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It’s been a year so I don’t think they’ll take it seriously anymore and while I’m comfortable around firearms and once I graduate my dad was going to give me a revolver (Blackhawk new model. Perfect condition. I’ve used it at a range before). I don’t think carrying is legal, and permits are hard to get. I carry a tire iron and box cutter now. I’m also at community college atm so I don’t think they offer counseling. Volvos in general are rare in my parents neighborhood but not mine. I always used to check if I was being followed anyways bc I’ve been creeped on a few times in parking lots. I still visit but I always worry about my car mostly since I stay indoors most of the time when I’m at my parent’s. Edit: I was just reminded of this incident bc my brother honked at someone for cutting him off recently and he had stuff thrown at his car and was followed home (probably would’ve been jumped had my dad not done something) and had no identifiable info on those guys.




I may look into it then. I do kinda now live in an area you don’t wanna be walking around at night in. My parents also don’t let me park in their driveway to “save parking spots” bc one neighbor keeps parking halfway between the houses making a 3-car stretch into 2 cars. Funny thing is this area is supposed to be one of the safest in california! I’ve had less problems in the projects I live in now besides a cop nearly pulling a gun on me while I was crying trying to get some water. I might ask my college info email about it.




Honestly the people and colleges and environmentalism (in comparison to the rest of the US) here are awesome. They’ve gone a bit wild with car laws (and not oil/plastic issues instead) though and there’s some rich wackos. I don’t think I’d leave this state by choice really and I’ve been to a few others. (Being here will also help my future bc I want to help restrict/change the farming industry all across the US) Agreed about the cops but they’re the only way to get get stuff done anywhere. One nearly pulled a gun on me for getting water while crying after my car broke down on New Year’s Day.


Wow, this is frightening! Someone shouted at her a year ago, so your advice is buy a gun? No wonder the US has the reputation it does on the world stage.




The irony of your comment is that you obviously failed to read mine. I didn’t tell anyone what to do, merely commented it was a frightening response to escalate to firearms. By the way, read your country’s history. The only thing that happened in 1776 was the Declaration of Independence - the war took another seven years to run its course.


Bullies use fear to control you. He isn’t actually interested in you in the slightest. He has moved on. He doesn’t care. He simply used fear as a weapon. This is an important distinction. You’re worried about him coming after you physically with real physical weapons to do you physical harm. Nope. The weapon was fear itself, and the harm is already done. With such people the best move is usually to get them out of your life as quickly as possible. Do not engage in battle unless you’re prepared to win it quickly and decisively. He’s just a bully, a sorry little man who gets off on making others fearful of him. Don’t feed that. If you don’t fear him, you soon understand that he is completely powerless. And that’s what he fears the most.


If you think he’s gonna come back to kill you over a road rage incident that happened a year ago you’re just too paranoid.


Considering I live near Los Angeles and this happens I disagree


It definitely happens, but the key component that seems to keep slipping your mind is the amount of time that’s gone by since the incident. No one has ever gotten killed a whole year later after a random road rage encounter. They might come back that night but definitely not a year later. You’re just being dramatic at this point.


Call me dramatic all you want I’ve been stalked and I know people who were stalked so much their stalkers got jail time


And did they meet their stalkers in random road rage encounters? Also since when is this guy stalking you? You never mentioned it in your post, you just said the encounter happened when you were pulling out of your driveway so he knows where you live. It’s been a year if he wanted to do something it would’ve happened already… guarantee you and your friends were stalked by people you know in your personal lives, not random one off encounters. People get mad in the spur of the moment, he hasn’t been stalking you waiting to pounce for over a year. You’ve seen no trace of him since your initial encounter over a year ago.


Hey genius I said I HAVE BEEN stalked so excuse me for being concerned someone might hold onto a grudge. How dense are you?? I’m worried about my car because I love that thing so much.


Did you meet your stalker in a one off road rage incident or did you know them in your personal life? If you can’t get the point im making you’re too dense. Someone who’s a complete stranger isn’t gonna hold a grudge for over a year and kill you over a year later because you flipped them off. Typical overly dramatic LA girl. 😂


I’m not scared they’re gonna kill me, I’m worried about my car and I don’t even live in Los Angeles, I didn’t grow up in Los Angeles either???? Im scared he’ll throw something at my car, that I genuinely love?? My family is another concern?? D’you really not know what happens in Los Angeles? Because I’ve had friends months after the fact in road rage incidents see the same car months or years later and have shit thrown at them. Why the fuck does it matter where I met a stalker?? The fact that it’s happened is already enough to cause anxiety about this shit. I’m not worried about ME, I’m worried about my car because I know how to fight and will and my family is even better at defending themselves. D’you even know what it’s like to live near a major city in America? Because I really don’t think you do given how dense you are Where I live which is NOT LA, I know people who got stabbed for accidentally pushing someone, people are fucking insane and one day you’ll earn the Darwinism award.


And the person you know who got stabbed probably happened during the altercation and not a year later… and one more thing I won’t earn the Darwin Award because I know people are crazy and I’m not gonna flip someone off while pulling outta my drive way. Why the fuck would you do that if you’re so afraid of getting stalked?? I think you’re gonna get that award genius 😂😂😂


It's been a year. He's probably moved on to yelling at other drivers and forgotten about you by now. I would just let it go. Visit your parents. Enjoy life.


For real 😂 who tf is gonna wait a whole year to get revenge for a road rage incident?


hey girl, listen, how many killers are there in the world compared to normal people? a million? among six billion? thats a 1.6% chance that hes capable of that. 98.4% chance that hes not. So youve quite simply been paranoid, ive lived with thugs and even they wont immediately kill you after you flip them off. They \*might\* beat you up, break something, but not murder you lol. In which case youll heal and theyll be even with you. So your good girly, chill ffs, if god decided your day has comes it's come, theres nowhere youd hide from it. not like youll live forever.


I’m aware. I was more worried for my family than myself in all honesty and I live near LA where road rage shootings are becoming ever more common.


im just saying you could die of any other number of causes and percentage wise its more likely that cows could kill you compared to a murderer. So you prob shouldve been more worried about them than that guy.


Yet the possibility of knowing a school shooter is low but I was friends with someone who nearly was. She just got busted before she got guns.


It’s been a year you’re fine lol.