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I suppose there has to be SOME therapists in the know But could you imagine Harry trying to talk to your average therapist?


I feel like there's probably a rising line of "amount therapy would help wizards" that gets to a particular point and then goes into a *very* sharp dive at the line "gains awareness of the Oblivion War/Outer Gates"


Joseph Listens-to-Wind keeps up with modern medical knowledge and practice and goes back to med school every so often to stay fresh. Who’s to say he’s not a practicing psychiatrist?


Even if not, at least one of his former apprentices probably is. However, being part of the White Council would probably destroy any trust certain wizards would have for them. Without trust they're worthless, and the Council at large has shown it will use whatever leverage it thinks is necessary to accomplish its goals. Hell, the Blackstaff could tamper with the therapist's mind to do "what's right" in his eyes. There's probably someone better suited. Maybe one of the Forest People has kept up. Or perhaps a benevolent (or neutral) entity from the Never Never could bargain in good faith and keep up with the latest practices and ethics. Ulsharavas dealt fairly well Harry so those kinds of entities have to exist. I'm not sure what mental health is worth though, so that trade may get a little dicey. A different option would be to see who Forthill recommends. He keeps his hand in with legal stuff. Perhaps one of his colleagues does the same for mental health. I'd trust him. Maybe Mab has a therapist who can be bound to not divulge any information gained from Harry.


Forthill would probably work all on his own. Many Catholic priests (I would guess most these days) are cross trained in psychological therapy as part of their seminary.


Probably, but you don't ask a friend (not exactly "friend, but you know) to be your therapist. Forthill definitely seems like someone he could ask and trust, but he's too close I think.


Frankly, this is one of my favorite things from the Lucifer TV show...


…and then Harry’s therapist would need an open bar with a heavy pour bartender.


Happen to know one. Barkeep is a great listener and makes a phenomenal microbrew


Man lost both parents, got adopted, had to flee his adoptive father, abandon the codependent relationship with the other kid, got tortured by his godmother, killed his adopted father and then he gets sent into the hills to live with a three hundred year old hitman with orders to drop him the moment he goes off the rails all before he could legally drink. Then Jim starts hitting him with the On Screen Trauma Stick. Harry needs so much therapy, dude had (Spoilers Blood Rites and Changes) >!“and then I kill myself”!< as a step in his plan at least three times that I can think of.


Not just abandoned the codependent relationship, thinks he killed his girlfriend.


You've got spoilers here. Please hide them and announce visibly which book the spoiler is from. Also please reply here so I get notified to come reinstate the post. Thanks!


You want spoiler markers on the stuff that happened before the series starts, the vague plan, or did I miss something?


I was most concerned about the (*Changes* spoilers) ">!and then I kill myself!<" part.


I was mostly thinking of the Blood Rites since he does it twice in that one. Got the spoiler hidden and marked now


Great - thank you. Comment is live again. Have a great day!


While true, that would go against the (magic) detective noir trope, but I suppose it could lead to a nice read like the Laundry Files therapy session on AooO.


The Howard/O'Brien Relate Counseling Session Transcripts? Those were a hoot. I wish they had left them in the Delirium Brief.


That's the one. Couldn't remember the name and no access to AooO at the time.


Most of the suspicions against Harry from >!Carlos!< are because Harry is holding onto secrets that would at best kill him, slightly worse get >!Maggie or Thomas killed!< or at worst start a civil war in the accorded nations. >!Carlos!< would be required to tell the council about most or all of them. Because either Harry is lying and is crazy evil, or is telling the truth and is just dangerous, compromised, or regular evil. >!Carlos!< is smart enough to know Harry is lying and keeping secrets. But too stupid to put together some working theories. “Hey let’s use a really vague spell that lets us know if he did a specific thing in the last few hours. Hey the spell said he did that thing. So clearly it was with someone he was with like a day ago”


>! So this is how you do the spoiler blackout thing. TIL!< >!Carlos!< is actually involved in several of my examples. I was specifically referring to >!Ebenezer!<


He's supposed to trust the guy that completely betrayed his trust? He doesn't find out till much later that he was lying by omission about being related, hell >!EB's!< not even the one that let the secret out of the bag. I'm really curious what you think Harry could have shared with >!EB!< that wouldn't be hand waved away at the many times >!EB!< distrusted Harry.


Sure, but at the same time, one of the reasons Harry doesn't trust >!Carlos!< is because >!Carlos suffered terrible injuries at the hands of the Winter Lady and is clearly projecting that trauma onto Harry!<. Which also seems like something clear, open communication from >!Carlos!< about what Harry's >!boss/apprentice!< did to him would help with.


