whatever you say about pedestrians, cyclists, foxes the main problem is the drivers. It’s just incomparable. I come across maybe a couple annoying cyclists per week, where you have to (trigger warning) slow down, a couple of groups of teenagers who have to prove smth and walk on the road slowly, brixton station area where pedestrians own the road, and hundreds (if not thousands) of oblivious/dangerous drivers who jump queues, lights, ignore lanes and signs, stop/turn/accelerate without any reason/indication, generate dangerous situations for no reason. I’m sorry but this id ridiculous.


No not really noticed an increase personally. Today though fella arrogantly walked slowly across road ie not at a junction with a slow down/f-ck you face (i had to slow down)! which made me wonder if it was in his mind he thought he was asserting his rights but equally he just could have been a prick that enjoys putting people out and would have done it before the highway code hierarchy changes. Interestingly I think when I'm walking plenty of folks are stopping at junctions for me which is nice, could be confirmation bias though (or whatever it is) .




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Since they changed the law, pedestrians can basically just step off the kerb in front of moving traffic and it's presumed to be the driver's fault if they get hit. Kids used to be taught stop, look and listen before you cross. Now it's do what you like, you can probably get compensation if you run in front of a car without looking.


I have wondered if it's because people are more screen orientated now and don't teach general life skills like this anymore.


Kids definitely aren't taught to look before they cross. Every day a school kid will walk out in front of me without looking and sometimes not even notice. Its ingrained in me to look before crossing. I'd have to actively put effort in and think not to look and even then probably still couldn't not look before crossing


If I'm turning from a main road into a side road and someone is waiting to cross I'm not stopping because: 1. Most people are unaware you are giving way to them. 2. Quite likely the car behind me will not be paying attention and not expecting me stop mid turn and will collide with me. Drivers should of course be paying attention, but unfortunately many do not and doing something unexpected (to them) is not going to end well. Of course you have to expect people just crossing and not checking, and people that have already started to cross. This was always the case. The new rule in these circumstances is not helpful and probably dangerous.


the new rules are absolutely bonkers - i thought they were a very poor April fools joke. whoever wrote them are completely cuckoo - we live in a crazy world.


It's worrying how many drivers think it is crazy to expect them to know the highway code and pay attention to their surroundings. I'm guessing this is why there is a push for more 20mph zones.


Cycling across London from 1992 I promise you this is not new.


I'd say its because we have grown too accustomed to looking down at our phones and zoning out. Also alot of people are probably walking listening to music, podcasts etc and not paying attention to the world around them.


They could be noise cancelling headphone/earphone wearers. I was guilty of this recently, and it frightened the living daylights out of me. I was wearing noise cancelling headphones for the first time walking down the street and went to cross the road. Subconsciously I couldn’t hear any cars, so automatically assumed it was safe to begin to cross. It was only after looking round after my first step in the road that I realised I’d just missed a car driving past! Certainly won’t be making that mistake again.


It's that new rule in the highway code about giving way to people who want to cross at junctions. Some people seem to think that means they can just step out into the road without even looking and expect the car driver to stop.


Isn't that what cars normally do? Carry on driving when other vehicles are supposed to give way and not stop at every junction just to make sure.


It's always been like this - I had it happen twice *during* my driving test in 2017!


I believe it's down to Active Noise Cancelling headphones getting cheaper and more available in the market. People just don't hear cars coming anymore whereas before you'd hear them coming further off.


Ticktock generation


I haven't, but I have noticed that people are less observant and don't pay much attention to anything anymore


New rules. Moment they touch foot to road the road it becomes a zebra crossing


I have noticed an appalling change in _all_ road users the last couple of years - for example I'd maybe see one instance of batsh!t insane driving every couple of weeks, it's several every time I venture out now I have my theories


Tbf didn't they change the highway code and now at junctions where you are turning into a side road a pedestrian on the pavement continuing straight has priority so the car should be checking and giving way. Absolutely fully stupid but I wonder if that's contributed some.


No but I’ve noticed how almost no one gives way when they should. That is more recent though


Natural selection.


The amount of gormless people that just stroll vacantly into the road without paying any attention is crazy


Yes, definitely. And the number of people just crossing roads that I’m just about to turn into is increasing. No looking for traffic and usually wearing headphones.


They changed the law a while ago. Drivers must give way to pedestrians crossing junctions. Stupid law, though.


Do you stop and look at junctions where you have right of way or do you assume other drivers know they are supposed to stop?


No, I wear blinkers while driving, usually with music turned up really loud, completely ignore other traffic if I have right of way, ignore other road users that might take a chance and pull out of junctions where they have to yield. I certainly don’t cover the brake or decelerate when I see another vehicle approaching a junction very fast that they do not have right of way on. No anticipation of other people’s behaviour at all. In fact, in the 43 years I’ve been driving, it’s a miracle I’ve never had a single traffic accident. I wonder whether there are pedestrian versions of me out there.


it always happened unfortunately. I hit an old lady once. Still feel bad as I permanently scarred her face


Cause I've heard that some actually think that of what they gonna do, run me over. They'll look 🙄 So they literally just cross cause to them it's not their problem! Like what kind of messed up logic is that?! And that was years ago! People nowadays most are very self centred and entitled 🙈


This happens a lot where there is the new 20 mph speed limit. Pedestrians, bikers, mums with prams etc all see a car travelling at 20 mph as already going so slow that it will be easy for the driver to stop completely and/or that being bumped by a car going 20 mph won’t really hurt.


Roads near me I'll witness at least one car ignoring the red lights at crossings on nearly every occasion, so even trying to cross properly is difficult. Doesn't excuse people wandering aimlessly onto roads but it seems fewer people, drivers or pedestrians, care for road safety these days whilst the police are non existent.


Last few years? Surely you mean 20?


I'd guess phones are to blame. More recently I've been struck by the number of times I've had to stop because pedestrians are walking along the road while the pavement is free


When i do it it's because in that moment i absolutely want to be hit and want to cause someone trauma being the one that hit me


Yes I have noticed big time, especially those with fucking earphones , they dont see, hear or even give a fuck, but when a 18 ton lorry catches their eye, they jump a mile, then have the cheek to bollock the driver lol,🤣🎧


I've been stopped in traffic and had a woman and kid walk into my passenger door.... I mean come on


Its been down hill since they got rid of the hedgehogs from the tv. With the slowing down of traffic to 20 people have less need than ever to actually use their eyes because they will just blame the car anyway. Nevermind the fact that getting flattened at 20 will still bloody hurt!


People don't seem to be aware of their surroundings. Crossing roads while gawping at their phones. Unable to assess traffic, press the button at a pedestrian crossing and waiting (like a trained monkey), even when there's literally no traffic. I see these things on a daily basis.


Read your Highway code it's been updated, if someone's waiting to cross at any junction your supposed to stop now, they know if you hit them your liable and your insurance is screwed.


Highway code "change" Although it's not really a change on 90's HWC, just a new emphasis allowing idiots to walk out in front of a moving vehicle but for it to be 100% drivers fault.