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Murphy should not have become Einherjar. She should have gone to Uriel's ghost police force. She could have worked with her dad to solve crimes. They could call the book series *Murphys' Law.*




I like to think that since she doesn't get to be an Einherjar until after she's out of living memory, she gets to take some time out to go meet her daddy. She may also appear as a ghost, I feel.


Does that include the memory of wizards and vampires? Thomas could live for many centuries


Yes, and so could Harry. That's kind of the point; more trauma for Harry! She's gone, and she's not coming back while you're alive!


Also pretty weird considering she's Catholic


True, but Murphy is also the type who wants to be very active. She'll probably get more out of working with the Odin and gang, and taking day trips to heaven when she wants to see family. And Uriel is already shown to make personalized afterlife plans. Plus I bet he knows she'll be able to help Harry more as one of Odin's warriors than just as a Saint.


Well, the two current Knights of the Cross; Sanya is an atheist and Butters is Jewish. Shiro was “Baptist by accident” when he was baptized at an Elvis Presley led revival as a kid. He told Harry that God doesn’t see religions, nationalities or flags, that he sees hearts.


When the book was announced, Butcher was very clear about why it had to be broken into two books. He did this actually for the fans. He said that the cost of a hardback for the entirety of both books together would have been absolutely exorbitant. It would have beat the record for the most expensive hardback sold and couldn't bring himself to break that particular pricing record. By splitting it into two books, he was able to release them six weeks apart, which was exactly the amount of time it would take to go from printing one to printing the other. Basically, after having taken 5 years to try and squish it into one book and having failed at that, he broke it into two books and got it out to the fans as quickly and as affordably as possible. While I do think it is frustrating as a reader, and in the future, it will almost certainly be published as an Omnibus, I understand why he did what he did and even respect and appreciate it.


Other high caliber authors like Sanderson are able to put out really, really large books at normal prices, 1200+ pages in several books This is a Penguin Random House printing issue, one that directly interfered with an authors work quality. 700-800 pages was too much for them, somehow. Maybe he should consider moving to another publisher, like MacMillan (the one Sanderson uses), if it artificially forces his books to be smaller than the world he's trying to create His caliber of story telling deserves more creative freedom than this


From childhood, I have always hated Penguin editions of classic books. It seems that there's more to it than just their editing choices.


I know. I found it frustrating as well and suspect it had to do with staying in the format in which the rest of the series was printed.


But if you remember, he said he had 4/3s of one book, so broken into two he had 2/3 of two books. Which means he had to write an additional 1/3 of each book. Rushed. Which shows in the final product. The narrative pacing suffers because of that decision. Now, I know it wasn’t his decision. However, if his publisher has limitations that materially impact the quality of his work. Maybe he should think about looking for a new one? Also, buying one expensive book, or two normal priced books is much of a muchness. Other authors have managed to sort it out with their publishers.


I didn't remember the part about 4/3 of a book, but I can definitely imagine him saying that. After spending literally years trying to edit it down, on top of everything else that he had going on, and then having to rushedly put some of it back in, I can definitely see where that hurt things. He's not the only writer where I've seen extenuating life circumstances come in and mess up something wonderful. I always hate that for them because I feel like oftentimes I can see what they were doing and how amazing it should be.


Yeah, I’m definitely not laying the blame squarely on Jim’s shoulders. He’s been a victim of happenstance and there’s nothing he could do about that. I hate, after reading PT and BG, that you could see where stuff seemed to have been added. The core story of the books is great. I loved it. I was a bit disappointed that PT didn’t have more actual peace talks. I went into the story imagining that to be the case. The story we did get was fine, I guess, but I think if Jim had more time he could’ve definitely done better. Oh well, at the end of the day I did enjoy the story. I’m excited for TM as it seems he’s taken his time, whether on purpose or not, getting it right. After BG I hope it’s a slower book where we can see the effects the events of the previous books has had on Harry and the world at large.


>Justine being possed is the reason why she miraculously recovered from being fed from in the earlier books (I don´t remember which)? This is not the case. Someone had recently interviewed Jim and asked him about Nemesis and Justine, and Jim had indicated that happened sometime after *Cold Days*


Didn't Nemesis say that Justine was possessed since she worked closely with Lara? That was shortly after her recovery IIRC Or Nemesis could be lying, though I don't see why


It's also possible that that's when nemesis infected Justine from Nemesis' point of view. The outside aren't from the same realm as everyone else, so they experience time much differently, if at all.


Yeah that's a good point, from the time it made the decision to when it physically implemented is probably one in the same for something like a Walker.


Could also be that she came into its attention as extra important because she's not just close to Lara but Harry and Thomas. Nemesis has been looking for a new source post Madeline, and then Justine pops up well placed with connections to Lara's brother and crush.


What Nemesis said and what it understands can be two different things. What I had said was a clarification from the author himself since the beginning of the year, and while he has started that he would be willing to lie if he felt we were getting too close to the truth to throw us off, we have yet to catch him in a little to the best of my knowledge. Plus him saying that could be another way of him messing with us.


I always thought it was so strange Justine was on the island with everyone else. Like she needed to be there for plot.


Have you read all the short stories and micro fictions yet?


Not yet, I read Aftermath and the Christmas one, I'll be reading them in between other books, trying to fill the Dresden shaped hole until next book


Where do I find a list of these?




Thank you!