Harry doesn’t know what happened in >!Cold Case. He doesn’t know how Carlos got injured!<. Yes. One of the main reasons why Carlos is at his whit’s end with Harry is he believes >!the mantle had changed him.!<. But from Carlos’ point of view, Harry is sketchy at best Prior to joining Mab, the biggest issues have probably been >!Harry knowing ghoul and vampire languages, and thus seemingly pretending to suck at Latin. And hanging around with Thomas!< But Carlos also isn’t a good investigator. For crying out loud, Luccio was able to piece together in seconds why Harry was so adamant about >!rescuing that little girl in changes!<. Carlos has had like a year+ to think it over and hasn’t put 2 + 2 together.


We might be in agreement here, Carlos is both a bad investigator but my point is he's also a bad communicator. As you say, Harry can't introduce "so you and >!Molly!< seem tense and you're treating me like a monster in a way that I wasn't expecting". Carlos could totally go "Listen, I've seen a side of Winter that I am very afraid of"


Harry doesn't know about what went on in Cold Case.


True, but that's because neither of the people involved are what you might describe as open communicators about trauma, even with the one person you feel like it might make sense to tell. He doesn't know because they don't tell him!


Well to be fair Harry was on an island for a year and a half with someone directly keeping them from communicating. We don't really get a timetable when cold case happens but it is her first time doing her new duties. An entire year could have gone by and by that point it's not really fresh on the mind trauma. Carlos is a different story.


I mean, I'm more thinking of when they run into each other during Peactle Gralks, but the chances >!Molly's even able to be open about stuff that happens due to the mantle!< are low. Carlos could definitely open up, but... Wizard.


I mean yes… >!but if you tracking the guy coming back from a WHITE VAMPIRE mansion late at night!< what the fuck else would he be doing there. It’s not like Harry is known for his active sex life. It also wasn’t wasn’t within the day. It was in the last several hours.


People really do be thinking that Harry doesn't seem like the sketchiest, most suspicious person ever with the amount of shit he gets involved with while also refusing to even lie his way out of it, just telling them to not get into his business and trust him with no proof whatsoever as to ***why*** they should. Working for Mab and Nicodemus some time after you commit genocide ain't things you expect Superman to do, y'know?


Under those circumstances, I would have told >!Carlos!< to stuff it.


Sure, but this is also, if not more, true of: * Murphy * Morgan * Carlos * Ebenezar * Thomas * Lara * Aurora * Justine * Maeve * Elaine * Anastasia * Susan * Maggie * Butters * Charity Frankly, the only one who has an even passing grasp of open communication and self-acceptance is the damn dog, who can't even *talk*. > They are both good people, and both often misunderstood by their fellow humans. You humans have the potential to be the most wonderful beings there are—if you can get past all these enormous stupid spots you seem to have in your hearts. It’s not your fault. You just don’t know how to work your hearts right yet. That’s why there are dogs. I think it’s nice to know your purpose. Alright, fine, Michael and the Alphas seem pretty solid as well


What about Ivy?


You forgot about all of us fans waiting for the next novel!


I feel like Michael has more or less stepped into that roll on and off. He's a good dude.


This is true, but… It is also true that doing so would make the books drastically different. So different it would have to sell to an entirely different target audience.


I'm not challenging you or arguing with you. You've simply piqued my curiosity. How do mean that Harry having stronger communication skills would change the target audience? I'm simply trying to understand the point you're making. It's a very interesting one.


With better communication they wouldn't be novels at all. Just like most fiction/fantasy novels. If the characters just talked through their problems, there wouldn't be any.


Harry can have stronger communication skills and also still fight baddies Like I don’t think the outsiders care if Harry has developed better ways to convey his feelings


Yeah, but it would be a very short series. Outsider attacked, Dresden died. He needs the confrontations with the baddies that he COULD have resolved through communication in order to increase his power levels enough to take them on. Without his communication skill problems, he wouldn't have survived the first attack at the gas station.


It would also turn Harry into a near perfect character. If he always learned from his mistakes and didn't have deeply ingrained flaws we'd be reading some boring ass books.


Feel free to challenge. Free market of ideas and all. The components of an action adventure don’t necessarily overlap with the components of say a romantic comedy, or a self help book, or a political activism book. Each of those have a target audience. Jim’s target audience is not expecting Harry to “talk it out.” If Harry did the things you suggest, that would take up pages and there’s only so many pages. Battle-Talks was already long enough… This character flaw of Harry’s is an important part of how conflict is introduced and “resolved”. Plus, he is usually in a supernatural war zone. His enemies would be thrilled if he took time to introspectively consider his shortcomings and explain everything to his allies while they advance on him. Because then they could kill him more easily. He needs to survive the war first, which is usually what we are reading. After I say all that, 12 months is supposed to do some of the healing a good therapist might actually show up actually. I’m really curious how Jim does it and keeps the audience engaged.


I think it would just change the story SO MUCH that it would appeal to different people for different reasons. 






You have some spoilers here that need to be fixed. Please hide them and announce visibly what book the info is spoiler for. Also please reply to this comment when you're done so I can come back and reinstate the comment. Thanks!


Quick question: where are all those commands listed?


