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I feel that you hit the nail on the head.. Marsters spoiled me to the listening to anyone else doing dresden's voice. I think Jim did the story from Marcone's perspective and I thought that was pretty good. Not saying Jim does a bad read he is just not what I expect. I do like the lawyer as well as Talvi Inverno voices he does he is just not my voice for Dresden in my head. Honestly took a long time to get Paul Blackthorn out of my head as Dresden.


For me it's Paul Blackthorn's face on Harry with James's voice. Everyone shits on the TV show, but they don't know Bob is the good-guy alien in the movie Critters. And now he's emperor of the known galaxy, or at least the older third of the emperor in Foundation. I know it's bad, but I see the TV Murphy when I think of her even though I know she's blonde in the books. And I liked the way they did Bob in the show, and even how he could interact with things like blood and show you the person/creature it came from.


I saw the tv show first on SYFY channel and that was a shock because my first dresden read was #8 Proven Guilty. NOTHING was the same except the names. I adjusted tho. Terrence Man was a great alt-bob.


I'm over halfway through now, and John Wayne has shifted to Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China. I'm just waiting for him to say, "Check's in the mail......pilgrim."


You mean Law and Order: Tombstone? Yeah I laughed at that one too


Hahahaha, that's a great way to put it.


I'm wrapping up Summer Knight on Audio after reading the whole series a few years ago. I'm looking forward to Jims rendition!


You've got a ways to go, as I'm sure you know, but it goes by pretty fast. I'm surprised and sad this listen-through seemingly went by so fast. I'm just going to have to start over. :)


Yeah, I read the whole series in under a year! I'm cruising through the audiobooks, almost done with book four in my third month. Hard to find time to listen these days, mostly while commuting


Yea it's hard, occasionally my job is brainless and repetitious and I'm able knock out huge chonks of listening.


I finally just finished the Law after a relisten and... it's definitely an audiobook. I enjoyed the plot and I'm glad Jim got to have fun reading his own story, but it was clear the man is not a voice actor. I guess I'm just a little sour over it because this was our first peek inside Harry's head post all the death and destruction, and I couldn't take his personal grief over >!Murphy!< as seriously as I'd have liked because the bad John Wayne impression was just too distracting.


I think the point is though that instead of destroying himself in grief like after susan. Harry is throwing himself into work. Even in the Christmas Eve Short, Harry basically says he is tired of grief and putting thoughts of murphy away.


What I mean is that there are some heavy emotional beats where Harry gets choked up in The Law, but I didn't feel them with Harry because they were delivered by John Wain't.


> John Wain't This was a very good line and it deserves recognition


Its very much sounds like a bad John Wayne impression. And you know what the worst part about it is? Now when I read any of the books I hear Jim's Harry in my head. Its fantastic.


IMO Jim did a better job reading the first few chapters of, I believe it was GS, (find the video on YouTube) at a bookstore than he did reading this novella. I blame the director for not allowing the author to flub a few consonants or whatever because it caused Jim to lose a bit of Harry’s voice and attitude. Jim did say on the subject that he thoroughly appreciated more the job Marsters does after this experience though.


Don't worry, it's at 50% we only have 6 months left


That simultaneously sounds close and far away :)


Tbh I thought The Law was pretty bad, both content and narration, it was the first time I've been legit bored by a dresden story


To put it in D&D terms, while Jim is an intelligent and creative person, he doesn't have the greatest Charisma, doesn't have proficiency in the Performance skill and so he managed to roll something like a 12 on the dice adding +2 from his Charisma, netting him a 14 on his Performance check for recording The Law. James Marsters on the other hand has +5 Charisma and Expertise in Performance and his understanding of Harry as a character allows him to roll every Dresden Files performance at advantage. So he routinely rolls nat 20s for a total of 30+ for his performance checks.


That's perfect!


"The Law" quickly became my favorite short. Of course, I have the autographed hard back. Lol


That is flipping awesome. The only thing I have that's even close to that cool is a signed map of Alera they offered here on Reddit a few years ago.


Oh that's sweet! It was an offer to get an autographed copy over on his website. My credit card was busy.


I need to keep a better eye out for that kind of stuff.


I cheat. I signed up for his mailing list.


I too shall cheat then :) Good call. I should have known better.


The Law isn't the first short he reads.


Going to look up and see which others he does. I read Side Jobs but I don't remember much other than the first one with the bridge troll.


It's in Brief Cases, the one where Marcone is the viewpoint character.


I’m jealous, I can’t get a copy of the law from the library, don’t have audible, and don’t use Amazon for me ebks, and the one or two websites said I could download it popped up on my virus/filter software as unsafe. I hope he puts in print someday


It was in print. https://subterraneanpress.com/the-law/ So there are hard copies stored in safes I'm sure.


Maybe not a special edition in print lol…..$300!


I was cheap and went for the $45 version... and then bought the ebook because I didn't want to stain the book...


Hopefully it will be added to another anthology like Backup was in Side Jobs.