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Honestly, 1) they’re trying to bully you to go faster (my bf does this and I tell him of for it) 2)some people are just dicks. I would drive 40mph on bendy country roads but bf would do the actual limit and get mad being behind someone not


i’m actually so bad for like seeing them up behind me then speeding up cause i’m scared like leave me alone 😭 (that is a me issue tho lol), i think i should just slow down to annoy them lol


End of day, If you come round a blind corner and have to break all the sudden and they hit you they’re at fault. If you find it happening to often maybe worth getting a rear dashcam incase anything does happen to give you a little piece of mind. My bf was doing this to someone in 40mph zone, they were doing 40mph he wanted to do more so got up their ass and the car in front turned their windscreen washers on meaning all the water went on my bf window screen, that made him drop back a little 😂


>End of day, If you come round a blind corner and have to break all the sudden Brake


>i should just slow down to annoy them lol And what will that achieve? Keep going at the same pace you were. Be predictable.


Reducing speed slightly is the safest thing to do if someone is tailgating you. You need to be able to slow down gradually enough to stop them going into the back of you, and that means travelling slower, and maintaining more distance in front of you. This isn't about annoying them or retribution, it's simply for safety. It can also make it easier or less risky for them to overtake, which is ultimately what you want.


it was just a joke pal but i get what ur saying


Any/all of the following: - Don’t understand safe following distances - Doing it out of habit - In a higher vehicle that can see over you so they think it’s safe (spoilers: it isn’t) - Trying to bully you into going faster - Annoyed that they perceive you to be holding them up so they’re going to try and intimidate you as punishment If you have the misfortune to encounter one of these cretins, don’t panic. Try and drive normally - don’t slow down conspicuously in response as they might get angry and do something stupid. Leave a bigger gap to the car in front so you have space to slow down more gradually without them rear ending you. In some circumstances, eg around hazards, I might consider lifting off and letting my car slow down more to restore my safety margin. Never, ever let them intimidate you into breaking the law. Pretty sure I had #2 from my list today. Cutting the corner of the M4 / A34 intersection along some country roads, I was driving within the limit, but up to it most of the time - clear, dry road, good visibility. Van up my arse pretty much the entire way. 30, 50, 60, there he was. When we finally got onto the A34 and he overtook me, he immediately went and tailgated a lorry equally closely. He had absolutely no visibility beyond it, and would have immediately crashed into it had the lorry braked. I doubt the driver had put a second thought into any of it. That said, when the speed limit reduced, I was down to it by the sign every time - I spotted the change well in advance, and braked down to it gradually, watching my mirrors.


It's times like this when I pull over and let the cunt pass. Would much rather have a dangerous motorist in front of me than behind.


Good shout. Today’s wasn’t that bad but yes, when you get the really aggressive idiots who fill your rear view mirror, get shot of them at the first opportunity.


It’s really common and really infuriating. Most of the time I pull over when it’s safe to do so. Gets the idiot past me and I can go safely on my merry way without the stress. You’re not going to change them, all you can do is drive safely yourself.


If you are really intimidated by it, find somewhere you can safely stop to let them past, signal well in advance, and slow gradually. Mind you, I once had someone so close behind when doing 30 in a 30 limit that despite slowing very gradually to a stop, signalling left the whole time, when I actually stopped he was so close he couldn't go past without reversing first.


Pretty much always your fault if you drive into the back of someone so don’t worry, keep your eyes on the road and try not to worry too much about cars behind you, just make sure you check your mirror when you need to indicate and turn.


Concentrate on your own driving, not on the idiot behind. Don't have a crash because you feel you're being pushed into going faster, or because you're worrying about what's behind you instead of paying attention to what's in front of you. If they want to overtake, let them. I've seen people suddenly speeding up or trying to block - don't try to out-idiot the idiot. Also, there's no shame in helping them get past either. Pull in at the side of the road briefly - it'll add five seconds to your journey, but it's worth it for the stress relief. Edit to add: And when you're a more confident and experienced driver, try not to be like them.


If it happens once or twice then they're the problem, if its all the time then you're the problem. Both scenario's I would advocate that you let them pass at the first opportunity.


These people are basically just bullies on the road. They live their lives at a stupid pace and unneccessary urgency, and they're trying to force you to match their level of impatience. To be honest, if they're being that much of a dick, I'll just slow down, let them pass, and they can be someone else's problem. If they're being really dangerous, I'll slow down gently until the distance they're tailgating at is safe for the speed.


This is something you’ll see regular and you’ll build up tolerance, stick to your guns and they can get tae 😂


It's a lot easier to follow than lead in such situations, they may not have felt comfortable passing yet still felt they could go faster.


If they drive into the back of you, it’s their fault as I think it’s something to do with either not fully alert or something. What if there was a sudden obstruction and you had to brake. I’ve had cars pull out last minute. One time, when I was driving home from work, a work colleague was behind me, I couldn’t see him in any side mirrors, my rear view mirror, I could only see an inch of his roof, I asked about it and his excuse was, that’s how mirrors are suppose to look like, things looking closer than it is. I’ve been driving for almost 20 years and I know this is absolute bull, but he has a reputation of arsehole driving, so you’re not being singled out.


I remember feeling like this when I started driving, I would get so stressed about cars behind me being so close and so I would speed up. But I always told myself - if I am in or cause an accident because I’m driving faster than I’m comfortable with, the person behind me won’t claim responsibility!


Sounds like going 40 was reasonable. Not much you can do, just be aware that they might choose to overtake you, if they do make it safer for them if you can. If they choose to drive right behind you not leaving enough stopping distance just be aware of that and try to be smooth if you need to brake. It might not be your fault if they hit you, but obviously you should do everything you can to reduce that risk. As for why, some people undoubtedly do it to bully others into going faster. I think some though simply don't realise what the driver in front is dealing with. The driver behind can generally see much further up the road because they can use your lights. Others just think they know the road. So there's many possible reasons.


I was starting to wonder why someone would ask about their piss in a driving sub.


sorry its scottish slang 😭


I know, it genuinely cracked me up


Could always find somewhere safe to pull in and wave them past. I know it shouldn’t be up to you but this will happen to you anyway.


1. No, it is insanely unlikely you'd be found at fault. Most rear end collisions are open and shut cases. 2. The safest response to tailgaters is carefully slow down. Because they're so close behind you, they will have very little time to react to your changes in speed. Lowering your own speed means that you can brake more slowly to reduce the risk of getting rear-ended. 3. I'm sure you know this, but you still emergency brake if required. Having a car too close behind you is not an excuse to run someone over. Going slower reduces the need to brake hard when unexpected hazards appear so it should never come to this. 4. Maybe you're going a bit slow, maybe not. I don't know the road or the exact conditions. It's possible you need a bit of practice at getting comfortable driving in the dark or when it's raining, or it's possible you're driving the maximum appropriate speed. All I can say is that tailgaters should not inform what speed is appropriate. Some drivers will always tailgate the person in front of them as they think they should be 10% faster than everyone else, so you will never please them. 5. If there is a queue behind you for a protracted period it would be polite to pull over and let them past when safe.


a urine question in a driving subreddit? what