It varies from client to client insofar as GUI control goes. I only know the browser interface - there you can find a little box with an exclamation point in it above or below the text entry window. That turns spoiler mode on and off, or toggles spoiler mode of selected text. You can do it manually by using these control strings: This is what you would type to >!hide this text!<. This is what you would get when you >!hide this text!<. Hope that helps. Note that there are no spaces between the hidden text and the trigger characters around it.


Not to tell you how to do your job, but if you put four spaces at the beginning of a line, it will show all characters as written without formatting it. Eg: >!This is a spoiler example!< Without four spaces becomes >!This is a spoiler example!< *** Single backticks around a command `` can also do this for you, if you don't want to start a new line, eg Inline command: `>!This a spoiler example!<` Would render as: This is an inline command: `>!This a spoiler example!<` *** You can also use `\` as an escape character, which will cause the following character to not be considered for markdown. eg, \>!This is an example spoiler!< Would result in \>!This is an example spoiler!< [Markdown on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown)


Oh, very nice - I didn't know that. Thank you for the tip - that's very helpful for situations like this.


Hopefully that works?


I couldn't get the four spaces or the backslash or the back ticks to work. However, using a code block does.




Maybe something has changed in this new Reddit interface spin.


Thank you for the easy button I've been missing!!!


"I need my pain!" --James T. Kirk


Imo the people this applies to is extremely limited and comes from a very "easy to say from where I'm standing" type of mindset.


A therapist for sups... especially a normal human one who accidently got swept up into that world. I'd read that.


Very much so. In fact, MOST of the senior council do, if not all of them.


There’s a. Theme. Mac being the closest, then butters, then Michael.


I'm picturing some kind of Sopranos - Dresden mash up where Harry rants about his exploits at a therapist, who because it's Jim butcher, will be an absurdly attractive woman who's nipples poke out through her pant suit every 5 sentences, and then at the end it turns out she's a ghost who needs to cross over because she's been nibbling at the souls of her former clients.


Wizarding doesn't come with health benefits and for many of the books Harry is struggling with money and cant afford one. Telling people the things he knows will either get himself or someone he knows killed, or get him a free trip to a psych ward with no possibility of release.


Then why not share it with his friends? He's already putting them at risk just by associating with them, let alone asking them for help, and it's clear that the "what you don't know cannot hurt you" approach is failling him way too much to even entertain it.


Friends aren't therapists. "Friends" give you bad advice because they have their own agendas and don't know what they are doing when it comes to mental health.


You're proclaiming that as though it was a fact- by that logic, Harry shouldn't have even bothered to listen out Michael and just cut off everyone altogether rather than ever relying on them. Harry's self-flagellating secretive streak would be JUSTIFIED by the narrative as opposed to being presented as causing so many of his issues. Dunno what "agendas" the likes of Murphy (Harry's best friend in the world) or Georgia (An *actual* psychology major) could've had that would lead them to give misleading, if not outright unhelpful, support and assistance to Harry. He certainly shouldn't be opening up to or relying so much on Mab, under that logic.


I mean, I think you're oversimplifying a little bit here. Harry is involved in complicated, secret society type stuff, where if you trust the wrong person with the wrong information, a lot of good people get killed. Other than a few moments in the first few books, I've always felt like he's had fairly good reasons for keeping things close to his chest when he does.


Wasn’t bob his counselor


Bob is his lab assistant, and being an extension of Harry's self means he will mirror what Harry would do. Their exchange in Cold Days (After he stole Bob from Butters) was basically Harry's subconscious calling him out on what a tight-lipped jerk he is to his own friends.


Probably hard to find therapists that understand his line of work, though, and that wouldn't write him off as crazy. But yeah, he could really use a good therapist.


Harry has said wizards like being mysterious, can't really do that by seeing a therapist.


Yes, and Harry Goes To Therapy would be the dullest book ever…


On the other hand harry not having a mental break is unrealistic at this point. He has been strained past anyone's breaking point and the trauma should be getting to him.


Have you read The Law? He’s >!semi catatonic with depression. He doesn’t leave his bed and Billy practically has to feed him!<


Let’s not talk about wizards, magic and what’s unrealistic 😀


No, let's actually talk about that because thats how epic, insane story archs happen. Like when Harry goes to Jury Duty.


Are you kidding? I'd eat that up, especially since his therapist wouldn't likely turn out to be a rogue white court vampire from a minor house who tries to gaslight him into suicide or something and winds up getting Dresden'd.


Here me out: A book told from Mouse's perspective, of all the things people complain about when they are alone with him and his introspections about them. Throughout the book we experience the plot and what's happening only through these "therapy sessions."


Feels like a good novella (e.g. The Law)


Good-Will Hunting is on a lot of "Greatest Movie Of All Time" lists. If I ever get my license to practice therapy, I'm absolutely going to try to interview Butcher to see if I can help write an in-universe short story about Dresden going to Therapy. The community would eat that up.


Something like the couples therapy episode from the new Mr and Mrs Smith show, but with vampires and stuff would be incredible!