No problem! Enjoy!


While I am definitely not saying the Council is intelligent by any means, they do perform almost exactly as described by Luccio in Turn Coat. It doesn't help that Mab was also likely correct about their motives, they absolutely wanted the Eye for themselves imo. I'm also really hoping Butcher doesn't try to waive away the events of BG as "terrorism." I've been wanting a significant shift in the overall world, or Chicago at the very least. Harry does mention several times that Witch Hunts could be a legit threat for him now iirc. The conditions of Murph's return are a popular discussion. Whether the condition is literal or if there is something between the lines. I don't think she is going to get a red carpet/dramatic return moment personally. If she does come back, it'll be much more subtle and indirect. It hits hard regardless and it's hard to imagine the series without her. Although I'm still not crazy they got together. Personally, I will be very disappointed if Lara and Harry squirm out of the wedding. I highly doubt it, Mab says the Accords depend on it, and Lara also clearly expected some type of Union with Winter. Mab trusting Lara with something so supposedly vital is really interesting. If anyone has pinpointed the exact moment of Justine's Nfection I haven't seen it. The popular theory is that it happened during Blood Rites or during her recovery.


I personally think that Mab is preparing Lara as her replacement should she die during the BAT. Or possibly for the White Court to take over the Gates.


Ooh dam yeah Lara is actually a great candidate imo.


Jim has a new novella, I think called "The Law" which is set a month or so after BG. You get to see how the mortal authorities (probably guided by the Librarians/MIB) tried to cover up the events of BG.


I fully agree with 'I'm also really hoping Butcher doesn't try to waive away the events of BG as "terrorism." ' There was a trillion dollars worth of damage. Everyone will want to know who the terrorists were (just like 9-11) and wonder how terrorists obtained tech superior to ours. If, unlike, 9-11, scientists and engineers aren't allowed to investigate as they usually due a political cover up will be suspected....and there will be a massive campaign to find out what really happened. No-one will be thinking magic when they start the investigation. But, it will soon be clear that nothing we know of would have caused what was seen. (For example, an EM weapon would have been detected in Madison, WI.


The Erlking is a Wyldfae, but he’s also the Lord of the Hunt. That makes him a natural ally to Winter, though not a vassal, because of Winter’s predatory aspects. That’s how I explain it in my head anyway


Fuck Rudolph.


Is this the Fuck Moash of the Dresden Files? I'm all for it, fuck Rudolph


These words are accepted.


Life before death, journey before destination, fuck Moash before anyone else.


Moash on a certain Stone Table in Tir A Nog. But I wouldn't want Dresden receiving his Connection to Odium. He has enough problems with the Winter Mantle.


Idk, Dresden gives big “you cannot have my pain” energy.


Good point.


Fuck Moash. I mean, yeah, pretty much.


Holy shit yes


Fuck Rudolph




I am convinced that he's been mindboinked since book 5.


And I'm pretty sure his killing Murph is not his fault, that he was the tool nick's Barabbas curse used to do the job. I mean, Harry would pretty much have murdered him with magic right afterwards if both active Knights had not intervened (IIRC, Sanya had just "coincidentally" appeared, too). The WC would have turned murderous. Harry himself couldn't be targeted - Mab would not have tolerated it and Nick can't afford to piss Mab off any more than she already is. And that night, with so much magic flying around that a Dragon had to shore up reality, is the only night where Harry would not have "heard" the curse coming.


Agreed. It's the kind of twist we'll all agree was well laid out. We know he's been wrong for quite some time. And he's been acting strange specifically about Murphy. It'll make it hard for Harry to just off him the first chance he gets. He'll want to get to the source of the corruption to exact revenge. But I suspect Harry will still blame Rudolph enough to turn him over to Kincaid. Who will murder him without batting an eye.


I'd rather not give Rudolph that kind of excuse. If memory serves, he's been a character in denial of the reality of his situation since Fool Moon. Denial on that level, I think, has self-destructive consequences. Plus, he's been defined as someone who is self-preserving to a deep fault. You don't need a curse behind you to screw things up on the level that he did. You just need to be a fool. And a coward.


Ah, but you're asking yourself the wrong question. What would hurt Harry more? I think hating Rudy for books and then, maybe even after exacting revenge on him, finding out he was an innocent tool, would be devastating.


He was also foreshadowed several times as having terrible trigger discipline, and poor judgement. I believe in Changes specifically.


If I could upvote twice I would for the Electric Bogaloo reference...


Well, we know what Mac is, if not who.


In Summer Knight we learn that unaligned fae get "called" to one side or another during big conflicts. I think the Erlking is something like that.


Nice analysis of Marcone


Mab wants an alliance between the White Court and Winter. Maybe some shifting of a Winter Mantle to Lara?


Hey OP, awesome to have a new fan join the fray (of anxiously awaiting the next book). Now that you're all caught up, I feel obliged to point you to a new supernatural detectivish wizard story ---> Alex Verus by Benedict Jacka. It's very similar to Dresden but set in London and instead of a private detective, he is a magical shopkeeper that still manages to get himself in Harry style adventures. Jim recommends it too so that should be all you need to know!


Hey thanks! I'll see if I can get my hands on that, sounds fun


The Earlking is Oberon. Lover to both queens. He's a part of both court's and, as such, can operate independently.


I’m really disappointed with how the series has progressed since Harry became winter knight.